
Announcements about my plans for future speedgames and such

Sep 10th, 2014
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  1. Keep in mind this was written on 9/10/14
  3. Hey guys I just wanted to write this up to let you guys know what my future plans are for speedruns. As you might have guessed given my relative absence of streams since my last Nuts and Bolts pb and my general attitude when doing runs I’m getting pretty tired of it, definitely in need of a break from the game. I’d like to apologize for my depressive and somewhat ragey behavior when running the game, I really don’t want my channel to be a place where people expect that kind of moody shit, and that’s why I really feel I need a break from this game, so that when I come back I’ll have a fresh mind and hopefully a happier attitude. I also just need a fresh change of scenery from all the Nuts and the Bolts I’ve been seeing nothing of for the past 3-4 months since summer began...
  5. My plan with Nuts and Bolts is to try to work on the tutorial, and have it done by next week (which would be the week of September 14th as of writing). This does not mean I am going to quit the game; I’m far from satisfied with the time. I do want to try for sub 2 hours at some point, but that shit can wait lol, I’m pretty happy with 2:14 at the moment. Once I finish the tutorial I’m gonna try to decide on a date to show it, and I’m gonna try to prioritize showing it at a time where I know certain people (namely, Scykoh and SomeRandyNoob, the other two runners, and certain others who I know have expressed interest in learning this game, like PowderedMilk) will be able to see it.
  7. So what comes after that you might ask? Well I guess it’s time to learn a new speedgame that’s what comes after! I have a trio of games I’m considering learning, I’m gonna learn at least one of them, most likely two, maybe all three, we’ll see.
  9. The games are:
  11. -Sonic the Hedgehog 2006: Silver’s Story (Edit: forgot to mention No Mission Select Glitch lol)
  13. -Shantae: Risky’s Revenge: Any% or All Dungeons (not sure which I should do lol)
  15. -Kirby’s Dreamland 2: 100%
  17. Keep in mind I do not plan on taking these super seriously (yet), I just want a temporary change of scenery that’s not another fucking Banjo game. All 3 of these are games I’ve said I’ve wanted to run in the past and they are all in the hour-hour and a half range, so I can focus more on other things like job searching and finally getting back into doing another animation, all while doing runs of these in my spare time. I might start with Sonic 06 since I’ve been recently been doing a playthrough with my friends on stream and have had a lot of fun with it. But I don’t wanna make any promises on it because my opinion could change next week. I do plan on this/these becoming my main focus for at least a month or so. After that I plan on going back to Either Nuts and Bolts or Tooie.
  19. Speaking of Tooie I’m sure a lot of you are want me to go back to it, well I mean, I still would like to go back to it before the year’s over, but we’ll see. What I do plan on doing at the very least is setting up my practice cart like I said I would months ago (just like my tutorial! Hahahahkillme) And then doing as much practice as I feel like before getting back in the game (there’s definitely some things I wanted to master before I got back into the game, especially the Icy Side Hailfire Peaks bullshit). I will probably do most of it offcreen but I might do some of it on screen, who knows we’ll see. Another idea I had was to pick up Boss Rush for runs just for the sake of it being good boss practice. Who knows if I’ll ever bother going through with it though we’ll see.
  21. Another thing I feel the need to explain is the whole learning the games for “Kirby’s Dream Collection 100%” thing I was gonna do. I still plan on doing it, but the reason I haven’t started it yet is that all of the sudder about a couple weeks ago, I just didn’t felt like doing it. I was kind of annoyed because I was actually really excited to do it but then all of the sudden, probably because I waited on it, I lost motivation. I still want to do it for now I’ll probably put it on hold, maybe until next year at some point, until I actually wanna do it. Again, sorry I built everyones hope up for nothing, if it makes you feel better I feel like I’ve gotten my hopes up for nothing too =/
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