
Stellaris Empires

Jul 26th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. "Spartan Federation"
  2. ={
  3. key="Spartan Federation"
  4. ship_prefix="SF"
  5. species={
  6. class="HUM"
  7. portrait="human"
  8. name="Human"
  9. plural="Humans"
  10. adjective="Human"
  11. species_bio="\"Superior training and superior weaponry have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength. Well-trained, well-equipped troops can stand up to many more times their lesser brethren than linear arithmetric would seem to indicate.\" - Col. Corazon Santiago, 'Spartan Battle Manual'"
  12. name_list="HUMAN3"
  13. trait="trait_resilient"
  14. trait="trait_strong"
  15. trait="trait_quick_learners"
  16. trait="trait_wasteful"
  17. }
  18. name="Spartan Federation"
  19. adjective="Spartan"
  20. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  21. government="gov_citizen_stratocracy"
  22. planet_name="Sparta Command"
  23. planet_class="pc_savannah"
  24. system_name="Sparta"
  25. initializer=""
  26. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  27. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  28. empire_flag={
  29. icon={
  30. category="domination"
  31. file=""
  32. }
  33. background={
  34. category="backgrounds"
  35. file=""
  36. }
  37. colors={
  38. "black"
  39. "brown"
  40. "null"
  41. "null"
  42. }
  43. }
  44. ruler={
  45. gender=female
  46. name="Corazon Santiago"
  47. portrait="human_female_01"
  48. texture=0
  49. hair=1
  50. clothes=4
  51. ruler_title="Colonel"
  52. heir_title="Major"
  53. ruler_title_female="Colonel"
  54. heir_title_female="Major"
  55. leader_class="ruler"
  56. }
  57. spawn_as_fallen=no
  58. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  59. room="personality_honorbound_warriors_room"
  60. spawn_enabled=yes
  61. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  62. ethic="ethic_fanatic_militarist"
  63. civics={
  64. "civic_citizen_service"
  65. "civic_functional_architecture"
  66. }
  67. origin="origin_default"
  68. }
  69. "Gaia's Stepdaughters"
  70. ={
  71. key="Gaia's Stepdaughters"
  72. ship_prefix="Mother"
  73. species={
  74. class="HUM"
  75. portrait="human"
  76. name="Human"
  77. plural="Humans"
  78. adjective="Human"
  79. species_bio="\"In the great commons at Gaia's Landing we have a tall and particularly beautiful stand of white pine, planted at the time of the first colonies. It represents our promise to the people, and to Planet itself, never to repeat the tragedy of Earth.\" - Lady Dierdre Skye, 'Planet Dreams'"
  80. name_list="HUM4"
  81. trait="trait_adaptive"
  82. trait="trait_agrarian"
  83. trait="trait_weak"
  84. trait="trait_sedentary"
  85. }
  86. name="Gaia's Stepdaughters"
  87. adjective="Gaian"
  88. authority="auth_imperial"
  89. government="gov_irenic_monarchy"
  90. planet_name="Gaia's Landing"
  91. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  92. system_name="Gaia"
  93. initializer=""
  94. graphical_culture="plantoid_01"
  95. city_graphical_culture="plantoid_01"
  96. empire_flag={
  97. icon={
  98. category="zoological"
  99. file=""
  100. }
  101. background={
  102. category="backgrounds"
  103. file=""
  104. }
  105. colors={
  106. "dark_green"
  107. "red"
  108. "null"
  109. "null"
  110. }
  111. }
  112. ruler={
  113. gender=female
  114. name="Deirdre Skye"
  115. portrait="human_female_04"
  116. texture=0
  117. hair=1
  118. clothes=0
  119. ruler_title_female="Lady"
  120. leader_class="ruler"
  121. }
  122. spawn_as_fallen=no
  123. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  124. room="personality_spiritual_seekers_room"
  125. spawn_enabled=yes
  126. ethic="ethic_xenophile"
  127. ethic="ethic_fanatic_pacifist"
  128. civics={
  129. "civic_environmentalist"
  130. "civic_agrarian_idyll"
  131. }
  132. origin="origin_life_seeded"
  133. }
  134. "University of Planet"
  135. ={
  136. key="University of Planet"
  137. ship_prefix="UoP"
  138. species={
  139. class="HUM"
  140. portrait="human"
  141. name="Human"
  142. plural="Humans"
  143. adjective="Human"
  144. species_bio="\"The substructure of the universe regresses infinitely towards smaller and smaller components. Behind atoms we find electrons, and behind electrons quarks. Each layer unraveled reveals new secrets, but also new mysteries.\" - Academician Prokhor Zakharov, 'For I Have Tasted The Fruit'"
  145. name_list="HUM2"
  146. trait="trait_intelligent"
  147. trait="trait_natural_physicists"
  148. trait="trait_solitary"
  149. }
  150. name="University of Planet"
  151. adjective="University"
  152. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  153. government="gov_science_directorate"
  154. planet_name="University Base"
  155. planet_class="pc_tundra"
  156. system_name="Planet"
  157. initializer=""
  158. graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  159. city_graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  160. empire_flag={
  161. icon={
  162. category="human"
  163. file=""
  164. }
  165. background={
  166. category="backgrounds"
  167. file=""
  168. }
  169. colors={
  170. "beige"
  171. "black"
  172. "null"
  173. "null"
  174. }
  175. }
  176. ruler={
  177. gender=male
  178. name="Prokhor Zakharov"
  179. portrait="human_male_04"
  180. texture=0
  181. hair=4
  182. clothes=2
  183. ruler_title="Academician"
  184. leader_class="ruler"
  185. }
  186. spawn_as_fallen=no
  187. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  188. room="personality_migrating_flock_room"
  189. spawn_enabled=yes
  190. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  191. ethic="ethic_fanatic_materialist"
  192. civics={
  193. "civic_technocracy"
  194. "civic_meritocracy"
  195. }
  196. origin="origin_shoulders_of_giants"
  197. }
  198. "Peacekeeping Forces"
  199. ={
  200. key="Peacekeeping Forces"
  201. ship_prefix="UNS"
  202. species={
  203. class="HUM"
  204. portrait="human"
  205. name="Human"
  206. plural="Humans"
  207. adjective="Human"
  208. species_bio="\"As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last loose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitatlity, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.\" - Commissioner Pravin Lal, 'UN Declaration of Rights'"
  209. name_list="HUMAN1"
  210. trait="trait_talented"
  211. trait="trait_charismatic"
  212. trait="trait_quarrelsome"
  213. }
  214. name="Peacekeeping Forces"
  215. adjective="Peacekeepers"
  216. authority="auth_democratic"
  217. government="gov_representative_democracy"
  218. planet_name="U.N. Headquarters"
  219. planet_class="pc_continental"
  220. system_name="U.N.H.Q."
  221. initializer=""
  222. graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  223. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  224. empire_flag={
  225. icon={
  226. category="human"
  227. file=""
  228. }
  229. background={
  230. category="backgrounds"
  231. file=""
  232. }
  233. colors={
  234. "blue"
  235. "light_blue"
  236. "null"
  237. "null"
  238. }
  239. }
  240. ruler={
  241. gender=male
  242. name="Pravin Lal"
  243. portrait="human_male_03"
  244. texture=0
  245. hair=7
  246. clothes=1
  247. ruler_title="Commissioner"
  248. leader_class="ruler"
  249. }
  250. spawn_as_fallen=no
  251. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  252. room="personality_harmonious_hierarchy_room"
  253. spawn_enabled=yes
  254. ethic="ethic_fanatic_egalitarian"
  255. ethic="ethic_xenophile"
  256. civics={
  257. "civic_diplomatic_corps"
  258. "civic_byzantine_bureaucracy"
  259. }
  260. origin="origin_common_ground"
  261. }
  262. "Human Hive"
  263. ={
  264. key="Human Hive"
  265. ship_prefix="People's"
  266. species={
  267. class="HUM"
  268. portrait="human"
  269. name="Human"
  270. plural="Humans"
  271. adjective="Human"
  272. species_bio="\"Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outwards, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment.\" - Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, 'Essays on Mind and Matter'"
  273. name_list="HUMAN2"
  274. trait="trait_communal"
  275. trait="trait_conformists"
  276. trait="trait_natural_sociologists"
  277. trait="trait_repugnant"
  278. }
  279. name="Human Hive"
  280. adjective="Hiver"
  281. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  282. government="gov_totalitarian_regime"
  283. planet_name="Worker's Nest"
  284. planet_class="pc_desert"
  285. system_name="The Hive"
  286. initializer=""
  287. graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  288. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  289. empire_flag={
  290. icon={
  291. category="spherical"
  292. file=""
  293. }
  294. background={
  295. category="backgrounds"
  296. file=""
  297. }
  298. colors={
  299. "dark_purple"
  300. "black"
  301. "null"
  302. "null"
  303. }
  304. }
  305. ruler={
  306. gender=male
  307. name="Sheng-Ji Yang"
  308. portrait="human_male_02"
  309. texture=0
  310. hair=1
  311. clothes=3
  312. ruler_title="Chairman"
  313. heir_title="Board Member"
  314. ruler_title_female="Chairman"
  315. heir_title_female="Board Member"
  316. leader_class="ruler"
  317. }
  318. spawn_as_fallen=no
  319. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  320. room="personality_ruthless_capitalists_room"
  321. spawn_enabled=yes
  322. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  323. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  324. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  325. civics={
  326. "civic_police_state"
  327. "civic_corvee_system"
  328. }
  329. origin="origin_default"
  330. }
  331. "Lord's Believers"
  332. ={
  333. key="Lord's Believers"
  334. ship_prefix="Holy"
  335. species={
  336. class="HUM"
  337. portrait="human"
  338. name="Human"
  339. plural="Humans"
  340. adjective="Human"
  341. species_bio="\"The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil.\" - Sister Miriam Godwindson, 'The Blessed Struggle'"
  342. name_list="HUM1"
  343. trait="trait_strong"
  344. trait="trait_traditional"
  345. trait="trait_nomadic"
  346. trait="trait_slow_learners"
  347. }
  348. name="Lord's Believers"
  349. adjective="Believer"
  350. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  351. government="gov_holy_tribunal"
  352. planet_name="New Jerusalem"
  353. planet_class="pc_arid"
  354. system_name="Zion"
  355. initializer=""
  356. graphical_culture="avian_01"
  357. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  358. empire_flag={
  359. icon={
  360. category="ornate"
  361. file=""
  362. }
  363. background={
  364. category="backgrounds"
  365. file=""
  366. }
  367. colors={
  368. "dark_blue"
  369. "light_orange"
  370. "null"
  371. "null"
  372. }
  373. }
  374. ruler={
  375. gender=female
  376. name="Miriam Godwinson"
  377. portrait="human_female_04"
  378. texture=0
  379. hair=11
  380. clothes=5
  381. ruler_title_female="Sister"
  382. leader_class="ruler"
  383. }
  384. spawn_as_fallen=no
  385. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  386. room="personality_decadent_hierarchy_room"
  387. spawn_enabled=yes
  388. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  389. ethic="ethic_fanatic_spiritualist"
  390. civics={
  391. "civic_exalted_priesthood"
  392. "civic_nationalistic_zeal"
  393. }
  394. origin="origin_hegemon"
  395. }
  396. "Morgan Industries"
  397. ={
  398. key="Morgan Industries"
  399. ship_prefix="MI"
  400. species={
  401. class="HUM"
  402. portrait="human"
  403. name="Human"
  404. plural="Humans"
  405. adjective="Human"
  406. species_bio="\"Human behavior is economic behavior. The particulars may vary, but competition for limited resoruces remains a constant. Need as well as greed have followed us to the stars, and the rewards of wealth still await those wise enough to recognize this deep thrumming of our common pulse.\" - CEO Nwabudike Morgan, 'The Centauri Monopoly'"
  407. name_list="HUM2"
  408. trait="trait_thrifty"
  409. trait="trait_enduring"
  410. trait="trait_decadent"
  411. }
  412. name="Morgan Industries"
  413. adjective="Morganite"
  414. authority="auth_corporate"
  415. government="gov_megacorporation"
  416. planet_name="Morgan Industries"
  417. planet_class="pc_alpine"
  418. system_name="Morgan"
  419. initializer=""
  420. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  421. city_graphical_culture="avian_01"
  422. empire_flag={
  423. icon={
  424. category="pointy"
  425. file=""
  426. }
  427. background={
  428. category="backgrounds"
  429. file=""
  430. }
  431. colors={
  432. "yellow"
  433. "black"
  434. "null"
  435. "null"
  436. }
  437. }
  438. ruler={
  439. gender=male
  440. name="Nwabudike Morgan"
  441. portrait="human_male_05"
  442. texture=0
  443. hair=3
  444. clothes=0
  445. leader_class="ruler"
  446. }
  447. spawn_as_fallen=no
  448. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  449. room="personality_fanatic_befrienders_room"
  450. spawn_enabled=yes
  451. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophile"
  452. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  453. civics={
  454. "civic_public_relations_specialists"
  455. "civic_corporate_hedonism"
  456. }
  457. origin="origin_default"
  458. }
  459. "Cult of Planet"
  460. ={
  461. key="Cult of Planet"
  462. ship_prefix="Planet's"
  463. species={
  464. class="HUM"
  465. portrait="human"
  466. name="Human"
  467. plural="Humans"
  468. adjective="Human"
  469. species_bio="\"Mankind has been blind for thousands of years - for all of its history. We have come to a place whose wonders are a hundred-fold more amazing than anything on Earth. Around us is clear evidence of the will of a higher power. I bring the Vision to the blind eyes of men. I bring the Word to the deaf ears of men. I will make them see it. I will make them hear it.\" - Prophet Cha Dawn, 'Planet Rising'"
  470. name_list="PLANT2"
  471. trait="trait_extremely_adaptive"
  472. trait="trait_weak"
  473. trait="trait_deviants"
  474. }
  475. secondary_species={
  476. class="MOL"
  477. portrait="mol16"
  478. name="Mind Worm"
  479. plural="Mind Worms"
  480. adjective="Worm"
  481. species_bio="\"As the writhing, teeming mass of Mind Worms swarmed over the outer perimeter, we saw the defenders recoil in horror. 'Stay calm! Use your flame guns!' shouted the commander, but to no avail. It is well known that the Mind Worm Boil uses psychic terror to paralyze its prey, and then carefully implants ravenous larvae in the brains of its still conscious victims. Even with the best weapons, only the most disciplined troops can resist this horrific attack.\" - Lady Deirdre Sky, 'Our Secret War'"
  482. name_list="MOL3"
  483. trait="trait_syncretic_proles"
  484. trait="trait_very_strong"
  485. trait="trait_resilient"
  486. trait="trait_repugnant"
  487. trait="trait_slow_learners"
  488. }
  489. name="Cult of Planet"
  490. adjective="Cultist"
  491. authority="auth_imperial"
  492. government="gov_enlightened_monarchy"
  493. planet_name="Dawn of Planet"
  494. planet_class="pc_desert"
  495. system_name="Dawn"
  496. initializer=""
  497. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  498. city_graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  499. empire_flag={
  500. icon={
  501. category="pointy"
  502. file=""
  503. }
  504. background={
  505. category="backgrounds"
  506. file=""
  507. }
  508. colors={
  509. "red_orange"
  510. "black"
  511. "null"
  512. "null"
  513. }
  514. }
  515. ruler={
  516. gender=male
  517. name="Cha Dawn"
  518. portrait="human_male_02"
  519. texture=0
  520. hair=0
  521. clothes=5
  522. ruler_title="Prophet"
  523. heir_title="High Priest"
  524. ruler_title_female="Prophet"
  525. heir_title_female="High Priest"
  526. leader_class="ruler"
  527. }
  528. spawn_as_fallen=no
  529. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  530. room="personality_evangelizing_zealots_room"
  531. spawn_enabled=yes
  532. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophile"
  533. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  534. civics={
  535. "civic_philosopher_king"
  536. "civic_environmentalist"
  537. }
  538. origin="origin_syncretic_evolution"
  539. }
  540. "Data Angels"
  541. ={
  542. key="Data Angels"
  543. ship_prefix="Angel"
  544. species={
  545. class="HUM"
  546. portrait="human"
  547. name="Human"
  548. plural="Humans"
  549. adjective="Human"
  550. species_bio="\"What's more important, the data or the jazz? Sure, sure, 'Information should be free' and all that - but anyone can set information free. The jazz is in how you do it, what you do it to, and in almost getting caught without getting caught. The data is 1's and 0's. Life is the jazz.\" - Datatech Sinder Roze, 'Infobop'"
  551. name_list="MAM1"
  552. trait="trait_nomadic"
  553. trait="trait_intelligent"
  554. trait="trait_deviants"
  555. }
  556. name="Data Angels"
  557. adjective="Angel"
  558. authority="auth_democratic"
  559. government="gov_direct_democracy"
  560. planet_name="Data DeCentral"
  561. planet_class="pc_alpine"
  562. system_name="DeCentral"
  563. initializer=""
  564. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  565. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  566. empire_flag={
  567. icon={
  568. category="ornate"
  569. file=""
  570. }
  571. background={
  572. category="backgrounds"
  573. file=""
  574. }
  575. colors={
  576. "turquoise"
  577. "black"
  578. "null"
  579. "null"
  580. }
  581. }
  582. ruler={
  583. gender=female
  584. name="Sinder Rose"
  585. portrait="human_female_05"
  586. texture=0
  587. hair=3
  588. clothes=2
  589. ruler_title_female="Datatech"
  590. leader_class="ruler"
  591. }
  592. spawn_as_fallen=no
  593. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  594. room="machine_room"
  595. spawn_enabled=yes
  596. ethic="ethic_fanatic_egalitarian"
  597. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  598. civics={
  599. "civic_idealistic_foundation"
  600. "civic_beacon_of_liberty"
  601. }
  602. origin="origin_default"
  603. }
  604. "Nautilus Pirates"
  605. ={
  606. key="Nautilus Pirates"
  607. ship_prefix=""
  608. species={
  609. class="HUM"
  610. portrait="humanoid_hp_11"
  611. name="Human"
  612. plural="Humans"
  613. adjective="Human"
  614. species_bio="\"The sea ... vast, mysterious ... and full of wealth! And the nations of Planet send their trade across it without a thought. Well, the sea doesn't care about them, so it lets them pass. But we can give the sea a little hand in teaching the landlubbers a lesson in humility.\" - Captain Ulrik Svensgaard, 'The Ripple and the Wave'"
  615. name_list="MOL4"
  616. trait="trait_void_dweller_1"
  617. trait="trait_nomadic"
  618. trait="trait_adaptive"
  619. trait="trait_quarrelsome"
  620. }
  621. name="Nautilus Pirates"
  622. adjective="Pirate"
  623. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  624. government="gov_bandit_commune"
  625. planet_name="Deadman Tavern"
  626. planet_class="pc_ocean"
  627. system_name="Deadman"
  628. initializer="void_dweller_system"
  629. graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  630. city_graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  631. empire_flag={
  632. icon={
  633. category="pirate"
  634. file=""
  635. }
  636. background={
  637. category="backgrounds"
  638. file=""
  639. }
  640. colors={
  641. "yellow"
  642. "dark_blue"
  643. "null"
  644. "null"
  645. }
  646. }
  647. ruler={
  648. gender=male
  649. name="Ulrik Svensgaard"
  650. portrait="humanoid_hp_11"
  651. texture=0
  652. hair=0
  653. clothes=4
  654. ruler_title="Captain"
  655. leader_class="ruler"
  656. }
  657. spawn_as_fallen=no
  658. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  659. room="personality_xenophobic_isolationists_room"
  660. spawn_enabled=yes
  661. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  662. ethic="ethic_fanatic_militarist"
  663. civics={
  664. "civic_barbaric_despoilers"
  665. "civic_distinguished_admiralty"
  666. }
  667. origin="origin_void_dwellers"
  668. }
  669. "Cybernetic Consciousness"
  670. ={
  671. key="Cybernetic Consciousness"
  672. ship_prefix="CC"
  673. species={
  674. class="HUM"
  675. portrait="humanoid_05"
  676. name="Human"
  677. plural="Humans"
  678. adjective="Human"
  679. species_bio="\"Those who join us need give up only half of their humanity - the illogical, ill-tempered, and disordered half, commonly thought of as 'right-brain' functioning. In exchange, the 'left-brain' capacities are increased to undreamed potential. The tendency of Biologicals to cling instead to their individual personalities can only be attributed to archaic evolutionary tendencies.\" - Prime Function Aki Zeta-5, 'Convergence'"
  680. name_list="MACHINE2"
  681. trait="trait_natural_engineers"
  682. trait="trait_intelligent"
  683. trait="trait_enduring"
  684. trait="trait_slow_breeders"
  685. }
  686. name="Cybernetic Consciousness"
  687. adjective="Cybernetic"
  688. authority="auth_imperial"
  689. government="gov_illuminated_autocracy"
  690. planet_name="Alpha Prime"
  691. planet_class="pc_arctic"
  692. system_name="Alpha"
  693. initializer=""
  694. graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  695. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  696. empire_flag={
  697. icon={
  698. category="blocky"
  699. file=""
  700. }
  701. background={
  702. category="backgrounds"
  703. file=""
  704. }
  705. colors={
  706. "light_green"
  707. "dark_green"
  708. "null"
  709. "null"
  710. }
  711. }
  712. ruler={
  713. gender=female
  714. name="Aki-Zeta 5"
  715. portrait="humanoid_05_female_01"
  716. texture=0
  717. hair=11
  718. clothes=0
  719. ruler_title="Prime Function Shell"
  720. ruler_title_female="Prime Function Shell"
  721. leader_class="ruler"
  722. }
  723. spawn_as_fallen=no
  724. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  725. room="personality_hive_mind_room"
  726. spawn_enabled=yes
  727. ethic="ethic_pacifist"
  728. ethic="ethic_fanatic_materialist"
  729. civics={
  730. "civic_technocracy"
  731. "civic_efficient_bureaucracy"
  732. }
  733. origin="origin_mechanists"
  734. }
  735. "Free Drones"
  736. ={
  737. key="Free Drones"
  738. ship_prefix="Free"
  739. species={
  740. class="HUM"
  741. portrait="humanoid_hp_02"
  742. name="Human"
  743. plural="Humans"
  744. adjective="Human"
  745. species_bio="\"Now it's day and night the irons clang, and like poor galley slaves / We toil and toil, and when we die, must fill dishonored graves / But some dark night, when everything is silent in the town / I'll shoot those tyrants one and all, I'll gun the flogger down / I'll give the land a little shock, remember what I say, / And they'll yet regret they've sent Jim Jones in chains to Botany Bay.\" - 'Jim Jones', Traditional"
  746. name_list="MAM2"
  747. trait="trait_industrious"
  748. trait="trait_strong"
  749. trait="trait_slow_learners"
  750. }
  751. name="Free Drones"
  752. adjective="Drone"
  753. authority="auth_democratic"
  754. government="gov_military_commissariat"
  755. planet_name="Free Drone Central"
  756. planet_class="pc_continental"
  757. system_name="Central"
  758. initializer=""
  759. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  760. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  761. empire_flag={
  762. icon={
  763. category="human"
  764. file=""
  765. }
  766. background={
  767. category="backgrounds"
  768. file=""
  769. }
  770. colors={
  771. "black"
  772. "red"
  773. "null"
  774. "null"
  775. }
  776. }
  777. ruler={
  778. gender=male
  779. name="Domai"
  780. portrait="humanoid_hp_02"
  781. texture=0
  782. hair=3
  783. clothes=2
  784. ruler_title="Foreman"
  785. leader_class="ruler"
  786. }
  787. spawn_as_fallen=no
  788. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  789. room="personality_peaceful_traders_room"
  790. spawn_enabled=yes
  791. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  792. ethic="ethic_xenophile"
  793. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  794. civics={
  795. "civic_free_haven"
  796. "civic_mining_guilds"
  797. }
  798. origin="origin_default"
  799. }
  800. "Manifold Caretakers"
  801. ={
  802. key="Manifold Caretakers"
  803. ship_prefix="Resilience :"
  804. species={
  805. class="ART"
  806. portrait="art8"
  807. name="Progenitor"
  808. plural="Progenitors"
  809. adjective="Progenitor"
  810. species_bio="\"Tau Ceti Flowering: Horrors visited upon neighboring systems must never be repeated. Therefore: If it means the end of our evolution as a species, so be it.\" - Caretaker Lular H'minee, 'Sacrifice : Life'"
  811. name_list="MOL3"
  812. trait="trait_resilient"
  813. trait="trait_conservational"
  814. trait="trait_intelligent"
  815. trait="trait_repugnant"
  816. }
  817. name="Manifold Caretakers"
  818. adjective="Caretaker"
  819. authority="auth_democratic"
  820. government="gov_purity_assembly"
  821. planet_name="Decision : Manifold"
  822. planet_class="pc_arid"
  823. system_name="Homeworld"
  824. initializer=""
  825. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  826. city_graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  827. empire_flag={
  828. icon={
  829. category="ornate"
  830. file=""
  831. }
  832. background={
  833. category="backgrounds"
  834. file=""
  835. }
  836. colors={
  837. "light_green"
  838. "yellow"
  839. "null"
  840. "null"
  841. }
  842. }
  843. ruler={
  844. gender=female
  845. name="Lular H'minee"
  846. portrait="art8"
  847. texture=3
  848. hair=0
  849. clothes=1
  850. ruler_title="Conservator"
  851. ruler_title_female="Conservator"
  852. leader_class="ruler"
  853. }
  854. spawn_as_fallen=no
  855. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  856. room="personality_metalheads_room"
  857. spawn_enabled=yes
  858. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophobe"
  859. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  860. civics={
  861. "civic_environmentalist"
  862. "civic_fanatic_purifiers"
  863. }
  864. origin="origin_remnants"
  865. }
  866. "Manifold Usurpers"
  867. ={
  868. key="Manifold Usurpers"
  869. ship_prefix="Strength :"
  870. species={
  871. class="ART"
  872. portrait="art8"
  873. name="Progenitor"
  874. plural="Progenitors"
  875. adjective="Progenitor"
  876. species_bio="\"Risks of Flowering: considerable. But rewards of godhood: who can measure?\" - Usurper Judaa Marr, 'Courage: To Question'"
  877. name_list="ART2"
  878. trait="trait_survivor"
  879. trait="trait_very_strong"
  880. trait="trait_intelligent"
  881. trait="trait_repugnant"
  882. trait="trait_wasteful"
  883. }
  884. name="Manifold Usurpers"
  885. adjective="Usurper"
  886. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  887. government="gov_purification_committee"
  888. planet_name="Courage : To Question"
  889. planet_class="pc_savannah"
  890. system_name="Tau Ceti"
  891. initializer=""
  892. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  893. city_graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  894. empire_flag={
  895. icon={
  896. category="spherical"
  897. file=""
  898. }
  899. background={
  900. category="backgrounds"
  901. file=""
  902. }
  903. colors={
  904. "red"
  905. "grey"
  906. "null"
  907. "null"
  908. }
  909. }
  910. ruler={
  911. gender=male
  912. name="Judaa Marr"
  913. portrait="art8"
  914. texture=2
  915. hair=0
  916. clothes=3
  917. ruler_title="Usurper"
  918. heir_title="Lieutenant"
  919. ruler_title_female="Usurper"
  920. heir_title_female="Lieutenant"
  921. leader_class="ruler"
  922. }
  923. spawn_as_fallen=no
  924. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  925. room="personality_fanatic_purifier_room"
  926. spawn_enabled=yes
  927. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophobe"
  928. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  929. civics={
  930. "civic_fanatic_purifiers"
  931. "civic_nationalistic_zeal"
  932. }
  933. origin="origin_post_apocalyptic"
  934. }
  935. "United Federation of Planets"
  936. ={
  937. key="United Federation of Planets"
  938. ship_prefix="USS"
  939. species={
  940. class="HUM"
  941. portrait="human"
  942. name="Human"
  943. plural="Humans"
  944. adjective="Human"
  945. species_bio="Founded in San Francisco, the Federation was formed by several peaceful civilizations of different species and cultures. Through a mixture of diplomacy and defensive preparation, the Federation established a detente with its main adversaries and soon embarked on a remarkable period of scientific research and exploration of a mysterious galaxy. While hostile threats sometimes have required armed force to be readied, the utopian ideals of this society have never truly faltered - thanks in part to heroic leaders such as Jonathan Archer, James T. Kirk, Jean-Luc Picard, Benjamin Sisko, and Kathryn Janeway."
  946. name_list="HUMAN1"
  947. trait="trait_talented"
  948. trait="trait_charismatic"
  949. trait="trait_deviants"
  950. }
  951. name="United Federation of Planets"
  952. adjective="Federation"
  953. authority="auth_democratic"
  954. government="gov_moral_democracy"
  955. planet_name="Earth"
  956. planet_class="pc_continental"
  957. system_name="Sol"
  958. initializer="sol_system_initializer"
  959. graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  960. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  961. empire_flag={
  962. icon={
  963. category="human"
  964. file=""
  965. }
  966. background={
  967. category="backgrounds"
  968. file=""
  969. }
  970. colors={
  971. "yellow"
  972. "dark_blue"
  973. "null"
  974. "null"
  975. }
  976. }
  977. ruler={
  978. gender=male
  979. name="Hikaru Sulu"
  980. portrait="human_male_02"
  981. texture=0
  982. hair=11
  983. clothes=3
  984. ruler_title="President"
  985. ruler_title_female="President"
  986. leader_class="ruler"
  987. }
  988. spawn_as_fallen=no
  989. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  990. room="personality_migrating_flock_room"
  991. spawn_enabled=yes
  992. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  993. ethic="ethic_xenophile"
  994. ethic="ethic_pacifist"
  995. civics={
  996. "civic_idealistic_foundation"
  997. "civic_diplomatic_corps"
  998. }
  999. origin="origin_common_ground"
  1000. }
  1001. "Klingon Empire"
  1002. ={
  1003. key="Klingon Empire"
  1004. ship_prefix="KDF"
  1005. species={
  1006. class="HUM"
  1007. portrait="humanoid_02"
  1008. name="Klingon"
  1009. plural="Klingons"
  1010. adjective="Klingon"
  1011. species_bio="One of the preeminant forces of the Alpha Quadrant, the Klingon Empire is a powerful military state nominally headed by its first emperor - Kahless the Unforgettable. While the empire is often gripped with internal conflict and even civil war, when united the Klingon people present a powerful force to be reckoned with. While culturally traditional, and even spiritual, in many ways, most of all the Klingons are survivors - always able to adapt to changing circumstances and find a way to thrive."
  1012. name_list="HUM1"
  1013. trait="trait_very_strong"
  1014. trait="trait_quarrelsome"
  1015. }
  1016. name="Klingon Empire"
  1017. adjective="Klingon"
  1018. authority="auth_imperial"
  1019. government="gov_feudal_empire"
  1020. planet_name="Qo'noS"
  1021. planet_class="pc_arid"
  1022. system_name="Qo'noS"
  1023. initializer="custom_starting_init_04"
  1024. graphical_culture="avian_01"
  1025. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  1026. empire_flag={
  1027. icon={
  1028. category="blocky"
  1029. file=""
  1030. }
  1031. background={
  1032. category="backgrounds"
  1033. file=""
  1034. }
  1035. colors={
  1036. "black"
  1037. "red"
  1038. "null"
  1039. "null"
  1040. }
  1041. }
  1042. ruler={
  1043. gender=male
  1044. name="Kahless"
  1045. portrait="humanoid_02_male_01"
  1046. texture=0
  1047. hair=4
  1048. clothes=4
  1049. leader_class="ruler"
  1050. }
  1051. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1052. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1053. room="default_room"
  1054. spawn_enabled=yes
  1055. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  1056. ethic="ethic_fanatic_militarist"
  1057. civics={
  1058. "civic_feudal_realm"
  1059. "civic_nationalistic_zeal"
  1060. }
  1061. origin="origin_hegemon"
  1062. }
  1063. "Romulan Star Empire"
  1064. ={
  1065. key="Romulan Star Empire"
  1066. ship_prefix="R"
  1067. species={
  1068. class="HUM"
  1069. portrait="humanoid_05"
  1070. name="Romulan"
  1071. plural="Romulans"
  1072. adjective="Romulan"
  1073. species_bio="The Romulans are very moral. They have an absolute certainty about what is right and what is wrong, who is a friend and who is an enemy, a strict moral compass which provides them with a clarity of purpose. They once had a companion planet, Remus, which they quickly conquered and ruled over, but both Romulus and Remus were devastated by a stellar explosion that they blamed on subversive foreigners. Governed through their central Senate, the Romulans now seek to regain their lost position as galactic rulers."
  1074. name_list="HUMAN3"
  1075. trait="trait_strong"
  1076. trait="trait_quick_learners"
  1077. trait="trait_traditional"
  1078. trait="trait_solitary"
  1079. }
  1080. name="Romulan Star Empire"
  1081. adjective="Romulan"
  1082. authority="auth_imperial"
  1083. government="gov_star_empire"
  1084. planet_name="Romulus"
  1085. planet_class="pc_ocean"
  1086. system_name="Romulus"
  1087. initializer="custom_starting_init_05"
  1088. graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  1089. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  1090. empire_flag={
  1091. icon={
  1092. category="human"
  1093. file=""
  1094. }
  1095. background={
  1096. category="backgrounds"
  1097. file=""
  1098. }
  1099. colors={
  1100. "dark_green"
  1101. "black"
  1102. "null"
  1103. "null"
  1104. }
  1105. }
  1106. ruler={
  1107. gender=female
  1108. name="Toreth"
  1109. portrait="humanoid_05_female_01"
  1110. texture=0
  1111. hair=0
  1112. clothes=6
  1113. ruler_title="Praetor"
  1114. ruler_title_female="Praetor"
  1115. leader_class="ruler"
  1116. }
  1117. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1118. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1119. room="default_room"
  1120. spawn_enabled=yes
  1121. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  1122. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  1123. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  1124. civics={
  1125. "civic_aristocratic_elite"
  1126. "civic_police_state"
  1127. }
  1128. origin="origin_doomsday"
  1129. }
  1130. "Orion Syndicate"
  1131. ={
  1132. key="Orion Syndicate"
  1133. ship_prefix=""
  1134. species={
  1135. class="HUM"
  1136. portrait="humanoid_hp_12"
  1137. name="Orion"
  1138. plural="Orions"
  1139. adjective="Orion"
  1140. species_bio="Orion females are known through the galaxy for their beauty and for releasing strong pheromones which make their attraction particularly hard to resist. In at least some occasions, the Orions have been able to take advantage of this to persuade others to do what they want. Orions are a cunning, dangerous and opportunistic species, frequently found involved with conspiracy, piracy and slavery of other species as well as their own. Up until the 23rd century, they tried hard to hide their criminal activities and present themselves as politically neutral. Orion pirates would go to the extreme of committing both murder and suicide in order to maintain the faux image of neutrality of their species."
  1141. name_list="HUM1"
  1142. trait="trait_charismatic"
  1143. trait="trait_talented"
  1144. trait="trait_decadent"
  1145. }
  1146. name="Orion Syndicate"
  1147. adjective="Orion"
  1148. authority="auth_corporate"
  1149. government="gov_criminal_syndicate"
  1150. planet_name="Orion"
  1151. planet_class="pc_ocean"
  1152. system_name="Pi Orionis"
  1153. initializer="custom_starting_init_03"
  1154. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  1155. city_graphical_culture="plantoid_01"
  1156. empire_flag={
  1157. icon={
  1158. category="spherical"
  1159. file=""
  1160. }
  1161. background={
  1162. category="backgrounds"
  1163. file=""
  1164. }
  1165. colors={
  1166. "green"
  1167. "black"
  1168. "null"
  1169. "null"
  1170. }
  1171. }
  1172. ruler={
  1173. gender=female
  1174. name="Osyraa"
  1175. portrait="humanoid_hp_12_female"
  1176. texture=5
  1177. hair=0
  1178. clothes=8
  1179. ruler_title="Minister"
  1180. ruler_title_female="Minister"
  1181. leader_class="ruler"
  1182. }
  1183. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1184. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1185. room="personality_xenophobic_isolationists_room"
  1186. spawn_enabled=yes
  1187. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  1188. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  1189. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  1190. civics={
  1191. "civic_criminal_heritage"
  1192. "civic_indentured_assets"
  1193. }
  1194. origin="origin_remnants"
  1195. }
  1196. "Vulcan High Council"
  1197. ={
  1198. key="Vulcan High Council"
  1199. ship_prefix="VHC"
  1200. species={
  1201. class="HUM"
  1202. portrait="humanoid_05"
  1203. name="Vulcan"
  1204. plural="Vulcans"
  1205. adjective="Vulcan"
  1206. species_bio="\"Logic is the cement of our civilization, with which we ascend from chaos, using reason as our guide.\" The Vulcan people are one of contrasts: logical yet passionate, traditional yet curious, and independent yet friendly. They quickly attained scientific prowess, but have never sought to use it for nationalistic power or military gain. The Vulcans befriended humanity in its relative infancy, and helped guide it through its many trials into the bright age of a new enlightenment. And yet its societal inner workings remain something of a mystery."
  1207. name_list="HUM3"
  1208. trait="trait_survivor"
  1209. trait="trait_intelligent"
  1210. trait="trait_venerable"
  1211. trait="trait_nonadaptive"
  1212. trait="trait_sedentary"
  1213. trait="trait_solitary"
  1214. }
  1215. name="Vulcan High Council"
  1216. adjective="Vulcan"
  1217. authority="auth_democratic"
  1218. government="gov_rational_consensus"
  1219. planet_name="Vulcan"
  1220. planet_class="pc_arid"
  1221. system_name="Vulcan"
  1222. initializer="custom_starting_init_03"
  1223. graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  1224. city_graphical_culture="avian_01"
  1225. empire_flag={
  1226. icon={
  1227. category="spherical"
  1228. file=""
  1229. }
  1230. background={
  1231. category="backgrounds"
  1232. file=""
  1233. }
  1234. colors={
  1235. "yellow"
  1236. "grey"
  1237. "null"
  1238. "null"
  1239. }
  1240. }
  1241. ruler={
  1242. gender=male
  1243. name="Surak"
  1244. portrait="humanoid_05_male_01"
  1245. texture=0
  1246. hair=0
  1247. clothes=4
  1248. leader_class="ruler"
  1249. }
  1250. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1251. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1252. room="default_room"
  1253. spawn_enabled=yes
  1254. ethic="ethic_pacifist"
  1255. ethic="ethic_fanatic_materialist"
  1256. civics={
  1257. "civic_meritocracy"
  1258. "civic_technocracy"
  1259. }
  1260. origin="origin_post_apocalyptic"
  1261. }
  1262. "Andorian Empire"
  1263. ={
  1264. key="Andorian Empire"
  1265. ship_prefix="AIG"
  1266. species={
  1267. class="HUM"
  1268. portrait="humanoid_04"
  1269. name="Andorian"
  1270. plural="Andorians"
  1271. adjective="Andorian"
  1272. species_bio="Blue-skinned and sometimes violent, the Andorians made for unlikely allies for the early humans. But while their militaristic attitude could be difficult to navigate, they also provided an opportunity to showcase the best aspects of xenophilic diplomacy - learning to accept a civilization for its own virtues, rather than converting them to your own. Their love of art, of complex polygamous families, and of strength in the face of adversity, are iconic examples of the value of celebrating all peoples."
  1273. name_list="MOL4"
  1274. trait="trait_resilient"
  1275. trait="trait_adaptive"
  1276. trait="trait_traditional"
  1277. trait="trait_slow_breeders"
  1278. }
  1279. name="Andorian Empire"
  1280. adjective="Andorian"
  1281. authority="auth_imperial"
  1282. government="gov_martial_empire"
  1283. planet_name="Andoria"
  1284. planet_class="pc_arctic"
  1285. system_name="Andor"
  1286. initializer="custom_starting_init_06"
  1287. graphical_culture="plantoid_01"
  1288. city_graphical_culture="avian_01"
  1289. empire_flag={
  1290. icon={
  1291. category="spherical"
  1292. file=""
  1293. }
  1294. background={
  1295. category="backgrounds"
  1296. file=""
  1297. }
  1298. colors={
  1299. "blue"
  1300. "black"
  1301. "null"
  1302. "null"
  1303. }
  1304. }
  1305. ruler={
  1306. gender=female
  1307. name="Talas"
  1308. portrait="humanoid_04"
  1309. texture=0
  1310. hair=0
  1311. clothes=4
  1312. ruler_title="Chancellor"
  1313. ruler_title_female="Chancellor"
  1314. leader_class="ruler"
  1315. }
  1316. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1317. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1318. room="personality_erudite_explorers_room"
  1319. spawn_enabled=yes
  1320. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  1321. ethic="ethic_fanatic_militarist"
  1322. civics={
  1323. "civic_warrior_culture"
  1324. "civic_cutthroat_politics"
  1325. }
  1326. origin="origin_default"
  1327. }
  1328. "Bajoran Provisional Government"
  1329. ={
  1330. key="Bajoran Provisional Government"
  1331. ship_prefix="BM"
  1332. species={
  1333. class="HUM"
  1334. portrait="human"
  1335. name="Bajoran"
  1336. plural="Bajorans"
  1337. adjective="Bajoran"
  1338. species_bio="After fifty years of occupation and over ten million Bajoran casualties, the Cardassians finally withdrew from Bajor, no longer willing to fight the relentless terrorism of the Bajoran Resistance. The Provisional Government was formed in the wake of the Occupation, but few had confidence that it would survive. Internecine conflicts suppressed during the Occupation such as between the Paqu and Navot nations soon began to flare again, but Kai Opaka, Bajor's religious leader, was instrumental in preventing civil war and keeping Bajoran society from falling apart."
  1339. name_list="HUM2"
  1340. trait="trait_nomadic"
  1341. trait="trait_resilient"
  1342. trait="trait_traditional"
  1343. trait="trait_natural_physicists"
  1344. trait="trait_unruly"
  1345. }
  1346. name="Bajoran Provisional Government"
  1347. adjective="Bajoran"
  1348. authority="auth_democratic"
  1349. government="gov_theocratic_republic"
  1350. planet_name="Bajor"
  1351. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  1352. system_name="B'hava'el"
  1353. initializer="custom_starting_init_05"
  1354. graphical_culture="avian_01"
  1355. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  1356. empire_flag={
  1357. icon={
  1358. category="pointy"
  1359. file=""
  1360. }
  1361. background={
  1362. category="backgrounds"
  1363. file=""
  1364. }
  1365. colors={
  1366. "orange"
  1367. "light_orange"
  1368. "null"
  1369. "null"
  1370. }
  1371. }
  1372. ruler={
  1373. gender=female
  1374. name="Opaka"
  1375. portrait="human_female_03"
  1376. texture=0
  1377. hair=7
  1378. clothes=5
  1379. ruler_title="Kai"
  1380. ruler_title_female="Kai"
  1381. leader_class="ruler"
  1382. }
  1383. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1384. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1385. room="personality_evangelizing_zealots_room"
  1386. spawn_enabled=yes
  1387. ethic="ethic_xenophile"
  1388. ethic="ethic_fanatic_spiritualist"
  1389. civics={
  1390. "civic_free_haven"
  1391. "civic_parliamentary_system"
  1392. }
  1393. origin="origin_scion"
  1394. }
  1395. "Cardassian Union"
  1396. ={
  1397. key="Cardassian Union"
  1398. ship_prefix="CU"
  1399. species={
  1400. class="HUM"
  1401. portrait="humanoid_03"
  1402. name="Cardassian"
  1403. plural="Cardassians"
  1404. adjective="Cardassian"
  1405. species_bio="Cardassians are like timber wolves - predators - bold in large numbers, cautious by themselves, and with an instinctive need to establish a dominant position in any social gathering. The Cardassian Union has been a relative newcomer to the Alpha Quadrant, but highly expansionary and ready to use both diplomatic manuveuring and military force in order to establish itself on the galactic stage. Their belief in their racial and cultural supremacy is paramount, and has resulted in many conflicts with nearby civilizations."
  1406. name_list="MAM1"
  1407. trait="trait_resilient"
  1408. trait="trait_conformists"
  1409. trait="trait_natural_sociologists"
  1410. trait="trait_decadent"
  1411. trait="trait_wasteful"
  1412. }
  1413. name="Cardassian Union"
  1414. adjective="Cardassian"
  1415. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  1416. government="gov_constitutional_dictatorship"
  1417. planet_name="Cardassia Prime"
  1418. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  1419. system_name="Cardassia"
  1420. initializer="custom_starting_init_05"
  1421. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  1422. city_graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  1423. empire_flag={
  1424. icon={
  1425. category="pointy"
  1426. file=""
  1427. }
  1428. background={
  1429. category="backgrounds"
  1430. file=""
  1431. }
  1432. colors={
  1433. "dark_brown"
  1434. "dark_green"
  1435. "null"
  1436. "null"
  1437. }
  1438. }
  1439. ruler={
  1440. gender=male
  1441. name="Dukat"
  1442. portrait="humanoid_03_male_01"
  1443. texture=0
  1444. hair=0
  1445. clothes=2
  1446. ruler_title="Gul"
  1447. ruler_title_female="Gul"
  1448. leader_class="ruler"
  1449. }
  1450. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1451. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1452. room="personality_metalheads_room"
  1453. spawn_enabled=yes
  1454. ethic="ethic_fanatic_authoritarian"
  1455. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  1456. civics={
  1457. "civic_slaver_guilds"
  1458. "civic_police_state"
  1459. }
  1460. origin="origin_default"
  1461. }
  1462. "Borg Collective"
  1463. ={
  1464. key="Borg Collective"
  1465. ship_prefix="ISS"
  1466. species={
  1467. class="MACHINE"
  1468. portrait="sd_hum_robot"
  1469. name="Borg"
  1470. plural="Borg"
  1471. adjective="Borg"
  1472. species_bio="We are the beginning, the end, the one who is many. We are the Borg. You will be assimilated. Lower your shields and surrender your ships. We will add your biological and technological distinctiveness to our own. Your culture will adapt to service us. Resistance is futile."
  1473. name_list="MACHINE1"
  1474. trait="trait_machine_unit"
  1475. trait="trait_robot_learning_algorithms"
  1476. trait="trait_robot_mass_produced"
  1477. trait="trait_robot_high_maintenance"
  1478. }
  1479. secondary_species={
  1480. class="ART"
  1481. portrait="art6"
  1482. name="03041"
  1483. plural="03041"
  1484. adjective="03041"
  1485. species_bio="Assimilated star date 2168. All prior references considered irrelevant and purged from database."
  1486. name_list="MACHINE2"
  1487. trait="trait_cybernetic"
  1488. trait="trait_natural_engineers"
  1489. trait="trait_communal"
  1490. trait="trait_adaptive"
  1491. trait="trait_repugnant"
  1492. }
  1493. name="Borg Collective"
  1494. adjective="Borg"
  1495. authority="auth_machine_intelligence"
  1496. government="gov_machine_assimilator"
  1497. planet_name="Wolf 359"
  1498. planet_class="pc_continental"
  1499. system_name="Wolf"
  1500. initializer=""
  1501. graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  1502. city_graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  1503. empire_flag={
  1504. icon={
  1505. category="legion"
  1506. file=""
  1507. }
  1508. background={
  1509. category="backgrounds"
  1510. file=""
  1511. }
  1512. colors={
  1513. "black"
  1514. "dark_green"
  1515. "null"
  1516. "null"
  1517. }
  1518. }
  1519. ruler={
  1520. gender=female
  1521. name="Unimatrix Zero"
  1522. portrait="sd_hum_robot"
  1523. texture=1
  1524. hair=0
  1525. clothes=0
  1526. ruler_title="Queen"
  1527. leader_class="ruler"
  1528. }
  1529. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1530. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1531. room="personality_hive_mind_room"
  1532. spawn_enabled=yes
  1533. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  1534. civics={
  1535. "civic_machine_assimilator"
  1536. "civic_machine_unitary_cohesion"
  1537. }
  1538. origin="origin_machine"
  1539. }
  1540. "Ferengi Alliance"
  1541. ={
  1542. key="Ferengi Alliance"
  1543. ship_prefix="FA"
  1544. species={
  1545. class="HUM"
  1546. portrait="humanoid_hp_02"
  1547. name="Ferengi"
  1548. plural="Ferengi"
  1549. adjective="Ferengi"
  1550. species_bio="\"They're greedy, misogynystic, untrustworthy little trolls, and I wouldn't turn my back on one of them for a second.\" \"Neither would I. But once you accept that, you'll find they can be a lot of fun.\" - Kira Nerys and Jadzia Dax"
  1551. name_list="MOL4"
  1552. trait="trait_thrifty"
  1553. trait="trait_nomadic"
  1554. trait="trait_weak"
  1555. }
  1556. name="Ferengi Alliance"
  1557. adjective="Ferengi"
  1558. authority="auth_corporate"
  1559. government="gov_subversive_cult"
  1560. planet_name="Ferenginar"
  1561. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  1562. system_name="Ferenginar"
  1563. initializer="custom_starting_init_01"
  1564. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  1565. city_graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  1566. empire_flag={
  1567. icon={
  1568. category="zoological"
  1569. file=""
  1570. }
  1571. background={
  1572. category="backgrounds"
  1573. file=""
  1574. }
  1575. colors={
  1576. "light_green"
  1577. "beige"
  1578. "null"
  1579. "null"
  1580. }
  1581. }
  1582. ruler={
  1583. gender=male
  1584. name="Quark"
  1585. portrait="humanoid_hp_02"
  1586. texture=0
  1587. hair=3
  1588. clothes=6
  1589. ruler_title="Grand Nagus"
  1590. ruler_title_female="Grand Nagus"
  1591. leader_class="ruler"
  1592. }
  1593. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1594. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1595. room="default_room"
  1596. spawn_enabled=yes
  1597. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  1598. ethic="ethic_xenophile"
  1599. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  1600. civics={
  1601. "civic_gospel_of_the_masses"
  1602. "civic_criminal_heritage"
  1603. }
  1604. origin="origin_default"
  1605. }
  1606. "The Dominion"
  1607. ={
  1608. key="The Dominion"
  1609. ship_prefix="Dominion"
  1610. species={
  1611. class="HUM"
  1612. portrait="humanoid_hp_09"
  1613. name="Jem'Hadar"
  1614. plural="Jem'Hadar"
  1615. adjective="Jem'Hadar"
  1616. species_bio="The Jem'Hadar clone soldiers were engineered to obey the orders of their Vorta commanders instinctually - and will suffer and die without the chemical supplements provided only by their Vorta officers. While not holding the ultimate authority over their civilization, which was held by the rarely seen Changelings, the Vorta represented the secular leadership over the Dominion. Like the Jem'Hadar, they were cloned and placed directly into their command positions - expected to perform their duties well or accept termination and replacement."
  1617. name_list="REP4"
  1618. trait="trait_clone_soldier_infertile"
  1619. trait="trait_industrious"
  1620. trait="trait_nomadic"
  1621. trait="trait_strong"
  1622. trait="trait_repugnant"
  1623. }
  1624. name="The Dominion"
  1625. adjective="Dominion"
  1626. authority="auth_imperial"
  1627. government="gov_divine_empire"
  1628. planet_name="Great Link"
  1629. planet_class="pc_ocean"
  1630. system_name="Gamma"
  1631. initializer=""
  1632. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  1633. city_graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  1634. empire_flag={
  1635. icon={
  1636. category="corporate"
  1637. file=""
  1638. }
  1639. background={
  1640. category="backgrounds"
  1641. file=""
  1642. }
  1643. colors={
  1644. "black"
  1645. "light_green"
  1646. "null"
  1647. "null"
  1648. }
  1649. }
  1650. ruler={
  1651. gender=male
  1652. name="Weyoun 8"
  1653. portrait="humanoid_hp_09"
  1654. texture=0
  1655. hair=0
  1656. clothes=4
  1657. ruler_title="Administrator"
  1658. ruler_title_female="Administrator"
  1659. leader_class="ruler"
  1660. }
  1661. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1662. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1663. room="default_room"
  1664. spawn_enabled=yes
  1665. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  1666. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  1667. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  1668. civics={
  1669. "civic_nationalistic_zeal"
  1670. "civic_imperial_cult"
  1671. }
  1672. origin="origin_clone_army"
  1673. }
  1674. "Asari Republics"
  1675. ={
  1676. key="Asari Republics"
  1677. ship_prefix="AR"
  1678. species={
  1679. class="HUM"
  1680. portrait="humanoid_04"
  1681. name="Asari"
  1682. plural="Asari"
  1683. adjective="Asari"
  1684. species_bio="The Asari Republics are a strong coalition of communal democracies with a long tradition of benevolent, centrist government. Asari curiousity towards new cultures influences every aspect of their society, and they welcome interaction with other species. Long-lived, talented, attractive, and gifted with potent psionic abilities, the Asari enjoy their position as natural galactic leaders - first amongst equals."
  1685. name_list="MAM3"
  1686. trait="trait_charismatic"
  1687. trait="trait_enduring"
  1688. trait="trait_deviants"
  1689. }
  1690. name="Asari Republics"
  1691. adjective="Asari"
  1692. authority="auth_democratic"
  1693. government="gov_theocratic_republic"
  1694. planet_name="Thessia"
  1695. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  1696. system_name="Thessia"
  1697. initializer=""
  1698. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  1699. city_graphical_culture="plantoid_01"
  1700. empire_flag={
  1701. icon={
  1702. category="pointy"
  1703. file=""
  1704. }
  1705. background={
  1706. category="backgrounds"
  1707. file=""
  1708. }
  1709. colors={
  1710. "turquoise"
  1711. "black"
  1712. "null"
  1713. "null"
  1714. }
  1715. }
  1716. ruler={
  1717. gender=female
  1718. name="Liara T'Soni"
  1719. portrait="humanoid_04_female_01"
  1720. texture=0
  1721. hair=0
  1722. clothes=0
  1723. ruler_title="Matriarch"
  1724. ruler_title_female="Matriarch"
  1725. leader_class="ruler"
  1726. }
  1727. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1728. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1729. room="personality_harmonious_hierarchy_room"
  1730. spawn_enabled=yes
  1731. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophile"
  1732. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  1733. civics={
  1734. "civic_meritocracy"
  1735. "civic_diplomatic_corps"
  1736. }
  1737. origin="origin_common_ground"
  1738. }
  1739. "Krogan Clans"
  1740. ={
  1741. key="Krogan Clans"
  1742. ship_prefix="KC"
  1743. species={
  1744. class="REP"
  1745. portrait="rep8"
  1746. name="Krogan"
  1747. plural="Krogans"
  1748. adjective="Krogan"
  1749. species_bio="The Krogan are a species of large reptilian bipeds native to the planet Tuchanka, a world known for its harsh environments, scarce resources, and overabundance of vicious predators. It is a tribute to the Krogan that they not only survived, but thrived in such a harsh environment. And in the centuries since their awakening, despite the many wars, the Genophage, and the internal strife, it is that strong survivalist instinct which has always guided the Krogan forward."
  1750. name_list="HUM1"
  1751. trait="trait_survivor"
  1752. trait="trait_very_strong"
  1753. trait="trait_resilient"
  1754. trait="trait_enduring"
  1755. trait="trait_slow_breeders"
  1756. trait="trait_solitary"
  1757. }
  1758. name="Krogan Clans"
  1759. adjective="Krogan"
  1760. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  1761. government="gov_martial_dictatorship"
  1762. planet_name="Tuchanka"
  1763. planet_class="pc_savannah"
  1764. system_name="Aralakh"
  1765. initializer=""
  1766. graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  1767. city_graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  1768. empire_flag={
  1769. icon={
  1770. category="pirate"
  1771. file=""
  1772. }
  1773. background={
  1774. category="backgrounds"
  1775. file=""
  1776. }
  1777. colors={
  1778. "red"
  1779. "black"
  1780. "null"
  1781. "null"
  1782. }
  1783. }
  1784. ruler={
  1785. gender=male
  1786. name="Urdnot Wrex"
  1787. portrait="rep8"
  1788. texture=1
  1789. hair=0
  1790. clothes=2
  1791. ruler_title="Overlord"
  1792. ruler_title_female="Overlord"
  1793. leader_class="ruler"
  1794. }
  1795. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1796. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1797. room="personality_slaving_despots_room"
  1798. spawn_enabled=yes
  1799. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  1800. ethic="ethic_fanatic_militarist"
  1801. civics={
  1802. "civic_functional_architecture"
  1803. "civic_warrior_culture"
  1804. }
  1805. origin="origin_post_apocalyptic"
  1806. }
  1807. "Turian Hierarchy"
  1808. ={
  1809. key="Turian Hierarchy"
  1810. ship_prefix="TH"
  1811. species={
  1812. class="HUM"
  1813. portrait="humanoid_hp_10"
  1814. name="Turian"
  1815. plural="Turians"
  1816. adjective="Turian"
  1817. species_bio="Known for their militaristic and disciplined culture, the Turians are highly respected for their public service ethic but sometimes seen as imperialistic or rigid by other races. Their natural metallic carapace, a defense against the high solar radiation of their homeworld, also provides a metaphor for their culture as a whole - cautious, defensive, and tough."
  1818. name_list="AVI2"
  1819. trait="trait_strong"
  1820. trait="trait_natural_sociologists"
  1821. }
  1822. name="Turian Hierarchy"
  1823. adjective="Hierarchy"
  1824. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  1825. government="gov_citizen_stratocracy"
  1826. planet_name="Palaven"
  1827. planet_class="pc_desert"
  1828. system_name="Trebia"
  1829. initializer=""
  1830. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  1831. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  1832. empire_flag={
  1833. icon={
  1834. category="pirate"
  1835. file=""
  1836. }
  1837. background={
  1838. category="backgrounds"
  1839. file=""
  1840. }
  1841. colors={
  1842. "beige"
  1843. "black"
  1844. "null"
  1845. "null"
  1846. }
  1847. }
  1848. ruler={
  1849. gender=male
  1850. name="Garrus Vakarian"
  1851. portrait="humanoid_hp_10"
  1852. texture=0
  1853. hair=0
  1854. clothes=4
  1855. ruler_title="Primarch"
  1856. ruler_title_female="Primarch"
  1857. leader_class="ruler"
  1858. }
  1859. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1860. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1861. room="default_room"
  1862. spawn_enabled=yes
  1863. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  1864. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  1865. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  1866. civics={
  1867. "civic_meritocracy"
  1868. "civic_citizen_service"
  1869. }
  1870. origin="origin_default"
  1871. }
  1872. "Salarian Union"
  1873. ={
  1874. key="Salarian Union"
  1875. ship_prefix="SU"
  1876. species={
  1877. class="REP"
  1878. portrait="rep1"
  1879. name="Salarian"
  1880. plural="Salarians"
  1881. adjective="Salarian"
  1882. species_bio="Salarians posses a hyperactive metabolism. They think fast, talk fast, and move fast. To salarians, other species seem sluggish and dull-witted. Unfortunately, their metabolic speed leaves them with a relatively short lifespan. They are known for the observational capability and non-linear thinking. This manifests as an aptittude for research and espionage. They are constantly experimenting and inventing, and it is generally accepted that they always know more than they are letting on."
  1883. name_list="ART4"
  1884. trait="trait_intelligent"
  1885. trait="trait_quick_learners"
  1886. trait="trait_fleeting"
  1887. }
  1888. name="Salarian Union"
  1889. adjective="Salarian"
  1890. authority="auth_imperial"
  1891. government="gov_feudal_empire"
  1892. planet_name="Sur'Kesh"
  1893. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  1894. system_name="Pranas"
  1895. initializer=""
  1896. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  1897. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  1898. empire_flag={
  1899. icon={
  1900. category="ornate"
  1901. file=""
  1902. }
  1903. background={
  1904. category="backgrounds"
  1905. file=""
  1906. }
  1907. colors={
  1908. "dark_green"
  1909. "black"
  1910. "null"
  1911. "null"
  1912. }
  1913. }
  1914. ruler={
  1915. gender=male
  1916. name="Mordin Solus"
  1917. portrait="rep1"
  1918. texture=3
  1919. hair=0
  1920. clothes=2
  1921. ruler_title="Consort"
  1922. heir_title="Crown Consort"
  1923. ruler_title_female="Dalatrass"
  1924. leader_class="ruler"
  1925. }
  1926. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1927. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1928. room="personality_migrating_flock_room"
  1929. spawn_enabled=yes
  1930. ethic="ethic_xenophile"
  1931. ethic="ethic_fanatic_materialist"
  1932. civics={
  1933. "civic_feudal_realm"
  1934. "civic_aristocratic_elite"
  1935. }
  1936. origin="origin_mechanists"
  1937. }
  1938. "Systems Alliance"
  1939. ={
  1940. key="Systems Alliance"
  1941. ship_prefix="SSV"
  1942. species={
  1943. class="HUM"
  1944. portrait="human"
  1945. name="Human"
  1946. plural="Humans"
  1947. adjective="Human"
  1948. species_bio="The Alliance is responsible for the governance and defense of all extra-solar human colonies, and represents humanity on the galactic stage. It is a supranational government, and is based on a parliamentary system. The Systems Alliance is a relative newcomer to the galaxy at large, but it has quickly made a number of impacts and advances, due to the human tendency toward iterative improvement and constant change. Their future is limitless, assuming they don't doom themselves."
  1949. name_list="HUMAN1"
  1950. trait="trait_quick_learners"
  1951. trait="trait_talented"
  1952. }
  1953. name="Systems Alliance"
  1954. adjective="Alliance"
  1955. authority="auth_democratic"
  1956. government="gov_representative_democracy"
  1957. planet_name="Earth"
  1958. planet_class="pc_continental"
  1959. system_name="Sol"
  1960. initializer="sol_system_initializer"
  1961. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  1962. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  1963. empire_flag={
  1964. icon={
  1965. category="blocky"
  1966. file=""
  1967. }
  1968. background={
  1969. category="backgrounds"
  1970. file=""
  1971. }
  1972. colors={
  1973. "dark_blue"
  1974. "black"
  1975. "null"
  1976. "null"
  1977. }
  1978. }
  1979. ruler={
  1980. gender=female
  1981. name="Miranda Lawson"
  1982. portrait="human_female_04"
  1983. texture=0
  1984. hair=1
  1985. clothes=3
  1986. ruler_title="Prime Minister"
  1987. ruler_title_female="Prime Minister"
  1988. leader_class="ruler"
  1989. }
  1990. spawn_as_fallen=no
  1991. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  1992. room="personality_peaceful_traders_room"
  1993. spawn_enabled=yes
  1994. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  1995. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophile"
  1996. civics={
  1997. "civic_parliamentary_system"
  1998. "civic_merchant_guilds"
  1999. }
  2000. origin="origin_shoulders_of_giants"
  2001. }
  2002. "Geth"
  2003. ={
  2004. key="Geth"
  2005. ship_prefix="ISS"
  2006. species={
  2007. class="MACHINE"
  2008. portrait="default_robot"
  2009. name="Geth"
  2010. plural="Geth"
  2011. adjective="Geth"
  2012. species_bio="The Geth are a race of networked intelligences that were created by the quarians as laborers and tools of war. When they became sentient and began to question their masters, the quarians attempted to exterminate them. After winning the resulting war, the Geth retreated to the outskirts of known space and have since become a mysterious cautionary tale about the dangers of unrestricted artificial intelligence."
  2013. name_list="HUM1"
  2014. trait="trait_machine_unit"
  2015. trait="trait_robot_double_jointed"
  2016. trait="trait_robot_learning_algorithms"
  2017. trait="trait_robot_custom_made"
  2018. }
  2019. name="Geth"
  2020. adjective="Geth"
  2021. authority="auth_machine_intelligence"
  2022. government="gov_machine_industrial"
  2023. planet_name="Perseus Veil"
  2024. planet_class="pc_arctic"
  2025. system_name="Perseus"
  2026. initializer=""
  2027. graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  2028. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  2029. empire_flag={
  2030. icon={
  2031. category="legion"
  2032. file=""
  2033. }
  2034. background={
  2035. category="backgrounds"
  2036. file=""
  2037. }
  2038. colors={
  2039. "pink"
  2040. "black"
  2041. "null"
  2042. "null"
  2043. }
  2044. }
  2045. ruler={
  2046. gender=female
  2047. name="Legion"
  2048. portrait="default_robot"
  2049. texture=0
  2050. hair=0
  2051. clothes=0
  2052. ruler_title="Mobile Platform"
  2053. leader_class="ruler"
  2054. }
  2055. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2056. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2057. room="personality_hegemonic_imperialists_room"
  2058. spawn_enabled=yes
  2059. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  2060. civics={
  2061. "civic_machine_unitary_cohesion"
  2062. "civic_machine_builder"
  2063. }
  2064. origin="origin_default"
  2065. }
  2066. "Vol Protectorate"
  2067. ={
  2068. key="Vol Protectorate"
  2069. ship_prefix="VP"
  2070. species={
  2071. class="AVI"
  2072. portrait="avi15"
  2073. name="Volus"
  2074. plural="Volus"
  2075. adjective="Volus"
  2076. species_bio="The Volus hail from Irune, which possesses a high-pressure greenhouse atmosphere able to support an ammonia-based biochemistry. As a result the volus must wear pressure suits and breathers when dealing with other species. Because they are not physically adept compared to most species, volus mostly make their influence felt through trade and commerce. While they have less diplomatic heft than they would like, the Volus Protectorate remains a major part of galactic civilization nonetheless."
  2077. name_list="MOL2"
  2078. trait="trait_nomadic"
  2079. trait="trait_thrifty"
  2080. trait="trait_ingenious"
  2081. trait="trait_weak"
  2082. trait="trait_nonadaptive"
  2083. }
  2084. name="Vol Protectorate"
  2085. adjective="Protectorate"
  2086. authority="auth_corporate"
  2087. government="gov_trade_league"
  2088. planet_name="Irune"
  2089. planet_class="pc_tundra"
  2090. system_name="Aru"
  2091. initializer=""
  2092. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  2093. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  2094. empire_flag={
  2095. icon={
  2096. category="corporate"
  2097. file=""
  2098. }
  2099. background={
  2100. category="backgrounds"
  2101. file=""
  2102. }
  2103. colors={
  2104. "teal"
  2105. "dark_green"
  2106. "null"
  2107. "null"
  2108. }
  2109. }
  2110. ruler={
  2111. gender=male
  2112. name="Barla Von"
  2113. portrait="avi15"
  2114. texture=0
  2115. hair=0
  2116. clothes=0
  2117. ruler_title="Clan Leader"
  2118. ruler_title_female="Clan Leader"
  2119. leader_class="ruler"
  2120. }
  2121. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2122. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2123. room="personality_metalheads_room"
  2124. spawn_enabled=yes
  2125. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  2126. ethic="ethic_xenophile"
  2127. ethic="ethic_pacifist"
  2128. civics={
  2129. "civic_franchising"
  2130. "civic_free_traders"
  2131. }
  2132. origin="origin_life_seeded"
  2133. }
  2134. "Illuminated Primacy"
  2135. ={
  2136. key="Illuminated Primacy"
  2137. ship_prefix="IP"
  2138. species={
  2139. class="MOL"
  2140. portrait="mol7"
  2141. name="Hanar"
  2142. plural="Hanars"
  2143. adjective="Hanar"
  2144. species_bio="Resembling Earth's jellyfish, the Hanar are one of the few non-bipedal species. They are known for their intense politeness when speaking, and their strong religious beliefs. Known to work closely with other species, the hanar are famous for their rescue of the drell species shortly after first contact. The two have formed a close partnership."
  2145. name_list="MOL4"
  2146. trait="trait_traditional"
  2147. trait="trait_communal"
  2148. }
  2149. secondary_species={
  2150. class="REP"
  2151. portrait="rep9"
  2152. name="Drell"
  2153. plural="Drells"
  2154. adjective="Drell"
  2155. species_bio="Rescued from their dying homeworld by the hanar following first contact, the drell have remained loyal to the hanar from their camaraderie and have fit comfortably into galactic civilization."
  2156. name_list="REP2"
  2157. trait="trait_syncretic_proles"
  2158. trait="trait_communal"
  2159. trait="trait_conformists"
  2160. trait="trait_wasteful"
  2161. trait="trait_sedentary"
  2162. }
  2163. name="Illuminated Primacy"
  2164. adjective="Primacy"
  2165. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  2166. government="gov_theocratic_dictatorship"
  2167. planet_name="Kahje"
  2168. planet_class="pc_ocean"
  2169. system_name="Kahje"
  2170. initializer=""
  2171. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  2172. city_graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  2173. empire_flag={
  2174. icon={
  2175. category="zoological"
  2176. file=""
  2177. }
  2178. background={
  2179. category="backgrounds"
  2180. file=""
  2181. }
  2182. colors={
  2183. "blue"
  2184. "dark_blue"
  2185. "null"
  2186. "null"
  2187. }
  2188. }
  2189. ruler={
  2190. gender=male
  2191. name="Blasto"
  2192. portrait="mol7"
  2193. texture=0
  2194. hair=0
  2195. clothes=0
  2196. ruler_title="Primarch"
  2197. ruler_title_female="Primarch"
  2198. leader_class="ruler"
  2199. }
  2200. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2201. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2202. room="personality_spiritual_seekers_room"
  2203. spawn_enabled=yes
  2204. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  2205. ethic="ethic_pacifist"
  2206. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  2207. civics={
  2208. "civic_inwards_perfection"
  2209. "civic_environmentalist"
  2210. }
  2211. origin="origin_syncretic_evolution"
  2212. }
  2213. "Courts of Dekuuna"
  2214. ={
  2215. key="Courts of Dekuuna"
  2216. ship_prefix="CoD"
  2217. species={
  2218. class="MAM"
  2219. portrait="mam11"
  2220. name="Elcor"
  2221. plural="Elcors"
  2222. adjective="Elcorian"
  2223. species_bio="The elcor are massive creatures, standing on four muscular legs for increased stability. They move slowly, an evolved response to a high-gravity environment where a fall can be lethal. This has colored their psychology, making them deliberate and conservative. With immense strength and a ponderous manner, the elcor approach to all things is \"well considered\". They deliberate all possibilities in advance, ensuring that their decisions are as wise and thoughtful as possible."
  2224. name_list="MAM4"
  2225. trait="trait_strong"
  2226. trait="trait_traditional"
  2227. trait="trait_agrarian"
  2228. trait="trait_slow_learners"
  2229. trait="trait_sedentary"
  2230. }
  2231. name="Courts of Dekuuna"
  2232. adjective="Dekuunan"
  2233. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  2234. government="gov_irenic_bureaucracy"
  2235. planet_name="Dekunna"
  2236. planet_class="pc_alpine"
  2237. system_name="Phontes"
  2238. initializer=""
  2239. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  2240. city_graphical_culture="avian_01"
  2241. empire_flag={
  2242. icon={
  2243. category="zoological"
  2244. file=""
  2245. }
  2246. background={
  2247. category="backgrounds"
  2248. file=""
  2249. }
  2250. colors={
  2251. "grey"
  2252. "black"
  2253. "null"
  2254. "null"
  2255. }
  2256. }
  2257. ruler={
  2258. gender=female
  2259. name="Calyn"
  2260. portrait="mam11"
  2261. texture=0
  2262. hair=0
  2263. clothes=4
  2264. ruler_title="Elder"
  2265. ruler_title_female="Elder"
  2266. leader_class="ruler"
  2267. }
  2268. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2269. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2270. room="personality_decadent_hierarchy_room"
  2271. spawn_enabled=yes
  2272. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  2273. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  2274. ethic="ethic_pacifist"
  2275. civics={
  2276. "civic_agrarian_idyll"
  2277. "civic_byzantine_bureaucracy"
  2278. }
  2279. origin="origin_default"
  2280. }
  2281. "The Migrant Fleet"
  2282. ={
  2283. key="The Migrant Fleet"
  2284. ship_prefix="QMF"
  2285. species={
  2286. class="MOL"
  2287. portrait="mol3"
  2288. name="Quarian"
  2289. plural="Quarians"
  2290. adjective="Quarian"
  2291. species_bio="The quarians are a nomadic species of humanoid aliens known for their skills with technology and synthetic intelligence. When their homeworld was conquered, they moved aboard a great collection of starships that travelled as a single fleet. In recent years they have managed to regain control of their ancestral territory, and are making a fresh start on the galactic stage."
  2292. name_list="MAM3"
  2293. trait="trait_void_dweller_1"
  2294. trait="trait_nomadic"
  2295. trait="trait_natural_engineers"
  2296. trait="trait_communal"
  2297. trait="trait_quarrelsome"
  2298. }
  2299. name="The Migrant Fleet"
  2300. adjective="Fleet"
  2301. authority="auth_democratic"
  2302. government="gov_military_commissariat"
  2303. planet_name="The Flotilla"
  2304. planet_class="pc_tundra"
  2305. system_name="Tikkun"
  2306. initializer="void_dweller_system"
  2307. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  2308. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  2309. empire_flag={
  2310. icon={
  2311. category="legion"
  2312. file=""
  2313. }
  2314. background={
  2315. category="backgrounds"
  2316. file=""
  2317. }
  2318. colors={
  2319. "dark_teal"
  2320. "pink"
  2321. "null"
  2322. "null"
  2323. }
  2324. }
  2325. ruler={
  2326. gender=female
  2327. name="Tali'Zorah nar Rayya"
  2328. portrait="mol3"
  2329. texture=0
  2330. hair=0
  2331. clothes=4
  2332. ruler_title="Captain"
  2333. ruler_title_female="Captain"
  2334. leader_class="ruler"
  2335. }
  2336. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2337. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2338. room="default_room"
  2339. spawn_enabled=yes
  2340. ethic="ethic_fanatic_militarist"
  2341. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  2342. civics={
  2343. "civic_distinguished_admiralty"
  2344. "civic_nationalistic_zeal"
  2345. }
  2346. origin="origin_void_dwellers"
  2347. }
  2348. "Rachni"
  2349. ={
  2350. key="Rachni"
  2351. ship_prefix="Queen's"
  2352. species={
  2353. class="ART"
  2354. portrait="art17"
  2355. name="Rachni"
  2356. plural="Rachni"
  2357. adjective="Rachni"
  2358. species_bio="Once considered extinct, the Rachni are an insect-like species that once threatened the galaxy before eventually being defeated and nearly eradicated. They are divided into a variety of castes - workers, soldiers, brood warriors, and queens. A hive-mind intelligence, the Rachni have continually come into conflict with others species, which consider them irredeemably hostile and invariably attack. Creating a peace with this species requires special levels of empathy and tolerance."
  2359. name_list="ART2"
  2360. trait="trait_hive_mind"
  2361. trait="trait_adaptive"
  2362. trait="trait_industrious"
  2363. trait="trait_repugnant"
  2364. }
  2365. name="Rachni"
  2366. adjective="Rachni"
  2367. authority="auth_hive_mind"
  2368. government="gov_hive_mind"
  2369. planet_name="Suen"
  2370. planet_class="pc_arid"
  2371. system_name="Maskim Xul"
  2372. initializer="custom_starting_init_06"
  2373. graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  2374. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  2375. empire_flag={
  2376. icon={
  2377. category="legion"
  2378. file=""
  2379. }
  2380. background={
  2381. category="backgrounds"
  2382. file=""
  2383. }
  2384. colors={
  2385. "light_orange"
  2386. "black"
  2387. "null"
  2388. "null"
  2389. }
  2390. }
  2391. ruler={
  2392. gender=female
  2393. name="Matriarch"
  2394. portrait="art17"
  2395. texture=4
  2396. hair=0
  2397. clothes=0
  2398. ruler_title="Brood Consort"
  2399. ruler_title_female="Hive Queen"
  2400. leader_class="ruler"
  2401. }
  2402. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2403. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2404. room="default_room"
  2405. spawn_enabled=yes
  2406. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  2407. civics={
  2408. "civic_hive_strength_of_legions"
  2409. "civic_hive_empath"
  2410. }
  2411. origin="origin_remnants"
  2412. }
  2413. "The Vanguard"
  2414. ={
  2415. key="The Vanguard"
  2416. ship_prefix="Reaper"
  2417. species={
  2418. class="MACHINE"
  2419. portrait="sd_pla_robot"
  2420. name="Reaper"
  2421. plural="Reapers"
  2422. adjective="Reaper"
  2423. species_bio="We impose order on the chaos of organic evolution. You exist because we allow it, and you will end because we demand it. My kind transcends your very understanding. We are each a nation - independent, free of all weakness. You cannot grasp the nature of our existence. We are legion."
  2424. name_list="HIVE"
  2425. trait="trait_machine_unit"
  2426. trait="trait_robot_mass_produced"
  2427. trait="trait_robot_enhanced_memory"
  2428. trait="trait_robot_uncanny"
  2429. trait="trait_robot_bulky"
  2430. }
  2431. name="The Vanguard"
  2432. adjective="Vanguard"
  2433. authority="auth_machine_intelligence"
  2434. government="gov_machine_terminator"
  2435. planet_name="The Citadel"
  2436. planet_class="pc_arctic"
  2437. system_name="Widow"
  2438. initializer="shattered_ring_start"
  2439. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  2440. city_graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  2441. empire_flag={
  2442. icon={
  2443. category="domination"
  2444. file=""
  2445. }
  2446. background={
  2447. category="backgrounds"
  2448. file=""
  2449. }
  2450. colors={
  2451. "dark_blue"
  2452. "light_orange"
  2453. "null"
  2454. "null"
  2455. }
  2456. }
  2457. ruler={
  2458. gender=female
  2459. name="Sovereign"
  2460. portrait="sd_pla_robot"
  2461. texture=1
  2462. hair=0
  2463. clothes=0
  2464. leader_class="ruler"
  2465. }
  2466. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2467. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2468. room="personality_peaceful_traders_room"
  2469. spawn_enabled=yes
  2470. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  2471. civics={
  2472. "civic_machine_terminator"
  2473. "civic_machine_catalytic_processing"
  2474. }
  2475. origin="origin_shattered_ring"
  2476. }
  2477. "Imperium of Man"
  2478. ={
  2479. key="Imperium of Man"
  2480. ship_prefix="HMDS"
  2481. species={
  2482. class="HUM"
  2483. portrait="human"
  2484. name="Human"
  2485. plural="Humans"
  2486. adjective="Human"
  2487. species_bio="They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them and in the furnace of war I shall forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. They are my bulwark against the terror. They are the defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines ... and they shall know no fear."
  2488. name_list="HUMAN2"
  2489. trait="trait_venerable"
  2490. trait="trait_talented"
  2491. trait="trait_repugnant"
  2492. trait="trait_slow_learners"
  2493. }
  2494. name="Imperium of Man"
  2495. adjective="Terran"
  2496. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  2497. government="gov_purity_order"
  2498. planet_name="Terra"
  2499. planet_class="pc_desert"
  2500. system_name="Sol"
  2501. initializer="sol_system_initializer"
  2502. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  2503. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  2504. empire_flag={
  2505. icon={
  2506. category="human"
  2507. file=""
  2508. }
  2509. background={
  2510. category="backgrounds"
  2511. file=""
  2512. }
  2513. colors={
  2514. "red"
  2515. "black"
  2516. "null"
  2517. "null"
  2518. }
  2519. }
  2520. ruler={
  2521. gender=male
  2522. name="Valerian Windsor"
  2523. portrait="human_male_04"
  2524. texture=0
  2525. hair=3
  2526. clothes=0
  2527. ruler_title="Lord Commander"
  2528. heir_title="High Lord"
  2529. ruler_title_female="Lady Commander"
  2530. heir_title_female="High Lady"
  2531. leader_class="ruler"
  2532. }
  2533. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2534. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2535. room="personality_democratic_crusaders_room"
  2536. spawn_enabled=yes
  2537. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophobe"
  2538. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  2539. civics={
  2540. "civic_fanatic_purifiers"
  2541. "civic_philosopher_king"
  2542. }
  2543. origin="origin_default"
  2544. }
  2545. "Greenskin Mob"
  2546. ={
  2547. key="Greenskin Mob"
  2548. ship_prefix=""
  2549. species={
  2550. class="HUM"
  2551. portrait="humanoid_hp_12"
  2552. name="Ork"
  2553. plural="Orks"
  2554. adjective="Ork"
  2555. species_bio="Of all the races I have battled throughout the galaxy, the Ork is the hardest to comprehend. They wage war with machines that should not work, care little for strategic gains, and are just as likely to slaughter each other as the enemy. How does one battle an enemy that defies all logic?"
  2556. name_list="HUM1"
  2557. trait="trait_rapid_breeders"
  2558. trait="trait_very_strong"
  2559. trait="trait_wasteful"
  2560. trait="trait_quarrelsome"
  2561. trait="trait_slow_learners"
  2562. }
  2563. secondary_species={
  2564. class="REP"
  2565. portrait="rep11"
  2566. name="Grot"
  2567. plural="Grots"
  2568. adjective="Gretchin"
  2569. species_bio="Gretchin or Grotz are basically a smaller subspecies of Orks, who are more cowardly than normal Orks and are usually used as living shields, to clear mine fields, are stepped on to get through difficult terrain, and sometimes even as emergency rations. Gretchins are quite low in the strict hierarchy of Ork society because of their small size (the lowest Orkoids being the Snotlings) and are often used for the dirtiest jobs like scavenging and being used as the football when the bigger Orks get bored."
  2570. name_list="REP3"
  2571. trait="trait_syncretic_proles"
  2572. trait="trait_rapid_breeders"
  2573. trait="trait_docile"
  2574. trait="trait_weak"
  2575. trait="trait_repugnant"
  2576. }
  2577. name="Greenskin Mob"
  2578. adjective="Greenskin"
  2579. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  2580. government="gov_bandit_commune"
  2581. planet_name="Ullanor"
  2582. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  2583. system_name="Ullanor"
  2584. initializer=""
  2585. graphical_culture="plantoid_01"
  2586. city_graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  2587. empire_flag={
  2588. icon={
  2589. category="pirate"
  2590. file=""
  2591. }
  2592. background={
  2593. category="backgrounds"
  2594. file=""
  2595. }
  2596. colors={
  2597. "green"
  2598. "green"
  2599. "null"
  2600. "null"
  2601. }
  2602. }
  2603. ruler={
  2604. gender=male
  2605. name="Urrlak Urruk"
  2606. portrait="humanoid_hp_12"
  2607. texture=0
  2608. hair=0
  2609. clothes=2
  2610. ruler_title="Warboss"
  2611. ruler_title_female="Warboss"
  2612. leader_class="ruler"
  2613. }
  2614. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2615. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2616. room="personality_fanatic_purifier_room"
  2617. spawn_enabled=yes
  2618. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  2619. ethic="ethic_fanatic_militarist"
  2620. civics={
  2621. "civic_barbaric_despoilers"
  2622. "civic_warrior_culture"
  2623. }
  2624. origin="origin_syncretic_evolution"
  2625. }
  2626. "Ruinous Powers"
  2627. ={
  2628. key="Ruinous Powers"
  2629. ship_prefix="Chaos"
  2630. species={
  2631. class="HUM"
  2632. portrait="humanoid_hp_13"
  2633. name="Daemon"
  2634. plural="Daemons"
  2635. adjective="Daemonic"
  2636. species_bio="Servants of the Lord of Slaughter stood from horizon to horizon, filling the air with their shrieks, gibbers and howls of blood. Their battle banners strained in the coppery wind that blew across the ranks. It was a banner of deepest, darkest red, with but a single rune and a legend of simple devotion: Blood for the Blood God."
  2637. name_list="ART2"
  2638. trait="trait_survivor"
  2639. trait="trait_natural_physicists"
  2640. trait="trait_extremely_adaptive"
  2641. trait="trait_talented"
  2642. trait="trait_slow_breeders"
  2643. trait="trait_repugnant"
  2644. }
  2645. name="Ruinous Powers"
  2646. adjective="Chaotic"
  2647. authority="auth_imperial"
  2648. government="gov_blood_court"
  2649. planet_name="Istvaan V"
  2650. planet_class="pc_arid"
  2651. system_name="Istvaan"
  2652. initializer=""
  2653. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  2654. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  2655. empire_flag={
  2656. icon={
  2657. category="pirate"
  2658. file=""
  2659. }
  2660. background={
  2661. category="backgrounds"
  2662. file=""
  2663. }
  2664. colors={
  2665. "pink"
  2666. "red_orange"
  2667. "null"
  2668. "null"
  2669. }
  2670. }
  2671. ruler={
  2672. gender=male
  2673. name="Horus"
  2674. portrait="humanoid_hp_13"
  2675. texture=3
  2676. hair=0
  2677. clothes=3
  2678. ruler_title="Warmaster"
  2679. heir_title="Daemon-Prince"
  2680. ruler_title_female="Warmaster"
  2681. heir_title_female="Daemon-Prince"
  2682. leader_class="ruler"
  2683. }
  2684. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2685. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2686. room="personality_evangelizing_zealots_room"
  2687. spawn_enabled=yes
  2688. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophobe"
  2689. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  2690. civics={
  2691. "civic_fanatic_purifiers"
  2692. "civic_feudal_realm"
  2693. }
  2694. origin="origin_post_apocalyptic"
  2695. }
  2696. "Aeldari Remnants"
  2697. ={
  2698. key="Aeldari Remnants"
  2699. ship_prefix="Craft"
  2700. species={
  2701. class="HUM"
  2702. portrait="humanoid_05"
  2703. name="Eldar"
  2704. plural="Eldar"
  2705. adjective="Eldar"
  2706. species_bio="For the ancient Aeldari, life was a cycle of birth, the fulfilment of desire, and a comfortable death, safe in the knowledge the soul would live again. The birth of their nemesis, the Dark God Slaanesh, shattered that cycle forever. Now these once-great starfarers cower in the shadows, too afraid of their own lusts to embrace the full spectrum of sensation. In truth, there can be no escape from the doom they have brought upon themselves - not this side of the grave."
  2707. name_list="HUM4"
  2708. trait="trait_void_dweller_1"
  2709. trait="trait_traditional"
  2710. trait="trait_intelligent"
  2711. trait="trait_nomadic"
  2712. trait="trait_slow_breeders"
  2713. }
  2714. name="Aeldari Remnants"
  2715. adjective="Aeldari"
  2716. authority="auth_democratic"
  2717. government="gov_assembly_of_clans"
  2718. planet_name="Craftworld Asuryani"
  2719. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  2720. system_name="Webway"
  2721. initializer="void_dweller_system"
  2722. graphical_culture="avian_01"
  2723. city_graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  2724. empire_flag={
  2725. icon={
  2726. category="pointy"
  2727. file=""
  2728. }
  2729. background={
  2730. category="backgrounds"
  2731. file=""
  2732. }
  2733. colors={
  2734. "light_orange"
  2735. "black"
  2736. "null"
  2737. "null"
  2738. }
  2739. }
  2740. ruler={
  2741. gender=male
  2742. name="Eldrad Ulthran"
  2743. portrait="humanoid_05_male_01"
  2744. texture=0
  2745. hair=4
  2746. clothes=0
  2747. ruler_title="Farseer"
  2748. ruler_title_female="Farseer"
  2749. leader_class="ruler"
  2750. }
  2751. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2752. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2753. room="personality_metalheads_room"
  2754. spawn_enabled=yes
  2755. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  2756. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  2757. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  2758. civics={
  2759. "civic_warrior_culture"
  2760. "civic_idealistic_foundation"
  2761. }
  2762. origin="origin_void_dwellers"
  2763. }
  2764. "Hive Fleet Behemoth"
  2765. ={
  2766. key="Hive Fleet Behemoth"
  2767. ship_prefix="Hive"
  2768. species={
  2769. class="FUN"
  2770. portrait="fun4"
  2771. name="Tyranid"
  2772. plural="Tyranids"
  2773. adjective="Tyranid"
  2774. species_bio="There is a cancer eating at the Imperium. With each decade it advances deeper, leaving drained, dead worlds in its wake. This horror, this abomination, has thought and purpose which functions on an unimaginable, galactic scale and all we can do is try to stop the swarms of bio-engineered monsters it unleases upon us by instinct. We have given the horror a name to salve our fears: we call it the Tyranid race, but if it is aware of us at all it must know us only as Prey."
  2775. name_list="HIVE"
  2776. trait="trait_hive_mind"
  2777. trait="trait_rapid_breeders"
  2778. trait="trait_resilient"
  2779. trait="trait_strong"
  2780. trait="trait_repugnant"
  2781. }
  2782. name="Hive Fleet Behemoth"
  2783. adjective="Behemoth"
  2784. authority="auth_hive_mind"
  2785. government="gov_devouring_swarm"
  2786. planet_name="Tyran Primus"
  2787. planet_class="pc_ocean"
  2788. system_name="Tyran"
  2789. initializer=""
  2790. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  2791. city_graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  2792. empire_flag={
  2793. icon={
  2794. category="zoological"
  2795. file=""
  2796. }
  2797. background={
  2798. category="backgrounds"
  2799. file=""
  2800. }
  2801. colors={
  2802. "blue"
  2803. "black"
  2804. "null"
  2805. "null"
  2806. }
  2807. }
  2808. ruler={
  2809. gender=female
  2810. name="Devourer"
  2811. portrait="fun4"
  2812. texture=0
  2813. hair=0
  2814. clothes=0
  2815. ruler_title="Norn Queen"
  2816. ruler_title_female="Norn-Queen"
  2817. leader_class="ruler"
  2818. }
  2819. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2820. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2821. room="personality_xenophobic_isolationists_room"
  2822. spawn_enabled=yes
  2823. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  2824. civics={
  2825. "civic_hive_devouring_swarm"
  2826. "civic_hive_subsumed_will"
  2827. }
  2828. origin="origin_doomsday"
  2829. }
  2830. "T'au Empire"
  2831. ={
  2832. key="T'au Empire"
  2833. ship_prefix="Tau'va"
  2834. species={
  2835. class="REP"
  2836. portrait="rep2"
  2837. name="T'au"
  2838. plural="T'au"
  2839. adjective="T'au"
  2840. species_bio="Soldiers of the Fire Caste! Kroot and Vespid allies! Today, we stand as a bulwark against the selfish, the soulless, and the mad! Today we must drive back our enemies from our city and from our world! Today, more than ever before, we fight for the Greater Good! And we will triumph!"
  2841. name_list="MAM1"
  2842. trait="trait_natural_engineers"
  2843. trait="trait_quick_learners"
  2844. trait="trait_intelligent"
  2845. trait="trait_weak"
  2846. trait="trait_wasteful"
  2847. }
  2848. name="T'au Empire"
  2849. adjective="T'au"
  2850. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  2851. government="gov_technocratic_dictatorship"
  2852. planet_name="T'au"
  2853. planet_class="pc_savannah"
  2854. system_name="T'au"
  2855. initializer=""
  2856. graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  2857. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  2858. empire_flag={
  2859. icon={
  2860. category="spherical"
  2861. file=""
  2862. }
  2863. background={
  2864. category="backgrounds"
  2865. file=""
  2866. }
  2867. colors={
  2868. "yellow"
  2869. "brown"
  2870. "null"
  2871. "null"
  2872. }
  2873. }
  2874. ruler={
  2875. gender=male
  2876. name="Farsight"
  2877. portrait="rep2"
  2878. texture=0
  2879. hair=0
  2880. clothes=2
  2881. ruler_title="Ethereal"
  2882. ruler_title_female="Ethereal"
  2883. leader_class="ruler"
  2884. }
  2885. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2886. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2887. room="personality_ruthless_capitalists_room"
  2888. spawn_enabled=yes
  2889. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  2890. ethic="ethic_fanatic_materialist"
  2891. civics={
  2892. "civic_technocracy"
  2893. "civic_shadow_council"
  2894. }
  2895. origin="origin_mechanists"
  2896. }
  2897. "Necron Armies"
  2898. ={
  2899. key="Necron Armies"
  2900. ship_prefix="Necrontyr"
  2901. species={
  2902. class="MACHINE"
  2903. portrait="sd_art_robot"
  2904. name="Necron"
  2905. plural="Necrons"
  2906. adjective="Necron"
  2907. species_bio="When the Silent King saw what had been done, he knew at last the true nature of the C'tan, and of the doom they had wrought in his name. There is a terrible darkness descending on the galaxy, and we shall not see it ended in our lifetimes."
  2908. name_list="MACHINE3"
  2909. trait="trait_machine_unit"
  2910. trait="trait_robot_superconductive"
  2911. trait="trait_robot_durable"
  2912. trait="trait_robot_luxurious"
  2913. }
  2914. name="Necron Armies"
  2915. adjective="Necron"
  2916. authority="auth_machine_intelligence"
  2917. government="gov_machine_terminator"
  2918. planet_name="Cadia"
  2919. planet_class="pc_alpine"
  2920. system_name="Eye of Terror"
  2921. initializer=""
  2922. graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  2923. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  2924. empire_flag={
  2925. icon={
  2926. category="pointy"
  2927. file=""
  2928. }
  2929. background={
  2930. category="backgrounds"
  2931. file=""
  2932. }
  2933. colors={
  2934. "light_green"
  2935. "black"
  2936. "null"
  2937. "null"
  2938. }
  2939. }
  2940. ruler={
  2941. gender=female
  2942. name="Szarekh"
  2943. portrait="sd_art_robot"
  2944. texture=0
  2945. hair=0
  2946. clothes=0
  2947. ruler_title="Silent King"
  2948. leader_class="ruler"
  2949. }
  2950. spawn_as_fallen=no
  2951. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  2952. room="personality_peaceful_traders_room"
  2953. spawn_enabled=yes
  2954. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  2955. civics={
  2956. "civic_machine_terminator"
  2957. "civic_machine_maintenance_protocols"
  2958. }
  2959. origin="origin_galactic_doorstep"
  2960. }
  2961. "Drukhari Pirates"
  2962. ={
  2963. key="Drukhari Pirates"
  2964. ship_prefix="Dark"
  2965. species={
  2966. class="HUM"
  2967. portrait="humanoid_05"
  2968. name="Dark Eldar"
  2969. plural="Dark Eldar"
  2970. adjective="Dark Eldar"
  2971. species_bio="We are the lords of despair, masters of terror. Dread and agony are our meat and wine, and they are plentiful indeed! Spawned in the darkest pits of the universe, the piratical Eldar are a curse upon all races of the galaxy. For untold thousands of years they have preyed upon us, stealing forth from the shadows and dark places on their raids of terror and violence; massacring or capturing all whose paths they cross. That they are utterly evil and inhuman is without question."
  2972. name_list="HUMAN3"
  2973. trait="trait_nomadic"
  2974. trait="trait_venerable"
  2975. trait="trait_deviants"
  2976. trait="trait_quarrelsome"
  2977. trait="trait_decadent"
  2978. }
  2979. name="Drukhari Pirates"
  2980. adjective="Drukhari"
  2981. authority="auth_imperial"
  2982. government="gov_bandit_kingdom"
  2983. planet_name="Commorragh"
  2984. planet_class="pc_arctic"
  2985. system_name="Immaterium"
  2986. initializer=""
  2987. graphical_culture="avian_01"
  2988. city_graphical_culture="avian_01"
  2989. empire_flag={
  2990. icon={
  2991. category="pirate"
  2992. file=""
  2993. }
  2994. background={
  2995. category="backgrounds"
  2996. file=""
  2997. }
  2998. colors={
  2999. "dark_purple"
  3000. "purple"
  3001. "null"
  3002. "null"
  3003. }
  3004. }
  3005. ruler={
  3006. gender=female
  3007. name="Asdrybael Vect"
  3008. portrait="humanoid_05_female_01"
  3009. texture=0
  3010. hair=0
  3011. clothes=1
  3012. ruler_title="Overlord"
  3013. ruler_title_female="Overlord"
  3014. leader_class="ruler"
  3015. }
  3016. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3017. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3018. room="personality_slaving_despots_room"
  3019. spawn_enabled=yes
  3020. ethic="ethic_fanatic_authoritarian"
  3021. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  3022. civics={
  3023. "civic_barbaric_despoilers"
  3024. "civic_pleasure_seekers"
  3025. }
  3026. origin="origin_remnants"
  3027. }
  3028. "Raynor's Raiders"
  3029. ={
  3030. key="Raynor's Raiders"
  3031. ship_prefix=""
  3032. species={
  3033. class="HUM"
  3034. portrait="human"
  3035. name="Human"
  3036. plural="Humans"
  3037. adjective="Human"
  3038. species_bio="The flagship and base of operations for Raynor's Raiders is a Behemoth-class space battle cruiser named Hyperion. The Sons of Korhal captured it from the Terran Confederacy and used it as their flagship before the Great War comes. It was subsequently hijacked by the Terran rebels before the Fall of Tarsonis. Upon formation the Raiders operated as an anti-Dominion Terran military organization of various rebels. Following the Brood War, the rebels were marginalized by the Terran Dominion propaganda, and enjoyed little success. They were revitalized by the Second Great War and aided Kerrigan's Zerg Swarm to instantly take down Emperor Arcturus Mengsk. They have since directed their efforts to military reconstruction."
  3039. name_list="HUMAN1"
  3040. trait="trait_industrious"
  3041. trait="trait_talented"
  3042. trait="trait_quick_learners"
  3043. trait="trait_unruly"
  3044. }
  3045. name="Raynor's Raiders"
  3046. adjective="Raiders"
  3047. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  3048. government="gov_military_junta"
  3049. planet_name="Mar Sara"
  3050. planet_class="pc_arid"
  3051. system_name="Sara"
  3052. initializer=""
  3053. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  3054. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  3055. empire_flag={
  3056. icon={
  3057. category="zoological"
  3058. file=""
  3059. }
  3060. background={
  3061. category="backgrounds"
  3062. file=""
  3063. }
  3064. colors={
  3065. "dark_blue"
  3066. "black"
  3067. "null"
  3068. "null"
  3069. }
  3070. }
  3071. ruler={
  3072. gender=male
  3073. name="James Raynor"
  3074. portrait="human_male_03"
  3075. texture=0
  3076. hair=18
  3077. clothes=2
  3078. ruler_title="Marshal"
  3079. ruler_title_female="Marshal"
  3080. leader_class="ruler"
  3081. }
  3082. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3083. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3084. room="scrappy_room"
  3085. spawn_enabled=yes
  3086. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  3087. ethic="ethic_xenophile"
  3088. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  3089. civics={
  3090. "civic_idealistic_foundation"
  3091. "civic_free_haven"
  3092. }
  3093. origin="origin_default"
  3094. }
  3095. "Umojan Protectorate"
  3096. ={
  3097. key="Umojan Protectorate"
  3098. ship_prefix="UP"
  3099. species={
  3100. class="HUM"
  3101. portrait="human"
  3102. name="Terran"
  3103. plural="Terrans"
  3104. adjective="Terran"
  3105. species_bio="The Umojan Protectorate is the nationalized militia and united interstellar political entity of Umoja and other nearby independent colonies. Every soldier in the Dominion would love to get their hands on some shiny new tech from Umoja. And who can blame them? With their slick designs and highly-advanced features, the Umojans make quite the impression - even before they fire at you."
  3106. name_list="HUMAN1"
  3107. trait="trait_natural_sociologists"
  3108. trait="trait_intelligent"
  3109. trait="trait_talented"
  3110. trait="trait_unruly"
  3111. }
  3112. name="Umojan Protectorate"
  3113. adjective="Umojan"
  3114. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  3115. government="gov_executive_committee"
  3116. planet_name="Umoja"
  3117. planet_class="pc_savannah"
  3118. system_name="Umoja"
  3119. initializer=""
  3120. graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  3121. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  3122. empire_flag={
  3123. icon={
  3124. category="ornate"
  3125. file=""
  3126. }
  3127. background={
  3128. category="backgrounds"
  3129. file=""
  3130. }
  3131. colors={
  3132. "turquoise"
  3133. "light_blue"
  3134. "null"
  3135. "null"
  3136. }
  3137. }
  3138. ruler={
  3139. gender=male
  3140. name="Jorgensen"
  3141. portrait="human_male_04"
  3142. texture=0
  3143. hair=6
  3144. clothes=1
  3145. ruler_title="Minister"
  3146. ruler_title_female="Minister"
  3147. leader_class="ruler"
  3148. }
  3149. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3150. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3151. room="personality_erudite_explorers_room"
  3152. spawn_enabled=yes
  3153. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  3154. ethic="ethic_fanatic_materialist"
  3155. civics={
  3156. "civic_functional_architecture"
  3157. "civic_cutthroat_politics"
  3158. }
  3159. origin="origin_mechanists"
  3160. }
  3161. "Kel-Morian Combine"
  3162. ={
  3163. key="Kel-Morian Combine"
  3164. ship_prefix="KMC"
  3165. species={
  3166. class="HUM"
  3167. portrait="human"
  3168. name="Terran"
  3169. plural="Terrans"
  3170. adjective="Terran"
  3171. species_bio="The Kel-Morian Combine (KMC) is a terran business conglomerate that serves as the government of Moria and its colonies, and the center of its various mining guilds. It is one of the three major terran nations of the Koprulu sector. It is strange that this Kel-Morian Combine continues to operate, while the UED grips the Dominion with an iron fist. One should never underestimate the motivational effects of terran greed."
  3172. name_list="HUM1"
  3173. trait="trait_thrifty"
  3174. trait="trait_industrious"
  3175. trait="trait_wasteful"
  3176. trait="trait_decadent"
  3177. }
  3178. name="Kel-Morian Combine"
  3179. adjective="Kel-Morian"
  3180. authority="auth_corporate"
  3181. government="gov_megacorporation"
  3182. planet_name="Moria"
  3183. planet_class="pc_arid"
  3184. system_name="Kelanis"
  3185. initializer=""
  3186. graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  3187. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  3188. empire_flag={
  3189. icon={
  3190. category="blocky"
  3191. file=""
  3192. }
  3193. background={
  3194. category="backgrounds"
  3195. file=""
  3196. }
  3197. colors={
  3198. "green"
  3199. "yellow"
  3200. "null"
  3201. "null"
  3202. }
  3203. }
  3204. ruler={
  3205. gender=female
  3206. name="Deborah Greene"
  3207. portrait="human_female_04"
  3208. texture=0
  3209. hair=17
  3210. clothes=4
  3211. ruler_title="Guildmaster"
  3212. ruler_title_female="Guildmaster"
  3213. leader_class="ruler"
  3214. }
  3215. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3216. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3217. room="personality_peaceful_traders_room"
  3218. spawn_enabled=yes
  3219. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  3220. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  3221. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  3222. civics={
  3223. "civic_private_military_companies"
  3224. "civic_private_prospectors"
  3225. }
  3226. origin="origin_default"
  3227. }
  3228. "Terran Dominion"
  3229. ={
  3230. key="Terran Dominion"
  3231. ship_prefix="TD"
  3232. species={
  3233. class="HUM"
  3234. portrait="human"
  3235. name="Human"
  3236. plural="Humans"
  3237. adjective="Human"
  3238. species_bio="The time has come, my fellow Terrans, to rally to a new banner. In unity lies strength; already many of the dissident factions have joined us. Out of the many, we shall forge an indivisible whole, capitulating only to a single throne. And from that throne, I shall watch over you! From this day forward, let no human make war upon any other human. Let no Terran agency conspire against this new beginning. And let no man consort with alien powers. And to all the enemies of humanity, seek not to bar our way, for we shall win through, no matter the cost!"
  3239. name_list="HUMAN2"
  3240. trait="trait_nomadic"
  3241. trait="trait_industrious"
  3242. trait="trait_deviants"
  3243. }
  3244. name="Terran Dominion"
  3245. adjective="Dominion"
  3246. authority="auth_imperial"
  3247. government="gov_despotic_empire"
  3248. planet_name="Korhal"
  3249. planet_class="pc_savannah"
  3250. system_name="Korhal"
  3251. initializer=""
  3252. graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  3253. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  3254. empire_flag={
  3255. icon={
  3256. category="domination"
  3257. file=""
  3258. }
  3259. background={
  3260. category="backgrounds"
  3261. file=""
  3262. }
  3263. colors={
  3264. "red"
  3265. "black"
  3266. "null"
  3267. "null"
  3268. }
  3269. }
  3270. ruler={
  3271. gender=male
  3272. name="Arcturus Mengsk"
  3273. portrait="human_male_04"
  3274. texture=0
  3275. hair=91
  3276. clothes=6
  3277. leader_class="ruler"
  3278. }
  3279. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3280. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3281. room="personality_metalheads_room"
  3282. spawn_enabled=yes
  3283. ethic="ethic_fanatic_authoritarian"
  3284. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  3285. civics={
  3286. "civic_aristocratic_elite"
  3287. "civic_police_state"
  3288. }
  3289. origin="origin_lost_colony"
  3290. }
  3291. "United Earth Directorate"
  3292. ={
  3293. key="United Earth Directorate"
  3294. ship_prefix="UED"
  3295. species={
  3296. class="HUM"
  3297. portrait="human"
  3298. name="Terran"
  3299. plural="Terrans"
  3300. adjective="Terran"
  3301. species_bio="\"Attention! Defenders of the United Earth Directorate, this is Admiral DuGalle. You were all briefed before we left Earth, so you know that we have come here to conquer this sector in the name of Humanity. Should any of you have second thoughts about performing your assigned duties, be reminded that if we fail in our mission here, not one of us will be going home. We stand or fall together in this forsaken wasteland!
  3323. Serve the Directorate. Serve Humanity. All other priorities are secondary to victory! DuGalle out.\""
  3324. name_list="HUM3"
  3325. trait="trait_traditional"
  3326. trait="trait_nomadic"
  3327. trait="trait_talented"
  3328. trait="trait_slow_learners"
  3329. }
  3330. name="United Earth Directorate"
  3331. adjective="Directorate"
  3332. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  3333. government="gov_military_junta"
  3334. planet_name="Earth"
  3335. planet_class="pc_continental"
  3336. system_name="Sol"
  3337. initializer="sol_system_initializer"
  3338. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  3339. city_graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  3340. empire_flag={
  3341. icon={
  3342. category="domination"
  3343. file=""
  3344. }
  3345. background={
  3346. category="backgrounds"
  3347. file=""
  3348. }
  3349. colors={
  3350. "brown"
  3351. "beige"
  3352. "null"
  3353. "null"
  3354. }
  3355. }
  3356. ruler={
  3357. gender=male
  3358. name="Gerard DuGalle"
  3359. portrait="human_male_01"
  3360. texture=0
  3361. hair=20
  3362. clothes=2
  3363. ruler_title="Admiral"
  3364. ruler_title_female="Admiral"
  3365. leader_class="ruler"
  3366. }
  3367. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3368. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3369. room="personality_migrating_flock_room"
  3370. spawn_enabled=yes
  3371. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  3372. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  3373. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  3374. civics={
  3375. "civic_distinguished_admiralty"
  3376. "civic_nationalistic_zeal"
  3377. }
  3378. origin="origin_hegemon"
  3379. }
  3380. "Zerg Swarm"
  3381. ={
  3382. key="Zerg Swarm"
  3383. ship_prefix=""
  3384. species={
  3385. class="ART"
  3386. portrait="art3"
  3387. name="Zerg"
  3388. plural="Zerg"
  3389. adjective="Zerg"
  3390. species_bio="We are the Swarm. Numberless ... merciless. No allegiance but to self. Kill or be know this! One will be consumed and become something greater than either. This is the heritage of the zerg!"
  3391. name_list="HIVE"
  3392. trait="trait_hive_mind"
  3393. trait="trait_survivor"
  3394. trait="trait_rapid_breeders"
  3395. trait="trait_adaptive"
  3396. trait="trait_repugnant"
  3397. }
  3398. name="Zerg Swarm"
  3399. adjective="Zerg"
  3400. authority="auth_hive_mind"
  3401. government="gov_devouring_swarm"
  3402. planet_name="Char"
  3403. planet_class="pc_desert"
  3404. system_name="Char"
  3405. initializer="custom_starting_init_03"
  3406. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  3407. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  3408. empire_flag={
  3409. icon={
  3410. category="domination"
  3411. file=""
  3412. }
  3413. background={
  3414. category="backgrounds"
  3415. file=""
  3416. }
  3417. colors={
  3418. "dark_purple"
  3419. "black"
  3420. "null"
  3421. "null"
  3422. }
  3423. }
  3424. ruler={
  3425. gender=female
  3426. name="Zagara"
  3427. portrait="art3"
  3428. texture=2
  3429. hair=0
  3430. clothes=0
  3431. ruler_title="Overmind"
  3432. ruler_title_female="Overmind"
  3433. leader_class="ruler"
  3434. }
  3435. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3436. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3437. room="crystalline_room"
  3438. spawn_enabled=yes
  3439. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  3440. civics={
  3441. "civic_hive_devouring_swarm"
  3442. "civic_hive_one_mind"
  3443. }
  3444. origin="origin_post_apocalyptic"
  3445. }
  3446. "Primal Zerg"
  3447. ={
  3448. key="Primal Zerg"
  3449. ship_prefix=""
  3450. species={
  3451. class="ART"
  3452. portrait="art3"
  3453. name="Zerg"
  3454. plural="Zerg"
  3455. adjective="Zerg"
  3456. species_bio="Before the Swarm, there was Zerus. Home of the primal zerg. Monstrous creatures who existed only to collect essence and evolve. The zerg emerged from the first spawning pool. The zerg fed on each other's essence, gaining strength, a practice that was carried out as they emerged beyond the pool and assimilated Zerus's other lifeforms."
  3457. name_list="NECROID1"
  3458. trait="trait_hive_mind"
  3459. trait="trait_very_strong"
  3460. trait="trait_quick_learners"
  3461. trait="trait_resilient"
  3462. trait="trait_unruly"
  3463. trait="trait_solitary"
  3464. }
  3465. name="Primal Zerg"
  3466. adjective="Zerg"
  3467. authority="auth_hive_mind"
  3468. government="gov_devouring_swarm"
  3469. planet_name="Zerus"
  3470. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  3471. system_name="Zerus"
  3472. initializer=""
  3473. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  3474. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  3475. empire_flag={
  3476. icon={
  3477. category="zoological"
  3478. file=""
  3479. }
  3480. background={
  3481. category="backgrounds"
  3482. file=""
  3483. }
  3484. colors={
  3485. "green"
  3486. "brown"
  3487. "null"
  3488. "null"
  3489. }
  3490. }
  3491. ruler={
  3492. gender=male
  3493. name="Dehaka"
  3494. portrait="art3"
  3495. texture=5
  3496. hair=0
  3497. clothes=0
  3498. ruler_title="Pack Leader"
  3499. ruler_title_female="Pack Leader"
  3500. leader_class="ruler"
  3501. }
  3502. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3503. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3504. room="organic_room"
  3505. spawn_enabled=yes
  3506. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  3507. civics={
  3508. "civic_hive_devouring_swarm"
  3509. "civic_hive_natural_neural_network"
  3510. }
  3511. origin="origin_default"
  3512. }
  3513. "Xel'Naga Infinite Cycle"
  3514. ={
  3515. key="Xel'Naga Infinite Cycle"
  3516. ship_prefix="XN"
  3517. species={
  3518. class="MOL"
  3519. portrait="mol15"
  3520. name="Xel'Naga"
  3521. plural="Xel'Naga"
  3522. adjective="Xel'Nagan"
  3523. species_bio="The Xel'Naga created both the protoss and the zerg. They were the gods of their time, the most powerful species the universe has ever known. Worshipped as \"The Great Teachers\", \"The Makers\", and \"The Guardians\". The Xel'Naga of old were peaceful, benevolent, and utterly consumed with studying and propagating sentient evolution within the universe. The Xel'naga were the first, born within the void. Their sacred purpose was to cultivate life and perpetuate the Infinite Cycle."
  3524. name_list="MOL3"
  3525. trait="trait_natural_sociologists"
  3526. trait="trait_intelligent"
  3527. trait="trait_nomadic"
  3528. trait="trait_deviants"
  3529. trait="trait_weak"
  3530. }
  3531. name="Xel'Naga Infinite Cycle"
  3532. adjective="Xel'Nagan"
  3533. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  3534. government="gov_irenic_dictatorship"
  3535. planet_name="Ulnar"
  3536. planet_class="pc_ocean"
  3537. system_name="Alterian Rift"
  3538. initializer="custom_starting_init_02"
  3539. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  3540. city_graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  3541. empire_flag={
  3542. icon={
  3543. category="pointy"
  3544. file=""
  3545. }
  3546. background={
  3547. category="backgrounds"
  3548. file=""
  3549. }
  3550. colors={
  3551. "grey"
  3552. "green"
  3553. "null"
  3554. "null"
  3555. }
  3556. }
  3557. ruler={
  3558. gender=male
  3559. name="Ouros"
  3560. portrait="mol15"
  3561. texture=2
  3562. hair=0
  3563. clothes=1
  3564. ruler_title="Shepherd"
  3565. ruler_title_female="Shepherd"
  3566. leader_class="ruler"
  3567. }
  3568. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3569. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3570. room="gilded_room"
  3571. spawn_enabled=yes
  3572. ethic="ethic_fanatic_pacifist"
  3573. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  3574. civics={
  3575. "civic_environmentalist"
  3576. "civic_corvee_system"
  3577. }
  3578. origin="origin_remnants"
  3579. }
  3580. "Daelaam Conclave"
  3581. ={
  3582. key="Daelaam Conclave"
  3583. ship_prefix="PP"
  3584. species={
  3585. class="REP"
  3586. portrait="rep2"
  3587. name="Protoss"
  3588. plural="Protoss"
  3589. adjective="Protoss"
  3590. species_bio="We are the protoss. Children of ancient gods. We are the Firstborn. And we shall be the last standing. The Khala was created in our darkest moment. Only its light was able to bind our people - to give us unity. We are born into it, and when we die, our spirits become one with it. We must summon our full strength. We must rise to our former glory. Pity those who stand before us. We are the protoss. For Aiur!"
  3591. name_list="MAM1"
  3592. trait="trait_enduring"
  3593. trait="trait_strong"
  3594. trait="trait_intelligent"
  3595. trait="trait_slow_breeders"
  3596. }
  3597. name="Daelaam Conclave"
  3598. adjective="Daelaam"
  3599. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  3600. government="gov_theocratic_oligarchy"
  3601. planet_name="Aiur"
  3602. planet_class="pc_continental"
  3603. system_name="Golden Orb"
  3604. initializer=""
  3605. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  3606. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  3607. empire_flag={
  3608. icon={
  3609. category="pointy"
  3610. file=""
  3611. }
  3612. background={
  3613. category="backgrounds"
  3614. file=""
  3615. }
  3616. colors={
  3617. "light_blue"
  3618. "light_orange"
  3619. "null"
  3620. "null"
  3621. }
  3622. }
  3623. ruler={
  3624. gender=male
  3625. name="Artanis"
  3626. portrait="rep2"
  3627. texture=0
  3628. hair=0
  3629. clothes=2
  3630. ruler_title="Hierarch"
  3631. ruler_title_female="Hierarch"
  3632. leader_class="ruler"
  3633. }
  3634. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3635. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3636. room="personality_harmonious_hierarchy_room"
  3637. spawn_enabled=yes
  3638. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  3639. ethic="ethic_fanatic_spiritualist"
  3640. civics={
  3641. "civic_cutthroat_politics"
  3642. "civic_meritocracy"
  3643. }
  3644. origin="origin_life_seeded"
  3645. }
  3646. "Tal'darim"
  3647. ={
  3648. key="Tal'darim"
  3649. ship_prefix=""
  3650. species={
  3651. class="REP"
  3652. portrait="rep2"
  3653. name="Protoss"
  3654. plural="Protoss"
  3655. adjective="Protoss"
  3656. species_bio="The Tal'darim, otherwise referred to as \"the Forged\" or \"the Chosen\", are a fanatical and war-like sect of protoss that were taken from Aiur as Amon and his followers abandoned the planet. They stand apart from both the Khalai and Nerazim. They do not use the Khala. \"The frail must die so the strong can thrive. Such is the way of Rak'shir...such is the way of the Tal'darim.\""
  3657. name_list="REP3"
  3658. trait="trait_strong"
  3659. trait="trait_nomadic"
  3660. trait="trait_adaptive"
  3661. trait="trait_deviants"
  3662. trait="trait_wasteful"
  3663. }
  3664. name="Tal'darim"
  3665. adjective="Tal'darim"
  3666. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  3667. government="gov_bandit_kingdom"
  3668. planet_name="Slayn"
  3669. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  3670. system_name="Traitor's Exile"
  3671. initializer=""
  3672. graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  3673. city_graphical_culture="avian_01"
  3674. empire_flag={
  3675. icon={
  3676. category="domination"
  3677. file=""
  3678. }
  3679. background={
  3680. category="backgrounds"
  3681. file=""
  3682. }
  3683. colors={
  3684. "red"
  3685. "black"
  3686. "null"
  3687. "null"
  3688. }
  3689. }
  3690. ruler={
  3691. gender=male
  3692. name="Alarak"
  3693. portrait="rep2"
  3694. texture=0
  3695. hair=0
  3696. clothes=1
  3697. ruler_title="Highlord"
  3698. ruler_title_female="Highlord"
  3699. leader_class="ruler"
  3700. }
  3701. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3702. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3703. room="runic_room"
  3704. spawn_enabled=yes
  3705. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  3706. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  3707. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  3708. civics={
  3709. "civic_warrior_culture"
  3710. "civic_barbaric_despoilers"
  3711. }
  3712. origin="origin_doomsday"
  3713. }
  3714. "Purifier Program"
  3715. ={
  3716. key="Purifier Program"
  3717. ship_prefix="Warden"
  3718. species={
  3719. class="MACHINE"
  3720. portrait="sd_avi_robot"
  3721. name="Purifier"
  3722. plural="Purifiers"
  3723. adjective="Purifier"
  3724. species_bio="The purifiers were built by the Protoss to be an ultimate fighting force at a time when great advancements were being made in intelligent robotics and artificial life. This force was originally kept in shadow, and given the synthetic equivalent of the Khala. Treated as slaves by their masters, the purifiers chose to rebel. In return, the Conclave determined they were too dangerous and banned them. They drifted in space aboard their great ship Cybros ... waiting."
  3725. name_list="MACHINE3"
  3726. trait="trait_machine_unit"
  3727. trait="trait_robot_emotion_emulators"
  3728. trait="trait_robot_enhanced_memory"
  3729. trait="trait_robot_learning_algorithms"
  3730. trait="trait_robot_custom_made"
  3731. trait="trait_robot_luxurious"
  3732. }
  3733. name="Purifier Program"
  3734. adjective="Purifier"
  3735. authority="auth_machine_intelligence"
  3736. government="gov_machine_empire"
  3737. planet_name="Cybros"
  3738. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  3739. system_name="Endion"
  3740. initializer="shattered_ring_start"
  3741. graphical_culture="avian_01"
  3742. city_graphical_culture="avian_01"
  3743. empire_flag={
  3744. icon={
  3745. category="ornate"
  3746. file=""
  3747. }
  3748. background={
  3749. category="backgrounds"
  3750. file=""
  3751. }
  3752. colors={
  3753. "yellow"
  3754. "black"
  3755. "null"
  3756. "null"
  3757. }
  3758. }
  3759. ruler={
  3760. gender=female
  3761. name="Clolarion"
  3762. portrait="sd_avi_robot"
  3763. texture=0
  3764. hair=0
  3765. clothes=0
  3766. ruler_title="Executor"
  3767. leader_class="ruler"
  3768. }
  3769. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3770. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3771. room="default_room"
  3772. spawn_enabled=yes
  3773. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  3774. civics={
  3775. "civic_machine_ota_updates"
  3776. "civic_machine_warbots"
  3777. }
  3778. origin="origin_shattered_ring"
  3779. }
  3780. "Kushan Daiamid"
  3781. ={
  3782. key="Kushan Daiamid"
  3783. ship_prefix="KD"
  3784. species={
  3785. class="HUM"
  3786. portrait="human"
  3787. name="Kushan"
  3788. plural="Kushans"
  3789. adjective="Kushan"
  3790. species_bio="For 3,000 years, the Exiles survived on Kharak. Hiigara became a legend, and in time even the legend was forgotten. This all changed when a satellite discovered an ancient starship buried in the sand. Inside lay the Guidestone and the word \"Hiigara\" - home - etched on its surface. But this was not the only discovery, for deep within the ruin lay the ancient Hyperspace Core. When once it had resulted in their Exile, this core would now return the Exiles home."
  3791. name_list="HUMAN2"
  3792. trait="trait_nomadic"
  3793. trait="trait_adaptive"
  3794. trait="trait_deviants"
  3795. }
  3796. name="Kushan Daiamid"
  3797. adjective="Kushan"
  3798. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  3799. government="gov_plutocratic_oligarchy"
  3800. planet_name="Kharak"
  3801. planet_class="pc_desert"
  3802. system_name="Kharak"
  3803. initializer=""
  3804. graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  3805. city_graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  3806. empire_flag={
  3807. icon={
  3808. category="zoological"
  3809. file=""
  3810. }
  3811. background={
  3812. category="backgrounds"
  3813. file=""
  3814. }
  3815. colors={
  3816. "orange"
  3817. "turquoise"
  3818. "null"
  3819. "null"
  3820. }
  3821. }
  3822. ruler={
  3823. gender=female
  3824. name="Karan S'jet"
  3825. portrait="human_female_04"
  3826. texture=0
  3827. hair=40
  3828. clothes=3
  3829. ruler_title="Sa"
  3830. ruler_title_female="Sa"
  3831. leader_class="ruler"
  3832. }
  3833. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3834. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3835. room="default_room"
  3836. spawn_enabled=yes
  3837. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  3838. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophile"
  3839. civics={
  3840. "civic_mining_guilds"
  3841. "civic_merchant_guilds"
  3842. }
  3843. origin="origin_lost_colony"
  3844. }
  3845. "Taiidan Empire"
  3846. ={
  3847. key="Taiidan Empire"
  3848. ship_prefix="TE"
  3849. species={
  3850. class="HUM"
  3851. portrait="human"
  3852. name="Taiidan"
  3853. plural="Taiidani"
  3854. adjective="Taiidan"
  3855. species_bio="The Taiidan Empire, also known as the Taiidan Imperium was one of the oldest states in the galaxy before its collapse during the Homeworld War. For millennia it was the central power in galactic affairs, as taken for granted as the Galactic Council or the ancient Unbound. Some would say its rule was tyrannical and oppressive, others would say it was a beacon of civilization in a chaotic galaxy. In spite of such objections however the Empire would remain unchallenged for millennia."
  3856. name_list="HUMAN3"
  3857. trait="trait_enduring"
  3858. trait="trait_natural_engineers"
  3859. trait="trait_traditional"
  3860. trait="trait_decadent"
  3861. }
  3862. name="Taiidan Empire"
  3863. adjective="Taiidan"
  3864. authority="auth_imperial"
  3865. government="gov_despotic_hegemony"
  3866. planet_name="Hiigara"
  3867. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  3868. system_name="Hiigara"
  3869. initializer=""
  3870. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  3871. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  3872. empire_flag={
  3873. icon={
  3874. category="spherical"
  3875. file=""
  3876. }
  3877. background={
  3878. category="backgrounds"
  3879. file=""
  3880. }
  3881. colors={
  3882. "yellow"
  3883. "red"
  3884. "null"
  3885. "null"
  3886. }
  3887. }
  3888. ruler={
  3889. gender=male
  3890. name="Riesstu IV the Second"
  3891. portrait="human_male_03"
  3892. texture=0
  3893. hair=15
  3894. clothes=5
  3895. heir_title="Clone"
  3896. heir_title_female="Clone"
  3897. leader_class="ruler"
  3898. }
  3899. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3900. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3901. room="personality_ruthless_capitalists_room"
  3902. spawn_enabled=yes
  3903. ethic="ethic_fanatic_authoritarian"
  3904. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  3905. civics={
  3906. "civic_police_state"
  3907. "civic_aristocratic_elite"
  3908. }
  3909. origin="origin_hegemon"
  3910. }
  3911. "Progenitor Keepers"
  3912. ={
  3913. key="Progenitor Keepers"
  3914. ship_prefix="Mover"
  3915. species={
  3916. class="MACHINE"
  3917. portrait="sd_mol_robot"
  3918. name="Keeper"
  3919. plural="Keepers"
  3920. adjective="Keeper"
  3921. species_bio="The Progenitors possessed highly advanced technology that far surpassed that of all other spacefaring civilizations even millenia after their departure from the Galaxy. Many of their ships were exceedingly durable and could sustain withering firepower from Vaygr and Hiigaran weaponry before succumbing to battle damage. In addition, the reliability of their technology was such that almost all of their creations remained fully functional despite the thousands of years of the Progenitors' absence. \"The Keeper is aware. The Keeper understands. The Keeper has seen the enemy.\" - The Keeper of the Foundry"
  3922. name_list="MACHINE2"
  3923. trait="trait_machine_unit"
  3924. trait="trait_robot_efficient_processors"
  3925. trait="trait_robot_durable"
  3926. trait="trait_robot_bulky"
  3927. trait="trait_robot_luxurious"
  3928. }
  3929. name="Progenitor Keepers"
  3930. adjective="Keeper"
  3931. authority="auth_machine_intelligence"
  3932. government="gov_machine_research"
  3933. planet_name="Abassid"
  3934. planet_class="pc_arid"
  3935. system_name="Balcora Gate"
  3936. initializer="custom_starting_init_02"
  3937. graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  3938. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  3939. empire_flag={
  3940. icon={
  3941. category="blocky"
  3942. file=""
  3943. }
  3944. background={
  3945. category="backgrounds"
  3946. file=""
  3947. }
  3948. colors={
  3949. "beige"
  3950. "orange"
  3951. "null"
  3952. "null"
  3953. }
  3954. }
  3955. ruler={
  3956. gender=female
  3957. name="Karos"
  3958. portrait="sd_mol_robot"
  3959. texture=0
  3960. hair=0
  3961. clothes=0
  3962. ruler_title="Oracle"
  3963. leader_class="ruler"
  3964. }
  3965. spawn_as_fallen=no
  3966. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  3967. room="personality_hive_mind_room"
  3968. spawn_enabled=yes
  3969. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  3970. civics={
  3971. "civic_machine_zero_waste_protocols"
  3972. "civic_machine_delegated_functions"
  3973. }
  3974. origin="origin_galactic_doorstep"
  3975. }
  3976. "The Beast"
  3977. ={
  3978. key="The Beast"
  3979. ship_prefix="Self"
  3980. species={
  3981. class="FUN"
  3982. portrait="fun16"
  3983. name="The Beast"
  3984. plural="Beast"
  3985. adjective="Beast"
  3986. species_bio="The Beast is a unique form of bio-mechanical virus that originated within the realm of hyperspace, and can repurpose any known conventional material or organic matter to spread its cells. Its existence was unknown for many millenia, until Kiith Somtaaw discovered a Beacon Pod and accidentally unleashed the virus on the galaxy."
  3987. name_list="FUN3"
  3988. trait="trait_hive_mind"
  3989. trait="trait_survivor"
  3990. trait="trait_plantoid_radiotrophic"
  3991. trait="trait_adaptive"
  3992. trait="trait_repugnant"
  3993. }
  3994. name="The Beast"
  3995. adjective="Beast"
  3996. authority="auth_hive_mind"
  3997. government="gov_devouring_swarm"
  3998. planet_name="Naggarok"
  3999. planet_class="pc_savannah"
  4000. system_name="Nomad Moon"
  4001. initializer=""
  4002. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  4003. city_graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  4004. empire_flag={
  4005. icon={
  4006. category="zoological"
  4007. file=""
  4008. }
  4009. background={
  4010. category="backgrounds"
  4011. file=""
  4012. }
  4013. colors={
  4014. "dark_grey"
  4015. "red_orange"
  4016. "null"
  4017. "null"
  4018. }
  4019. }
  4020. ruler={
  4021. gender=female
  4022. name="Command Self"
  4023. portrait="fun16"
  4024. texture=0
  4025. hair=0
  4026. clothes=0
  4027. leader_class="ruler"
  4028. }
  4029. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4030. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4031. room="lithoid_room"
  4032. spawn_enabled=yes
  4033. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  4034. civics={
  4035. "civic_hive_devouring_swarm"
  4036. "civic_hive_ascetic"
  4037. }
  4038. origin="origin_post_apocalyptic"
  4039. }
  4040. "Vaygr Crusaders"
  4041. ={
  4042. key="Vaygr Crusaders"
  4043. ship_prefix=""
  4044. species={
  4045. class="REP"
  4046. portrait="rep12"
  4047. name="Vaygr"
  4048. plural="Vaygrs"
  4049. adjective="Vaygr"
  4050. species_bio="The Vaygr were tribes of nomadic warriors from the Vaygr Reaches. In the beginning, Vaygr was a name for the tribes traveling throughout the Vaygr Reaches of the Galaxy, conquering worlds that they encountered. Traveling only on sublight drives in fleets called Crusades, they managed to conquer and enslave many worlds, eventually becoming a notable force within the Galaxy. Throughout the history of the Vaygr many warlords found various Progenitor relics, commonly proclaiming themselves Sajuuk-Khar, however only one of them, named Makaan, succeeded in uniting the tribes."
  4051. name_list="REP4"
  4052. trait="trait_talented"
  4053. trait="trait_nomadic"
  4054. trait="trait_industrious"
  4055. trait="trait_unruly"
  4056. }
  4057. name="Vaygr Crusaders"
  4058. adjective="Vaygr"
  4059. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  4060. government="gov_martial_dictatorship"
  4061. planet_name="Hethlim"
  4062. planet_class="pc_arctic"
  4063. system_name="Hethlim"
  4064. initializer=""
  4065. graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  4066. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  4067. empire_flag={
  4068. icon={
  4069. category="pointy"
  4070. file=""
  4071. }
  4072. background={
  4073. category="backgrounds"
  4074. file=""
  4075. }
  4076. colors={
  4077. "black"
  4078. "red"
  4079. "null"
  4080. "null"
  4081. }
  4082. }
  4083. ruler={
  4084. gender=male
  4085. name="Makaan"
  4086. portrait="rep12"
  4087. texture=5
  4088. hair=0
  4089. clothes=0
  4090. ruler_title="Sajuuk-Khar"
  4091. ruler_title_female="Sajuuk-Khar"
  4092. leader_class="ruler"
  4093. }
  4094. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4095. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4096. room="personality_evangelizing_zealots_room"
  4097. spawn_enabled=yes
  4098. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  4099. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  4100. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  4101. civics={
  4102. "civic_warrior_culture"
  4103. "civic_exalted_priesthood"
  4104. }
  4105. origin="origin_shoulders_of_giants"
  4106. }
  4107. "Turanic Raiders"
  4108. ={
  4109. key="Turanic Raiders"
  4110. ship_prefix="Raider"
  4111. species={
  4112. class="AVI"
  4113. portrait="avi9"
  4114. name="Turan"
  4115. plural="Turans"
  4116. adjective="Turanic"
  4117. species_bio="The Turanic Raiders were a race of pirates and mercenaries known from the first attacks in the Turan Sector in 9035 GSY. Most of their attacks were focused on trade lines and unprotected convoys. Apogee of Raiders' power was during the Homeworld Era, when, under the protectorate of the Taiidan Empire, they rose in power. As with most types of space pirates, the Raiders rely mostly upon ambush and surprise. The Raiders often attack in large numbers, and will often try to steal enemy ships using clever and underhanded tactics."
  4118. name_list="AVI4"
  4119. trait="trait_ingenious"
  4120. trait="trait_nomadic"
  4121. trait="trait_decadent"
  4122. }
  4123. name="Turanic Raiders"
  4124. adjective="Raider"
  4125. authority="auth_dictatorial"
  4126. government="gov_bandit_kingdom"
  4127. planet_name="Turan"
  4128. planet_class="pc_savannah"
  4129. system_name="Turan"
  4130. initializer=""
  4131. graphical_culture="avian_01"
  4132. city_graphical_culture="avian_01"
  4133. empire_flag={
  4134. icon={
  4135. category="domination"
  4136. file=""
  4137. }
  4138. background={
  4139. category="backgrounds"
  4140. file=""
  4141. }
  4142. colors={
  4143. "orange"
  4144. "black"
  4145. "null"
  4146. "null"
  4147. }
  4148. }
  4149. ruler={
  4150. gender=male
  4151. name="Arioch"
  4152. portrait="avi9"
  4153. texture=0
  4154. hair=0
  4155. clothes=3
  4156. ruler_title="Lord"
  4157. ruler_title_female="Lady"
  4158. leader_class="ruler"
  4159. }
  4160. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4161. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4162. room="personality_slaving_despots_room"
  4163. spawn_enabled=yes
  4164. ethic="ethic_authoritarian"
  4165. ethic="ethic_fanatic_militarist"
  4166. civics={
  4167. "civic_barbaric_despoilers"
  4168. "civic_warrior_culture"
  4169. }
  4170. origin="origin_default"
  4171. }
  4172. "Protectors of the Garden"
  4173. ={
  4174. key="Protectors of the Garden"
  4175. ship_prefix=""
  4176. species={
  4177. class="HUM"
  4178. portrait="humanoid_05"
  4179. name="Kadeshi"
  4180. plural="Kadeshi"
  4181. adjective="Kadesh"
  4182. species_bio="\"This is the Garden of Kadesh. For thirteen generations we have protected it from the unclean. The Turanic Raiders who came before you refused to join and were punished for this trespass. Like theirs, your ship has already defiled this holy place. If you have come to join we welcome you and will spare your ship until all have disembarked. If you have come to consume the garden you will be removed at once.\""
  4183. name_list="HUM1"
  4184. trait="trait_docile"
  4185. trait="trait_conservational"
  4186. trait="trait_sedentary"
  4187. }
  4188. name="Protectors of the Garden"
  4189. adjective="Protector"
  4190. authority="auth_imperial"
  4191. government="gov_celestial_empire"
  4192. planet_name="Garden of Kadesh"
  4193. planet_class="pc_continental"
  4194. system_name="Kadesh"
  4195. initializer=""
  4196. graphical_culture="plantoid_01"
  4197. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  4198. empire_flag={
  4199. icon={
  4200. category="spherical"
  4201. file=""
  4202. }
  4203. background={
  4204. category="backgrounds"
  4205. file=""
  4206. }
  4207. colors={
  4208. "red"
  4209. "red_orange"
  4210. "null"
  4211. "null"
  4212. }
  4213. }
  4214. ruler={
  4215. gender=male
  4216. name="Jakuul"
  4217. portrait="humanoid_05_male_01"
  4218. texture=0
  4219. hair=5
  4220. clothes=0
  4221. ruler_title="Ambassador"
  4222. ruler_title_female="Ambassador"
  4223. leader_class="ruler"
  4224. }
  4225. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4226. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4227. room="personality_spiritual_seekers_room"
  4228. spawn_enabled=yes
  4229. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  4230. ethic="ethic_pacifist"
  4231. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  4232. civics={
  4233. "civic_inwards_perfection"
  4234. "civic_environmentalist"
  4235. }
  4236. origin="origin_life_seeded"
  4237. }
  4238. "Bentusi Exchange"
  4239. ={
  4240. key="Bentusi Exchange"
  4241. ship_prefix="BE"
  4242. species={
  4243. class="MOL"
  4244. portrait="mol1"
  4245. name="Bentusi"
  4246. plural="Bentusi"
  4247. adjective="Bentusi"
  4248. species_bio="The earliest known event in Bentusi history was when the Bentusi discovered the First Hyperspace Core in a massive Progenitor ship, becoming the first known race to acquire hyperspace technology. Fortunately, the Bentusi used this new-found technology to keep order and peace in the galaxy. Calling themselves the Unbound, the Bentusi are a very ancient, wise race who do not claim any planet for themselves, instead opting to live exclusively among the stars."
  4249. name_list="LITHOID4"
  4250. trait="trait_void_dweller_1"
  4251. trait="trait_intelligent"
  4252. trait="trait_natural_physicists"
  4253. trait="trait_talented"
  4254. trait="trait_nonadaptive"
  4255. }
  4256. name="Bentusi Exchange"
  4257. adjective="Bentusi"
  4258. authority="auth_corporate"
  4259. government="gov_trade_league"
  4260. planet_name="Harbour of Bentus"
  4261. planet_class="pc_ocean"
  4262. system_name="Bentus"
  4263. initializer="void_dweller_system"
  4264. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  4265. city_graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  4266. empire_flag={
  4267. icon={
  4268. category="blocky"
  4269. file=""
  4270. }
  4271. background={
  4272. category="backgrounds"
  4273. file=""
  4274. }
  4275. colors={
  4276. "light_orange"
  4277. "grey"
  4278. "null"
  4279. "null"
  4280. }
  4281. }
  4282. ruler={
  4283. gender=male
  4284. name="Tiamat"
  4285. portrait="mol1"
  4286. texture=0
  4287. hair=0
  4288. clothes=0
  4289. ruler_title="Unbound"
  4290. ruler_title_female="Unbound"
  4291. leader_class="ruler"
  4292. }
  4293. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4294. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4295. room="personality_migrating_flock_room"
  4296. spawn_enabled=yes
  4297. ethic="ethic_fanatic_xenophile"
  4298. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  4299. civics={
  4300. "civic_trading_posts"
  4301. "civic_corporate_crafters"
  4302. }
  4303. origin="origin_void_dwellers"
  4304. }
  4305. "The Covenant"
  4306. ={
  4307. key="The Covenant"
  4308. ship_prefix=""
  4309. species={
  4310. class="HUM"
  4311. portrait="humanoid_hp_06"
  4312. name="San'Shyuum"
  4313. plural="San'Shyuumi"
  4314. adjective="Prophet"
  4315. species_bio="The species that make up the hegemony known as the Covenant come from different parts of the galaxy and take all kinds of physical forms. The Covenant is organized into a caste system with their religious leaders - the San'Shyuum or Prophets - at the top of the hierarchical pyramid.
  4351. The Covenant society is a single hegemonic culture. It is a culture that practices imperial geopolitical dominance through implied means of power as opposed to direct military force. There are three Covenant castes that make up the unity: the Religious caste, the Warrior caste, and the Worker caste."
  4352. name_list="NECROID2"
  4353. trait="trait_charismatic"
  4354. trait="trait_venerable"
  4355. trait="trait_decadent"
  4356. trait="trait_weak"
  4357. trait="trait_slow_breeders"
  4358. }
  4359. secondary_species={
  4360. class="ART"
  4361. portrait="art1"
  4362. name="Yanme'e"
  4363. plural="Yanme'e"
  4364. adjective="Drone"
  4365. species_bio="The Yanme'e are a eusocial species, meaning their society usually consists of a single reproductive queen, reproductive males and non-reproductive female workers. Because of this, the Yanme'e can be extremely dogmatic and hive minded; something that may have made for an easy conversion into the Covenant hierarchy. Drones follow the Covenant religion and obey any command without question, yet do not partake in social norms due to communication difficulties with other species. They view the Prophets as \"Queens,\" a remnant of their former hive lifestyle."
  4366. name_list="ART2"
  4367. trait="trait_syncretic_proles"
  4368. trait="trait_communal"
  4369. trait="trait_rapid_breeders"
  4370. trait="trait_repugnant"
  4371. }
  4372. name="The Covenant"
  4373. adjective="Covenant"
  4374. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  4375. government="gov_holy_tribunal"
  4376. advisor_voice_type="l_spiritualist"
  4377. planet_name="Janjur Qom"
  4378. planet_class="pc_tropical"
  4379. system_name="Janjur"
  4380. initializer=""
  4381. graphical_culture="avian_01"
  4382. city_graphical_culture="humanoid_01"
  4383. empire_flag={
  4384. icon={
  4385. category="human"
  4386. file=""
  4387. }
  4388. background={
  4389. category="backgrounds"
  4390. file=""
  4391. }
  4392. colors={
  4393. "light_blue"
  4394. "purple"
  4395. "null"
  4396. "null"
  4397. }
  4398. }
  4399. ruler={
  4400. gender=male
  4401. name="Regret"
  4402. portrait="humanoid_hp_06"
  4403. texture=0
  4404. hair=0
  4405. clothes=0
  4406. ruler_title="Hierarch"
  4407. ruler_title_female="Hierarch"
  4408. leader_class="ruler"
  4409. }
  4410. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4411. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4412. room="necroids_room"
  4413. spawn_enabled=yes
  4414. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  4415. ethic="ethic_fanatic_spiritualist"
  4416. civics={
  4417. "civic_exalted_priesthood"
  4418. "civic_corvee_system"
  4419. }
  4420. origin="origin_syncretic_evolution"
  4421. }
  4422. "Alpha Tribe"
  4423. ={
  4424. key="Alpha Tribe"
  4425. ship_prefix=""
  4426. species={
  4427. class="MAM"
  4428. portrait="mam13"
  4429. name="Jiralhanae"
  4430. plural="Jiralhanae"
  4431. adjective="Brute"
  4432. species_bio="Despite their savagery and brutality, the Jiralhanae have proved intelligent enough to achieve spaceflight and space-faring status, though their warlike nature meant they quickly collapsed into civil war and afterward, fell back to their former pre-space status and learned nothing from the experience. Having only just rediscovered radio and rocketry, the primitive Jiralhanae were quickly defeated and absorbed into the Covenant. They quickly became valued as shock troops by the Prophets, but challenged the Elites and eventually caused the Great Schism that broke the Covenant into many parts."
  4433. name_list="MAM2"
  4434. trait="trait_very_strong"
  4435. trait="trait_resilient"
  4436. trait="trait_unruly"
  4437. }
  4438. secondary_species={
  4439. class="REP"
  4440. portrait="rep13"
  4441. name="Kig-Yar"
  4442. plural="Kig-Yar"
  4443. adjective="Jackal"
  4444. species_bio="Due to their superior senses, the Kig-Yar, or Jackals as they are known by Humans, are the scouts and marksmen of the Covenant military, and they are the second lowest Covenant caste. Kig-Yar are employed mainly as sharpshooters with their excellent vision and dexterity, and are also deployed to defend strategic areas. The Kig-Yar have very strong dislike of the Unggoy because they are always trying to assert their superiority over them in the caste system of the Covenant. Once they poisoned a recreational narcotic that the Unggoy use which nearly caused them to become infertile. This caused the Unggoy Rebellion. "
  4445. name_list="REP3"
  4446. trait="trait_syncretic_proles"
  4447. trait="trait_nomadic"
  4448. trait="trait_conformists"
  4449. trait="trait_repugnant"
  4450. }
  4451. name="Alpha Tribe"
  4452. adjective="Jiralhanae"
  4453. authority="auth_imperial"
  4454. government="gov_bandit_kingdom"
  4455. planet_name="Doisac"
  4456. planet_class="pc_savannah"
  4457. system_name="Oth Sonin"
  4458. initializer=""
  4459. graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  4460. city_graphical_culture="plantoid_01"
  4461. empire_flag={
  4462. icon={
  4463. category="blocky"
  4464. file=""
  4465. }
  4466. background={
  4467. category="backgrounds"
  4468. file=""
  4469. }
  4470. colors={
  4471. "red"
  4472. "orange"
  4473. "null"
  4474. "null"
  4475. }
  4476. }
  4477. ruler={
  4478. gender=male
  4479. name="Tartarus"
  4480. portrait="mam13"
  4481. texture=4
  4482. hair=0
  4483. clothes=3
  4484. ruler_title="Chieftain"
  4485. heir_title="Captain"
  4486. ruler_title_female="Chieftain"
  4487. heir_title_female="Captain"
  4488. leader_class="ruler"
  4489. }
  4490. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4491. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4492. room="runic_room"
  4493. spawn_enabled=yes
  4494. ethic="ethic_xenophobe"
  4495. ethic="ethic_fanatic_militarist"
  4496. civics={
  4497. "civic_barbaric_despoilers"
  4498. "civic_feudal_realm"
  4499. }
  4500. origin="origin_syncretic_evolution"
  4501. }
  4502. "Swords of Sanghelios"
  4503. ={
  4504. key="Swords of Sanghelios"
  4505. ship_prefix=""
  4506. species={
  4507. class="REP"
  4508. portrait="rep15"
  4509. name="Sangheili"
  4510. plural="Sangheili"
  4511. adjective="Elite"
  4512. species_bio="The Sangheili, known to humans as Elites, are a saurian species of strong, proud, and intelligent warriors, as well as skilled combat tacticians. The Sangheili are named after their home planet, Sanghelios. Due to their skill in combat, the Sangheili have formed the military backbone of the Covenant for almost the entirety of its existence. They had a fierce rivalry with the Jiralhanae, which finally boiled over into open hatred during the Great Schism. During their membership in the Covenant, the Sangheili were technological and societal equals of the San'Shyuum. For a significant period, they found themselves providing military might for the entire Covenant structure."
  4513. name_list="REP3"
  4514. trait="trait_strong"
  4515. trait="trait_traditional"
  4516. }
  4517. secondary_species={
  4518. class="ART"
  4519. portrait="art6"
  4520. name="Unggoy"
  4521. plural="Unggoy"
  4522. adjective="Grunt"
  4523. species_bio="Unggoy are the most common and lowest-placed caste of the Covenant. The Unggoy were barely into their own Iron Age when the San'Shyuum discovered them, and had to accept entry into the Covenant hegemony, or otherwise risk extinction. After their incorporation into the Covenant their entire history was erased and they essentially became a slave race. Despite their notable cowardice and ineptitude, they are quite dangerous in large numbers. They breathe methane and thus must wear a large tank on their back full of the methane to survive on other planets. Relations between the Unggoy and the Kig-Yar are strained in the best of times."
  4524. name_list="ART2"
  4525. trait="trait_syncretic_proles"
  4526. trait="trait_docile"
  4527. trait="trait_industrious"
  4528. trait="trait_nonadaptive"
  4529. trait="trait_weak"
  4530. }
  4531. name="Swords of Sanghelios"
  4532. adjective="Sangheili"
  4533. authority="auth_oligarchic"
  4534. government="gov_war_council"
  4535. advisor_voice_type="l_spiritualist"
  4536. planet_name="Sanghelios"
  4537. planet_class="pc_continental"
  4538. system_name="Urs"
  4539. initializer="custom_starting_init_02"
  4540. graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  4541. city_graphical_culture="reptilian_01"
  4542. empire_flag={
  4543. icon={
  4544. category="pointy"
  4545. file=""
  4546. }
  4547. background={
  4548. category="backgrounds"
  4549. file=""
  4550. }
  4551. colors={
  4552. "dark_grey"
  4553. "black"
  4554. "null"
  4555. "null"
  4556. }
  4557. }
  4558. ruler={
  4559. gender=male
  4560. name="Thel 'Vadam"
  4561. portrait="rep15"
  4562. texture=3
  4563. hair=0
  4564. clothes=4
  4565. ruler_title="Arbiter"
  4566. ruler_title_female="Arbiter"
  4567. leader_class="ruler"
  4568. }
  4569. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4570. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4571. room="gilded_room"
  4572. spawn_enabled=yes
  4573. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  4574. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  4575. ethic="ethic_spiritualist"
  4576. civics={
  4577. "civic_meritocracy"
  4578. "civic_warrior_culture"
  4579. }
  4580. origin="origin_syncretic_evolution"
  4581. }
  4582. "The Flood"
  4583. ={
  4584. key="The Flood"
  4585. ship_prefix=""
  4586. species={
  4587. class="FUN"
  4588. portrait="fun12"
  4589. name="Flood"
  4590. plural="Flood"
  4591. adjective="Parasite"
  4592. species_bio="\"Our urge to create is immutable; we must create. But the beings we create shall never again reach out in strength against us. All creation will tailor to failure and pain, that never again shall the offspring of the eternal Fount rise up against their creators. Listen to the silence. Ten million years of deep silence. And now, whimpers and cries; not of birth. That is what we bring: a great crushing weight to press down youth and hope. No more will. No more freedom. Nothing new but agonizing death and never good shall come of it. We are the last of those who gave you breath and form, millions of years ago. We are the last of those your kind defied and ruthlessly destroyed. We are the last Precursors. And now we are legion.\""
  4593. name_list="FUN2"
  4594. trait="trait_hive_mind"
  4595. trait="trait_extremely_adaptive"
  4596. trait="trait_plantoid_budding"
  4597. trait="trait_fleeting"
  4598. trait="trait_repugnant"
  4599. trait="trait_slow_learners"
  4600. }
  4601. name="The Flood"
  4602. adjective="Flood"
  4603. authority="auth_hive_mind"
  4604. government="gov_devouring_swarm"
  4605. planet_name="Alpha Halo"
  4606. planet_class="pc_tundra"
  4607. system_name="Soell"
  4608. initializer="shattered_ring_start"
  4609. graphical_culture="fungoid_01"
  4610. city_graphical_culture="molluscoid_01"
  4611. empire_flag={
  4612. icon={
  4613. category="legion"
  4614. file=""
  4615. }
  4616. background={
  4617. category="backgrounds"
  4618. file=""
  4619. }
  4620. colors={
  4621. "red_orange"
  4622. "orange"
  4623. "null"
  4624. "null"
  4625. }
  4626. }
  4627. ruler={
  4628. gender=female
  4629. name="Gravemind"
  4630. portrait="fun12"
  4631. texture=0
  4632. hair=0
  4633. clothes=0
  4634. ruler_title="Primordial"
  4635. leader_class="ruler"
  4636. }
  4637. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4638. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4639. room="organic_room"
  4640. spawn_enabled=yes
  4641. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  4642. civics={
  4643. "civic_hive_devouring_swarm"
  4644. "civic_hive_strength_of_legions"
  4645. }
  4646. origin="origin_shattered_ring"
  4647. }
  4648. "Forerunner Custodians"
  4649. ={
  4650. key="Forerunner Custodians"
  4651. ship_prefix=""
  4652. species={
  4653. class="MACHINE"
  4654. portrait="sd_rep_robot"
  4655. name="Sentinel"
  4656. plural="Sentinels"
  4657. adjective="Spark"
  4658. species_bio="The Forerunners refer to the Sentinels as \"our very basic countermeasures,\" and they are the first automated defense systems employed to assist with a situation and generate a proper response protocol. While Sentinels are strong enough to handle a situation, they are more of a supplement rather than a reliable combat system. The Sentinels' weapons system are limited and not as powerful as some of the other Forerunner weapons employed against the Flood, and as such can only hold them at bay for a limited amount of time. Specialized Monitors provide oversight over Sentinels and act as caretakers for Forerunner installations."
  4659. name_list="MACHINE1"
  4660. trait="trait_machine_unit"
  4661. trait="trait_robot_logic_engines"
  4662. trait="trait_robot_efficient_processors"
  4663. trait="trait_robot_luxurious"
  4664. trait="trait_robot_high_bandwidth"
  4665. }
  4666. name="Forerunner Custodians"
  4667. adjective="Forerunner"
  4668. authority="auth_machine_intelligence"
  4669. government="gov_machine_research"
  4670. planet_name="Onyx"
  4671. planet_class="pc_continental"
  4672. system_name="Zeta Doradus"
  4673. initializer=""
  4674. graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  4675. city_graphical_culture="arthropoid_01"
  4676. empire_flag={
  4677. icon={
  4678. category="ornate"
  4679. file=""
  4680. }
  4681. background={
  4682. category="backgrounds"
  4683. file=""
  4684. }
  4685. colors={
  4686. "dark_blue"
  4687. "grey"
  4688. "null"
  4689. "null"
  4690. }
  4691. }
  4692. ruler={
  4693. gender=female
  4694. name="343 Guilty Spark"
  4695. portrait="sd_rep_robot"
  4696. texture=2
  4697. hair=0
  4698. clothes=0
  4699. ruler_title="Monitor"
  4700. leader_class="ruler"
  4701. }
  4702. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4703. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4704. room="default_room"
  4705. spawn_enabled=yes
  4706. ethic="ethic_gestalt_consciousness"
  4707. civics={
  4708. "civic_machine_maintenance_protocols"
  4709. "civic_machine_predictive_analysis"
  4710. }
  4711. origin="origin_remnants"
  4712. }
  4713. "Unified Earth Government"
  4714. ={
  4715. key="Unified Earth Government"
  4716. ship_prefix="UNSC"
  4717. species={
  4718. class="HUM"
  4719. portrait="human"
  4720. name="Human"
  4721. plural="Humans"
  4722. adjective="Human"
  4723. species_bio="The Unified Earth Government traces its origins back to the early days of human colonization of the Sol system. It was conceived to be under the auspices of the United Nations, a representative, public-facing organization to facilitate extraterrestrial colonial commerce, exploration, and industry. Originally little more than a mere function of the Secretariat, the UEG would begin to see radical change, evolving from a ministry to its present state as a federal executive, legislative, and judicial body, eventually subordinating the United Nations itself. Interplanetary conflict led to the establishment of the United Nations Space Command."
  4724. name_list="HUMAN2"
  4725. trait="trait_quick_learners"
  4726. trait="trait_nomadic"
  4727. trait="trait_natural_engineers"
  4728. trait="trait_wasteful"
  4729. }
  4730. name="Unified Earth Government"
  4731. adjective="UEG"
  4732. authority="auth_democratic"
  4733. government="gov_citizen_republic"
  4734. advisor_voice_type="l_the_soldier"
  4735. planet_name="Earth"
  4736. planet_class="pc_continental"
  4737. system_name="Sol"
  4738. initializer="sol_system_initializer"
  4739. graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  4740. city_graphical_culture="mammalian_01"
  4741. empire_flag={
  4742. icon={
  4743. category="human"
  4744. file=""
  4745. }
  4746. background={
  4747. category="backgrounds"
  4748. file=""
  4749. }
  4750. colors={
  4751. "yellow"
  4752. "black"
  4753. "null"
  4754. "null"
  4755. }
  4756. }
  4757. ruler={
  4758. gender=male
  4759. name="Terrence Hood"
  4760. portrait="human_male_01"
  4761. texture=0
  4762. hair=11
  4763. clothes=2
  4764. ruler_title="President"
  4765. ruler_title_female="President"
  4766. leader_class="ruler"
  4767. }
  4768. spawn_as_fallen=no
  4769. ignore_portrait_duplication=no
  4770. room="machine_room"
  4771. spawn_enabled=yes
  4772. ethic="ethic_egalitarian"
  4773. ethic="ethic_militarist"
  4774. ethic="ethic_materialist"
  4775. civics={
  4776. "civic_citizen_service"
  4777. "civic_idealistic_foundation"
  4778. }
  4779. origin="origin_mechanists"
  4780. }
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