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Jan 19th, 2018
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  1. label monika_debate:
  2. m 2a "Back in my debate club days, I learned a whole lot about arguing..."
  3. m "The problem with arguing is that each person sees their opinion as the superior one."
  4. m "That's kind of stating the obvious, but it affects the way they try to get their point across."
  5. m 2b "Let's say you really like a certain movie, right?"
  6. m "If someone comes along and tells you the movie sucks, because it did X and Y wrong..."
  7. m "Doesn't that make you feel kind of personally attacked?"
  8. m 4a "It's because by saying that, it's like they're implying that you have bad taste."
  9. m "And once emotions enter the picture, it's almost guaranteed that both people will be left sour."
  10. m 4b "But it's all about language!"
  11. m "If you make everything as subjective-sounding as possible, then people will listen to you without feeling attacked."
  12. m "You could say 'I'm personally not a fan of it' and 'I felt that I'd like it more if it did X and Y'...things like that."
  13. m 3a "It even works when you're citing facts about things."
  14. m "If you say 'I read on this website that it works like this'..."
  15. m "Or if you admit that you're not an expert on it..."
  16. m "Then it's much more like you're putting your knowledge on the table, rather than forcing it onto them."
  17. m 3j "If you put in an active effort to keep the discussion mutual and level, they usually follow suit."
  18. m "Then, you can share your opinions without anyone getting upset just from a disagreement."
  19. m 2b "Plus, people will start seeing you as open-minded and a good listener!"
  20. m "It's a win-win, you know?"
  21. m 2k "...Well, I guess that would be Monika's Debate Tip of the Day!"
  22. m 1e "Ahaha! That sounds a little silly. Thanks for listening, though."
  23. return
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