
Reptilia28's "Don't Fear the Reaper" Fanfiction Challenge

May 27th, 2017
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  1. ["Dont Fear the Reaper" challenge, by user Reptilia28
  3. This challenge was originally posted on Reptilia28's user page. However, the user has since disavowed and removed it after, what I assume, was high levels of message spam related to the challenge. I have since used the author's notes of several different pieces written for the challenge to compile the text and reproduce it here for posterity. Considering there are dozens of stories on based on it, I felt it was a piece of history to be perserved.]
  6. *) Harry is killed at 17 during the fight with Voldemort. He's sent to his Death's office (explained later) and finds out that this isn't the first time that this has happened.
  7. *) Harry's Death (who can have a human name) is mad at his arrival. Apparently, people dying before their time is a black mark on the various Deaths' records, and Harry is getting perilously close to getting this particular one fired.
  8. *) When Harry asks what was supposed to have happened, Death goes off on a rant saying how he was supposed to have killed Voldemort, found his soulmate ("Some Granger girl…") and lived to be a centennial age. But since Harry keeps getting into life-threatening situations for one reason or another, he keeps dying before that happens. Harry is surprised about the soul mate part.
  9. *) Death gives Harry a paper to sign that allows him to retain his memories (the previous times, he wasn't given this option for some reason). Harry is deposited to a previous time of the writer's choosing.
  10. *) Eventually, Harry gets it right. He kills Voldemort, gets the girl, and lives to a ripe old age of whatever. And Death doesn't get fired.
  13. *) Harry must have died at least three times before this one
  14. *) The memory keeping contract must be included
  15. *) Death must refer to Hermione as "some Granger girl" when Harry's soul mate turns up in his rant
  16. *) Obviously, must be H/Hr
  17. *) Have fun
  20. *) Dumbledore's manipulations can be a factor in Harry's premature demises
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