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a guest
May 23rd, 2018
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  1. import asyncio
  2. import websockets
  4. async def spam(uri):
  5. async with websockets.connect(uri) as websocket:
  6. palavras1 = 'you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; you cego man? ; '
  7. palavras = palavras1.split(';')
  8. for b in range(0, 10000000):
  9. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"hitle",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"r did nothing wr",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"ong - hitler",3,0]]}')
  10. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337," hitl",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"er did nothing w",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"rong - hitle",3,0]]}')
  11. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"- hit",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"ler did nothing ",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"wrong - hitl",3,0]]}')
  12. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337," - hi",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"tler did nothing",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347," wrong - hit",3,0]]}')
  13. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"g - h",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"itler did nothin",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"g wrong - hi",3,0]]}')
  14. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"ng - ",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"hitler did nothi",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"ng wrong - h",3,0]]}')
  15. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"ong -",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342," hitler did noth",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"ing wrong - ",3,0]]}')
  16. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"rong ",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"- hitler did not",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"hing wrong -",3,0]]}')
  17. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"wrong",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342," - hitler did no",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"thing wrong ",3,0]]}')
  18. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337," wron",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"g - hitler did n",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"othing wrong",3,0]]}')
  19. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"g wro",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"ng - hitler did ",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"nothing wron",3,0]]}')
  20. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"ng wr",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"ong - hitler did",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347," nothing wro",3,0]]}')
  21. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"ing w",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"rong - hitler di",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"d nothing wr",3,0]]}')
  22. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"hing ",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"wrong - hitler d",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"id nothing w",3,0]]}')
  23. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"thing",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342," wrong - hitler ",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"did nothing ",3,0]]}')
  24. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"othin",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"g wrong - hitler",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347," did nothing",3,0]]}')
  25. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"nothi",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"ng wrong - hitle",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"r did nothin",3,0]]}')
  26. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337," noth",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"ing wrong - hitl",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"er did nothi",3,0]]}')
  27. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"d not",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"hing wrong - hit",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"ler did noth",3,0]]}')
  28. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"id no",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"thing wrong - hi",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"tler did not",3,0]]}')
  29. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"did n",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"othing wrong - h",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"itler did no",3,0]]}')
  30. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337," did ",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"nothing wrong - ",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"hitler did n",3,0]]}')
  31. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"r did",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342," nothing wrong -",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347," hitler did ",3,0]]}')
  32. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"er di",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"d nothing wrong ",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"- hitler did",3,0]]}')
  33. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"ler d",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"id nothing wrong",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347," - hitler di",3,0]]}')
  34. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"tler ",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342,"did nothing wron",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"g - hitler d",3,0]]}')
  35. await websocket.send('{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,-2,5,11,1527004384337,"itler",1,0],[-1,-1,5,0,1527004384342," did nothing wro",2,0],[-1,0,5,0,1527004384347,"ng - hitler ",3,0]]}')
  37. # await websocket.send(f'{{"kind":"write","edits":[[-1,0,5,{a},1526248956199,"{i}",1,0]]}}')
  38. # await websocket.send(f'{{"kind":"chat","nickname":"{b}","message":"spam {b}","location":"global","color":"#18FF3A"}}')
  39. # await websocket.send(f'teste')
  40. asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(
  41. spam('wss://'))
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