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Mar 6th, 2011
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  1. * Now talking on #prizm
  2. * grphmstur ( has joined #prizm
  3. * Banana ( has joined #prizm
  4. <Pearfish> Hey everyone.
  5. <Souvik> hi
  6. <Banana> Hi
  7. <alberthro> hi
  8. <grphmstur> hi
  9. <grphmstur> !op
  10. <alberthro> 4 his :D
  11. <grphmstur> no bots
  12. * KermM_ ( has joined #prizm
  13. * Pearfish is now known as Fishbot
  14. <grphmstur> okay, so discussion?
  15. <KermM_> Hi cool peeps
  16. * Banana is now known as JosJuice
  17. <Fishbot> Yeah, about the Prizm/CX thing.
  18. <grphmstur> mmk.
  19. <grphmstur> I'm working on your temp assembler btw Fishbot
  20. <Fishbot> Thanks.
  21. <Fishbot> Let's face it, though.
  22. * Netham45 ( has joined #prizm
  23. <Fishbot> While TI should be more supportive of the community, they aren't.
  24. * Melisma ( has joined #prizm
  25. <JosJuice> Melisma? D:
  26. <KermM_> Fishbot, agreed
  27. <grphmstur> bot
  28. <Fishbot> But Casio also isn't going to get the widespread distribution of TI.
  29. * Merth ( has joined #prizm
  30. * MrAtom (ircuser@ has joined #prizm
  31. <grphmstur> Fishbot, agreed
  32. <grphmstur> this is true KermM_
  33. <alberthro> We need serious promotion.
  34. <grphmstur> okay, this isn't a bot place alberthro
  35. <grphmstur> #thebot is.
  36. <Fishbot> Even that won't be enough.
  37. <alberthro> Melisma is a bot :P
  38. <grphmstur> I know, but we don't need MrAtom
  39. <KermM_> Melisma is a channel reservation bot :P
  40. <Fishbot> I think we need interoperability.
  41. <grphmstur> I see KermM_
  42. * Juju ( has joined #prizm
  43. <alberthro> KermM_: mine is too :P
  44. <KermM_> Fishbot, therefore, we need to tell TI we're pissed, and teachers that TI is failing us
  45. <grphmstur> well, fishbot's the only one opped here, so Fishbot, op Melisma
  46. <grphmstur> agreed KermM_
  47. <alberthro> ...and MrAtom :P
  48. <Fishbot> !op Melisma
  49. <Juju> lol
  50. <Fishbot> Can't :p
  51. <JosJuice> no, Fishbot :P
  52. <grphmstur> but for the most part, TI has no interest in us.
  53. <KermM_> Fishbot, you can't !op when you're the only op :P
  54. <Netham45> Fishbot, you have to do /mode #prizm +o Melisma
  55. Usage: OP <nick>, gives chanop status to the nick (needs chanop)
  56. <Souvik> do /op
  57. <alberthro> Anyway, we have to define our focus.
  58. * Fishbot gives channel operator status to Melisma
  59. * Melisma sets mode +s #prizm
  60. <KermM_> thanks Fishbot
  61. * Fishbot gives channel operator status to MrAtom
  62. <grphmstur> wait, does Melisma always secret rooms?
  63. <grphmstur> !op
  64. <Netham45> It's a good idea to secret them
  65. <Netham45> efnet gets alot of spambots
  66. <grphmstur> hey, alberthro, what's the command?
  67. <Juju> some people would randomly join then spam
  68. <grphmstur> $op
  69. <grphmstur> nope.
  70. <alberthro> question mark and the op
  71. <Netham45> ?op
  72. <alberthro> *then
  73. <Souvik> ?op
  74. <Netham45> :(
  75. <grphmstur> ?op
  76. * SirCmpwn (480dc3e2@ has left #prizm
  77. * MrAtom gives channel operator status to grphmstur
  78. <grphmstur> there we go
  79. <grphmstur> okay, anyway
  80. <alberthro> lol :)
  81. <Fishbot> Back on topic...
  82. <KermM_> I set -secret on this chan
  83. <alberthro> I'm worried about too many ops :P
  84. <grphmstur> that's fine, anyway.
  85. <alberthro> Anyway, it's not just teachers. We're also trying to promote it to students... and the hardest, to parents. To retailers. To everyone.
  86. <Fishbot> So, what can we do to change the Prizm CX situation?
  87. <grphmstur> back on topic, the only way that TI will care is if we reduce their market share by not buying their calcs.
  88. <grphmstur> this is true alberthro.
  89. <KermM_> Fishbot, three things:
  90. <alberthro> I just visited Staples today, and the only calcs I saw were the TI made ones. No PRIZM to be found at all.
  91. <KermM_> 1) Tell TI that we're pissed. I'm working on that
  92. <Netham45> Teachers love TI
  93. <KermM_> 2) Tell teachers that TI is not looking out for everyone. We need more ideas on this
  94. <Netham45> 'cause they give them instructions, sample calcs, push-to-test, etc...
  95. <Souvik> But, the developing community is insignificant compared to all the students and teachers that buy TI products
  96. <grphmstur> this is true.
  97. <KermM_> 3) Write a TI emulator for the PRizm
  98. <KermM_> Prizm*
  99. <alberthro> Souvik: that's one of the points I was going to make in that thread :)
  100. <Souvik> z80man is working on one, right?
  101. <Fishbot> Or write teacher software for the Prizm, which has the price advantage over the Nspire.
  102. <JosJuice> I thought z80man is making a Prizm emu for the PC?
  103. <alberthro> One of the things is this - you'd be having to give these guys away like MAD.
  104. <grphmstur> in fact, right now, the only reason TI has a monopoly is their production size. They can create huge amounts of calcs, and everyone uses them. Plus, they're "cheap". Cheap pieces of....
  105. <alberthro> There's ZERO of these guys in my area.
  106. <Fishbot> z80man is doing both, Josjuice.
  107. <alberthro> Also, as grphmastur has mentioned, price.
  108. <KermM_> You guys should be sure to copy some of these opinions into the thread on Cemetech, btw
  109. <JosJuice> Oh okay, that's nice
  110. <grphmstur> any bot's log in here?
  111. <grphmstur> I can get mine going and start logging.
  112. <Fishbot> Okay.
  113. <KermM_> let's chill with the bots :P
  114. <alberthro> $122.37 for PRIZM, $99.89 for a regular TI-83+.
  115. <alberthro> (Amazon)
  116. <grphmstur> well, I still have the records, so whatever.
  117. <KermM_> $143 for the CX
  118. <alberthro> XChat keeps records :P
  119. <grphmstur> and let's factor the uber-calc in here too.
  120. <Fishbot> When you're buying several hundred, those extra few dollars add up.
  121. <KermM_> the what?
  122. <Fishbot> Okay, $150
  123. <grphmstur> It's price for standerd is around $150
  124. <alberthro> CX is nothing you should look at - you're against the TI-83+ here.
  125. <grphmstur> *standard
  126. <KermM_> alberthro, I totally disagree
  127. <KermM_> It's CX vs Prizm
  128. <grphmstur> this is true. But see, you have a color screen and a "great trustworthy" brand.
  129. <KermM_> the TI-83+ is not relevant in this discussion
  130. <Fishbot> Alberthro, we're trying to steal the CX's market, not the 83+'s
  131. <grphmstur> Most teachers don't care about programming and other stuff.
  132. <alberthro> Ahh, but parents are going to buy lowest stuff (the bare minimum), and so how are you going to overrun the market?
  133. <grphmstur> we have to show it's not in their bets interests.
  134. <Netham45> the CX has no market, and likely won't.
  135. <Netham45> the 83+ is the real competitor
  136. <Fishbot> We don't need to overrrun the 83+, only the CX.
  137. <alberthro> Netham45++
  138. <grphmstur> well, lower price more years, and better alberthro
  139. <grphmstur> no, only the CX atm.
  140. <grphmstur> because the TI-83 isn't a piece of. Yeah.
  141. <Netham45> You'll achieve nothing by overrunning the CX
  142. <alberthro> an insight from my school - CX is pretty interesting, but they've said that it's somewhat overkill.
  143. <Fishbot> The Prizm/CX and the 83+ series target different markets.
  144. <alberthro> ahh, but to gain a significant marketshare, you've gotta target a bit there. Basically, between the Nspire reg and the TI-83+.
  145. <alberthro> THAT's the sweet spot.
  146. <Fishbot> That's right.
  147. <Fishbot> But I think we need to target schools, not consumers.
  148. <alberthro> The point being is that it's going to take some time and some serious promotion to get PRIZM to there.
  149. <grphmstur> well, although I agree we need market share, or at least to remove some of TI's, the TI-83 is null here. It's going to be there either way.
  150. <grphmstur> this is true alberthro
  151. <grphmstur> and it's a predominately unknown calc.
  152. <alberthro> Schools is one thing. But without consumers, how does the PRIZM go anywhere?
  153. <alberthro> Remember: STAPLES does NOT have the PRIZM.
  154. <alberthro> Nor does Walmart.
  155. <Fishbot> If the schools buy, then students buy.
  156. <Fishbot> And yes, distribution is a problem.
  157. <grphmstur> well, think of it this way. At the beginning of the school year, your math teacher tells everyone to go out and buy a what....
  158. <alberthro> True. But you should target both, perhaps at the same time.
  159. <Fishbot> But stores stock what people ask for.
  160. <alberthro> Without it being there in the first place, there's no way to get it.
  161. <grphmstur> so our current problems are: 1) Production, 2) Costs, 3) Market, 4) monopoly.
  162. <alberthro> So I guess the consensus is targeting both school and consumers (students/parents) alike.
  163. <grphmstur> I include that 4th one as a pseudo topic as TI does kinda have a monopoly.
  164. <Fishbot> I think consumers will focus on Price.
  165. <grphmstur> and students will focus on what teachers tell them to get.
  166. <Fishbot> There's not much *we* can do about consumer preferences.
  167. <grphmstur> this is true.
  168. <Fishbot> The Prizm wins in cost.
  169. <alberthro> Advertising. That's the gray area here. ;)
  170. <grphmstur> however, we can reduce TI's market share.
  171. <grphmstur> alberthro: TI doesn't have to advertise. I've never seen a TI calc commercial
  172. <Fishbot> How do we target schools, though?
  173. <alberthro> I would suggest around $100-110 for PRIZM.
  174. <Fishbot> With school oriented software, of course.
  175. <alberthro> grphmstur: well... they do that with some bribing of the teachers :P
  176. <Fishbot> I think we need Casio's support on this.
  177. <grphmstur> alberthro: not bribing at all. Maybe a little with the union here and there.
  178. <Fishbot> And their willingness to work with us.
  179. <alberthro> If you really want to bring TI down, you'd also want to ask the book companies to start stripping TI screenshots off :P
  180. <grphmstur> But not in many schools that still use it.
  181. <JosJuice> Fishbot: Do you really think that's possible?
  182. <alberthro> Because every book has a guide on using it. Even my agenda book does.
  183. <Fishbot> I think we can get Casio's support.
  184. <Fishbot> Possibly.
  185. <grphmstur> Fishbot: possible, but unlikely. However, if it's not "us" but cemetech, omnimaga, and ticalc....
  186. <Fishbot> I wouldn't count TIcalc.
  187. <JosJuice> ticalc is ticalc, not casiocalc :P
  188. <grphmstur> this is true.
  189. <grphmstur> we could ask nikky....
  190. <alberthro> lol :P
  191. <Fishbot> Suuuuurrrreee...
  192. <JosJuice> What about casiocalc and casiokingdom? Might they be of any help?
  193. <Fishbot> The people at Casio can't be complete morons.
  194. <Fishbot> Not a chance.
  195. <Fishbot> We're basically offering to sell their calc for them.
  196. <grphmstur> why not Fishbot?
  197. <grphmstur> I see.
  198. <grphmstur> yeah, not good.
  199. <Fishbot> Think Nspire Google Group and you have the idea of the casio forums.
  200. <alberthro> lol :P
  201. <JosJuice> Yeah
  202. <grphmstur> so unless we reduce TI's market share, and get a suitable alternative, convince teachers to not use TI, we're screwed...
  203. <alberthro> ironically, I'm writing/designing code for a TI-8x emulator as we speak :P
  204. <grphmstur> this should be fun.
  205. <JosJuice> SimonLothar posted useful stuff on Casio Kingdom, but he's on Omni now so w/e
  206. <grphmstur> lol JosJuice
  207. <Fishbot> Andreas and martin are the last productive Casio coders not on omni.
  208. <JosJuice> Yeah
  209. <JosJuice> I haven't seen them post on other forums either, though
  210. <Fishbot> Martin's posted more on Omni than on Casiocalc :p
  211. <Fishbot> Andreas hasn't posted much, but he and SimonLothar are probably in contact.
  212. <grphmstur> okay, so so far, don't expect help from Casio, Teachers use TI, and we have no say.
  213. <KermM_> Anyway, I need to get back to work on my homework
  214. <grphmstur> awesome.
  215. <grphmstur> cya KermM_
  216. <Fishbot> Bye KermM_
  217. <Souvik> cya KermM_
  218. <Netham45> c-c-c-combo breaker
  219. <KermM_> I hope you guys will copy out the gist of your thoughts in the Cemetech CX/Prizm topic :)
  220. <Fishbot> graph, I think we need to get Casio behind us.
  221. <Fishbot> Sure Kerm.
  222. <JosJuice> I'm going to bed now. Be back tomorrow GMT
  223. * JosJuice ( has left #prizm
  224. <Fishbot> Night.
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