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a guest
Mar 15th, 2024
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  1. _process
  2. _physics_process
  3. _enter_tree
  4. _input
  5. _unhandled_input
  6. _ready
  7. pause
  8. _notification
  9. _init
  10. onItemCrafted
  11. shootGold
  12. gainRoundGold
  13. gainGold
  14. returnToTitle_midRun
  15. loseRun
  16. returnToTitle_afterRun
  17. isBuff
  18. winRun
  19. getBonusTrophies
  20. returnedToTitle_afterRun
  21. wasPerfectRun
  22. wasMaxWins
  23. wasPerfectSurvival
  24. typeToKeyword
  25. setRating
  26. hasSurvived
  27. setGoldEncoded
  28. decode_static
  29. returnedToTitle_midRun
  30. decode
  31. spendGold
  32. onBagMoved
  33. onItemSold
  34. disableTooltipsFor
  35. onItemReserved
  36. getTotalRotations
  37. onInventoryChanged
  38. getTotalBagMoves
  39. refocusHoveredItem
  40. isInsideDraggedItem
  41. getTotalLocks
  42. getNumCrafted
  43. onItemBought
  44. revealRecipe
  45. getNumCraftedItems
  46. isRecipeRevealed
  47. setLoggingMode
  48. getTotalReserves
  49. getLoggingMode
  50. isDebuff
  51. changeArrowCursor
  52. changeHandCursor
  53. changeVSizeCursor
  54. flushLoggingQueue
  55. changeCursorSize
  56. changeHSizeCursor
  57. getCursorOffset
  58. queueLog
  59. initLocale
  60. recalculateCursor
  61. onClickButton
  62. onHoverInteractableEnd
  63. onHoverInteractable
  64. getCursorType
  65. getSoftwareCursor
  66. getSelectedSkin
  67. getChibiMode
  68. setShowChibis
  69. setChibiMode
  70. showSockets
  71. isSkinUnlocked
  72. selectSkin
  73. getSkinConfigKey
  74. getSkinUnlockKey
  75. isSkinAvailable
  76. unlockSkin
  77. checkProcesses_threaded
  78. checkProcesses_cyclic
  79. checkProcesses
  80. joinProcessThread
  81. ready_deferred
  82. getStacks
  83. hasHoverFocus
  84. tooltipsEnabled
  85. onItemRotated
  86. getFocusItem
  87. itemHovered
  88. itemPickedUp
  89. itemHoverEnd
  90. recalcHoverPriority
  91. itemDropped
  92. onItemLocked
  93. cancelSwitch
  94. isBelowLeague
  95. getDebuffs
  96. getBuffs
  97. onCraftingReady
  98. getNumStartedRuns
  99. loadExclusiveContent
  100. getDefaultLocale
  101. getConfigValue
  102. setConfigValue
  103. setLocale
  104. eraseConfigValue
  105. getLoadPath
  106. updateLocale
  107. encode
  108. getRankingDif_noSurvival
  109. getLeagueName
  110. getRankingDif_survival_best
  111. getTranslatedSubclassName
  112. getLeague
  113. getClassName
  114. getRankingDif_survival_worst
  115. getRankingDifIfConceded
  116. getRunWins
  117. getLeague_exact
  118. getRanking
  119. getRunRating
  120. getPlayerIdentifier
  121. getLeagueProgress
  122. isAtLeastInLeague
  123. getRankingDifForStats
  124. calcRunRating
  125. isShopActive
  126. switchToCombat
  127. finishSwitchingToCombat
  128. isSoftballRound
  129. isSoftballStats
  130. playShopBGM
  131. getEffectiveChibiMode
  132. startFreshRun
  133. titleToShop
  134. isItemHandicapStats
  135. isSwitchToCombatPossible
  136. applySetSkins
  137. activateItems
  138. initOpponent
  139. getShowChibis
  140. prepareItems
  141. endCombat
  142. combatEndDeferred
  143. tagAllNodes
  144. printNewNodes
  145. switchToShop
  146. onSceneAnimationFinished
  147. freeOpponent
  148. isClassUnlocked
  149. showExclusiveContent
  150. getSubclass
  151. isTouchScreenActive
  152. moveMouse
  153. unpause
  154. unhoverAndHideTooltips
  155. unhoverAllItems
  156. isSurvivalMode
  157. getRoundResults
  158. getLastRoundResult
  159. expandPath
  160. hideTooltips
  161. getNumLosses
  162. giveTrophies
  163. startSurvivalMode
  164. giveTry
  165. hideSockets
  166. wasPerfectRunBeforeSurvival
  167. saveGame
  168. getGoldGain
  169. getHealthGain
  170. getTotalRerolls
  171. cancelSurviveMode
  172. loseTrophies
  173. getMaxNumberOfRounds
  174. makeBaseDir
  175. getGainedGold
  176. getRoundsToSurvive
  177. getMaxHealthInRound
  178. getStartInventoryPrice
  179. endRun
  180. getTrophies
  181. getTries
  182. getNumWins
  183. actuallySaveGame
  184. loadGame
  185. findBackups
  186. getFileContent
  187. createBackupFilePaths
  188. getSavePath
  189. createBackupFilePath
  190. deleteRunState
  191. getRunStateTmpPath
  192. actuallySaveRunState
  193. calcChecksum
  194. initPlayer
  195. getPatchNoteVersion
  196. loadRunStateFromPath
  197. loadRunState
  198. encode_static
  199. setPatchNoteVersion
  200. saveRunState
  201. calcTempPath
  202. getGold
  203. concedeLastRun
  204. startRound
  205. limitName
  206. setGold
  207. continueLastRun
  208. instanceCharacter
  209. setPlayerName
  210. getPlayerName
  211. readRoundResultsFromRunState
  212. runOver
  213. startRun
  214. defaultPersistentVar
  215. getSelectedClass
  216. setMode
  217. getSeason
  218. initStartInventory
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