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Aug 23rd, 2019
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  1. #
  2. # The following variables can be used in most messages that involve a punishment:
  3. #
  4. # Punishment specific variables
  5. # $id - The ID of the punishment in the database.
  6. # $type - Type of punishment - ban, mute, warn, kick.
  7. # $reason - the reason for the punishment
  8. # $executor - the moderator's name, or their display name (/nick) if this is enabled in the configuration
  9. # $executorUUID - the moderator's UUID
  10. # $permanent - whether this punishment is permanent
  11. # $ipban - whether this is an IP-ban
  12. # $silent - whether this punishment was executed silently (-s)
  13. # $active - whether this punishment is active
  14. #
  15. # Affected player specific variables
  16. # $playerDisplayName - player display name. If display names are not enabled in the configuration or if the player's display name is not available in the message's context, the player's regular name will be used instead.
  17. # $playerName - player name
  18. # $playerUUID - UUID of affected player
  19. # $playerIP - IP of affected player
  20. # $geoip - Country of affected player, requires GeoIP to be enabled in the configuration, won't work with imported bans
  21. #
  22. # Servers
  23. # These variables represent a server.
  24. # If the plugin is installed on Spigot, a server is represented by the "server_name" option in config.yml.
  25. # If the plugin is installed on BungeeCord, a server is represented by their name in the "servers" section in the proxy's config.yml.
  26. # $serverScope - the scope of the punishment (the server(s) it will affect)
  27. # $serverOrigin - the origin of the punishment (the server/subserver it was placed on)
  28. #
  29. # Dates
  30. # Example format: "2017-02-03", depends on time_format
  31. # $dateStart - date the punishment was placed
  32. # $dateEnd - date the punishment will expire, "forever" if permanent
  33. #
  34. # Durations
  35. # Example format: "20 days, 5 hours, 2 minutes". If permanent, "forever", if expired, "expired" (both are configurable).
  36. # $duration - time until expiry
  37. # $originalDuration - the full duration of the punishment.
  38. # $timeSince - time since placement
  39. #
  40. # Placeholders
  41. # These variables represent messages in this configuration (messages.yml)
  42. # $base - banned_message_base
  43. # $appealMessage - banned_message_appeal_message
  44. #
  45. # Global variables
  46. # $activeBans, $activeMutes, $activeWarnings - total number of global active punishments
  47. # $totalBans, $totalMutes, $totalWarnings - total number of global punishments (including inactive ones)
  48. #
  49. # Any message can be disabled by setting it to "". Empty messages will not be sent by the plugin.
  50. #
  51. # JSON examples:
  52. # broadcast_ban: '&e$bannedPlayer &chas been banned. {hoverText: &aHover text here!}'
  53. # Hover text requires "litebans.json.hover_text" to view, players without this permission will see messages without hover text.
  54. #
  55. #
  56. # Example time format with hours + minutes:
  57. # time_format: 'dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm'
  58. time_format: yyyy-MM-dd
  59. history_time_format: yyyy-MM-dd
  60. banned_message_base: |-
  61. &bReason: &f$reason
  62. &bBanned on: &f$dateStart
  63. &bBanned by: &f$executor
  64. banned_message: |-
  65. &cYou are currently banned on the Hyskies Network!&b
  67. $base
  68. &bExpires in: &f$duration
  70. $appealMessage
  71. banned_message_permanent: |-
  72. &cYou are permanently banned on the Hyskies Network!
  74. $base
  76. $appealMessage
  77. banned_message_appeal_message: '&aAppeal @'
  78. banned_message_geoip_blacklist: |-
  79. &bYou are banned on the Hyskies Network!&f
  81. Your location is blacklisted: $geoip
  82. bungee_switch_banned: |-
  83. &bYou are banned on $serverScope! Reason:&f
  84. $reason
  85. default_ban_reason: '&fNot following the network rules.'
  86. default_mute_reason: '&fNot following the network rules.'
  87. permission_error: '&cInsufficient permission.'
  88. muted: '&cYou are currently muted! (&f$duration remaining&c)!'
  89. muted_permanent: '&cYou are permanently muted!'
  90. notify:
  91. banned_player_join: '&3$player&b tried to join, but is banned (&3$duration&b)!'
  92. banned_geoip_blacklist: '&3$player&b tried to join, but is blacklisted (&3$geoip&b)!'
  93. error_no_reason_provided: '&cYou must provide a reason for this punishment!'
  94. error_no_sql_connection: '&cLiteBans is not connected to a database!'
  95. error_no_uuid_found: '&cThat player does not exist.'
  96. error_console_only: '&cThis command can only be used from console.'
  97. internal_error: '&cAn internal error occurred while attempting to perform this command.'
  98. duration_limit_error: '&bMaximum duration allowed: &3$duration'
  99. warned_join: '&bYou have new warnings:'
  100. warned_join_entry: |-
  101. &7 » &bWarned by &3$executor&b: &3$reason
  102. &7(&3$timeSince ago&7)
  103. command:
  104. ban:
  105. usage: '&cUsage: $command [-s] <player> [time spec] [reason]'
  106. unban_usage: '&cUsage: $command <player>'
  107. example: '&7» &3Example: $command Player 7d [reason]'
  108. silent_prefix: '&7(Silent)\n'
  109. broadcast_ban: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$bannedPlayer
  110. &bhas been permanently banned.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  111. broadcast_tempban: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$bannedPlayer
  112. &bhas been temporarily banned.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  113. broadcast_ip_ban: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$bannedPlayer
  114. &bhas been permanetly IP banned.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  115. broadcast_temp_ip_ban: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$bannedPlayer
  116. &bhas been temporarily IP banned.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  117. broadcast_ip_ban_hidden: '&7(Hidden IP)'
  118. broadcast_unban: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$bannedPlayer
  119. &bhas been unbanned.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  120. previous_ban_removed: '&bPrevious ban for &3$bannedPlayer &bhas been removed.'
  121. previous_ban_existing: '&c$bannedPlayer &cis already banned, and you do not have
  122. permissions to replace existing bans.'
  123. unban_queue: '&cIf they try to reconnect, they will be unbanned.'
  124. error_no_spec: '&cNo valid time specification detected.'
  125. unban_fail: '&cTarget is not banned.'
  126. no_override: '&cPlayer is already banned.'
  127. exempt: '&cYou can not ban $player.'
  128. cooldown: '&cYou need to wait $seconds seconds before you can use this command
  129. again.'
  130. response: ''
  131. mute:
  132. usage: '&cUsage: $command [-s] <player> [time spec] [reason]'
  133. unmute_usage: '&cUsage: $command <player>'
  134. example: '&7» &3Example: $command Player 7d [reason]'
  135. broadcast: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$bannedPlayer
  136. &bhas been permanently muted.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  137. broadcast_tempmute: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$bannedPlayer
  138. &bhas been temporarily muted.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  139. broadcast_ip_mute: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$bannedPlayer
  140. &bhas been permanently IP muted.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  141. broadcast_temp_ip_mute: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$bannedPlayer
  142. &bhas been temporarily IP muted.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  143. message: '&bYou have been temporarily muted.\n &bBy: &7$executor\n &bReason: &7$reason\n
  144. &bDuration: &7$duration\n &bAppeal\n&7&m----------------------------------------'
  145. message_permanent: '&bYou have been permanently muted.\n &bBy: &3$executor\n &bReason:
  146. &7$reason\n &bAppeal\n&7&m----------------------------------------'
  147. broadcast_unmute: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n&3$bannedPlayer
  148. &bhas been unmuted.\n&7&m----------------------------------------'
  149. unmute_fail: '&cTarget is not muted.'
  150. no_override: '&cPlayer is already muted.'
  151. previous_mute_removed: '&bPrevious mute for &3$mutedPlayer&bhas been removed.'
  152. previous_mute_existing: '&c$mutedPlayer is already muted, and you do not have
  153. permissions to replace existing mutes.'
  154. exempt: '&bYou can not mute &3$player.'
  155. notification: '&3$mutedPlayer &btried to speak, but is muted.'
  156. error_not_enabled: '&cMuting is not enabled in the configuration!'
  157. response: ''
  158. warn:
  159. usage: '&cUsage: $command [-s] <player> [reason]'
  160. unwarn_usage: '&cUsage: $command <player>'
  161. example: ''
  162. broadcast: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n
  163. &3$warnedPlayer &bhas been warned.\n&7&m----------------------------------------'
  164. message: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n
  165. &bYou have been warned.\n &bBy: &7$executor\n &bReason: &7$reason\n&7&m----------------------------------------'
  166. list_entry: '&7 \- &bWarned by &3$executor&b: &7$reason&f'
  167. unwarn_response: '&bLast warning removed for &3$player&b.'
  168. unwarn_fail: '&cTarget has no warnings.'
  169. exempt: '&cYou can not warn $player.'
  170. cooldown: '&cYou need to wait $seconds seconds before you can use this command
  171. again.'
  172. response: ''
  173. history:
  174. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player> [entries=10]'
  175. start: '&bHistory for &3$target&b &7(Limit: $limit)&b:'
  176. ban_entry: |-
  177. &7 » (&f$timeSince ago&7)
  178. &3 $name &bwas banned by &3$executor&b: '&7$reason&f'
  179. mute_entry: |-
  180. &7 » (&f$timeSince ago&7)
  181. &3 $name &bwas muted by &3$executor&b: '&7$reason&f'
  182. warn_entry: |-
  183. &7 » (&f$timeSince ago&7)
  184. &3 $name &bwas warned by &3$executor&b: '&7$reason&f'
  185. kick_entry: |-
  186. &7 » (&f$timeSince ago&7)
  187. &3 $name &bwas kicked by &3$executor&b: '&7$reason&f'
  188. unban_entry: |2-
  190. &3$name &bwas unbanned by &3$executor&b.
  191. unmute_entry: |2-
  193. &3$name &bwas unmuted by &3$executor&b.
  194. active_suffix: '&f [&cActive&f]'
  195. expired_suffix: '&f [&8Expired&f]'
  196. active_suffix_temp: |-
  197. &f [&cActive&f]
  198. &fExpires in $duration.
  199. error_no_history: '&cNo history found.'
  200. warnings:
  201. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player>'
  202. start: '&bActive warnings for &3$target&b:'
  203. prunehistory:
  204. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player> [duration]'
  205. message: '&bHistory pruned.'
  206. staffhistory:
  207. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player> [entries=10]'
  208. start: '&bStaff history for &3$target &7(Limit: $limit)&b:'
  209. staffrollback:
  210. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player> [duration]'
  211. message: '&bRollback completed, total entries removed: &7$amount'
  212. banlist:
  213. start: '&7» &bPage &3$page&a out of &3$total&b'
  214. iphistory:
  215. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player> [entries=10]'
  216. start: '&bLogin history for &3$target &7(Limit: $limit)&b:'
  217. entry: '&7 » &7(&f$date&7) &3$name&b:&7 $ip'
  218. error_no_history: '&cNo history found.'
  219. dupeip:
  220. usage: '&c$command <player>'
  221. start: '&fScanning &a$name&f on &a$ip&f. &f[&aOnline&f] [&7Offline&f] [&cBanned&f]'
  222. start_no_ip: '&fScanning &7$name&f. &f[&aOnline&f] [&7Offline&f] [&cBanned&f]'
  223. separator: '&f, '
  224. online: '&a'
  225. offline: '&7'
  226. banned: '&c'
  227. muted: '&6'
  228. multiple_addresses: '[$num addresses]'
  229. ipreport:
  230. start: '&bScanning &3$num&b online players.. [&aOnline&f] [&7Offline&f] [&cBanned&f]'
  231. entry: '&3$player&b: &7$result'
  232. checkban:
  233. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player>'
  234. no_ban: '&cTarget is not banned.'
  235. banned: |-
  236. &bTarget &7($target)&b is banned:
  237. &aBy: &7$executor
  238. &bReason: &7$reason&a
  239. &bBanned on: &7$dateStart
  240. &bBanned until: &7$dateEnd ($duration)
  241. &bBanned on server &7&a$serverOrigin&b, server scope: &7$serverScope
  242. &bIP ban: &7$ipban&b, silent: &7$silent&b, permanent: &7$permanent
  243. checkmute:
  244. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player>'
  245. no_mute: '&cTarget is not muted.'
  246. muted: |-
  247. &bTarget &7($target)&b is muted:
  248. &bMuted by: &7$executor
  249. &bReason: &7$reason&r
  250. &bMuted on: &7$dateStart
  251. &bMuted until: &7$dateEnd ($duration)
  252. &bMuted on server &7$serverOrigin&b, server scope: &7$serverScope
  253. &bIP mute: &7$ipban&b, silent: &7$silent&b, permanent: &7$permanent
  254. lastuuid:
  255. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player|IP>'
  256. message: '&bLast UUID for &3$name&b: &7$uuid'
  257. geoip:
  258. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player|IP>'
  259. message: '&3$target &bis from: &7$result'
  260. error_disabled: '&cGeoIP support is not enabled in the configuration!'
  261. error_unavailable: '&cGeoIP support is currently unavailable, has it been downloaded
  262. yet?'
  263. error_not_found: '&cGeoIP information for $target not found.'
  264. lockdown:
  265. usage: '&cUsage: $command <reason> | $command end'
  266. message: '&bServer lockdown activated (reason: &3"$reason&c"&b)'
  267. stopped: '&bLockdown has been deactivated.'
  268. kick_message: |-
  269. &bServer lockdown active, try again later.
  270. &bReason: &3$reason
  271. kick_message_global: |-
  272. &bNetwork lockdown active, try again later.
  273. &bReason: &3$reason
  274. error_not_active: '&cLockdown is not active.'
  275. kick:
  276. usage: '&cUsage: $command <player> [reason]'
  277. no_match: '&cPlayer not found.'
  278. kick_requested: '&bPlayer &3$player&b is not online on this server. Cross-server
  279. kick has been requested.'
  280. message: '&bYou have been kicked! Reason: &3$reason'
  281. message_no_reason: '&bYou have been kicked!'
  282. response: '&3$player&b has been kicked.'
  283. broadcast: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$player&b
  284. has been kicked.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  285. broadcast_no_reason: '&7&m----------------------------------------\n&r &b&lHyskies\n &3$player&b
  286. has been kicked.\n&7&m----------------------------------------\n'
  287. exempt: '&cYou can not kick $player.'
  288. togglechat:
  289. toggle_off: '&cChat has been toggled off.'
  290. toggle_on: '&bChat has been toggled on.'
  291. clearchat:
  292. broadcast: '&bChat has been cleared by &3$executor&b.'
  293. mutechat:
  294. response: '&cThe chat is currently disabled.'
  295. broadcast_disabled: '&cThe chat has been disabled by $executor&b.'
  296. broadcast_enabled: '&bThe chat has been enabled by &3$executor&b.'
  297. litebans:
  298. reload_success: '&aLiteBans reloaded successfully.'
  299. reload_fail_connect: '&aLitebans reloaded. &cFailed to connect to database.'
  300. reload_fail: '&cReload failed.'
  301. reload_fail_config: |-
  302. &c[LiteBans] &4config.yml is not valid and could not be loaded, the default configuration will be used.
  303. &cPlease check the server console for more information.
  304. reload_fail_messages: |-
  305. &c[LiteBans] &4messages.yml is not valid and could not be loaded, default messages will be used.
  306. &cPlease check the server console for more information.
  307. add_history_usage: '&cUsage: $command addhistory <name> <UUID> <IP>'
  308. add_history: '&bHistory added.'
  309. fix_history: '&aFixing history for table $table...'
  310. fix_history_result: '&aAdded $amount entries.'
  311. fix_history_offline_uuids: '&c$amount UUIDs were not fetched from Mojang since
  312. they are offline-mode UUIDs.'
  313. import_usage: '&c$command import start'
  314. import_start: '&aImporting from $db, this might take a while...'
  315. import_finish: '&aImport finished successfully. $bans bans imported, $ipbans IP-bans.'
  316. import_finish_litebans: '&aImport finished successfully. Added $amount entries
  317. to the database.'
  318. import_fail: '&cImport failed. Check console.'
  319. import_unsupported: '&cImporting from ''$name'' is not supported yet!'
  320. sqlexec_success: '&aSQL query executed successfully.'
  321. sqlexec_failure: '&cFailed to execute.'
  322. duration:
  323. expired: expired
  324. forever: forever
  325. year: year
  326. years: years
  327. month: month
  328. months: months
  329. week: week
  330. weeks: weeks
  331. day: day
  332. days: days
  333. hour: hour
  334. hours: hours
  335. minute: minute
  336. minutes: minutes
  337. second: second
  338. seconds: seconds
  339. format: '%d %s'
  340. separator: ', '
  341. strings:
  342. global: global
  343. 'null': undefined
  344. 'true': 'yes'
  345. 'false': 'no'
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