
Dryly, you say, "Well, you're a pretty good rock man, too."

Mar 24th, 2021
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  1. Tridemon ponders for a moment and says "Hrm..."
  2. Tridemon shakes his head.
  4. You follow Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters up to Sun of a Beach.
  6. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says to you, "How you?"
  8. You hum softly, your frills vibrating with song.
  10. The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
  11. Softly, you say, "... Okay. Good."
  13. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "Gurashi managed to change back into a sileni."
  15. You hum softly, your frills vibrating with song.
  17. You nod your head at Tridemon.
  19. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "That's good, yes."
  21. Tridemon nods his head sagely.
  23. You have emoted: Cheliyi's gaze drifts to the waves, the mugwump's head apparently in the clouds.
  25. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says to you, "I realize that Rikenfriez isn't the best place to find it, but how are you doing on drawing on warmth?"
  27. You have emoted: Cheliyi blinks and laughs quietly, drawing her hand to her chest. "Is... um. Going okay, yes. Less... afraid of fire, I guess?"
  29. Tridemon reaches over and ruffles your hair with a fond expression.
  31. A gentle rolling of waves laps at the sand's edge.
  33. You think to yourself: **sitting at the edge of the pond and drawing your hand gently through it, the reflection rippling into a memory, oh, that's new, but the memory, a massive inferno that surrounds you on all sides and yet is only as warm as lakewater, countless blooms of colorful flame that simply seem... beautiful. nice. warm.**.
  35. The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
  37. You have emoted: Cheliyi rests her head against Tridemon's side, gaze distant with memory. "Visited Lord Shofets to say hello... and They helped, I guess. Was very kind of Them."
  39. The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
  41. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "Fire isn't necessarily terrible and destructive. It's also an element of change. It does need to be kept controlled, though."
  43. You nod your head in agreement.
  45. Slowly, you say, "Do... not hate fire. As much. Still is a bit scary, and I think it can still hurt a lot. But... do not hate it, anymore."
  47. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "... have you had any luck incorporating heat into your skills?"
  49. You have emoted: Cheliyi nods, humming quietly. "Was able to, um. Make my mists warmer and colder. Helped Dad cool off when they were training while not freezing them, yes."
  50. You fidget impatiently.
  51. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Mostly can only do things with mist. Small amounts of waters, too."
  53. Tridemon nods his head emphatically.
  55. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "You're not going to be able to do the same breadth of water manipulation that I can. You're a specialist, and the mists are yours."
  57. You blink.
  59. The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
  61. Confused, you say, "But... I'm an aqua... uh. Mage, yes. Shouldn't I be able to do more things than just mists? Bigger waters feels so... heavy."
  63. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "Aquachemantics is about imbuing the physical with the elemental- building bubbles and sheens and tools to help your reagents do more."
  65. A rush of summer warmth passes through you as you smell grass and flowers and glimpse the limitless blue of a perfectly blue, sunlit sky.
  67. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "You CAN do larger things- but it's generally a lot more effort that could be spent on more efficient measures."
  69. You nod your head slowly in understanding.
  71. You think to yourself: So... not bad at it, just not efficient.
  73. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "It's different approaches to the use of elemental water- Aquachemantics was designed in a timeline where there WAS no Pool of Stars to help attune and connect to the Plane of Water."
  75. You think to yourself: **an echo, overlaying the lucidian's words, "another timeline, where there was no longer a Master Ravenwood to attune to the Wyrd..."**.
  77. You nod your head slowly in understanding.
  79. Tridemon pets you ingratiatingly.
  81. You snuggle close to Tridemon and lean comfortably on him.
  83. Tridemon ponders the situation.
  84. Tridemon stretches out his hand, intently focused as he murmurs ancient words of power. Sprays of ocean mist and surges of seawater accompany the ascent of a towering glacier as it rises to dominate the area at his behest.
  85. Tridemon nods his head sagely.
  87. You have emoted: Cheliyi closes her eyes and sighs, content.
  89. Tridemon pats the glacier.
  91. A wry smile spreads across your face.
  92. Sagely, you say, "Is a good chunk of ice."
  94. Tridemon nods his head sagely.
  95. Tridemon leans on you seeking consolation.
  96. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "Gurashi is cutest. But you're a pretty good 'wump."
  97. Tridemon nods his head sagely.
  99. You blink.
  100. You give a trillingly melodic laugh, your frills resonating with joy.
  101. You hug Tridemon as best as you can, pulling them into a tight embrace.
  102. Dryly, you say, "Well, you're a pretty good rock man, too."
  103. You give Tridemon a friendly squeeze.
  105. Tridemon nods his head sagely.
  106. The eyes of Tridemon go briefly out of focus.
  107. Tridemon winces painfully and rubs his forehead.
  109. A luxuriantly-furred kepheran male darts in from the north only to run out to the east across the beach immediately.
  111. You blink.
  112. You stare blankly into space.
  113. Quietly, you whisper, "W h y."
  115. Tridemon hums a happy tune.
  117. You have emoted: Cheliyi laughs, and bonks Tridemon lightly on his shoulder.
  119. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "Fur-ashi."
  120. Tridemon nods his head sagely.
  122. You shudder violently as a chill ripples down your spine.
  124. Tridemon lets out a happy gasp, poking the air before him with a playful 'boop'.
  125. Tridemon ponders the situation.
  126. Tridemon reaches over and ruffles your hair with a fond expression.
  128. You chuckle softly, your frilled tail flicking idly with amusement.
  129. You are exhausted and open your mouth in an enormous yawn.
  131. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "Goin' to sleep soon?"
  133. You hum softly, your frills vibrating with song.
  134. You shrug helplessly.
  135. Like a gentle ripple in a crystalline pool, you say, "Not sure... what to do, no. Maybe should practice my mists, but don't know. Already started that, this month."
  137. Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters thinks to himself: If I can make sure she doesn't get upset enough to freeze herself into a pond again, I'll be doing good...
  139. You blink.
  141. You think to yourself: **a tinge of guilt, darkening the skies like and oily sheen** Is... was not your fault, no. Just got... panicked. Will probably not happen, again.
  143. You snuggle close to Tridemon and lean comfortably on him.
  145. Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters thinks to himself: **A vision of a starry sky, trees of transparent crystal showing memories out of each facet, some of them burned black, obscured by mist, or just broken to pieces, in the middle of a sea of liquid starlight...**.
  147. The sounds of waves entice your ears, drawing your senses on a salty journey.
  149. You have emoted: Cheliyi blinks slowly, before closing her eyes.
  151. Tridemon reaches over and ruffles your hair with a fond expression.
  153. You think to yourself: **in return, warm sunrise skies with a faint smattering of clouds, a lone willow weeping over a clear pond that houses a small, grassy island. The island itself has apparently been the recent victim of a burning, though in the ashes grows a lone poppy. Otherwise, the small clearing is surrounded by a wall of rowan trees, oddly comforting in their looming manner.**.
  155. Tridemon nods his head sagely.
  157. A gentle rolling of waves laps at the sand's edge.
  159. The sounds of unseen animals stirring for the coming day are audible behind the gentle whistling of the wind elsewhere in the manse.
  160. The last vestiges of midnight shadows flee as Mother Night hides herself from the luminous arrival of her shining mate as he chases her across the bowl of the sky.
  162. You have emoted: Cheliyi hums softly, considering.
  164. You think to yourself: **the pond bed itself is lined with countless smoothed pebbles. picking up one with your hand, you toss it back in and cause a soft ripple that flashes a series of images and sensations that fill your chest, a tree with bell-flowers on the edge of oblivion, resting simply atop strokes of color like paint, defiant and true, and then the ripple fades. another stone, another memory. curious.**.
  166. A soft breeze stirs the nearby sand, leaving gentle arcs in its wake.
  168. With a content sigh, you lean up against Tridemon, blinking drowsily.
  170. Tridemon wraps an arm around you to keep you warm and upright.
  172. You have emoted: Cheliyi visibly relaxes, almost going boneless against Tridemon if not for her practice at upright sleeping from previous years as a wyrdenwood.
  173. You grow still and begin to pray silently for preservation of your soul while you are out of the land.
  175. Ocean waves echoing softly behind his voice, Tridemon Regalis, Keeper of Pure Waters says, "Not a liar."
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