
[SCU] Tea and Lingere

Nov 12th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Penelope walked around the house in a baby doll, lace underwear and a lace robe. Like that was normal around the house attire. She pondered on whether she should change before Thorn arrived but, did she really want to spend time trying to pick out an outfit. She put her hands on her hips and strolled into the kitchen to retrieve her tea set.
  2. Covet: Thorn pulled his Renegade up to the side walk and grabbed his back pack that was in the passenger seat. It held his bottle of booze and a couple of bottles of soda, because it helps the alcohol go down with little burning. Walking past the gate he walked up to the door, giving the doorbell a ring as he stood there all casual like.
  3. Tsaaq: She lifted her head and looked to the door. Penelope swayed her hips as the lace robe flowed as she walked towards the door. She daintly brought her hand to the doorknob then pulled the door open slowly. "Come in, come in." She smiled, waving her well manicured nails into the house. "I was just preparing my tea tray so we could move to my room."
  4. Covet: "Thanks....Woah." He said looking her over, "Is this standard clothing attire for all you sorority girls?" He asked as he walked int and closed the door behind him, "Cool, I've got the booze in my bag. We're legit doing this on a tea tray? So fancy."
  5. Tsaaq: Penelope let out a dramatic sigh. "I simply couldn't find time to change my clothes." She answered him. Closing her robe even though it was fucking lace and it was see through anyways. "Anyway." She went to grab the sliver tea try by it's handles. "You were the one who suggested it." Penelope giggled. "Where shall we drink? We don't have a drawing room in this house... There's a dining area? My room?"
  6. Covet: "Well, thank god for that." Thorn smirked at her,"If you want to show me your room, Shiny Penny, we can go there. Just means we don't have to share with anyone if they show up." He said as he held onto his backpack, watching her.
  7. Tsaaq: "Ha, ha. Very funny." She snickered. She shrugged and went up the stairs ahead of him. "Well... To be fair. I don't know anyone who lives here." Penelope admitted. "Or I do but I haven't come across them since I've moved in. I was thinking of putting an ad for hired help of some sort... It's pretty unattended around here." She went to open her bedroom door with her wide behind then went to put her tray down on the coffe table. She plopped down on her couch. "Take a seat anywhere."
  8. Covet: "I'm sure you could get some suckered freshmen to come clean for you, or isn't there those... pledge things?" Thorn said, not really into the greek life. "You know all of this really isn't my thing, but if it means people walking around in lingerie and lace at odd hours of the day and night, I can totally see why panty raids happen." He said as he walkd into her room, "So much pink...But it's nice. Classy, suits you." He set his bag down before he sat down on the couch, and pulled out the bottle of Johnny walker, setting it down on her coffee table.
  9. Tsaaq: Penelope rose an eyebrow at him. "That's an idea." She murmured before crossing one leg over the other. She went to push one of the tea cups towards him and went to open the Johnny Walker. "Why thank you!" She grinned. "Panty raids?" Penelope tilted her head. "I'll be sure to lock my doors and windows." She smiled. "Ready to imbibe?"
  10. Covet: "Yeah, don't have to worry about me. Just the fraternity. That's their schtick." Thorn said as he watched her open the bottle, taking the tea cup she pushed to him, "I was born ready." He told her with a laugh holding out his cup, his pinky out all obnoxious like as he waited for her to pour it, "Lifestyles of the kids from NYC." He said with a smirk, looking her over. "So, do you dress up like this for all your guests, Or should I feel particularly special?"
  11. Tsaaq: She poured herself some liquor then some for him. She went to pick up the tea cup. "Stop it." She stifled a laugh. "Oh, fraternity brothers." Penelope rolled her eyes. "I'm not a fan." She whispered. Her mouth went to take a sip from the cup. "This isn't me dressing up!" She replied. "I suppose this is a special occasion because I didn't change."
  12. Covet: "Yeah, fuck those guys. I don't need brotherhood to enjoy myself in college." He said leaning back, throwing his arm over the back of her couch, "You're only proving my point about you being a calculated alpha female, if this isn't anything new or special." He said pointing to her get up. "Any other guy would assume that he was getting something special seeing you like this."
  13. Tsaaq: "They do have a tendency to be brutes." She curled her lip. She picked up the tiny plate that you place under a tea cup and took another sip. She let out a high pitched squeak/cough. "Just because I'm showing cleavage and my legs are exposed and my curves are hugged by the finest of lace doesn't mean I'm trying to copulate." She explained. "I like to look fabulous. Even when it's downtime."
  14. Covet: Thorn smirked and put his hand up, "I never assumed that was the case, I'm a gentleman, most days. I'm just saying those brutes, might get a different idea. If you're comfortable like this, more power to you." He said tipping his tea cup back, polishing it off like it was nothing, before setting it back down, "Tell me Penny, What did you used to do to get into trouble, back in NYC?"
  15. Tsaaq: Penelope stuck her tongue out a little and continued to sip once more. "This is why I choose to keep your company." She smirked. "Me? I spent a lot of time hopping from inaccessible resturants to inaccessible clubs. Underage drinking then spending time at lavish prep school house parties on the lower east side." She listed. "And in my downtime? I was spinning webs and waiting for flies to feed on. Also I really enjoyed watching CW with the people who were my actual friends." She waved her hand as she put her teacup down.
  16. Covet: "Well, aren't you quite the socialite. And here I was worried about corrumpting you." He said with a smirk, "I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that your friends are people that can stand with you as an equal and you all as a unit are terrifying?"
  17. Tsaaq: "You assume correctly." She nodded her head and started to smile once more. "Don't be at ease so soon Thorny." Penelope teased. "At any rate. They're all back in Manhattan. So need to plant my seeds here." Penelope sighed. "So far so good."
  18. Covet: Thorn tucked his hands behind his head as he crossed one leg over the other, glancing at her, "What you think I fear a little spider bite? I know how to take care of it." He said then raised an eyebrow, "Oh, wait, am I one of those seeds?"
  19. Tsaaq: Her eyes widened as she pursed her lips. "Well... I suppose that's a good point." Penelope said. She leaned over to take her teacup once more. "Perhaps. I suppose time will tell?" She answered. "Or maybe this alcohol is getting to my head." She fanned herself with one hand.
  20. Covet: "Already? Little bit of a lightweight?" Thorn said with a smirk, "If you want to blame it on the booze, Penny, by all means, but don't think I won't hold that against you later."
  21. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips again. "I try to keep my wits about me." She sassed, flipping her hair over her shoulder. "This alcohol is strong and you know it." She lifted her cup and nodded at him. "Have you ever been in the sorority house before?" She asked him. She got up from the couch and went to peer out the window. "This pool isn't very big. And it isn't even heated or anything." She began complain with her arms crossed over her chest.
  22. Covet: "It's on the strong side, I pay for quality booze. None of this bottomshelf bullshit." He said with a laugh then shook his head, "First time even being on Greek Row. You see, I broke out of my comfort zone to visit you." He told her then scoffed, "We're in upstate New York, and the pool isn't heated? What kind of bullshit is that? Why is there even water in it?"
  23. Tsaaq: "I don't know! It's useless! I brought my best bikinis upstate for nothing." She sighed exasperatedly and turned to Thorn once more. "Well. That's good to hear." She practically sang as she went to the couch once more. "My head is definitely swimming." Penelope said as she went to lean over and straighten the plant on her coffee table. "Luckily, I have the gift of pretending." She laughed. "Otherwise I'd be flopping around like an amateur"
  24. Covet: "I wouldn't say you didn't bring them for nothing, Not like you need a reason to put it on." Thorn said with a shrug, "I'm glad I could help with a good time tonight, Penelope, and that it didn't cause you to make a complete fool of yourself."
  25. Tsaaq: She released a sigh and turned to him. "I do actually." Penelope tilted her head at him. "Swimming, of course." She began to giggle. "I like a good time." Her lips poked out a bit as she playfully bit her tongue. "Are you having a good time as well?"
  26. Covet: "You don't just lounge about in the sun like every other girl?" Thorn asked her, "Maybe you should have a Summer themed party in December, then you'd still get some use out them." He looked over at her, enjoying the gentle buzz he had, and gave her a laugh, "Yeah, more so than expected. Course I got a giggling fox, dressed up in lace next to me, How could I not be having a good time."
  27. Tsaaq: "I mean... I do. But it never does me any good." She lifted her alabaster leg and grinned. "Oh my goodness." Penelope pretended to sound exasperated as she rolled her eyes while smirking. "I think I can use one more teacup of alcohol. Then I can dim the lights and we can exchange sexy stories about Manhattan and the wild parties we've attended." She went to stand and bent over to pour herself more alcohol then went over to her light switches. "Oh fudge. I forgot I don't have dimmer switches in here yet." She sucked her teeth.
  28. Covet: "You need candles." He told her as he watched her go to the lightswitch and be bummed, "Or we can just sit in the dark and do the same thing, If you get scared you can just cozy up to me and I'll keep you safe from any monsters, aside from myself."
  29. Tsaaq: Penelope exhaled dramatically again. "There you go again with the flirting." She retorted. "It's going to take a little more than alcohol to get me to part my pale thighs for you Thornykins." She flashed a smile the hurriedly shut off the lights. The moonlight probably the only light seeping into the room. "Besides. How much of a monster could you actually be?" Penelope asked him. She gripped the sides of her lace robe and let the fabric sway back and forth playfully. She went to sit down once more. When she grabbed her teacup she made sure to drink it down quicker so she wouldn't have to drink more.
  30. Covet: "Hey, I never said anything about you parting them. But if they happened to end up in my lap, I might be able rub them down and help you relax before you sleep." He told her as he leaned over to pour more Whiskey into his cup, before sitting back, lounging in the corner of the couch watching her sway in the moonlight before sitting down again. "So there I was, middle of Central park, Three am, drunk out of my mind..." He said starting into a story for her that was probably more funny than it was sexy as they enjoyed each other's company well into the wee hours of the morning.
  32. Tsaaq: ((Nothing sexy about that place!))
  33. Covet: [LMAO Depends on what you're doing I guess?"
  34. Covet: *]
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