
Ch 6: Part 2: Prisoner of Earth: Session 98

Dec 31st, 2013
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  1. [11:16] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [11:16] <Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 6: Descent into Midnight~~~
  3. [11:17] <Kilarra> -Session 98-
  4. [11:19] <Kilarra> After a thirteen hour wind walk and a two hour trudge through a Goliath Spider infested tunnel, the party finally managed to emerge into their final destination in the Darklands: The Land of Black Blood.
  5. [11:20] <Kilarra> Once there, they made their way to the Shrine of Bound Earth, home of the Shaitan Pasha known as Haiten Bhaq. However, upon arriveing there, they found a pair of drow corpses, and the sound of a skirmish could be heard coming from within the temple.
  6. [11:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns, drawing her maces. "More drow," she growls. Kahree doesn't wait for the others before slipping into the shadows along the wall, moving towards the sounds.
  7. [11:22] <Kilarra> The heavy door from the entrance hall into the main room of the temple is shut, but not barred
  8. [11:22] <Kilarra> Kjell forces it open...
  9. [11:23] <Kilarra> This wide, oblong room is constructed of the same pale stone as the rest of the shrine. Clear crystals and pale gems create and reflect light around the high-ceilinged chamber, standing from the stone of the walls like ageless sconces. Staircases on either side of the room lead up to an altar platform on the far side.
  10. [11:24] * Aluthyra enters after Kjell, bow up and arrow drawn, looking for drow...
  11. [11:25] <Kilarra> A battle is in full swing when the party enters the room. A giant, scimitar wielding woman, exotic, beautiful, and with skin of polished obsidian, stands atop the upraised pulpit. Drow soldiers are ducking behind pillars to avoid rocks being hurled at them while returning fire with their crossbows.
  12. [11:26] <Kilarra> The battle seems to stop for just a moment as the drow and Genie both turn to look at the intrusion.
  13. [11:27] <Kilarra> The deep, sultry voice of the obsidian woman calls out in Terran; "Uplanders! Defend me from these elven demons and you shall be justly rewarded!”
  14. [11:35] <Kilarra> Haiten Gestures at the ground in front of her, creating a wall of stone attached to the raised platform to give herself and the altar she was protecting better cover from the drow.
  15. [11:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree charges for the leftmost of the four near pillars. Once she reaches the drow hiding behind it, she breaks stealth to raise her mace and shout, swinging it for the drow's head.
  16. [11:43] <Kilarra> Kahree knocks the drow out stone cold with a single whallop
  17. [11:45] * Aluthyra smiles, seeing Kahree's work, and attempts to end this quickly. She fires six arrows in quick succession; two at each drow at the closest pillars.
  18. [11:51] <Kilarra> All of Aluthyra's arrows hit their mark, but even the rank and file drow down here seem to be more resilient than those previously encountered. House Azrinae has brought its best.
  19. [11:52] <Kilarra> That said, Aluthyra's arrows are more than mere annoyance, with those hit badly wounded by the pairs of impacts
  20. [11:53] * Kilarra strides up to the nearest wounded drow, intent to finish one off. She didn't have much to throw at groups that wouldn't also put the genie they hoped to ally with at risk as well.
  21. [11:55] <Kilarra> The drow twitches and snarls as he's flooded with negative energy, his arrow wounds exascerbated. He slumps to the floor
  22. [11:55] * Kilarra smirks. "Next."
  23. [11:57] <Kilarra> The four remaining drow turn their attention to the new attackers. Two of them fire at Aluthyra, while the other two fire at Kahree and Kilarra respectively
  24. [11:58] <Kilarra> Aluthyra is untouchable, and Kahree equally so. The bold directed at Kilarra glances off her breastplate.
  25. [12:01] <Kilarra> Her defensive wall of stone in place, the Genie jumps down from the balcony and lunges at one of the injured drow with her enormous scimitar.
  26. [12:02] <Kilarra> The drow staggers out of the way, just barely avoiding getting his head lopped off.
  27. [12:04] * Aluthyra springs for the drow that just narrowly avoided the Genie's scimitar. With a raises mace, Kahree assists in flanking the drow.
  28. [12:05] <Kilarra> Kahree caves the drow's skull in, dropping him to the floor.
  29. [12:07] * Aluthyra turns on the remaining two uninjured drow, firing three arrows at each.
  30. [12:09] <Kilarra> Three arrows succeeds where two did not, both of the uninjured drow pelted and felled. The first one took a shot right in the eye
  31. [12:10] <Kilarra> Kjell just seems to marvel at how much faster the rest of his companions are at responding
  32. [12:11] * Kilarra steps up to the last drow, grasping him for another dose of negative energy.
  33. [12:11] <Kilarra> The drow drops, smouldering
  34. [12:12] <Kilarra> Haiten Bhaq stands up straight. She sheathes her blade and points to the wall of stone, which seems to simply dissolve
  35. [12:13] <Kilarra> At her full height, the Shaitan Pasha is just shy of fifteen feet tall.
  36. [12:14] <Aluthyra> Kahree moves to the unconscious drow, smirking. "Hey Kilarra, you have any spells that would make this drow talk?"
  37. [12:14] * Kilarra nods, "I might have a little of Calistria's 'charm' up my sleeve."
  38. [12:15] <Kilarra> Haiten Bhaq seemed about to just step on the last drow, but stops. Instead, she faces the party. β€œI thank you for your assistance in dispatching these vermin, and will thank you further when you remove them from my sight."
  39. [12:17] * Kilarra bows to the Genie, "It was our pleasure." She looks to Kahree, "Maybe we should just stabilize him and toss the body outside for now. It would not do to keep a Pasha waiting."
  40. [12:18] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs, taking the drow by the arms as she begins to drag him out. "That works, I guess."
  41. [12:20] * Kilarra uses her magic to make sure he's stable, but doesn't revive him. She then looks to Aluthyr and Kjell, "Why don't you two look around and make sure there aren't any more of them lurking in or around, and maybe strip their gear while you're at it. Kahree and I can probably handle speaking with Bhaq."
  42. [12:20] <Kilarra> *Aluthyra
  43. [12:21] * Aluthyra nods. "Very well." She gestures to Kjell as she begins to inspect the area, and later check the bodies.
  44. [12:22] * Kilarra does take a moment to marvel at the noble genie's impressive form, waiting for Kahree to come back from setting aside the one they kept alive.
  45. [12:22] <Aluthyra> Kahree returns quickly, after depositing the body, and nods to the Genie. "So..." she pulls a gem out. "We were told you might be able to help us?"
  46. [12:25] <Kilarra> "The cursed drow are a plague on my land," intones Bhaq, "and even now they deface these caverns, carving wounds into the earth to bring ruin down on the Land of Black Blood and open it to the sky." She looks at the two of them, "Perhaps we can help each other."
  47. [12:28] <Kilarra> Bhaq continues; "I would haveyou stop themβ€”but something tells me you are well ahead of my requests. Tell me what you have come to know, that I need not waste time telling you what you are already aware of."
  48. [12:30] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Well... we know about the glyphs the drow are using, why they're using them, and what using them does-- make the entire elven city fall." She frowns. "Anything else, Kilarra?"
  49. [12:31] * Kilarra blinks. That was easier than she had been expecting. Then again, they had just helped defend the genie's home. "We know that the great wounds they carve are ancient magic, taken from the Aboleths, and that the ruin they will call down is a star plucked from the sky. Their intent is to destroy the Elven nation above this land, and the impact will almost certain wreak havoc down here as well."
  50. [12:33] <Kilarra> Bhaq nods. "Very well. You seek more specific knowledge I suspect, and I seek the removal of these drow from my lands. Perhaps this can be a simple affair."
  51. [12:34] * Kilarra thinks this is too easy, and tries to glean if there's gonna be some sort of catch.
  52. [12:35] <Kilarra> Kilarra can't seem to pick up on any false motives. That or the genie is one hell of a liar.
  53. [12:37] <Kilarra> Meanwhile, Kjell and Aluthyra collect, from each of the drow, a +1 Mithral Shirt, a +1 Hand Crossbow, and a +1 Rapier, with Kjell identifying as they go. They also find a total of 56 Poison Bolts, and 5 potions of Cure Moderate WOunds
  54. [12:38] <Kilarra> However, while checking the two drow in the entrance hall, Aluthyra picks up on something. The bloodstains on the floor beneath their broken bodies are old and faded, soaked into the stone.
  55. [12:38] <Kilarra> Kjell, oblivious, suggests; "Perhaps we should simply take what we need and leave the rest here, if the genie is willing to be accomodating.
  56. [12:39] * Aluthyra frowns, raising her hand to halt Kjell. "Hold," she says, leaning down to the bodies. "Look at these stains."
  57. [12:40] <Kilarra> Kjell takes a look. He raises an eyebrow, "What about them?" He was neither a doctor, nor all that perceptive, unless he was looking for magic.
  58. [12:40] <Kilarra> Bhaq looks to Kahree, "You are an ifrit," she notes. "You have your friend doing all of the speaking, but you should not be abashed in my presence."
  59. [12:40] * Aluthyra explains, if Kjell cannot discern it, "They are dry. Faded. The bodies as fresh as if they were slain in the past hour, but the blood is not. The blood is... days past fresh."
  60. [12:41] * Aluthyra looks closer, examining the corpses.
  61. [12:41] <Kilarra> Kjell blinks, "So what do you think that means?"
  62. [12:42] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I cannot be sure. Perhaps... the bodies have been preserved? Magical or organic... can you check?"
  63. [12:43] <Kilarra> Aluthyra can notice other signs of a struggle not as recent as the one they just partook of. Chips of stone, accumilated dust on the posessions, and minute details only someone as perceptive as her might notice.
  64. [12:43] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and checks the drow body for magic. He indeed sees something, and tries to identify it, having thought it was just from the mithral shirt before.
  65. [12:45] <Kilarra> Kjell frowns; "Necromancy. Used to preserve these bodies. How old do you think they really are?"
  66. [12:45] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks, coughing in embarrassment. "It's... been a while since I've seen a Genie."
  67. [12:46] <Kilarra> Haiten Bhaq nods, "Are you perhaps descended from one? Or is your heritage elsewhere on the plane of flame?"
  68. [12:50] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns and nods. "Yeah. Descended from one." She shakes her head. "I... don't really want to talk about that."
  69. [12:50] <Kilarra> Bhaq nods and looks at the two of them, "What information then, do you need to continue your endeavours?"
  70. [12:51] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "Nevermind how old." He looks to Aluthyra, "What does this mean do you think?"
  71. [12:53] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs. "...Anything, really? Like, what we're up against, what kind of defenses they have?"
  72. [12:54] * Kilarra adds, "Where exactly they're carving these 'wounds'."
  73. [12:55] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I am not sure." She hmms, thinking. "If the bodies are days old, but the battle we just saw was still raging as we arrived... perhaps all is not as we think." She frowns. "Do you think the Genie is working with the drow?"
  74. [12:57] <Kilarra> Haiten Bhaq pauses for a moment, as though listening to something. "There are drow in the place known as the Livid Sanctum. It is there that the first of their wounds is inflicted, and perhaps it can guide you to the others."
  75. [12:58] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "That doesn't seem likely. First of all, considering the damage the falling star would do to this place, her home, and as well, Shaitan genies are known for being patient and stubborn."
  76. [13:00] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Alright... anything else that might help us?"
  77. [13:00] * Aluthyra frowns. "Then what do you suspect?"
  78. [13:00] <Kilarra> Kjell adds, "They are boastful and proud as well, and although I am not much of a people reader, this Bhaq seems almost eager."
  79. [13:03] <Kilarra> Aluthyra has a bit of insight coem to her. Perhaps it was less a question of what was as it seemed, and more 'who'.
  80. [13:04] * Aluthyra frowns. "Then perhaps this is not actually whom we seek. We've met many illusions dealing with the drow... perhaps this is another one of their tricks."
  81. [13:05] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "You and Kilarra have strong wills. Perhaps with this possibility in mind, you can percieve the truth."
  82. [13:06] <Kilarra> Bhaq seems to listen to something once more. "There are skittering things in the Livid Sanctum. They creep like spiders, yet wield steel and magic."
  83. [13:07] * Kilarra nods, "Sounds like Driders."
  84. [13:07] * Aluthyra nods. "Well, let's see what we can perceive."
  85. [13:08] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and keeps quiet for now, setting the drow gear save for the potions in the entrance hall. As a precaution, he puts up his own shield spell, then drinks a potion of Bear's Endurance.
  86. [13:10] <Kilarra> Kjell lets Aluthyra head back first, following in behind.
  87. [13:10] * Aluthyra nods, keeping her bow hanging on her shoulder as she approaches. "We have finished with our search. No more of them have entered, as far as we can tell."
  88. [13:11] * Kilarra nods, "That's good. Kjell, does that map have a place called 'The Livid Sanctum' on it? Seems like that's where we need to go. If it's not there, she can probably tell us."
  89. [13:13] <Kilarra> It's very subtle, almost going without notice, but Aluthyra manages to spot a nearly imperceptible lag between the motions and sounds of the 'genie'. Her voice also seems to be coming from below where her throat should be.
  90. [13:17] <Kilarra> Aluthyra is able to use these clues to look past the deception of her senses, and can see that, beneath the form of the Pasha, stands a drow woman. Wicked and cunning looking, with a cloak like the wings of a bat.
  91. [13:20] * Aluthyra frowns. "How long have you guarded this chamber, Bhaq?"
  92. [13:22] <Kilarra> Haiten Bhaq blinks. "This place has been my home for centuries." She looks confused as to the nature of the question on the surface, but Aluthyra can see the drow holding a wand in her left hand
  93. [13:22] * Kilarra raises an eyebrow at Aluthyra, "We are her guests, don't you think that was a bit rude?"
  94. [13:23] * Kilarra kinda doesn't want to piss off the (attractive) 15 foot tall stone woman with who know's what kind of genie powers up her sleeve.
  95. [13:25] * Aluthyra nods. "It may have been, yes. I apologize."
  96. [13:25] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Well, stuff it."
  97. [13:27] <Kilarra> 'Bhaq' frowns at Aluthyra, "If you do not seek further aid from me, then perhaps you should take your leave and continue your quest on your own."
  98. [13:28] * Aluthyra nods, drawing her bow, followed an arrow. "I think we shall," she answers, firing off a single arrow towards the 'genie'.
  99. [13:32] * Aluthyra frowns, answering her companions' confusion. "This is not the genie! Kahree, Kilarra, Kjell; it is an illusion. A drow is behind this facade."
  100. [13:33] <Kilarra> The Genie seems to take an arrow to the knee, which is actually the shoulder of the drow Aluthyra can see underneath. SHe waves the wand and vanishes from sight
  101. [13:33] * Kilarra blinks in surprise as that all happens. "You could have said that before shooting her. I knew something was fishy." She frowns when the genie vanishes
  102. [13:34] * Aluthyra frowns. "I wanted to get a shot off before that happened."
  103. [13:34] * Kilarra nods, "Alright. Gimme a sec and I can get rid of her invisibility."
  104. [13:35] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "What..." Her confusion quickly turns to anger, realizing the possibility that the genie might already be gone, or worse, dead.
  105. [13:36] * Aluthyra readies her bow and nocks a single arrow, waiting for Kilarra to reveal the drow...
  106. [13:39] <Kilarra> A spray of coloured light erupts from where the drow had just been standing.
  107. [13:41] <Kilarra> Kahree and Kjell find themselves stunned by sensory overload.
  108. [13:41] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kilarra are unaffected
  109. [13:42] * Kilarra holds up her holy symbol, and a shimmering sphere of air erupts from it, surrounding her out to a radius of 65'
  110. [13:43] <Kilarra> What reappears is not the Genie, but rather a drow illusionist, standing 30ft from where she had been previously.
  111. [13:45] * Aluthyra turns immediately, letting loose her arrows.
  112. [13:50] <Kilarra> Half of Aluthyra's shots miss, even though they looked to be on their mark until the last possible moment. However, the drow woman screams as she's punctured by three shots that ring true. She looks badly wounded.
  113. [13:55] <Kilarra> The drow woman's cloak becomes a pair of batwings, and she launches herself upwards and back, away from Kilarra's invisibility purging spell. However, the shrine is almost filled to the corners with the field, leaving her with nowhere to hide. With that failed, she pulls out another wand, and vanishes with a pop.
  114. [13:58] <Kilarra> Kjell recognies the spell because it's one he makes use of. "She teleported. Only short range, but it's faster than we can chase and I don't know which direction she went to pursue her.
  115. [13:59] <Kilarra> "
  116. [14:00] * Kilarra dismisses her invisibility purge. "Damnit." She looks to Aluthyra, "When did you realize she was a fake?"
  117. [14:01] * Aluthyra points back to the corpses first seen. "Those two corpses were magically preserved." She sighs. "I had my suspicions, and when I returned I was able to see through her illusion."
  118. [14:02] * Kilarra nods, "So if that was a fake, did they kill the real Genie, or did they simply lock her up somewhere?"
  119. [14:04] <Aluthyra> Kahree scowls. "Better not have."
  120. [14:04] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I do not know. Perhaps looking around this chamber will tell us more?"
  121. [14:04] * Kilarra nods, "Start looking then. Kjell and I can watch the entrance in case our enchantress friend decides to come back."
  122. [14:07] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, moving around to make her inspection...
  123. [14:07] * Aluthyra follows, assisting the Ifrit in her search.
  124. [14:08] <Kilarra> Aluthyra and Kahree find that the Altar atop the raised part of the shrine can be moved. Although there does not appear to be a mechanism.
  125. [14:10] <Aluthyra> Kahree kicks it.
  126. [14:11] <Kilarra> Kahree's anger seems to give her unexpected strength as she budges the altar, revealing a passageway and a flight of spiral stairs leading down.
  127. [14:12] <Kilarra> Kjell looks in that direction when he hears the stone grinding, "Do you need help shifting something?" he calls.
  128. [14:12] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "Uh. Nope. But we found something!"
  129. [14:13] * Aluthyra chuckles. "Well done." She calls over to Kjell and Kilarra, "There is a hidden passageway. Are you two coming, or guarding still?"
  130. [14:14] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "It would best if we were not completely separated. Even if we saw the wizard return with reinforcements, we wouldn't necessarily be able to handle them on our own."
  131. [14:14] <Kilarra> Kjell adds, "Or reach you to give warning before they were upon us."
  132. [14:17] * Kilarra nods, "Good point." She stands up and joins the other two at the altar.
  133. [14:17] <Kilarra> Kjell follows, pushing the altar back a bit more to give them enough room.
  134. [14:18] <Aluthyra> Kahree bolts inside once Kjell moves it, eager to search more!
  135. [14:18] * Aluthyra follows, making sure Kahree doesn't hurt herself in her eagerness...
  136. [14:19] <Kilarra> The stairs lead deeper underground, then open into a separate, much more roughly hewen stone chamber...
  137. [14:19] <Kilarra> A thin mist flows through the air in this spacious cavern. Strange, purplish-blue light emanates from a number of large crystals jutting from the walls, illuminating the fog and creating a disorienting display of lights. To the south, a wide chasm bisects the cave, and on the farside the crystals grow much more enormous in size.
  138. [14:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree only pauses for a moment to stare at the crystals... she rights herself with a shake of her head, then heads south, looking for any sign of the genie...
  139. [14:21] <Kilarra> The entire party hears a voice projected into their thoughts. "Uplanders, look to the south, to the largest of the crystals."
  140. [14:24] <Aluthyra> Kahree does so! "Hello?" she calls again, trying to find the voice as she looks for the largest crystal.
  141. [14:26] <Kilarra> A large formation of crystals grows on the far side of the chasm, about 75ft away from where the party landed at the base of the stairs. Within the crystal formation itself, stands a form identical to the drow's disguise, except looking smaller and confined within the crystal. Her thoughts reach out again. "Are you enemies of the dark elves?"
  142. [14:28] <Kilarra> The voice is slow, cautious, even in telepathic form.
  143. [14:28] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Yeah." She examines the form. "Are... you the actual Genie?"
  144. [14:30] <Kilarra> The voice responds, "I am Haiten Bhaq. Though no one bequeathed me the title, I have long held myself as the Guardian of these lands. I have dwelt here for centuries; the way the black blood flows through the land is soothing to me."
  145. [14:31] <Kilarra> Kjell smirks. That seemed a little more in keeping with the personality that would normally be expected of a Genie
  146. [14:32] * Kilarra tries to get a read on the Genie, which is difficult without a face to look directly at
  147. [14:33] <Aluthyra> Kahree sighs. "Good... we'd thought that bitch impersonating you upstairs might have done something..."
  148. [14:34] <Kilarra> Bhaq's voice speaks up again telepathically; "The presence of the drow here is disruptive to the soothing sensation I derive therefrom. The one called Allevrah arrived here months ago, demanding my obedience."
  149. [14:35] <Kilarra> Bhaq seems to scoff mentally, "When I refused, we fought. Though I was defeated, she feared killing me might bring about a curse, and so chose to imprison me instead. Supersticious fool, powerful or not."
  150. [14:36] <Kilarra> Bhaq projects, "If you have come here in enmity of the drow, then I would be willing to ally myself with you. However, I request that you release me from this imprisonment before we take further discussion."
  151. [14:36] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "So... how can we do that?"
  152. [14:38] <Kilarra> Bhaq projects: "To strengthen the binding, Allevrah placed a clause of release. She found it humorous to suggest that I would be freed when the sun shines upon this crystal. While the sun could never truly reach this deep, there are certain magics that are sufficient emulation to trigger the binding's end."
  153. [14:39] <Kilarra> Kjell frowns, "Actually, it's not quite as impossible as it sounds."
  154. [14:39] <Kilarra> Bhaq is silent a moment. "What mean you by that?"
  155. [14:40] * Kilarra tilts her head, "Did Allevrah tell you anything about what she was doing and why she wanted your allegiance?"
  156. [14:41] <Kilarra> Bhaq responds: "No. I know that she works some twisted magics, some wretched glyphs carved into my land, but I know not what they do."
  157. [14:42] * Aluthyra answers, "They are meant to bring all of elven kingdoms above down, destroying the earth below."
  158. [14:42] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Such destruction is to be wrought by a falling star, which would tear open the Darklands to the sky above for the briefest moment."
  159. [14:44] <Kilarra> Bhaq's voice resonates loudly and angrily inside their heads. "Such blasphemy! To destroy so much earth, and leave only destruction and lava! This must -not- be allowed!"
  160. [14:46] * Kilarra nods, "We don't intend to allow it. What are the spells that can release you?"
  161. [14:47] <Kilarra> Bhaq replies; "I know of two that bear sufficient power to thread the loophole. Sunbeam and Sunburst."
  162. [14:49] * Kilarra frowns, "I don't think I can do either of those." She looks to Kjell
  163. [14:49] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head.
  164. [14:50] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "There's... no other way? Can't you just dispel it?"
  165. [14:51] <Kilarra> Kjell considers that, "It would depend on the nature and strength of the spell itself. I could examine her containment if I could get closer. Although I don't fancy trying to jump that gap in this armour."
  166. [14:52] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs, "Can you teleport over?"
  167. [14:53] <Kilarra> Kjell slaps himself in the forehead, "Of course, what was I thinking." With a pop, he appears on the other side of the chasm, right next to the large crystal
  168. [14:55] <Kilarra> Kjell detects magic, and tries to figure out what exactly is going on.
  169. [14:58] <Kilarra> Kjell frowns, "This is -very- powerful magic, and destroying the crystal prison while it is enchanted is impossible. As well, I do not think either Kilarra or I are sufficiently powerful to dispel it without making use of that release clause."
  170. [14:58] <Kilarra> Kjell's voice echos through the cavern well, making it easy to hear him from the other side.
  171. [14:59] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "What do we do now? Just... come back for her, with the spell?"
  172. [15:00] <Aluthyra> Kahree calls back to Kjell. "Can you -learn- the spell?"
  173. [15:00] <Kilarra> Kjell shakes his head, "Not quickly enough for our purposes, if at all."
  174. [15:01] <Kilarra> Bhaq's voice comes through again, "If I have your word that you will return to release me, I shall share with you the information I have that you might put an end to Allevrah's plans."
  175. [15:02] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Promise."
  176. [15:02] * Kilarra nods, "Of course. We would free you know if we only had the means to."
  177. [15:02] <Kilarra> Kjell smiles, "Cayden despises such imprisonment, and I would be remiss to allow it to persist should I have the ability to do something about it."
  178. [15:08] <Kilarra> Kjell then blinks, "Wait a moment. Your thoughts can reach out through that crystal. Can your other powers as well?"
  179. [15:09] <Kilarra> Bhaq does not respond for a moment. "I am able to listen through the stone to all that occurs within the Land of Black Blood, and my thoughts are not restricted, merely my body."
  180. [15:11] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "I do hope this is not presumptuous of me," he looks back to Kahree as well, suspecting what he was about to ask might offend given her heritage, but... "Do you have the power to grant wishes to mortals?"
  181. [15:12] <Aluthyra> Kahree does indeed frown at Kjell, eyebrows furrowing.
  182. [15:13] <Kilarra> Kjell explains himself, "If you do have such a power, you could grant either myself or Kilarra a wish, which we could then use to recreate the spell that could free you."
  183. [15:13] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks. "Can that actually work? It... seems kinda silly. Why can't she do it herself?"
  184. [15:15] <Kilarra> Bhaq is silent for a while, then speaks to Kahree, "You come from the blood of an efreeti, do you not? Or is your heritage not known to you?"
  185. [15:15] <Aluthyra> Kahree sighs and nods, answering the question for a second time, "Yeah, I do."
  186. [15:17] <Kilarra> Bhaq does not press the issue, simply explaining, "The power of Noble Genies of any ilk are highly sought after, but we are licensed only to grant them to those deemed worthy, and never on ourselves. Only a mortal can be given the gift of a Genie's wish, and only if we allow it."
  187. [15:18] <Kilarra> Bhaq the resumes speaking to the whole group, "This is not something I consider lightly, nor something I would allow if I had any better choice. Know that if I agree to this, and you misuse my gift, my wrath will be most terrible."
  188. [15:20] <Kilarra> Kjell looks to Kahree again, waiting for her to say something.
  189. [15:23] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, a serious and solemn expression on her face. "I'd never do that," she states. "I, and they, would never misuse it."
  190. [15:27] <Kilarra> Bhaq's voice resonates again. "Very well." Suddenly, Kjell finds himself full to bursting with arcane might. With but a word he could alter the state of the world to better suit his purposes.
  191. [15:29] <Kilarra> Kjell feels a rush at this, but keeps to his word. They were doing this to set the Genie free. He holds out his spell arm, and a blast of sunlight shoots from it, striking the crystal prison. The light refracts through the crystal, which then cracks and shudders, before bursting explosively. Upon the destruction of the housing, Bhaq emerges, restored to her full, huge size. The crystal containing her had been less than six feet tall, w
  192. [15:30] <Kilarra> The crystal containing her had been less than six feet tall, while she now stood almost fifteen.
  193. [15:32] <Kilarra> Released from her prison, Bhaq stretches, and a look of relief is etched in her obsidian face. She smiles at the party. "I am grateful that you held to the worth of the entrusted gift. Now, let us leave this stifling cavern and return to my proper abode." She gestures to the gap, with a bridge of stone shooting out from it to cross the span, the stone shaped to the Genie's will.
  194. [15:34] <Kilarra> Kjell bows his head to the genie and walks back across with not a word more. He found himself wondering, briefly, if they might be found worthy of another wish. That rush of arcane power had been exhillarating. Still, probably best not to be found wanting, especially for something so precious.
  195. [15:34] <Aluthyra> Kahree smiles lightly, glad to have helped the genie escape.
  196. [15:36] <Kilarra> Bhaq is almost to the cavern's ceiling, and has to duck a bit, but crosses the cavern and it's gap in a few strides.
  197. [15:37] <Kilarra> Kjell pulls out the map they had of the Darklands, hoping Bhaq had information for them. She had said she did, but she had been under duress. He heads back up the stairs and waits across from the altar.
  198. [15:37] * Kilarra heads back up as well. "Good thinking Kjell. I actually didn't know Genies could do that."
  199. [15:37] <Kilarra> Kjell just gives Kahree an appreciative look for her vote of confidence, but says nothing more
  200. [15:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree heads back up as Aluthyra follows Kilarra.
  201. [15:39] <Kilarra> Once the party is back in the shrine, Bhaq pushes the altar back into place, and then seats herself upon it, cross legged as though she was about to meditate. She smiles, "I am glad to be back in my proper home. Did you dispose of the usurpers, or simply route them?"
  202. [15:42] * Aluthyra sighs. "Disposed many of the drow, but the illusionist that had taken your place escaped."
  203. [15:43] <Kilarra> Bhaq frowns, "I see. Still, if they are wise, they will not return here, although I suspect the one who escaped has likely informed Allevrah of what transpired. Now then, though I was imprisoned, I was, as I said, still able to hear much through the stone and earth."
  204. [15:44] <Kilarra> Bhaq notes, "As such, I know of five locations where the drow have wounded the land with their glyphs, and the location Allevrah has claimed as her own fortress."
  205. [15:44] <Kilarra> Kjell lays the map out flat and pulls out a bit of charcoal to mark with.
  206. [15:48] <Kilarra> Bhaq adds, "I can also tell you what creatures normally inhabit these locations, although specific movements of the drow were hidden from me." She first points to the island in the middle of the massive black lake. "It is here that Allevrah has established her central hold. She calls it the Throne of Abraxas."
  207. [15:49] <Kilarra> Kjell marks that down. It was probably where the master glyph was as well, if it was defended by a whole fortress
  208. [15:51] <Kilarra> Bhaq points to five other locations in turn, "The Weeping Cliffs, the Fetid Palace, Rotstone Hollows, this little island, called Bloodforge, and the Crystal Plaza."
  209. [15:53] <Kilarra> Kjell marks down each of these five locations, then turns the map over to add notes about possible dangers.
  210. [15:55] <Kilarra> Bhaq takes a moment to stretch again before continuing. "The Weeping Cliffs are filled with Ropers, and they will not hesitate to devour you. The Bloodforge is a small fortress, who originally made it I know not, but it is now occupied by drow. The Fetid Palace is home to an abomination known as the Moldering Emperior. His Palace is simply a rotting, hollowed fungus."
  211. [15:56] <Kilarra> Bhaq continues, "Rotstone Hollows is home to many Chardas, perhaps the only living creatures the black blood does not harm. However, the worst terror lies here, in the Crystal Plaza. We call it 'The Feasting Damnation'."
  212. [15:58] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "What the hell is the Feasting Damnation?"
  213. [16:01] <Kilarra> Bhaq frowns, "An abyssal abomination. The boundaries between the material and abyssal planes are weak in the Crystal Plaza, and so the Feasting Damnation lodges just outside of this reality, readily dragging anything it can set its tendrils upon back down to it's abyssal layer to feast upon."
  214. [16:02] <Aluthyra> Kahree shakes her head. "...And we need to get through that?"
  215. [16:03] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "If it's from the Abyss, it can be banished. It's just a matter of being prepared for each problem we might face."
  216. [16:05] <Kilarra> Kjell looks up, "Which brings up an important favour we would ask of you, Haiten Bhaq. We are surrounded by foes in an unfamiliar land, and must battle all of this and more to prevent catastrophe. We would be most grateful if you would allow us respite in your abode."
  217. [16:07] <Kilarra> Bhaq looks around the group contemplatively. "As I said, I was willing to grant you alliance so long as you opposed the dark elves and their mechanations. I will permit you to rest in my home when you need until the task is complete."
  218. [16:08] * Aluthyra nods appreciatively. "Thank you for your assistance."
  219. [16:09] <Kilarra> Bhaq nods, "And I thank you in turn for yours, both given and to be enacted."
  220. [16:11] * Aluthyra smiles. "Speaking of which, we should move. Unless you have more advice or help to give, we must make our way to the drow."
  221. [16:13] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "So, that leaves the question of how we are going to tackle this undertaking." He checks the map for the location closest to their current position. "The Weeping Cliffs, and the Crystal Plaza are the two closest to this shrine. As well, now that I have been to this shrine, returning to it via teleportation will be easier, regardless of where we go."
  222. [16:15] <Aluthyra> Kahree sighs. "Neither place seems appealing, but... if Kilarra can just banish the Damnation thing, then maybe that'd be easier?"
  223. [16:17] * Kilarra nods, "Dismissal of extraplanar entities should be easier if the boundaries are weak, but if that is to be our intent, we'll have to be swift about anything else we do there, in case it can force its way back through."
  224. [16:20] * Aluthyra nods. "Then let us deal with that first. If we were to go after, we may not be as quick, if our energies are worn."
  225. [16:21] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "Then, if we can make short work of it, perhaps we can proceed to the Weeping Cliffs, and more... 'conventional' monstrosities there. After that, I suppose we shall have to reevaluate our condition before proceeding to another destination."
  226. [16:22] * Kilarra frowns, "We don't know exactly how much time we have... the sooner we can get them all wiped, the better."
  227. [16:23] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "That is true, but based on my, admittedly limited, understanding of the aboleth glyph magic, each focus glyph we undo should make Allevrah's task successively more difficult."
  228. [16:24] * Aluthyra nods. "We shall see. If we are able, we shall continue, but pressing ourselves beyond our limits will only allow disaster."
  229. [16:24] <Kilarra> Kjell looks to Kahree, "Are you holding up alright?" He asks without digging at any details.
  230. [16:26] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, not giving much expression to his question. "Yeah. Fine."
  231. [16:28] <Kilarra> Haiten Bhaq, her information delivered, is now meditating atop the altar.
  232. [16:32] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "If that is our plan, then we should rest. We traveled for more than fifteen hours today, and fought those tremendous spiders and a host of drow."
  233. [16:34] <Aluthyra> Kahree smiles. "Ahh... Good. I am getting a little tired."
  234. [16:35] <Kilarra> Kjell nods and stands, "Then let us rest, and leave our gracious host to her meditation." He heads down the stairs towards the central area of the temple, between the sets of pillars.
  235. [16:36] * Kilarra stands up, smiling at Aluthyra, "Talk about a strange day."
  236. [16:52] * Aluthyra chuckles. "It has indeed." She sighs as her laughter fades. "And hopefully our good fortune persists."
  237. [16:52] <Aluthyra> Kahree heads towards the pillars, finding a nice, quiet spot to rest...
  238. [16:53] * Kilarra lays down to sleep wherever, so long as Aluthyra is close.
  239. [16:54] * Aluthyra makes sure to be close, wings warming her lover.
  240. [16:56] <Kilarra> Kjell goes to sleep as well.
  241. [16:58] <Kilarra> The night passes uneventfully.
  242. [17:01] <Aluthyra> Kahree is up early, and even considers talking to the Genie, but... decides against it, staring from afar instead.
  243. [17:02] <Kilarra> Haiten Bhaq seems to spend most of her time meditating, or just kinda listening to something apparently only she can hear. Presumably whispers from the stone.
  244. [17:04] * Kilarra stretches and gets up. She moves to the entrace hall for a more reserved morning preparation, while still wanting some privacy.
  245. [17:05] <Kilarra> Kjell gets up and eats some rations, studying his spellbook.
  246. [17:07] * Aluthyra takes the moment to meditate, feeling it best not to make Kilarra louder with her... preparation.
  247. [17:08] <Kilarra> Kahree hears Bhaq's voice in her head. "I would speak with you. Now seems a good opportunity, as your companions are making preparations of their own."
  248. [17:10] <Aluthyra> Kahree yips quietly, not having expected... She frowns. Hopefully Bhaq didn't notice her staring. Kahree clears her throat, heading for the genie. "About what?" she asks, confusion clear.
  249. [17:12] <Kilarra> Bhaq's voice sounds. "I wish to ask of something I glimpsed when I touched your thoughts, and asked of your heritage."
  250. [17:13] <Aluthyra> Kahree sighs. "I don't really like talking about my past..."
  251. [17:16] <Kilarra> Bhaq is meditating on her altar, still speaking only telepathically, "Not an uncommon stance for those of mixed heritage. I suspect the tiefling is often vexxed by the fiendish taint upon her blood. Still, I am not the first genie you have seen imprisoned, am I?"
  252. [17:17] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns and shakes her head. "No, I've seen a lot."
  253. [17:20] <Kilarra> "I see. Many mortals covet the power of Genies. As you witnessed yesterday, that is not without reason. Do you plan to do anything about this issue, or was your own freedom all you desired?"
  254. [17:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree looks down. "No... I definitely desire my own freedom, but it's not all. Kjell said he'd help; that once this is all over, we will go to Qadira and make a difference, free many, including the oread that freed me..."
  255. [17:25] <Kilarra> "I am glad then, that I was the first to be freed by you and your companion. I have no intention of abandoning my home, but once you have finished your business here, I hope you fare well in your efforts above."
  256. [17:27] <Kilarra> Bhaq then asks, "As a curiosity, what might you wish for? Given the chance outside of such circumstances as called for yesterday."
  257. [17:29] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks, pursing her lips as she thinks. "Well," she pauses. "I'm not exactly sure what I -can- wish for... but, I'd probably want to be able to locate my friend, that Oread." She sighs. "He saved my life at the cost of his own freedom, a-and... I doubt he got off well for doing so. When we go to Qadira, it'd probably be near impossible to find him..."
  258. [17:33] <Kilarra> Haiten Bhaq stands, towering over Kahreem placing a stone hand on her shoulder. She raises a finger to her mouth in a shushing motion before noting telepathically. "We are allied in the purpose of undoing the plot of the dark elves, but your friend was quite selfless yesterday, and I wish to properly thank you for my release. You may use this, if you wish, for your lost friend, or should you have dire need sooner, the ones you have now
  259. [17:37] <Kilarra> -You may use this, if you wish, for your lost friend, or should you have dire need sooner, the ones you have now." Kahree feels a very unfamiliar but potent sensation well up inside her.
  260. [17:38] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks, then looks with great surprise to the genie. "Th-thank you," she manages to stutter out, biting her lip and trying to maintain her composure.
  261. [17:41] <Kilarra> Bhaq does not smile, but seems moderately pleased. "I will be pleased when the taint of the drow is removed from my lands, and will be listening through the stone."
  262. [17:42] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, backing away. She doesn't want to lose her composure in front of the genie. "We'll make sure to remove them."
  263. [17:44] <Kilarra> Bhaq returns to her meditation.
  264. [17:45] * Kilarra gets dressed after finishing her preparations. "So, we all ready to face this abyssal horror that will be trying to kill us and eat our souls so we can save the world?"
  265. [17:47] * Kahree rolls her eyes. "It sounds so lovely when you put it like that."
  266. [17:48] * Kilarra chuckles, "Well, I just wanted the potential consequences to be known should I fail to get rid of it quickly."
  267. [17:49] * Aluthyra sighs. "I am ready."
  268. [17:50] <Kilarra> Kjell recruits Kilarra to get his plate back on. "I am prepared as well. I've taken the liberty of having a number of teleportations, short and long range both, prepared. According to the map there are several rivers of the Black Blood crossing our path, and swimming or boating across is, for obvious reasons, undersireable."
  269. [17:52] <Kilarra> Kjell adds wit ha chuckle, "I don't think we have a boat anyways."
  270. [17:53] * Aluthyra chuckles. "Well done. A boat does seem rather... cumbersome."
  271. [17:56] * Kilarra nods, "So, we're going on foot most of the way then?"
  272. [17:56] <Kilarra> Kjell nods, "That way, I can conserve my longer range teleports for retreat in the event of an emergency."
  273. [18:00] * Kilarra takes a deep breath and hugs Aluthyra, "Well, this is really it. Well, I suppose it'll be 'it' when we go against Allevrah's fortress, but today we start well and properly shutting down this plan of hers."
  274. [18:01] * Aluthyra hugs Kilarra tightly. "We will be fine. It will be difficult... but we will make it through, as long as all of us stick together."
  275. [18:01] * Kilarra hugs her back, "We've certainly come a long way, huh?"
  276. [18:02] <Kilarra> Kjell looks to Kahree, then the others, "I have no intention of burying anyone down in this place, so don't do anything too rash, alright?"
  277. [18:03] <Aluthyra> Kahree rolls her eyes. "Wasn't planning on it."
  278. [18:03] * Aluthyra nods, smiling. "We have. From chance strangers in Riddleport... to this."
  279. [18:05] * Kilarra nods, pulling out her Noqual Mace. "This is actually what started it all off. That falling star on Devil's Elbow. I never would have guessed it would take me all this way. Still, Calistria has been impresssed enough with my progress to grant me more powerful magic. With luck, once this endeavour is concluded, I'll be able to turn that power to what I originally hoped." She smirks.
  280. [18:06] * Aluthyra smiles, wings lowering. "With luck," she repeats. "We've not too long until we reach that goal."
  281. [18:07] * Kilarra gently plucks a feather from one of Aluthyra's wings and slips it behind one of her horns. "For luck," she winks.
  282. [18:08] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans, "You two ready to go now?"
  283. [18:08] * Aluthyra chuckles, kissing Kilarra's cheek. "I suppose so."
  284. [18:11] * Kilarra nods, "Yes yes, let's do this." She stretches her hooves a bit and then steps out of the shrine. She draws her mace and sets it alight again.
  285. [18:13] <Aluthyra> Kahree draws her two maces, smirking. "Let's."
  286. [18:14] * Aluthyra slings her bow over her shoulder. "Lead the way, Kjell."
  287. [18:14] <Kilarra> Kjell keeps Tyrant's Bane out at all times as they get underway, holding the folded map in his other hand under the light of Kilarra's mace-torch.
  288. [18:25] * Kilarra is disappointed at the lack of haste proceeding on foot, and decides to use another scroll of Wind Walk to hurry things along, reducing the travel time to about an hour and a half. Kjell could conserve his short and long range teleports that way.
  289. [18:25] <Kilarra> -End Session-
  290. [18:27] <Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 15, 1 EL 13; 19,200 Experience
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