Guest User


a guest
Oct 24th, 2011
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text 1.79 KB | None | 0 0
  1. Memory used: 46.2734375 MB - Freed by GC: 59.9462890625MB
  2. State [bitcoind-patch]
  3. Current Cache Max: 1000 - min/max: 1/1000
  4. Current Cache Size: 893
  5. Concurrent DL Requests: 5 - min/max: 1/10
  6. DL Request Interval (ms): 0 - min/max: 0/100
  7. Current Ask Rate (works/req): 10
  8. Consecutive Connect Fails: 0
  9. Consecutive Http Fails: 0
  10. Consecutive Http Auth Fails: 0
  11. Consecutive Http Busy Fails: 0
  12. Cache Excess: 199.05
  13. Cache Excess Trend: 21.8
  14. Cache Retreival Age: 76
  15. Incoming Rate: 2,248.2/sec
  16. Incoming Fullfillment Rate: 100%
  17. Outgoing Requested Rate: 23.88/sec
  18. Outgoing Delivered Rate: 23.88/sec
  19. Outgoing Fullfillment Rate: 100%
  21. Longpoll Connections: 133 / 1000
  22. WorkSource Stats:
  23. Stats for source: [bitcoind-patch]
  24. Current Block: 24128
  25. Cache:
  26. Work Received: 273474
  27. Work Delivered: 2001
  28. Upstream Request Fail Rate: 0%
  29. Upstream Request Fail Rate Tiny: 0%
  30. Immediately Serviced Rate: 0%
  31. MultiGet Delivery Rate: ?%
  32. Delayed Serviced Rate: 99.8%
  33. Not Serviced Rate: 0.2%
  34. Expired Work Rate: 82%
  35. Duplicate Work Rate: 0%
  36. Cache Growth Rate: 0%
  37. Cache Growth Rate Short: 0%
  38. Work Submissions:
  39. Work Supplied: 2001
  40. Work Submitted: 0
  41. Work Submitted Invalid: 0
  42. Work Submitted Unknown: 0
  43. Work Submitted Valid: 0
  44. Work Submitted Valid Real: 0
  45. HTTP:
  46. Requests Issued: 273595
  47. Fail Rate: 0%
  48. Success trip time: 2.64 ms
  49. Header trip time: 2.63 ms
  50. Fail trip time: ? ms
  51. Expire trip time: ? ms
  52. Cache Age:
  53. Entries: 947 Oldest: 408 Newest: 2 Avg: 298 Reject Rate: 0%
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