
Teambuilder odyssey

Jul 24th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Amoonguss @ Big Root - Clear Smog, Giga Drain, Spore, Stun Spore -
  2. Charizard @ Normalium Z - Air Slash, Celebrate, Fire Blast, Roost -
  3. Crawdaunt @ Iron Ball - Aqua Jet, Crabhammer, Night Slash, Switcheroo -
  4. Dragalge @ Magnet - Flip Turn, Thunder, Poison Tail, Toxic Spikes -
  5. Kommo-o @ Throat Spray - Aura Sphere, Clanging Scales, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock -
  6. Toxicroak @ Sitrus Berry - Belch, Cross Chop, Cross Poison, Sucker Punch -
  8. shuffled:
  9. 6. This move debuted in the episode __The Water Flowers of Cerulean City__, where it was used by Ash's Butterfree. | Stun Spore |
  10. 35. as of USUM, this is the only Poison-type Cool move. | Cross Poison |
  11. 23. This is the move used by Whirlipede in Pokémon Conquest. | Poison Tail |
  12. 13. In the Adventures manga, this is Tierno's only Pokémon to have evolved during the manga. Answer with the evolved forme. | Crawdaunt |
  13. 3. This move, introduced in gen 5, can make any attack against the user deal anywhere between four times as much damage or a quarter of the damage the opponent dealt last turn using the same move (not counting crits). | Clear Smog |
  14. 30. According to False Swipe Gaming, This move was calculated to deal about 200% damage per game in generation 4. | Stealth Rock |
  15. 20. This maingame item was held by a Magnemite in the TCG. | Magnet |
  16. 19. The dex entry of this Pokémon states it gets along well with Dhelmise, 'for whatever reason' | Dragalge |
  17. 1. Prior to gen 8 and excluding formes, this Pokémon has the highest base HP stat of all poison type Pokémon. | Amoonguss |
  18. 21. Ignoring abilities, This damaging move has the lowest maximum potential Base Power of the newly added tutor moves in Isle of Armor. | Flip Turn |
  19. 12. This is the only recovery move that can make the user typeless. | Roost |
  20. 34. This move is Incineroar Up Special move in the Super Smash Bros series. | Cross Chop |
  21. 22. This move is also a badge, a japanese name for a Pokémon, and the name of a mountain in a spinoff game. | Thunder |
  22. 10. This move is also an ability in Pokémon conquest. | Celebrate |
  23. 17. This dark type move has a contest combination with Focus Energy. | Night Slash |
  24. 28. Of all the Non-Z signature sound moves, this one has the highest base power. | Clanging Scales |
  25. 31. This is Saturn's ace Pokémon. | Toxicroak |
  26. 4. Parasect can learn this move at level 51, Virizion at 37. Roselia can learn it at level 25, but also at level 33. None of these levels align with Sword and Shield, if applicable. Which move am I looking for? | Giga Drain |
  27. 36. This is the strongest move of Priority 1. | Sucker Punch |
  28. 11. In the anime, this move is always shaped like the kanji meaning __big__ , with the exception of certain specials and movies. | Fire Blast |
  29. 16. A certain water move, which was signature in generation 1, can now be learned by exactly 3 Pokémon in the national dex that are not water type. | Crabhammer |
  30. 5. Unlike the main games, this move can put multiple pokémon to sleep in Mystery Dungeon, even those that are not adjacent. | Spore |
  31. 29. In the Adventures manga, this move has only been used by Riley's partner Pokémon | Flash Cannon |
  32. 26. This single-use item, introduced in gen 8, is recommended for exactly 2 Pokémon on Smogon. | Throat Spray |
  33. 27. This is Lucario's default Neutral Special move in the Super Smash Bros series. | Aura Sphere |
  34. 24. Introduced in gen 4, this is one of the few moves to contain the names of 2 other moves within its name. | Toxic Spikes |
  35. 8. This is the first Z crystal you obtain in gen 7. | Normalium Z |
  36. 2. This item affects 3 physical moves, 7 special moves and 4 status moves. It does not adjust the power of these moves. | Big Root |
  37. 18. A certain psychic type and this dark type move are indentical in everything but generation introduced and their typing. Surprisingly, 2 dark Pokémon and 2 Psychic type Pokémon can learn both. | Switcheroo |
  38. 32. Aside from its usual healing properties, this item doubled as a permanent boost to a Pokémon's HP stat in the Mystery Dungeon series. | Sitrus Berry |
  39. 7. This Pokémon is the only Pokémon to have both a GMax forme and 2 mega evolutions. | Charizard |
  40. 9. This move is often synonymous with Shaymin-Sky and Togekiss, as any Pokémon that does not share an ability with Gallade-Mega would despise it. | Air Slash |
  41. 33. This is the strongest Poison type special move. | Belch |
  42. 25. This pseudo-legendary can hold a razor claw when caught in the wild. | Kommo-o |
  43. 15. Excluding (formerly) signature moves, this is the only damaging priority move to have a type that can be absorbed, without any effects of other moves. | Aqua Jet |
  44. 14. as of USUM, This item has the highest base power when thrown using Fling. | Iron Ball |
  45. 37. Alright, I have everything to make my very serious competitive team. However, it looks like the order got all mixed up! Could you rearrange it back for me? For this final question, combine the movesets and items with the appropriate Pokémon, where each item has synergy with exactly 1 move in the moveset of said Pokémon. Give the answer for each Pokémon as follows: ``[Pokémon], [Item], [Move 1], [Move 2], [Move 3], [Move 4]``, with the moves sorted alphabetically, and the Pokémon sorted alphabetically as well. | Amoonguss @ Big Root - Clear Smog, Giga Drain, Spore, Stun Spore - Charizard @ Normalium Z - Air Slash, Celebrate, Fire Blast, Roost - Crawdaunt @ Iron Ball - Aqua Jet, Crabhammer, Night Slash, Switcheroo - Dragalge @ Magnet - Flip Turn, Thunder, Poison Tail, Toxic Spikes - Kommo-o @ Throat Spray - Aura Sphere, Clanging Scales, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock - Toxicroak @ Sitrus Berry - Belch, Cross Chop, Cross Poison, Sucker Punch -
  47. ordered
  48. 1. Prior to gen 8 and excluding formes, this Pokémon has the highest base HP stat of all poison type Pokémon. | Amoonguss |
  49. 2. This item affects 3 physical moves, 7 special moves and 4 status moves. It does not adjust the power of these moves. | Big Root |
  50. 3. This move, introduced in gen 5, can make any attack against the user deal anywhere between four times as much damage or a quarter of the damage the opponent dealt last turn using the same move. | Clear Smog |
  51. 4. Parasect can learn this move at level 51, Virizion at 37. Roselia can learn it at level 25, but also at level 33. None of these levels align with Sword and Shield, if applicable. Which move am I looking for? | Giga Drain |
  52. 5. Unlike the main games, this move can put multiple pokémon to sleep in Mystery Dungeon, even those that are not adjacent. | Spore |
  53. 6. This move debuted in the episode __The Water Flowers of Cerulean City__, where it was used by Ash's Butterfree. | Stun Spore |
  54. 7. This Pokémon is the only Pokémon to have both a GMax forme and 2 mega evolutions. | Charizard |
  55. 8. This is the first Z crystal you obtain in gen 7. | Normalium Z |
  56. 9. This move is often synonymous with Shaymin-Sky and Togekiss, as any Pokémon that does not share an ability with Gallade-Mega would despise it. | Air Slash |
  57. 10. This move is also an ability in Pokémon conquest. | Celebrate |
  58. 11. In the anime, this move is always shaped like the kanji meaning __big__ , with the exception of certain specials and movies. | Fire Blast |
  59. 12. This is the only recovery move that can make the user typeless. | Roost |
  60. 13. In the Adventures manga, this is Tierno's only Pokémon to have evolved during the manga. Answer with the evolved forme. | Crawdaunt |
  61. 14. This item has the highest base power when thrown using Fling. | Iron Ball |
  62. 15. Excluding (formerly) signature moves, this is the only damaging priority move to have a type that can be absorbed, without any effects of other moves. | Aqua Jet |
  63. 16. A certain water move, which was signature in generation 1, can now be learned by exactly 3 Pokémon in the national dex that are not water type. | Crabhammer |
  64. 17. This dark type move has a contest combination with Focus Energy. | Night Slash |
  65. 18. A certain psychic type and this dark type move are indentical in everything but generation introduced and their typing. Surprisingly, 2 dark Pokémon and 2 Psychic type Pokémon can learn both. | Switcheroo |
  66. 19. The dex entry of this Pokémon states it gets along well with Dhelmise, 'for whatever reason' | Dragalge |
  67. 20. This maingame item was held by a Magnemite in the TCG. | Magnet |
  68. 21. Ignoring abilities, This move has the lowest maximum potential Base Power of the newly added tutor moves in Isle of Armor. | Flip Turn |
  69. 22. This move is also a badge, a japanese name for a Pokémon, and the name of a mountain in a spinoff game. | Thunder |
  70. 23. This is the move used by Whirlipede in Pokémon Conquest. | Poison Tail |
  71. 24. Introduced in gen 4, this is one of the few moves to contain the names of 2 other moves within its name. | Toxic Spikes |
  72. 25. This pseudo-legendary can hold a razor claw when caught in the wild. | Kommo-o |
  73. 26. This single-use item, introduced in gen 8, is recommended for exactly 2 Pokémon on Smogon. | Throat Spray |
  74. 27. This is Lucario's default Neutral Special move in the Super Smash Bros series. | Aura Sphere |
  75. 28. Of all the Non-Z signature sound moves, this one has the highest base power. | Clanging Scales |
  76. 29. In the Adventures manga, this move has only been used by Riley's partner Pokémon | Flash Cannon |
  77. 30. According to False Swipe Gaming, This move was calculated to deal about 200% damage per game in generation 4. | Stealth Rock |
  78. 31. This is Saturn's ace Pokémon. | Toxicroak |
  79. 32. Aside from its usual healing properties, this item doubled as a permanent boost to a Pokémon's HP stat in the Mystery Dungeon series. | Sitrus Berry |
  80. 33. This is the strongest Poison type special move. | Belch |
  81. 34. This move is Incineroar Up Special move in the Super Smash Bros series. | Cross Chop |
  82. 35. as of USUM, this is the only Poison-type Cool move. | Cross Poison |
  83. 36. This is the strongest move of Priority 1. | Sucker Punch |
  84. 37. Alright, I have everything to make my very serious competitive team. However, it looks like the order got all mixed up! Could you rearrange it back for me? For this final question, combine the movesets and items with the appropriate Pokémon, where each item has synergy with exactly 1 move in the moveset of said Pokémon. Give the answer for each Pokémon as follows: ``[Pokémon], [Item], [Move 1], [Move 2], [Move 3], [Move 4]``, with the moves sorted alphabetically, and the Pokémon sorted alphabetically as well. | Amoonguss @ Big Root - Clear Smog, Giga Drain, Spore, Stun Spore - Charizard @ Normalium Z - Air Slash, Celebrate, Fire Blast, Roost - Crawdaunt @ Iron Ball - Aqua Jet, Crabhammer, Night Slash, Switcheroo - Dragalge @ Magnet - Flip Turn, Thunder, Poison Tail, Toxic Spikes - Kommo-o @ Throat Spray - Aura Sphere, Clanging Scales, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock - Toxicroak @ Sitrus Berry - Belch, Cross Chop, Cross Poison, Sucker Punch -
  86. /startofficialhunt aQrator | This move debuted in the episode __The Water Flowers of Cerulean City__, where it was used by Ash's Butterfree. | Stun Spore | as of USUM, this is the only Poison-type Cool move. | Cross Poison | This is the move used by Whirlipede in Pokémon Conquest. | Poison Tail | In the Adventures manga, this is Tierno's only Pokémon to have evolved during the manga. Answer with the evolved forme. | Crawdaunt | This move, introduced in gen 5, can make any attack against the user deal anywhere between four times as much damage or a quarter of the damage the opponent dealt last turn using the same move. | Clear Smog | According to False Swipe Gaming, This move was calculated to deal about 200% damage per game in generation 4. | Stealth Rock | This maingame item was held by a Magnemite in the TCG. | Magnet | The dex entry of this Pokémon states it gets along well with Dhelmise, 'for whatever reason' | Dragalge | Prior to gen 8 and excluding formes, this Pokémon has the highest base HP stat of all poison type Pokémon. | Amoonguss | Ignoring abilities, This move has the lowest maximum potential Base Power of the newly added tutor moves in Isle of Armor. | Flip Turn | This is the only recovery move that can make the user typeless. | Roost | This move is Incineroar Up Special move in the Super Smash Bros series. | Cross Chop | This move is also a badge, a japanese name for a Pokémon, and the name of a mountain in a spinoff game. | Thunder | This move is also an ability in Pokémon conquest. | Celebrate | This dark type move has a contest combination with Focus Energy. | Night Slash | Of all the Non-Z signature sound moves, this one has the highest base power. | Clanging Scales | This is Saturn's ace Pokémon. | Toxicroak | Parasect can learn this move at level 51, Virizion at 37. Roselia can learn it at level 25, but also at level 33. None of these levels align with Sword and Shield, if applicable. Which move am I looking for? | Giga Drain | This is the strongest move of Priority 1. | Sucker Punch | In the anime, this move is always shaped like the kanji meaning __big__ , with the exception of certain specials and movies. | Fire Blast | A certain water move, which was signature in generation 1, can now be learned by exactly 3 Pokémon in the national dex that are not water type. | Crabhammer | Unlike the main games, this move can put multiple pokémon to sleep in Mystery Dungeon, even those that are not adjacent. | Spore | In the Adventures manga, this move has only been used by Riley's partner Pokémon | Flash Cannon | This single-use item, introduced in gen 8, is recommended for exactly 2 Pokémon on Smogon. | Throat Spray | This is Lucario's default Neutral Special move in the Super Smash Bros series. | Aura Sphere | Introduced in gen 4, this is one of the few moves to contain the names of 2 other moves within its name. | Toxic Spikes | This is the first Z crystal you obtain in gen 7. | Normalium Z | This item affects 3 physical moves, 7 special moves and 4 status moves. It does not adjust the power of these moves. | Big Root | A certain psychic type and this dark type move are indentical in everything but generation introduced and their typing. Surprisingly, 2 dark Pokémon and 2 Psychic type Pokémon can learn both. | Switcheroo | Aside from its usual healing properties, this item doubled as a permanent boost to a Pokémon's HP stat in the Mystery Dungeon series. | Sitrus Berry | This Pokémon is the only Pokémon to have both a GMax forme and 2 mega evolutions. | Charizard | This move is often synonymous with Shaymin-Sky and Togekiss, as any Pokémon that does not share an ability with Gallade-Mega would despise it. | Air Slash | This is the strongest Poison type special move. | Belch | This pseudo-legendary can hold a razor claw when caught in the wild. | Kommo-o | Excluding (formerly) signature moves, this is the only damaging priority move to have a type that can be absorbed, without any effects of other moves. | Aqua Jet | This item has the highest base power when thrown using Fling. | Iron Ball | Alright, I have everything to make my very serious competitive team. However, it looks like the order got all mixed up! Could you rearrange it back for me? For this final question, combine the movesets and items with the appropriate Pokémon, where each item has synergy with exactly 1 move in the moveset of said Pokémon. Give the answer for each Pokémon as follows: ``[Pokémon], [Item], [Move 1], [Move 2], [Move 3], [Move 4]``, with the moves sorted alphabetically, and the Pokémon sorted alphabetically as well. | Amoonguss @ Big Root - Clear Smog, Giga Drain, Spore, Stun Spore - Charizard @ Normalium Z - Air Slash, Celebrate, Fire Blast, Roost - Crawdaunt @ Iron Ball - Aqua Jet, Crabhammer, Night Slash, Switcheroo - Dragalge @ Magnet - Flip Turn, Thunder, Poison Tail, Toxic Spikes - Kommo-o @ Throat Spray - Aura Sphere, Clanging Scales, Flash Cannon, Stealth Rock - Toxicroak @ Sitrus Berry - Belch, Cross Chop, Cross Poison, Sucker Punch -
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