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Mar 22nd, 2018
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  1. USE [outcomes]
  2. GO
  3. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttrType] ON
  5. GO
  6. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttrType] ([ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeText], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeDesc], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (1, N'Show Prescriber Form Fax Back & Rx Phamacy Info', N' Used for the Prescriber Fax Form. If assigned to a center this will allow the center to view content. Default: ontent is normally hidden to non-Health Plan centers.', NULL, CAST(N'2015-06-11T09:42:48.753' AS DateTime))
  7. GO
  8. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttrType] ([ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeText], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeDesc], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (2, N'Hide CMR Prior Phone Authorization Code', N' Used for the CMR Form. If assigned to a center this will hide the Prior Phone Authorization Code content. Default: Content is normally shown for centers.', NULL, CAST(N'2015-06-11T09:42:48.753' AS DateTime))
  9. GO
  10. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttrType] ([ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeText], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeDesc], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (3, N'Hide CMR Phone Authorization', N'This is to hide the Phone Authorization section on the CMR. This will hide both the phone radio button AND the Prior Phone Authorization Code textbox.', 132155, CAST(N'2015-07-01T15:30:17.213' AS DateTime))
  11. GO
  12. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttrType] ([ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeText], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeDesc], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (4, N'Use Email Feature on SPT', N'This will allow an email form field to be added on the CMR form which is then passed over to the SPT.', 132155, CAST(N'2015-07-01T15:30:17.217' AS DateTime))
  13. GO
  14. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttrType] ([ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeText], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeDesc], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (5, N'Show ''Recommendation made'' result type', N'This will allow ''Recommendation made'' result type to be added to the dropdown box on the claims submittion page. Otherwise it is excluded.', 132155, CAST(N'2015-07-01T15:30:17.217' AS DateTime))
  15. GO
  16. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttrType] ([ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeText], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeDesc], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (7, N'Set Default CMR Method of Delievery to Phone', N'This will set a center''s default CMR Method of Delievery to "Phone" instead of "Face to Face".', 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:25.780' AS DateTime))
  17. GO
  18. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttrType] OFF
  19. GO
  20. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ON
  22. GO
  23. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (1, 150959, 1, 132155, CAST(N'2015-06-11T09:42:48.803' AS DateTime))
  24. GO
  25. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (2, 150958, 1, 132155, CAST(N'2015-06-11T09:42:48.810' AS DateTime))
  26. GO
  27. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (3, 150960, 1, 132155, CAST(N'2015-06-11T09:42:48.813' AS DateTime))
  28. GO
  29. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (4, 150952, 1, 132155, CAST(N'2015-06-28T23:02:43.920' AS DateTime))
  30. GO
  31. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (5, 135236, 1, 132155, CAST(N'2015-06-28T23:02:43.923' AS DateTime))
  32. GO
  33. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (6, 152915, 1, 132155, CAST(N'2015-07-01T15:30:17.150' AS DateTime))
  34. GO
  35. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (7, 150952, 7, 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:25.807' AS DateTime))
  36. GO
  37. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (8, 150958, 7, 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:25.813' AS DateTime))
  38. GO
  39. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (9, 150959, 7, 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:25.823' AS DateTime))
  40. GO
  41. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (10, 150960, 7, 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:25.830' AS DateTime))
  42. GO
  43. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (11, 150952, 2, 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:25.847' AS DateTime))
  44. GO
  45. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (12, 150958, 2, 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:25.853' AS DateTime))
  46. GO
  47. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (13, 150959, 2, 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:25.867' AS DateTime))
  48. GO
  49. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (14, 150960, 2, 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:25.880' AS DateTime))
  50. GO
  51. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (15, 152883, 7, 132155, CAST(N'2015-09-23T08:47:56.103' AS DateTime))
  52. GO
  53. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (16, 163120, 2, 183588, CAST(N'2015-10-12T16:04:42.793' AS DateTime))
  54. GO
  55. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (17, 152879, 2, 183588, CAST(N'2016-06-28T10:38:02.113' AS DateTime))
  56. GO
  57. INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] ([ConnectCenterAttributesID], [CenterID], [ConnectCenterAttrTypeID], [ModUserID], [ModDate]) VALUES (18, 166112, 7, 132156, CAST(N'2016-09-11T22:21:14.573' AS DateTime))
  58. GO
  59. SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[ConnectCenterAttributes] OFF
  60. GO
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