
Fallout 4 Vulkan

Oct 29th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. [General]
  2. SLocalSavePath=Saves\
  3. bAllowConsole=1
  4. bPlayMainmenuMusic=1
  5. uGridsToLoad=5
  6. uExterior Cell Buffer=36
  7. bForceUpdateDiffuseOnly=1
  8. iTextureDegradeDistance0=800
  9. iTextureDegradeDistance1=1500
  10. iTextureUpgradeDistance0=600
  11. iTextureUpgradeDistance1=1200
  12. bDisableAllGore=0
  13. [Display]
  14. fDirShadowDistance=4000.0000
  15. fShadowDistance=4000.0000
  16. bSAOEnable=0
  17. bNvGodraysEnable=0
  18. iLocation X=0
  19. iLocation Y=0
  20. fPipboyScreenEmitIntensityPA=1
  21. fSunShadowUpdateTime=1.0
  22. fSunUpdateThreshold=0.5000
  23. iPresentInterval=0
  24. fDefaultWorldFOV=70
  25. fDefault1stPersonFOV=80
  26. fDecalLifetime=30.0000
  27. fDecalLOD0=800.0000
  28. fPipboyScreenEmitIntensity=1.2500
  29. fPipboyScreenDiffuseIntensity=0.150
  30. fPipboyScreenDiffuseIntensityPA=1.0000
  31. [Pipboy]
  32. bPipboyDisableFX=1
  33. [Archive]
  34. sResourceDataDirsFinal=
  35. bInvalidateOlderFiles=1
  36. [Controls]
  37. bInvertYValues=0
  38. fMouseHeadingYScale=.021
  39. fMouseHeadingXScale=.021
  40. fEnterWorkshopDelay=1.5000
  41. fPipboyLightDelay=0.3000
  42. fZKeyDelay=0.2000
  43. fThrowDelay=0.3000
  44. fPowerArmorExitDelay=0.4000
  45. [Grass]
  46. iMinGrassSize=20
  47. [Imagespace]
  48. bDoRadialBlur=1
  49. [Camera]
  50. f3rdPersonAimFOV=70
  51. [Decals]
  52. uMaxSkinDecals=100
  53. uMaxSkinDecalPerActor=25
  54. bDecals=1
  55. bSkinnedDecals=1
  56. [Interface]
  57. fSafeZoneYWide=36
  58. fSafeZoneY=36
  59. fSafeZoneYWide16x10=36
  60. fSafeZoneXWide=64.0
  61. fSafeZoneX=64.0
  62. fSafeZoneXWide16x10=64.0
  63. fCrosshairAlphaPercent=100
  64. [ScreenSplatter]
  65. bBloodSplatterEnabled=1
  66. [Combat]
  67. bForceNPCsUseAmmo=0
  68. [Gameplay]
  69. bHealthBarShowing=0
  70. [VATS]
  71. fVATSRangedLongDistance=2500
  72. [Workshop]
  73. bWorkshopEnableGridBasedSnapping=0
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