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a guest
Oct 19th, 2019
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  1. sm_zones - opens up the zones menu (Cheats flag)
  2. sm_delete - you can delete a range of values with this. (sm_delete 1 5 deletes records from 1 to 5) (sm_delete 1 deletes record 1) (Cheats flag)
  3. sm_hudfuck - use this only on players who deserve it. It removes their hud and they can't communicate because of it. (Generic flag)
  4. sm_move - gets players out of things like walls they are stuck in. It moves them forward in the direction they look. (Generic flag)
  5. sm_deleteghost - deletes the ghost in case of bugs. (Cheats flag)
  6. sm_reloadranks - reloads chat ranks. (Root flag)
  7. sm_enablecc <steamid> - to give someone custom chat privileges. (Root flag)
  8. sm_disablecc <steamid> - to remove someone's custom chat privileges. (Root flag)
  9. sm_cclist - to see a list of every player with custom chat privileges. (Cheats flag)
  10. sm_recalcpts - recalculates all the points in the database. (Cheats flag)
  11. sm_spj - check the strafes per jump ratios for any player. (Generic flag)
  12. sm_enablestyle - enables a style for players to use. (Resets to default setting on map change)
  13. sm_disablestyle - disables a style so players can no longer use it. (Resets to default setting on map change)
  14. sm_reloadstyles - reloads the styles.cfg file. (Generic flag)
  15. sm_showcycle - it shows the data from the file mapcycle.txt (Generic flag)
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