

Jan 26th, 2017
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  1. on load:
  2. if file "plugins/Yetkililer/" doesn't exists:
  3. create folder "plugins/Yetkililer"
  4. if file "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml" doesn't exists:
  5. create file "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  6. set "prefix" to "&8[&cMC&6-&4TR&8]" in yaml file "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  7. set "yapimci" to "SoloTurk" in yaml file "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  8. set "yetkililer" to "SoloTurk,Steve,MCTR,Türk" in yaml file "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  9. set "update" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  10. set {prefix} to colored value "prefix" get of "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  11. set {yapimci} to value "yapimci" get of "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  12. set {update} to value "update" get of "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  13. set {_bilgiler} to value "yetkililer" get of "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  14. set {yetkililer::*} to split {_bilgiler} at ","
  16. on load:
  17. if {update} is "true":
  18. if text from "" is not "1.0 - %{yapimci}%":
  19. send "%{prefix}% Yetkililer Skriptine Güncelleme Mevcut Hemen İndiriyoruz.." to console
  20. download from "" to "plugins/Skript/scripts/"
  21. loop 10 times:
  22. send "&bGüncelleme Yüklendi &6plugins/plugins/Skript/scripts &bYolunu Takip Edin Ve Yeni Dosyayı Aktif Edin" to console
  23. send "%{prefix}% Basariyla Guncellendi !" to console
  24. else:
  25. send "%{prefix}% UPDATE Kapalı." to console
  27. command /update [<text>]:
  28. permission: update.perm
  29. trigger:
  30. arg 1 is not set:
  31. send "%{prefix}% &c&l/update false &f&lveya &c&l/update true !"
  32. arg 1 is "ac" or "true":
  33. if {update} is "false" or "kapalı":
  34. set "update" to "true" in yaml file "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  35. set {update} to "true"
  36. send "%{prefix}% Update basariyla Acildi !"
  37. else:
  38. send "&cUyari &f- &eZaten Update / Guncelleme Acik !"
  39. arg 1 is "false" or "kapat":
  40. if {update} is "true" or "acık":
  41. set "update" to "false" in yaml file "plugins/Yetkililer/config.yml"
  42. set {update} to "false"
  43. send "%{prefix}% Update basariyla kapatildi !"
  44. else:
  45. send "&cUyari &f- &eZaten Update / Guncelleme Kapali !"
  47. command /yetkililer:
  48. trigger:
  49. open chest with 1 rows named "&c&lYetkililer" to player
  50. set {_y} to 0
  51. loop {yetkililer::*}:
  52. if {now.%loop-value%} is not set:
  53. set {now.%loop-value%} to "&4-"
  54. if {durum.%loop-value%} is not set:
  55. set {durum.%loop-value%} to "&cAktif Degil"
  56. format slot {_y} of player with nether star named "%loop-value%" with lore "&6Durum : %{durum.%loop-value%}%||&6Son Görülme : %{now.%loop-value%}%" to close
  57. add 1 to {_y}
  58. on join:
  59. loop {yetkililer::*}:
  60. if loop-value is "%player%":
  61. set {durum.%player%} to "&aAktif"
  62. set {now.%player%} to "%now%"
  64. on disconnect:
  65. loop {yetkililer::*}:
  66. if loop-value is "%player%":
  67. execute console command "det %player%"
  70. command /det <text>:
  71. permission : gizlen.admin
  72. trigger:
  73. set {durum.%arg 1%} to "&cAktif Degil"
  74. set {now.%arg 1%} to "%now%"
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