

Jan 27th, 2020
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  1. variables:
  2. {zmienna3} = true
  3. {zmienna3} = false
  4. {dolacz2} = true
  5. {dolacz2} = false
  6. {koniec2} = true
  7. {koniec2} = false
  8. {trwa2} = true
  9. {trwa2} = false
  10. {klasysmierci} = true
  11. {klasysmierci} = false
  12. command /klasy [<text>]:
  13. trigger:
  14. if arg 1 is "ustaw":
  15. if player has permission "klasy.admin":
  16. send "&cPomyslnie ustawiono spawn klas"
  17. set {klasy.spawn} to location 370, 104, 38 in world "World"
  18. stop
  19. if arg 1 is "pomoc":
  20. send "&6/klasy pomoc &8[pokazuje ta wiadomosc]"
  21. send "&6/klasy dolacz &8[dolaczasz do eventu]"
  22. send "&6/klasy opusc &8[opuszczasz event]"
  23. send "&6/klasy info &8[pokazuje info o evencie]"
  24. execute console command "/pms play ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP %PLAYER% 5 1"
  25. stop
  26. if arg 1 is not set:
  27. send "&cPoprawne uzycie: /klasy pomoc"
  28. execute console command "/pms play ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP %PLAYER% 5 1"
  29. stop
  30. if arg 1 is "info":
  31. send "&7[&6Klasy&7] &8Osoba ktora zabije wszystkie osoby, wygrywa!"
  32. execute console command "/pms play ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP %PLAYER% 5 1"
  33. stop
  34. if arg 1 is "dolacz":
  35. if {dolacz2} is true:
  36. execute console command "/pms play ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP %PLAYER% 5 1"
  37. send "&6[Klasy] &cPomyslnie zapisano na event."
  38. add 1 to {startgry}
  39. add player to {uczestnicy2.eventu::*}
  40. add 1 to {zmienna}
  41. set {cmd::%player%} to true
  42. if {dolacz2} is false:
  43. execute console command "/pms play ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP %PLAYER% 5 1"
  44. send "&6[Klasy] &cNie mozesz zapisac sie na event, poniewaz nie ma teraz eventu lub juz trwa."
  45. if arg 1 is "start":
  46. set {klasysmierci} to false
  47. set {zmienna3} to false
  48. execute command "klasy wyczysczmienne"
  49. execute command "klasy wyczysc"
  50. set {dolacz2} to true
  51. set {koniec2} to true
  52. execute command "/pms play ENTITY_GENERIC_EXPLODE * 10 1"
  53. broadcast "&6[Klasy] &7Wybila godzina 17!! Event rozpocznie sie za 30 sekund. Aby dolaczyc wpisz komende &6/klasy dolacz"
  54. wait 25 seconds
  55. broadcast "&6[Klasy] &7Rozpocznie sie za 5..."
  56. execute command "/pms play ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST * 10 1"
  57. wait 1 second
  58. broadcast "&6[Klasy] &7Rozpocznie sie za 4..."
  59. execute command "/pms play ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST * 10 1"
  60. wait 1 second
  61. broadcast "&6[Klasy] &7Rozpocznie sie za 3..."
  62. execute command "/pms play ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST * 10 1"
  63. wait 1 second
  64. broadcast "&6[Klasy] &7Rozpocznie sie za 2..."
  65. execute command "/pms play ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST * 10 1"
  66. wait 1 second
  67. broadcast "&6[Klasy] &7Rozpocznie sie za 1..."
  68. execute command "/pms play ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_BLAST * 10 1"
  69. wait 1 second
  70. set {dolacz2} to false
  71. set {trwa2} to true
  72. if {startgry} is higher than 1:
  73. broadcast "&6[Klasy] &7Event wlasnie sie rozpoczyna!!"
  74. execute command "/pms play ENTITY_FIREWORK_ROCKET_TWINKLE * 10 1"
  75. teleport {uczestnicy2.eventu::*} to {klasy.spawn}
  76. clear {startgry}
  77. stop
  78. if {startgry} is smaller than 2:
  79. broadcast "&6[Klasy] &7Event nie odbyl sie z powodu nie wystarczajacej liczby graczy."
  80. execute command "/pms play ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP %PLAYER% 5 1"
  81. execute command "klasy wyczysczmienne"
  82. execute command "klasy wyczysc"
  83. clear {startgry}
  84. if arg 1 is "wyczysc":
  85. loop 10 times:
  86. remove all players from {uczestnicy2.eventu::*}
  87. stop
  88. if arg 1 is "opusc":
  89. if {trwa} is true:
  90. execute console command "/pms play ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP %PLAYER% 5 1"
  91. remove player from {uczestnicy2.eventu::*}
  92. send "&6[Klasy] &cPomyslnie opuszczono event."
  93. execute command "/isd sendhome %player%"
  94. stop
  95. if {trwa} is false:
  96. execute console command "/pms play ENTITY_ITEM_PICKUP %PLAYER% 5 1"
  97. Send "&6[Klasy] &cNie mozesz opuscic eventu poniewaz w nim nie uczestniczysz albo nie trwa teraz event."
  98. stop
  99. if arg 1 is "koniec":
  100. teleport {uczestnicy2.eventu::*} to {klasykoniec.spawn}
  101. execute console command "/klasy wyczysc"
  102. stop
  103. if arg 1 is "ustawkoniec":
  104. if player has permission "klasy.admin":
  105. send "&cPomyslnie ustawiono spawn klas"
  106. set {klasykoniec.spawn} to location 20000039, 142, 61 in world "World"
  107. stop
  108. if arg 1 is "ustawmape":
  109. if player has permission "klasy.admin":
  110. send "&cPomyslnie ustawiono spawn klas"
  111. set {klasymapa.spawn} to location 403, 62, 54 in world "World"
  112. stop
  113. stop
  114. if arg 1 is "glosuj":
  115. if {cmd::%player%} is false:
  116. send "&6[Klasy] &cZaglosowales juz na start gry."
  117. if {cmd::%player%} is true:
  118. send "&6[Klasy] &aPomyslnie zaglosowano na start gry, czekanie na innych graczy."
  119. add 1 to {zmienna2}
  120. set {cmd::%player%} to false
  121. if {zmienna2} is equal to {zmienna}:
  122. set {klasysmierci} to true
  123. teleport {uczestnicy2.eventu::*} to {klasymapa.spawn}
  124. stop
  125. if arg 1 is "wyczysczmienne":
  126. clear {zmienna2}
  127. clear {zmienna}
  128. clear {startgry}
  129. if arg 1 is "ustawwina":
  130. if player has permission "klasy.admin":
  131. send "&cPomyslnie ustawiono miejsce wygranej."
  132. set {klasywygrana.spawn} to location 19999362, 159, 267 in world "World"
  133. stop
  135. on death:
  136. if {klasysmierci} is true:
  137. remove 1 from {zmienna2}
  138. remove player from {uczestnicy2.eventu::*}
  140. on any movement:
  141. if {zmienna3} is true:
  142. if {zmienna2} is equal to 1:
  143. clear inventory of {uczestnicy2.eventu::*}
  144. teleport {uczestnicy2.eventu::*} to {klasywygrana.spawn}
  145. remove player from {uczestnicy2.eventu::*}
  146. execute command "klasy wyczysc"
  147. execute command "time set day world"
  152. on entering region "strzelec":
  153. execute command "give %player% 301 1"
  154. execute command "give %player% 300 1"
  155. execute command "give %player% 299 1"
  156. execute command "give %player% 298 1"
  157. execute command "give %player% 261 1"
  158. execute command "give %player% 439 124"
  159. execute command "give %player% apple 64"
  160. execute command "tp %player% 358 110 65"
  161. send "&aPomyslnie wybrano klase &eStrzelec, &apoczekaj teraz na innych."
  162. stop
  164. on entering region "wojownik":
  165. execute command "give %player% 309 1"
  166. execute command "give %player% 308 1"
  167. execute command "give %player% 307 1"
  168. execute command "give %player% 306 1"
  169. execute command "give %player% 258 1"
  170. execute command "give %player% 364 64"
  171. execute command "give %player% 442 1"
  172. execute command "tp %player% 358 110 65"
  173. send "&aPomyslnie wybrano klase &eWojownik, &apoczekaj teraz na innych."
  174. stop
  176. on entering region "assasyn":
  177. execute command "give %player% 301 1"
  178. execute command "give %player% 300 1"
  179. execute command "give %player% 299 1"
  180. execute command "give %player% 298 1"
  181. execute command "give %player% 276 1"
  182. execute command "give %player% 424 64"
  183. execute command "tp %player% 358 110 65"
  184. send "&aPomyslnie wybrano klase &eAssasyn, &apoczekaj teraz na innych."
  185. stop
  187. on entering region "tank":
  188. execute command "give %player% 310 1"
  189. execute command "give %player% 311 1"
  190. execute command "give %player% 312 1"
  191. execute command "give %player% 313 1"
  192. execute command "give %player% 268 1"
  193. execute command "give %player% 424 64"
  194. execute command "give %player% 345 1"
  195. execute command "tp %player% 358 110 65"
  196. send "&aPomyslnie wybrano klase &eTank, &apoczekaj teraz na innych."
  197. stop
  199. on entering region "lobbyklasy":
  200. execute command "effect %player% invisibility 20000"
  201. execute command "time set night"
  205. on entering region "MapaKlasy":
  206. send player title "&fEvent sie zaczal" with subtitle "&fMinuta na rozstawienie"
  207. set {zmienna3} to true
  209. on entering region "wygranaklasy":
  210. send player title "&fWygrales event" with subtitle "&cGratulacje odbierz nagrode"
  211. execute command "
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