

Jul 17th, 2013
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  1. Chat
  2. Guest_CrazyBob668 has joined the chat
  3. Guest_CrazyBob668: what's your mood today?
  4. Zer0bandit: Stable. Small blessings, eh?
  5. Guest_CrazyBob668: small blessings?
  6. Zer0bandit: indeed. One needs to remain thankful for the little things.
  7. Guest_CrazyBob668: ok
  8. Guest_CrazyBob668: not like last time?
  9. Zer0bandit: Last time?
  10. Guest_CrazyBob668: yes
  11. Guest_CrazyBob668: you were kinda rude
  12. Guest_CrazyBob668: with presumptions
  13. Zer0bandit: I didn't see it as a presumption, so much as an effort to not waste your time.
  14. Guest_CrazyBob668: i saw it as a presumption
  15. Zer0bandit: that's a shame.
  16. Guest_CrazyBob668: while I've explained several times what my business on here is
  17. Guest_CrazyBob668: not really
  18. Zer0bandit: you do have a habit of choosing to get upset at the things I say.
  19. Zer0bandit: One wonders why you still come to say hello.
  20. Guest_CrazyBob668: reverse:
  21. Guest_CrazyBob668: You do have a habit of trying to point out flaws on me
  22. Guest_CrazyBob668: instead of looking for them in yourself
  23. Zer0bandit: Well, you're the one that keeps coming to me. I have no intention of changing my behaviour.
  24. Guest_CrazyBob668: non sequitur
  25. Zer0bandit: Pardon?
  26. Guest_CrazyBob668: it's latin
  27. Guest_CrazyBob668: comes from the theories of discussing/debating
  28. Zer0bandit: Yes, I know what a non-sequiter is, but I don't know why you're suddenly saying it.
  29. Guest_CrazyBob668: because you just did one
  30. Guest_CrazyBob668: And I don't accept it since it's non sequitur
  31. Zer0bandit: Hardly. I made a comment on your behaviour. You made a comment saying maybe I should fix mine. I said I have no intention of doing so.
  32. Zer0bandit: Follows along pretty smoothly, I should think.l
  33. Guest_CrazyBob668: incorrect repetition
  34. Guest_CrazyBob668: never stated that you should fix yours
  35. Guest_CrazyBob668: i stated a suggestion to look within in yourself, instead of continiously trying to point out flaws in mine
  36. Zer0bandit: Suggestion noted, and dismissed, I suppose.
  37. Guest_CrazyBob668: so you admit making a false repition now?
  38. Zer0bandit: Pardon?
  39. Guest_CrazyBob668: this is not a vocal conversation, you can read what i said over and over
  40. Zer0bandit: This is a straight question, not a challenge or a trick, but what are you trying to do tonight?
  41. Zer0bandit: It seems like you're trying to out-clever me, but I can't draw a bead on your eventual goal.
  42. Guest_CrazyBob668: changing of subject
  43. Guest_CrazyBob668: my goal was stated at the start of this discussion
  44. Zer0bandit: Hmm, I just scrolled up to look and I can't see it.
  45. Zer0bandit: You may need to re-state it.
  46. Guest_CrazyBob668: the reverse part
  47. Guest_CrazyBob668: continously, you are trying to point out flaws with me, while you should look at yourself
  48. Zer0bandit: ahh. So your goal is to get me to look at my own flaws?
  49. Guest_CrazyBob668: a statement proven emperically with this discussion
  50. Guest_CrazyBob668: no
  51. Guest_CrazyBob668: -_-
  52. Guest_CrazyBob668: sorry, but I used to people who actually listen to what I'm saying
  53. Zer0bandit: Evidently.
  54. Guest_CrazyBob668: and don't try to win discussions by using tricks like non sequitar and incorrect repitition
  55. Zer0bandit: Conversely, I don't often speak at length with people who try and sound clever by conducting a casual interaction like it's a formal debate.
  56. Guest_CrazyBob668: if this was a formal debate we would have to convince a third person
  57. Guest_CrazyBob668: so your statement is untrue, again
  58. Zer0bandit: So at the risk of you trying to deflect it by wailing about non-sequiter
  59. Zer0bandit: why DO you still start chats with me?
  60. Zer0bandit: If you find my manner so abhorrent.
  61. Guest_CrazyBob668: it's not wailing about non sequitur
  62. Guest_CrazyBob668: that term applies to argumentation
  63. Guest_CrazyBob668: not a question
  64. Zer0bandit: So have you actually got an answer to my question?
  65. Guest_CrazyBob668: off course
  66. Guest_CrazyBob668: but first importance to me was pointing out the error you made regarding non sequitur
  67. Guest_CrazyBob668: and i believe in giving people chances
  68. Guest_CrazyBob668: second even third
  69. Guest_CrazyBob668: to bad you ran out
  70. Zer0bandit: Still waiting on that answer.
  71. Guest_CrazyBob668: to what question do you claim i haven't answered
  72. Guest_CrazyBob668: ?
  73. Zer0bandit: Why. Do. You. Keep. Inviting. Me.
  74. Guest_CrazyBob668: Guest_CrazyBob668: and i believe in giving people chances
  75. Guest_CrazyBob668: Guest_CrazyBob668: second even third
  76. Guest_CrazyBob668: Guest_CrazyBob668: to bad you ran out
  77. Zer0bandit: It's been a lot more than three times.
  78. Guest_CrazyBob668: chances =! conversations
  79. Zer0bandit: well, obviously, if you're here talking to me.
  80. Zer0bandit: Though that does mean that your previous answer is invalid, because if it was valid, we wouldn't be talking.
  81. Guest_CrazyBob668: my answer isn't invalid
  82. Guest_CrazyBob668: it seems a presumption is made that you blew a chance in my book, with every conversation
  83. Guest_CrazyBob668: or do you disagree on that?
  84. Zer0bandit: You said 'or even three'. I can think of at least three times when I've been straightforward with you and you've chosen to be offended.
  85. Guest_CrazyBob668: you can think of that. That's good for you. yet, you can't project those thoughts on me and expect me to share that thought
  86. Guest_CrazyBob668: falsification through projection
  87. Zer0bandit: You are a perplexing human. You're telling me I've run out of chances. I'm wondering why you're still here. You're accusing me of exaggerating how many chances I've had- and yet you're the one who has the objections themselves.
  88. Zer0bandit: Surely you ought to be agreeing with me. Especially if, as you said, I have run out of chances and thus hit your threshold of tolerance.
  89. Guest_CrazyBob668: i'm still talking here, since this was your last chance
  90. Guest_CrazyBob668: to that point the statement still stands
  91. Guest_CrazyBob668: for the rest, well
  92. Guest_CrazyBob668: it's interesting to see how people debate, like you are just doing
  93. Zer0bandit: I'm glad it's interesting for you, at least.
  94. Guest_CrazyBob668: and just identify every 'trick' you try
  95. Guest_CrazyBob668: it tells me a lot about you
  96. Guest_CrazyBob668: which brings me back to the starting statement
  97. Guest_CrazyBob668: finding flaws in others, while i suggest finding them in yourselves
  98. Zer0bandit: Nah, I'm good.
  99. Guest_CrazyBob668: *yourself
  100. Zer0bandit: It's intriguing that you feel you need to help improve me as a person, and that, even having reached your threshold of tolerance, you're still interested enough to want to study my behaviour.
  101. Zer0bandit: I wonder if you're more attached than I thought you were.
  102. Guest_CrazyBob668: it seems you will have to wonder then
  103. Zer0bandit: I don't imagine it will bother me for long after this chat ends.
  104. Guest_CrazyBob668: and i don't need to HELP you improve
  105. Guest_CrazyBob668: again a presumption
  106. Zer0bandit: One more passing acquaintance in the sea of IMVU.
  107. Guest_CrazyBob668: i rather assist people who aren't so ignorant or aren't open to even consider flaws
  108. Zer0bandit: Uh huh.
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