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CAP - 2 - CAT

a guest
Jan 9th, 2014
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  1.  @echo off
  3. set pcap=E:\WPA\Commview
  4. set phccap=E:\WPA\Hashcat
  5. set paircrack=D:\Programme\cap2hccap
  6. set phashcat=D:\Programme\oclHashcat
  7. set pwordlist=M:\Wordlists
  8. set gpu-acc=16
  9. set gpu-loops=16
  10. set gpu-temp=90
  11. set imin=8
  12. set imax=20
  13. set chars1=?u?l?d
  14. set chars2=?u?l?d
  15. set chars3=?u?l?d
  17. echo C2C - Cap to Cat
  18. echo.
  20. :PATHS
  21. echo Default paths are:
  22. echo.
  23. echo .cap-File: %pcap%
  24. echo .hccap-File: %phccap%
  25. echo aircrack-ng.exe: %paircrack%
  26. echo oclHashcat64.exe: %phashcat%
  27. echo Wordlists: %pwordlist%
  28. echo.
  30. :Q0
  31. echo Keep these paths? (y/n)
  32. set /p var1=""
  33. if "%var1%" == "y" goto Q1
  34. if "%var1%" == "n" goto SET_PATHS
  35. if "%var1%" == "8" goto EIGHT
  36. echo.
  37. echo Please enter only y or n!
  38. goto Q0
  40. :SET_PATHS
  41. echo.
  42. echo Please set the folder containing the .cap file WITHOUT a "\" at the end!
  43. set /p pcap=""
  44. echo.
  45. echo Please set the folder containing the .hccap file WITHOUT a "\" at the end!
  46. set /p phccap=""
  47. echo.
  48. echo Please set the folder containing the aircrack.exe WITHOUT a "\" at the end!
  49. set /p paircrack=""
  50. echo.
  51. echo Please set the folder containing the oclHashcat64.exe WITHOUT a "\" at the end!
  52. set /p phashcat=""
  53. echo.
  54. echo Please set the folder containing the Wordlist WITHOUT a "\" at the end!
  55. set /p pwordlist=""
  56. echo.
  58. :Q1
  59. cls
  60. echo Do you want to use start or restore a session?
  61. echo Please press 1 to start a session.
  62. echo Please press 2 to restore a session.
  63. set /p var1=""
  64. if "%var1%" == "1" goto Q2
  65. if "%var1%" == "2" goto RESTORE
  66. echo.
  67. echo Please enter only y or n
  68. goto Q1
  70. :Q2
  71. cls
  72. echo Is the hccap file ready? (y/n)
  73. set /p var1=""
  74. if "%var1%" == "n" goto CONVERTER
  75. if "%var1%" == "y" goto PICKER
  76. echo.
  77. echo Please enter only y or n
  78. goto Q2
  81. cls
  82. echo Welcome to the converter
  83. echo.
  84. echo Which file do you wish to convert?
  85. dir  /B /P /W %pcap%
  86. echo.
  87. echo Please enter the filename WITH extention
  88. set /p vcap=""
  89. echo You have chosen %vcap%.
  90. echo.
  91. echo Please choose the name of the ouput file WITHOUT extension
  92. set /p vhccap=""
  93. echo The File will be named %vhccap%.hccap.
  94. echo.
  95. echo Push any button to begin the conversion.
  96. pause
  97. pushd %paircrack%
  98. aircrack-ng.exe %pcap%\%vcap% -J %phccap%\%vhccap%
  100. :Q3
  101. echo Do you want to keep using the created file? (y/n)
  102. set /p var1=""
  103. if "%var1%" == "y" (
  104.    echo You will be using %vhccap%.hccap
  105.    goto HASHCAT )
  106. if "%var1%" == "n"  goto PICKER
  107. echo.
  108. echo Please enter only y or n
  109. goto Q3
  111. :PICKER
  112. cls
  113. echo Which file do you wish to use?
  114. dir  /B /P /W %phccap%
  115. echo.
  116. echo Please enter the filename WITHOUT extention
  117. set /p vhccap=""
  118. echo You have chosen %vhccap%.hccap.
  120. :HASHCAT
  121. cls
  122. echo Welcome to the Hashcat
  124. :Q4
  125. echo.
  126. echo GPU-Acclleration: %gpu-acc%
  127. echo GPU-Loops: %gpu-loops%
  128. echo GPU-Temp-Abort: %gpu-temp% C
  129. echo Do you want to keep these settings? (y/n)
  130. set /p var1=""
  131. if "%var1%" == "n" goto PARAM
  132. if "%var1%" == "y" goto Q5
  133. echo.
  134. echo Please enter only y or n!
  135. goto Q4
  137. :PARAM
  138. echo.
  139. echo Please set the GPU-Accelleration (max=800, recommended=32)
  140. set /p gpu-acc=""
  141. echo.
  142. echo Please set the GPU-Loops (max=4096, also recommended)
  143. set /p gpu-loops=""
  144. echo.
  145. echo Please set the GPU-Temp-Abord (max=90)
  146. set /p gpu-temp=""
  147. echo.
  149. :Q5
  150. cls
  151. echo Do you want to use a dictionary- or a bruteforce-attack?
  152. echo Please press 1 to start a dictionary-attack.
  153. echo Please press 2 to start a bruteforce-attack.
  154. set /p var1=""
  155. if "%var1%" == "1" (
  156.     set way=DICT
  157.     goto DICT )
  158. if "%var1%" == "2" (
  159.     set way=BRUTE
  160.     goto Q7 )
  161. echo.
  162. echo Please enter only 1 or 2
  163. goto Q5
  165. :DICT
  166. cls
  167. echo Which dictionary do you wish to use?
  168. dir /B /P /W %pwordlist%
  169. echo.
  170. echo Please enter the filename WITH extention!
  171. set /p vlist=""
  172. echo You have chosen %vlist%
  174. :Q6
  175. cls
  176. echo Do you want to use rules? (y/n)
  177. set /p var1=""
  178. if "%var1%" == "y" goto RULES
  179. if "%var1%" == "n" (
  180.    set method=%phccap%\%vhccap%.hccap %pwordlist%\%vlist%
  181.    goto CATSTART )
  182. echo.
  183. echo Please enter only y or n!
  184. goto Q6
  186. :RULES
  187. cls
  188. echo Which ruleset do you wish to use?
  189. dir /B /P /W %phashcat%\rules
  190. echo.
  191. echo Please enter the filename WITHOUT extention!
  192. set /p rule=""
  193. echo You have chosen %rule%.rule
  194. set method=-r rules/%rule%.rule %phccap%\%vhccap%.hccap %pwordlist%\%vlist%
  195. goto CATSTART
  197. :Q7
  198. cls
  199. echo Do you want to use a custom mask? (y/n)
  200. set /p var1=""
  201. if "%var1%" == "y"  goto MASK
  202. if "%var1%" == "n"  goto BRUTE
  203. echo.
  204. echo Please enter only y or n
  205. goto Q7
  207. :MASK
  208. cls
  209. echo Use ?u for Uppercase-Letters (ABC...)
  210. echo Use ?l for lowercase-letters (abc...)
  211. echo Use ?d for digits (123...)
  212. echo Use ?s for symbols
  213. echo.
  214. echo Please define the custom charset 1 (default=?u?l?d)
  215. set /p chars1=""
  216. echo.
  217. echo Please define the custom charset 2 (default=?u?l?d)
  218. set /p chars2=""
  219. echo.
  220. echo Please define the custom charset 3 (default=?u?l?d)
  221. set /p chars3=""
  222. echo.
  223. echo Please enter the mask you want to use:
  224. set /p mask=""
  225. set method=-a 3 -1 %chars1% -2 %chars2% -3 %chars3% %phccap%\%vhccap%.hccap %mask%
  226. goto CATSTART
  228. :BRUTE
  229. cls
  230. echo Please select the minimum lengh (default=8).
  231. set /p imin=""
  232. echo.
  233. echo Please selcet the maximum lengh (default=20, max=40).
  234. set /p imax=""
  235. echo.
  236. echo Please define a charset (default=?u?l?d)
  237. echo Use ?u for Uppercase-Letters (ABC...)
  238. echo Use ?l for lowercase-letters (abc...)
  239. echo Use ?d for digits (123...)
  240. echo Use ?s for symbols
  241. set /p chars1=""
  242. set method=-a 3 -i --increment-min=%imin% --increment-max=%imax% -1 %chars1% %phccap%\%vhccap%.hccap ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
  243. goto CATSTART
  245. :CATSTART
  246. cls
  247. pushd %phashcat%
  248. echo HCCAP-File: %vhccap%.hccap
  249. echo Restore-File: %date%_%vhccap%_%way%
  250. echo Output-File: output\%vhccap%
  251. echo.
  252. echo GPU-Acclleration: %gpu-acc%
  253. echo GPU-Loops: %gpu-loops%
  254. echo GPU-Temp-Abort: %gpu-temp% C
  255. echo Method: %method%
  256. echo.
  257. echo Press any key to unleash the cat!
  258. pause >nul
  259. oclHashcat64.exe --session=restore/%date%_%vhccap%_%way% --restore-timer=300 --gpu-accel=%gpu-acc% --gpu-loops=%gpu-loops% --gpu-temp-abort=%gpu-temp% -m 2500 -o %date%_%vhccap% %method% -o output/%vhccap%
  261. :Q8
  262. echo.
  263. echo Crack another file? (y/n)
  264. set /p var1=""
  265. if "%var1%" == "y" goto Q1
  266. if "%var1%" == "n" goto EXIT
  267. echo.
  268. echo Please enter only y or n!
  269. goto Q8
  271. :EXIT
  272. echo.
  273. echo This Window will be closed now.
  274. pause
  275. exit
  277. :RESTORE
  278. cls
  279. echo Which file do you wish to restore?
  280. dir  /B /P /W %phashcat%\restore
  281. echo.
  282. echo Please enter the filename WITHOUT extention!
  283. set /p restore=""
  284. cls
  285. echo %restore%.restore will be restored.
  286. echo Press any button to begin.
  287. pause >nul
  288. pushd %phashcat%
  289. oclHashcat64.exe --session=restore/%restore% --restore
  290. goto Q8
  292. :EIGHT
  293. cls
  294. set /A ceight=0
  295. echo This is NOT the Stanley Parable!
  296. echo.
  298. :EIGHT2
  299. pause >nul
  300. echo Eight.
  301. set /A ceight=%ceight%+1
  302. if "%ceight%" == "5" echo The Stanley Parable doesn't even look like this!
  303. if "%ceight%" == "10" echo Why are you still pressing that button?
  304. if "%ceight%" == "20" echo You are wasting your time!
  305. if "%ceight%" == "35" echo You... you ARE really enjoying this, right?
  306. if "%ceight%" == "50" echo Okay, I'll keep my mouth shut and wait for this to be over.
  307. if "%ceight%" == "88" echo EIGHT-y-EIGHT, okay, I get it.
  308. if "%ceight%" == "100" echo REALLY?!?
  309. if "%ceight%" == "1000" echo You have pressed that button 1000 times now. ONE THOUSAND TIMES!
  310. goto EIGHT2
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