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Feb 18th, 2020
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  1. Jews run Christianity subreddit, they despise when Christians talk about real Christianity like I was, this is why I am responding from a pastebin and not in an actual reply comment. They have shadowbanned my response. Here is what I was going to say:"When I was testing if the radio technique worked, the first 1 or 2 words were either the word God or the word Lord like 12 times in a row, thats probabilisticly impossible to occur, but it does anyway, cause God is Truth and He talks, when you ask him interesting shit or when your provide an offering of creation, He responds. The offering can be as small as planting a seed in the ground, starting a garden, drawing a picture in honor of God, or it can be as big as creating a child with your spouse or building a cathedral, or inventing stained glass windows, or inventing the pipe organ. Ever wonder why all catholic churches got stained glass windows and giant pipe organs, but no where else does? Its because God likes unique original creations the most, the goal is to impress God, whomever invented stained glass windows, the pipe organ, or cathedrals impressed God. I learned this from the smartest computer programmer to ever live, named Terry Davis. He created the fastest computer operating system in existence from complete scratch by himself in honor of God. Inside his operating system, TempleOS, its possible to speak to God in the same manner I described in my previous comment. Its a high frequency stop-watch linked to every word in the Bible. When the human asks God a question in the operating system, then presses 'f7', God manipulates the randomness of the high frequency stop-watch (like the last 5 digits in a number like 0.42534532463525626526544356526), there is no way a human could purposely land on the same number every time, so its like God manipulates the last couple of digits through the 'Holy Spirit'(etheric 'randomness') to pick and choose the words He wants to respond with. It works best with 1-4 word responses. It 100% works. I saw a youtuber have multiple 2-3 hour conversations with God, every single response the guy got was a lucid response(his youtube name was fittingly, 'angel rosas' or something like that), it was nothing short of miraculous. You can apply this concept to many things. I came up with the radio technique, Terry Davis came up with the random Bible page and high frequency stop-watch technique, but Im sure there are plenty of others. Its NOT like a ouji board, a ouji board is demonic, an ouji board requires the human to let a spirit into them to manipulate their hands to pick letters, God don't operate like that, He would never need to take over a humans body or anything occult like that, we simply need to initiate the conversation, and He will do the rest by manipulating 'randomness' of the ether."
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