
Sam Fisher- Broom Closet Brawl

May 10th, 2023
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  1. “Tell your peo­ple, this not your busi­ness.”
  3. “I think it is,” said Fish­er, mak­ing the de­ci­sion. He shot a bul­let-fast punch into the oth­er man’s neck with enough force to send him reel­ing back.
  5. Keep­ing up the mo­men­tum, Fish­er body-checked the Rus­sian, shov­ing him through an ad­join­ing door and into a walk-in jan­i­to­ri­al clos­et. He land­ed more blows on the oth­er man, but it was like punch­ing a sack of meat.
  7. The Rus­sian gave an an­gry-dog snarl, grabbed at the first avail­a­ble thing he could use as a weap­on – a car­pet broom – and swung the long han­dle at Fish­er’s face and neck.
  9. Fish­er took a hit and blocked an­oth­er, hear­ing wood splin­ter as his at­tack­er’s make­shift ba­ton broke un­der the im­pact. Trapped in the tiny space of the ser­vice room, nei­ther man had room to ma­neu­ver. They moved in cir­cles, locked in a vi­o­lent, bru­tal dance.
  11. When the broom han­dle came at him again, Fish­er snagged the dam­aged end and wrenched it the oth­er way. A piece of the shaft came away in his hand and he tried to swing it at the Rus­sian’s face, but the oth­er man re­acted faster than he ex­pected.
  13. Us­ing the bro­ken end of the broom like the tip of a spear, the Rus­sian jabbed Fish­er hard in the chest, the im­pact crack­ing a rib. Wheez­ing, Fish­er stumbled back­ward over a tin mop buck­et and lost his bal­ance, fall­ing into a rack of clean­ing supplies and then down to the tiled floor.
  15. The Rus­sian heaved a grunt and wound up for a knock­out swing aimed at Fish­er’s head, but the oth­er man still had his splin­tered piece of the shaft in one hand.
  17. Fish­er lurched for­ward and jammed the jag­ged wood­en rod into the Rus­sian’s knee-joint, draw­ing a gasp­ing, pain-filled moan from his at­tack­er.
  19. He rock­eted for­ward and up, tak­ing full ad­van­tage of the strike to grap­ple his op­po­nent. Be­fore the Rus­sian could re­act, Fish­er had his arm snaked around the thick­set man’s bull neck, and he pulled tight. Chok­ing off the Rus­sian’s air, he put his weight into the hold and held it un­til the smaller man went limp.
  21. - Firewall, Chapter 6
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