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Feb 12th, 2016
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  1. 22:29:18 <FusedQyou> D5807 what do you think about dropping a ssg?
  2. 22:29:19 <D5807> FusedQyou: Not much.
  3. 22:29:32 <FusedQyou> D5807 should it be bannable in your opinion?
  4. 22:29:33 <D5807> FusedQyou: God I guess... I don't know. Why?
  5. 22:29:37 <Galactus> rofl
  6. 22:29:46 <Galactus> Even the fucking bot questions it FusedQyou
  7. 22:29:51 <Galactus> EVEN THE BOT
  8. 22:29:57 <FusedQyou> D5807 it seems against the rules in my eyes. Not to mention we are talking about Galactus here. What do you think?
  9. 22:29:58 <D5807> FusedQyou: That doesn't make any sense.
  10. 22:30:02 <FusedQyou> well fuck
  11. 22:30:09 <FusedQyou> I tried
  12. 22:30:27 <FusedQyou> D5807 ban Galactus? Just say yes pls
  13. 22:30:28 <D5807> FusedQyou: Why? I don't know if I believe in God or not.
  14. 22:30:32 <FusedQyou> WOW
  15. 22:30:37 <FusedQyou> Galactus confirmed God
  16. 22:30:38 <Kokiri> NICE
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