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Feb 23rd, 2020
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  1. NOTES:
  3. - Use relentless hunter bonus movement speed to reliably hit q + w
  4. - Be more present early during lane
  5. - Hold Q for longer periods of time unless you are the one initiating
  6. - Use mobi’s to set up wards, aim for one roam to suspend mana, back and protect bot lane when minions crash at tower
  7. - I bought negatron that game because I had 760 gold / only reason I was dying was to lis + ezreal r + Yuumi r combo AND mr is more efficient at mid game as you get armor per level
  8. - Items: what you should be going to climb in low plat:
  9. - You are ALWAYS building mobis —> liandries
  10. - This is when it changes: if you are hell fed and enemy is ad heavy, —> zonyas
  11. - If you are hella fed and team is ap heavy, —> stopwatch into abyssal mask
  12. - If you are not fed and enemy team is ad / ap mixed —> gargoyles
  13. - If you are not fed and enemy is ap heavy —> locket
  14. - If you are not fed and enemy is ad heavy AND you have an auto attacking based mid (Yasuo) or adc (vayne; not heim) zekes
  15. - If you are hella fed and want to maintain tempo —> dark seal —> mejais —> stopwatch / needlessly large rod —> death cap —> zone
  16. - Skilling IMO this skill path is much better:
  17. - Q —> W —> E: then following tow paths:
  18. - If enemy team is low mobility + your team lacks initiation: q level until rank 3 then max wall then finish q then max e
  19. - If enemy team has high mobility then max q into max w into max e
  20. - In any regard, you should probably be leaving q over e as it is the reason why aniv sup is worth anything
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