
Uno Debt v1.6

Sep 12th, 2016
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  1. How to Play Uno Debt:
  2. 1. Up to 4 decks are used(more than 1 deck is preferred to increase variety) and cards are scrambled into a hollow circle known as the melon. A number line on a strip of paper numbered 0 to at least -25 with a marker token(i.e. a washer or penny) is placed near the middle.
  4. 2. Each player draws 1 card. This card is set aside in front of each respective player face-up and represents their buying power(special cards are discarded and player redraws a new card). The card also does not count as a part of the player's hand. The player with the highest card turns over the first card in the middle and play moves clockwise from that player.
  6. 3. Every player then draws 10 cards. On a player's turn, they may play one card on the same color, number or symbol as the top face up card in the middle. If there is not any face up card in the middle, they may play any card they wish.
  8. 4. The primary goal for the player is to get rid of all their cards. The secondary goal of the player is to balance the debt in the middle playing area. The current debt amount is tracked and marked by using the token on the number line. Balancing the debt is done by playing a same colored card or cards that matches the current debt. The value in the middle is always seen as negative, and cards in the player's hands is always positive. (ex. A). The reward for balancing the debt causes all the cards in the playing area to be discarded and shuffled back into the melon and allows the player to play again, playing any card they wish, and choose a specific player to attack. The player also may optionally exchange their buying power card by redrawing from the melon. Play is resumed from defending player.
  10. 5. A player may play at most the number of their buying power in cards and the color of the cards being played match the buying power color. Player can change the color to buying power and play multiple cards if one of the cards being played matches the symbol of the face up card. If multiple cards are played, their sum is counted against the current debt. (ex. B). Specials cards may be included in the group as long as the color is not changed respective to the cards player is playing.
  12. 6. If a player is unable to play when it is their turn, they have two options as long as they do not already have a discard pile. The player must draw the same number of cards as the buying power of the last player that played a card from:
  13. Option one: the melon. This option is only available if the player does not have a discard pile.
  14. Option two: the play area, and one of the cards drawn may be taken from the melon. If player needs to take more cards than there are in the middle, the remainder is taken from the melon.
  15. After a player has chosen one of the options, their discard pile is shuffled, and one card from the top is drawn face down from the discard pile and placed in the player's hand, ending the player's turn. Each turn thereafter, player is allowed to take one card per turn at the beginning of their turn.
  17. 7. If the color is changed, The debt is "buried" and the value of the new card is changed to the value of the new color card. (ex. C). Special cards that change existing color carry over the previous debt. If a player removes cards from the play area as a result of taking on debt, the top face card becomes the new value of the debt. If the top face card is a special card or if there is no card, the next player's card(s) that is a number card become the new value of the debt. New special cards and 0 number cards played provide no change to existing debt. (Ex. D)
  19. 8. If a player has reached one card at the end of their turn and does not have a discard pile, they must say UNO. If their turn ends and they do not call UNO before the next player finishes their turn, another player may call DEBT. This will require the player who has one card left to draw from the play area the same number of cards as the buying power of the player who called DEBT. These cards are placed immediately in the player's hand. If a player falsely calls Debt then the player who called Debt must take from the playing area the same number of cards as their buying power.
  21. 9. Special cards stack respectively if they are played at the same time(2 draw twos becomes draw four, 2 draw fours become draw eight, Even number of reverses do not change direction, odd numbers change direction. 2 skips skip 2 people.).
  23. Special moves:
  24. 10. At the beginning of a player's turn, if any other player carries a debt(a discard pile) the current player can choose to buy as many as their buying power allows from the top of enemy player's discard pile (One player per turn and after shuffling) and place those cards immediately in their hand, and may play them on the same turn if they wish. If playing with 2 players, this action can only be done if the face up card's color in the play area is the same as the player's buying power color.
  26. 11. If face up card and buy power card color match and player has a discard pile, at the beginning of the player's turn, player may combine their discard pile with their hand, shuffle it, and then redraw the same amount of cards as before.
  28. 12. If face up card and buy power card color match and player has a discard pile, at the beginning of the player's turn, player can take from their discard pile up to their buying power and place cards in their hand, but player loses their turn.
  29. Ex. A: The current debt is -6 with the top card being a blue card and the player plays a blue 6, making the debt 0.
  31. Ex. B: Top face card is a blue 6 and debt is -3. A player has a blue 4 buying power card and plays two blue 3s, a blue 1, and a blue 9, summing up to 16, making the debt -13
  33. Ex. C: The last card was a blue 6 but the debt was -2. A player plays a red 6 and now the debt value is -6
  35. Ex. D: The current face up card is a blue six and debt is -12. Next player plays a wild card and changes color to red. Debt is still -12.
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