
L'Age D'or form

Sep 19th, 2019
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  1. L’AGE D’OR
  2. The golden age of youth awaits you.
  3. _________________________________________________________________________
  6. SECTION ONE. DOES SHE - (yuna & jay park)
  7. ‘am I the problem, so immature, I can’t accept goodbye’
  10. USERNAME.| GlisteningHobi
  12. SLOT.| Blanc
  14. BACKUP SLOT.| n/a
  16. FACE CLAIM.| Hyuna (soloist)
  21. SECTION TWO. FALLIN - (alina baraz)
  22. ‘play me out like a song, you shut me down.’
  25. FULL NAME.| Kwon Daehee (권대희)
  27. OTHER NAME.| Danielle Kwon
  29. NICKNAMES.| Dani | Elle | Dae
  31. BIRTHDATE.| 30th December 1992
  33. NATIONALITY.| Korean-English
  35. ETHNICITY.| Korean-English
  37. BIRTHPLACE.| London, UK
  39. HOMETOWN.| Seoul, South Korea
  41. SECTION THREE. GOOD TOGETHER - (shy martin)
  42. ‘guess it’s the way we do shit now.’
  46. + Emotionless; she struggles expressing her emotions she has become so emotionally numb due to how her mum conditioned her.
  47. + Lost & lonely; being isolated for so long, whilst being an idol, she was finding it hard to cope with a major change in environment and didn't really have anyone to go through this struggle with. She was so used to her mum telling her what her next move was and now that she wasn't being controlled by her mum, she didn't know what to do with herself.
  48. + Cute & bubbly; this is just a facade she puts up when she is around people just incase people try and ask questions. She puts on this fake personality acting as if she is alright when in reality, she isn't.
  49. + Kind-hearted; she is naturally kind-hearted and after knowing how that feels for the longest time, she tries her best not to leave people out of things.
  50. + Rude; she is usually only rude to people that have annoyed her before but will soon forgive them. This was partly caused by the years of pressure that her mum put on her when she was yoiunger and now she has a hard exterior that you have to work hard to break through.
  51. + Perfectionist; she will never be happy with something unless she is 100% certain that it is perfect. She has become a major perfectionist due to her childhood where she spent most of her time trying to please everyone.
  52. + Funny; she has got a really good sense of humour and can easily make people laugh with her really witty jokes. She makes self-praising, self-depricating and many dark or dirty jokes. Her humour is endless.
  53. + Bossy; she is a natural born leader and she knows how to direct people. Sometimes it may annoy people but she does know how to get the job done so she is very efficient.
  54. + Loyal; no matter what, she will stick by you and she will have your back even in the worst situations. She is one of the most loyal friends you could have since she didn’t really have any supportive friends. She truly cherishes the relationships she has and wouldn't do anything to jeporadise that.
  55. + Outspoken; she is very open about her opinions over issues and won't feel afraid on expressing her opinions on certain situations. As well as this, if she sees her fans are being rude or disrespectful for example throwing hate at another artist for showing the dislike of a certain song she made or a stage she did then she will be quick to put them in their place and tell them what is right.
  59. Daehee was born in London, UK and lived there for 5 years. At the age of 6, she and her family moved to Korea in order to be closer to family and friends. By the time she was 8 years old, she had established a passion for dancing and would always be seen dancing around the house. Seeing this as an opportunity for something amazing, her mum started taking her to paid dance lessons and as she grew up, she got her a top class choreographer. At the age of 12, her mum encouraged her to apply for an entertainment company to show off her skills. Being the naive girl she was back then, she agreed not knowing the hardships she was about to face. However, she wasn't accepted but instead of making her audition again, her mum decided to become her manager and help her build up her career, afterall, she did have the money for it. At the age of 17 years old, she had made her official debut but that wasn't to say life got easier. In fact, life got even harder for her. It was around this time that they found out about her dad's affair with a younger woman and that he was leaving them for her. Due to her heartbreak, she only became stricter with her. She took all of her personal frustration out on her making her work 100 times harder. Daehee spent most of her childhood and adult hood trying to be the perfect woman for her mum just so she could see that she doesn't need to be so hard on her. When she was 18 she had a six month hiatus due to health issues surrounding her back and her leg. She soon got it treated and was back with a new more sexy and provocative image. Also around this time, an entertainment company scouted her to be under their label because they were really interested in her. At the age of 19, she recieved a lot of hatred for the image that she portrayed on stage and in her music videos and malicious rumours spread around about how she got into her new company. She had a really successful career becoming Korea's It Girl however, with the success of here career came the death of her social life. She had no friends and people in her life that she could talk to so she always felt isolated and lonely. It was finally at the age of 26 that she decided to retire from the idol life in order to live a normal life, or as close as she could get to that and persue any dreams she wished to persue.
  61. FAMILY.|
  62. Stephanie Kwon | 48 | Mother; her mum sees her as more of a profit booster than a daughter. She is rarely ever affectionate and sees her as a money maker.
  63. Kwon Hyungjoon (권형준) | 52 | Father; he left her and her mother after cheating on her with another woman. She refuses to talk to him and hates what he did to the family.
  65. MAJOR IN COLLEGE AND/OR JOB.| Idol (did acting in a few dramas), she recently retired
  67. TRIVIA.|
  68. + When she was 19 she recieved a lot of hate due to her provocative videos and her open behaviour and because of this, people created false and malicious rumours that she slept with the CEO and many men from the company to get a chance to debut. People even went as far as making false and doctered video and audio clips.
  69. + She also had another rumour later on in her career when people believed she was buying and using drugs. There was no real evidence or reason why they came up with that minus the fact that she had haters.
  70. + She is really flexible because she used to do a lot of gymnastics. She was previously a junior champion until she gave it up to become an idol.
  71. + She knows how to pole dance but she is tired of the stigma around the art form because she finds that it is a beautiful, elegaant and powerful dance form but everyone only sees the sexual side of it.
  72. + She can speak really quickly and fluently without hesitating or making a mistake. This helps her significantly with her rapping.
  73. + She has a beagle (Monty) and a Siberian Husky (Skye)
  74. + She has a british accent when she speaks (more of a south london accent).
  75. + She loves British soap operas and her favourites are Hollyoaks, Eastenders, Neighbours and Coronation street.
  76. + Her dream is to teach at a dance studio owned by her. She has wanted to do this since she was 20 years old.
  77. + She has a really good memory and can memorise things really quickly, this helps with the dance routines she has to learn.
  78. + She is actually a choreographer and has choreographed a lot of her own dances, and for groups like Red Velvet, CLC, Ateez, Stray Kids, Brave Girls and AOA.
  79. + She is known for her powerful yet extremely sensual moves.
  80. + She despises aegyo with a passion because she really doesn’t understand what people find cute about grown adults acting like 3 year olds.
  81. + When she is drunk, she becomes even more confident and one time ended up giving a random boy a lap dance.
  82. + Her favourite songs to dance to at the moment are Pony and Birthday Sex.
  84. HABITS.|
  85. + Licking her lips
  86. + Washing her hands after doing anything
  87. + Ruffling or messing with her hair
  88. + Rolling her eyes when she knows someone is wrong
  91. + British grime and drill music
  92. + Styling people / giving people makeovers
  93. + Sweets
  94. + Alcohol
  95. + Making playlists and playing them on her portable speaker
  96. + Going on holiday
  97. + Choreographing and dancing in general
  98. + People who judge her because of the type of music or type of dancing she does
  99. + Skinship
  100. + Going out for a jog
  101. + Going out and meeting new people
  103. DISLIKES.|
  104. + Cheese
  105. + Being outside for too long
  106. + Insects
  107. + Fish
  108. + Being judged because of her past
  109. + People who don't stand up for themselves
  110. + Someone who is spoilt
  111. + Glitter (she actually hates it and wish it never existed)
  112. + Jeans (except high-waisted jeans)
  115. SECTION FOUR. COLD HEART KILLER - (lia marie johnson)
  116. ‘but all my friends keep sayin’ it, cold heart killer.’
  119. LOVE INTEREST.| Park Seo Joon (Actor)
  120. BACKUP LOVE INTEREST.| Ken (Vixx)
  122. GENDER.| Male
  125. He has a really good sense of humour and can easily make people laugh by his weird antics. He is a very candid person and doesn’t like beating around the bush about things. Seo Joon is a very charismatic person and can use his charm to get out of a lot of situations. He is very proactive and a quick thinker and so he is able to get out of situations or solve them instead of just letting them happen. He has a really great sense of humour and loves to make people laugh and he is the sort of guy to tell a really bad joke and people will still laugh because of the way he reacted to his own joke. He can be very immature when he wants to because he loves making innapropriate or dirty jokes however, he knows when it really isn't appropriate to make one. He is a funny and pretty chill guy but when it is time to get serious, he will be 100% serious and to some people, this can be shocking due to his sudden change in behaviour as people are not expecting it. He has a great eye for what people want and like and knows ways to get it. He is also very helpful in the fact that he will criticise you but not in a way that will stir your confidence. He is a person who can easily take charge of a situation when someone else cannot. He is very good at thinking on his feet and it is hard to catch him off-guard with something. He is good at getting himself and others out of tricky situations. He can often be seen as bossy and even though sometimes this is good, at times it leads to small conflicts since people think he always wants to be the boss. When he is working, he likes to do things for himself and this is because he doesn't want to feel like he is bugging anyone or annoying anyone with things he could probably do himself. Sometimes he can be quite impulsive and do things that are out of character this is mostly down to frustration. He is definitely what people would call street smart because he is very aware of his surroundings and knows when something is not right. He is very open and honest about things and that is one of the reasons why he is so popular.
  128. + Born and raised in Korea
  129. + Went to school in Seoul
  130. + Lived with his dad as his mum passed away
  131. + Grew up with no siblings
  132. + Started acting when he was 20 and was popular from the beginning
  133. + Completed his military service early at the age of 22.
  134. + Made a huge donation to a charity and was a spokesperson for the charity for 2 years
  136. TRIVIA.|
  137. + He is ambidextrous but uses his left hand more often.
  138. + He has a fear of fish which is known as ichthyophobia.
  139. + He loves boxing because it is a good way to let off some steam.
  140. + He loves Childish Gambino, Asap Rocky, Daniel Ceasur and A boogie wit da hoodie and his playlists are full of their songs.
  141. + One of his all time favourite songs is Acapella by Daniel Ceasur and he can often be heard singing or humming the song.
  142. + He knows how to ride a motorbike.
  143. + He is actually a really good artist and two full artbooks of all of his works.
  144. + He had a pet dog called Rari but sadly he died when he turned 15.
  145. + Whenever they ask about his ideal type, he always says that he prefers sexy girls over cute girls because he doesn't like it when girl are too timid.
  147. FIRST MEETING.| They first met at an awards show he was hosting and she was performing. As she was getting ready backstage she was practicing a few of her moves. Seo Joon went backstage so he could get ready to go up and read out the next award winner. She was about to go ever and say hello to him but before she did, he walked off. One of the crew ran over to her and explained that the person meant to announce with Seo Joon had got sick and they needed her to fill in for her since she was so popular. Seo Joon walked in right as they said this and straight up shouted no but they wouldn't take no for an answer. They ended up doing the job together but everyone could see the awkwardness between them and it was all over the tabloids
  149. FIRST IMPRESSION.| Online she always saw him as this nice guy who wouldn't even hurt a fly but in real life he seemed to be spiteful and mean. He saw her as privallaged and lucky. He got a weird vibe from her and from the moment he met her, he knew something was off with her. He didn't like how fake she seemed.
  152. Beginning|
  153. In the beginning, it was clear that Seo Joon hated her, whenever they had to do stuff together, he would ignore her and not even look at her. Everything was forced when he was around her. She didn't like the way he was treating her and so she developed a dislike for her. Due to the fact that they were under the same company, they were expected to do a lot of jobs and hosting jobs together as people assumed that they would get along but little did they know that it was the complete opposite.
  155. Middle|
  156. As the pairs relationship developed and they spent more and more time together, Seo Joon started to notice something off with her, not like he used to though. He realized that she didn't really have anyone around her who gave her emotional support. After thinking about it, he realised that whenever he saw her, she was always alone looking upset. He started to crack and was feeling remorseful over the way he treated her over a stupid gut feeling. He began to act less harsh towards her and actually spoke to her for once. She found this very strange at first but then let it go because she finally had someone to talk to. They got closer and soon were inseperable.
  158. End|
  159. Seo Joon had already started falling for her and then he knew that she was the one for him. He had fallen for how raw and real she was. He amdired her honesty towards him. He also admired how strong she was even after facing tough times in her life. She had falling for this caring side that he knew him for and that all his fans knew him for. He revealed his feelings to her after a meet up they had planned together and she revealed that she felt the same way. They ended up dating.
  162. + Telling him about her dad leaving and how strict her mum was. Also telling him the reasoning behind her decision of retiring from the idol life. He comforts her about her parents and reassures her that she will know if she has made the right decision.
  163. + Going out drinking and they get a bit too drunk and they are caught by Dispatch making out on the dance floor.
  164. + Seo Joon has a major breakdown at some point and he needs comfort and so he finds comfort in Daehee. She tells him that it will be okay and that his mum wouldn't want him to be crying right now. In a moment of vulnerability, he pulls her forward and kisses her, she kisses back. Afer a couple of minutes, they soon realise what they are doing seperate themselves as she gets off his lap. They both quickly apologise and she runs out of the room.
  165. + Hosting another award show together after they become boyfriend and girlfriend and reports go about on tabloids talking about how much chemistry they now have compared to their first hosting job together.
  166. + Working out together
  167. + Acting in a drama together. (Preferrably Fight for my way or Why Secretary Kim)
  170. + Playing truth or dare together just to have a bit of fun and cheer everyone up.
  171. + Teaching the girls one of her dances.
  172. + Introducing them to Seo Joon for the first time
  173. + Hosting a party together
  174. + Teaching the girls how to mix cocktails.
  177. SECTION FIVE. DEEP END - (lykke li)
  178. ‘i wasn’t gonna love you now, i’m so fucking deep in it.’
  181. THEME SONG.| Why so lonely - Wonder Girls
  183. EXTRA.| nothing that I can think of :)
  185. MESSAGE TO KIRA.| Hello, this apply fic has really appealed to me and I hope that I have done enough to make the final slot. I hope to become good friend. Good luck and don't overwork yourself. Also, I understand that Park Seo Joon is older than the slot love interest but I really think he would suit the slot (maybe you can lower his age in the af) however if you have to then you can use my backup love interest. Whatever you choose, I shall support it <3 :)
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