
ABDL Superheroes: Titanium Brat!

Jul 1st, 2019
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  1. Real Name: Prototype Mama-Mech #1, “Pandora”
  2. Superhero Alias: Titanium Brat
  3. Powers: Healing rays, sonic screaming, extremely high durability, super-strength.
  4. Age: 21 [Based on programming]
  5. Gender: Female [Based on programming and model]
  6. Height: 5’8
  7. Appearance: Slim, grey body, glowing yellow eyes, black curly hair styled in a faux-bob. Normally wears white and pastel-yellow clothing.
  8. Costume: White and yellow skirtalls, with matching striped socks. She wears a custom-made diaper underneath to absorb any oil leaks.
  9. Weapon: An oversized titanium-alloy spanking paddle.
  10. Personality: Curious, playful, and spritely. Gets distracted easily.
  11. Likes: Drawing, reading, drinking milk, using her diapers, whacking bad guys with her paddle, and napping.
  12. Dislikes: Control freaks, water, people who are too serious, and swear words.
  14. Quirks:
  15. -Her personality is a mixture of her programming to be a mother, and the knowledge of how young children act. Due to a glitch, the barriers between the information and the core programming were absent, and this resulted in her acting like a child, with the capabilities and instincts of a doting mom.
  16. -In combat situations, the defensive programming of her motherly personality activates. This diminishes her childlike personality, with the domineering/controlling side of her personality core overtaking. In this state, she had been observed ‘punishing’ attackers by spanking them, or sitting on their faces (with a fully-soaked diaper).
  18. Backstory:
  19. In a world dominated by convenience and technology, Hanson Incorporated has managed to make their mark in a glum, advanced society by fulfilling the needs of almost every man, woman, and child. They owned countless toy companies, online distributors, and even medical institutions. Needless to say, they were involved in almost every aspect of human life.
  21. However, it was during a critical board meeting, that the higher-ups of the company realized that they could try something different. Something that would not only profit them greatly, but would also stamp out a problem that lacked a solution. And then, it hit them;
  23. Why not help raise kids?
  25. Among the billions of people in the world, about a third of the children live in appalling conditions. Whether it would be in an abusive, uncaring household, or with no home at all, these kids are left in the dust, their potential wasted. Artificial Intelligence was in full swing, and adaptive-learning programming was definitely possible. They were rich enough to perform the research needed, and everything in between.
  27. And in came Pandora. While she didn’t look fully-human, her personality core seemed to the wrong way. Apparently, one of the programmers had forgotten to place her core directive and knowledge about children in separate folders, causing a combination of childish tendencies and caring, motherly empathy. While this was seen as a failure at first, the Public Relations sector of Hanson Inc. didn’t want her to go to waste. Someone like her could be the perfect way to show the world just how advanced the company could be. It was perfect. A crime-fighting company mascot, who was the first android to have free will! And so, she was outfitted with additional combat abilities, a gimmicky weapon, and a new identity…
  29. Titanium Brat!
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