

Aug 28th, 2015
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  1. “Mine.”
  3. She looked up, the pleasant tingle of despair and hatred painting her eyes even as her betrayer continued to suckle at her neck tenderly. You couldn’t help but love the look, it became her well. The Marchioness Aludin seethed with impotence as she took in this defeat.
  5. “You belong to me now.” You grinned, clawed fingers reaching down beneath her lovely chin. You wanted badly to hurt and defile her, to put her down in her place and make her understand the way in which her new position worked. To taste her fear as you devoured her bit by bit, sweetening the honeyed perfection of her dripping blue blood. A mere moment ago she ruled the Lux, and now, it was yours. “Everything that was yours is now mine. Everything that you are and ever will be are mine and mine alone.”
  7. “Hehe, I told you Ludy, it would be dangerous here. I warned you it was strong.” You hated the sound of that voice as it tittered away. “Now look at us Ludy, all prone and defenseless here... waiting for the big bad savage beast to eat us allll up...” She giggled again; you could practically smell the mischief upon her breath as you watched the scene before you. “That’s ok, we taste nice don’t we?”
  9. The sultry teasing look which the pixie flashed your way made you ache with that ever unfamiliar hunger which pulsed between you loins. Your clawed grip on Aludin’s chin grew rougher as you jerked her face upward even as her former ‘servant’ nibbled and kissed her sweetly. Vexin’s now former mistress hissed and tried to no avail to avoid the Pixie’s cloying touch, her tongue still running across the opened flesh upon her neck.
  11. “Traitor, I should have known... you were in league with it all along weren’t you?” Dark anger boiled over even as she held herself in stilled submission, posture at odds with her words.
  13. “Of course not mi lady... I’ve never helped our new master directly this entire time. Even now I simply did as you asked, and brought you his head.” The dark-skinned illusionist grinned widely even as her fingers explored the Marchioness’ creamy chest, exposed from the cut of your lance.
  15. “You belong to me.” Your voice echoes though out your demesne. “Bow, kneel, scrap, and pledge yourself to me, to feeding my hunger. Swear by your names, by the magic in your blood, to bind this oath in your heart and bones. Til the eternal sun burns out in the heavens... when the last eagle flies over the last crumbling mountain…”
  17. You can feel it, every fae within your range... no within the Lux itself, claimed by the fae before you as her own as you took from her, her mantle of leadership. You can practically taste the full range of flavors, the tingling sweetness of their magic tantalizing your senses.
  19. “Til the last moon is cast over the last star of morning... and the last lion roars at the last dusty fountain.” Your voice booms, reaching all who stood within the Luxuriant Fields, you could feel the attention which you gained even as you spoke. Your claim upon the Lux intensifying as the magic which bound Aludin to this place suddenly began to pull tight towards you.
  21. The horror on her face as you did was self-evident. You could tell she’d been expecting at least another chance to contest your claim, to argue and possibly win against you in a contest of wits, but the sensation of being stripped of her claim made it clear that any final hopes which she’d had of reclaiming ground against you were nothing but air and smoke.
  23. It was the winners right after all to demand whatever they wished.
  25. “You shall serve me loyal and true. To heed my commands and requests as the blood within your body heeds your heart.” You smirked as you finished your litany of impossible conditions, enforcing this bargain upon all who’d pledged themselves to her though her.
  27. “... no... no... how did you...” Wild eyed, the deposed ruler could only babble in horror as the ‘bargain’ began. The twin power of demands and the more absolute force of fae ‘law’ coming into effect like something huge and heavy slamming itself into her mind.
  29. It wouldn’t be perfect, but it would hold for a while, her fae nature keeping her from attempting to immediately go directly against the letter of the law, and the bargain you’d just made giving you a means of punishing any such future attempts.
  31. You almost didn’t notice as her two guardians approached, falling to their knees before you.
  33. “Hail to the Lord of the Lux.” They spoke, Vexin and Aludin as well to your slight surprise. Nymphaea also, though she stood above them and simply bowed her head, a symbol of her new status as above them all.
  35. “Hail to the Lux Aeturna!” The words formed at their lips, as you took your claim.
  37. They were now yours.
  39. All yours.
  41. You wanted More.
  43. It was sudden and swift as your grip shifted from her chin towards her throat, almost slamming her down to the ground in a single swift motion; you could smell the spike of fear which accompanied it even as your grip held her firm against the bark plated floor.
  45. “Watch.” You commanded. All around you they stayed still, raising heads as their eyes fell upon the former ruler in her humiliation. The bitter tinge of anger and distress mingled almost perfectly with the sour sweet stench of fear and the leaking drips of her royal blue blood.
  47. You weren’t gentle.
  49. Hard claws pulled at her gossamer garments as she struggled and flailed, legs lashing out as you enacted this final blow to her pride, denuding her lithe body in wild strokes as your claws cut and tore into the fabric with impunity. You slammed her down again against the bark encrusted floor.
  51. Once.
  53. Twice.
  55. Yet still she struggled against you. Good, you weren’t about to make this easy on her, differing all the punishments which you’d had in mind for the Vexin minon who’d betrayed her into your grasp back onto her in your own mind. After all her games had cost you wonderful valuable food. Her Aldravens a menace that circled, always making themselves known at the edge of your sight.
  57. You had anger to work off... and dark thoughts bubbled up from the void telling you just how to do so.
  59. You could feel between your legs, an almost foreign growth, the Stamen of your body springing up, and stiffening as your desire grew. You the hot sweet rush of her blood scent flushed the air even as your claws raked down; leaving scores across the warm pale flesh, her now muted struggle at least partially subsided.
  61. You freed your loins from their kilt of leaves, baring the length which had never been before a part of your body in glee, letting the darkness guide you in your conquest.
  63. The first stroke was rough, the scent of blood and the feeling of strict, almost painful resistance accompanied your entry, an entry bolstered by magics which welled up within you, an unnatural strength, an unbearable slickness which accompanied your every heaving push, into her resisting core.
  65. She moaned in a mixture of pain desolation beneath you, a conquest completed by her despoiled flesh, even as your thrusts became stronger and stronger with each motion. Pleasure was not for her, even as you ravaged her body with your own newly discovered organ, mauling her breasts with your fingers even as you pleased yourself within her. The final terrible clenching of her flesh in rejection of your intrusion burst forth, flooding her womb with hot salt white, the scent of it strong and thick as you drove deep as you could within her unwilling flesh.
  67. She was yours by every right.
  69. This was the conquest of a Warlord, to take what you desired by force and ruin those who would oppose you.
  71. Her humiliation completed under the watchful eyes of her own former minions.
  73. You slid out from her, even less gentle than the motion with which you entered, this new hunger leaving you ready once more to prove your virility to those who followed, to make all who were your know you as you hungered for them. It was all you could do at that moment not to dig into your conquest and feast until she was no more. Breaking the delicate flesh, the fragile bone, and lapping up the sweet sweet blood until there was no more.
  75. But no.
  77. You had conquered, you’d taken. Her body was your leisure now, to devour her would be a waste... or so the darkness within you spoke. Images of birth, her royal opening loosening like the petals of your birth to dislodge your spawn from her rounded belly.
  79. You almost liked the image of her full of what was yours even more than you did the idea of devouring her for your celebratory feast.
  81. “Such a brute.” You hear from behind your shoulder, “Will you do the same to me? Ravage and savage me the beast you are?”
  83. You growled.
  85. “You are next Vexin... I haven’t forgotten your slights against me.” Your face twists into a mocking leer... only for the crazy pixie to break out in laughter.
  87. “My lord, if you want I can play quite the victim? Do the tears turn you on? Or do you want blood; I wouldn’t be surprised if you wanted more than a taste? I’m quite the versatile creature?” Her grin was sharp toothed and predatory in its own right, a clear indication of her enjoyment, her eyes gleamed with a dark inflection. And somehow you didn’t doubt that she would give in to practically anything you wanted of her save for death.
  89. For all her trickery, she didn’t seem particularly squeamish about her own flesh. And somehow you could almost feel a cold chill, the Marchioness’ kingdom had been leaning towards its darker elements, and the presence of a Red-Cap was possibly proof in itself that she was far more akin to yourself in leanings than towards a more summer path.
  91. Nymphaea, you’d waved over to her former ruler even as your clawed grip pulled the treacherous Pixie down beside you.
  93. “Take care of her. She belongs to you now... and though you, to ME.” You announce. Excitement and something else seem to war upon her face even as she bows before you.
  95. “Yes my lord.” There was a hint of awe in there as well.
  97. “Before you go though... I want a small token of your loyalties reaffirmed.” You smile, looking down at the ruined ruler. She was suddenly looking a lot more nervous and uncertain. “There’s been a certain level of miss behavior from this creature... Punish her for me before you do as you will.”
  99. “Yes my lord!” Nymphaea spoke, a surprising amount of vigor. What happened next as you mauled Vexin’s breast with clawed fingers as she writhed under your touch would bring a smile to your face, as she pulled Aludin up by the hair, then with a sudden swift motion, pushed her over a rise in your wooden floor, face now down upon the ground, ass raised up into the air.
  101. The first blow was sudden, and sharp. The sound of it echoing though out your halls.
  103. The second blow brought with it a yelp of pain, the third fourth and fifth much the same as the former ruler squirmed under the flat handed assault landing with rhythmic regularity upon her noble backside. Vexin practically purred at this display, pushing herself more against your body even a you manipulated her sensitive areas in a mixture of pleasure and pain. The darkling creature merely asked for more as the show bore on.
  105. This was yours.
  107. It was all yours...
  109. And now you were master of all that you surveyed, your benefactor now bouncing upon your cock even as her former boss found soothing words from her current torturer... commander.
  111. You somehow knew that there would be more.
  113. Darkeness gleamed within your eye.
  119. [][][][][][][][][][][][]
  125. EVO Gains: 1d100: 92 = [92] (9+3 = 12 EVO)
  127. Bargain:
  128. Jump:
  129. Faerie Dust:
  130. Breath:
  131. Call of Arms:
  132. Wizardry:
  133. Magical Talent:
  134. Fae Senses:
  135. Swarmling:
  136. Flight:
  137. Dragon’s Blood:
  138. Lancer:
  140. Evolution Conditions Partially Unlocked
  141. Conquer Fae – Take over a territory and make its former ruler bow their head to you, Bargain Lvl 3, Call of Arms Lvl 2
  150. What will you do this turn (Choose 2)?
  151. [] Explore (Choose where)
  152. [] Survey your lands.
  153. [] Work on something creative?
  154. [] Hunt for Food!
  155. [] Get food to the Dragon’s Den (May speed up Birth time. Dangerous) [Current Birth: (Turn 17)]
  156. [] Exploit your environment?
  157. [] Go to Angel-Falls
  158. [] Go back into Elfrun
  159. [] Do something with your minions?
  160. [] Write in
  163. What skill will you practice?
  164. [] ???
  167. What will you have your Minions do?
  168. [] ???
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