
fighting Deathrunners

Dec 23rd, 2024
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  1. The cries of the humans back within the wall still echoed in his ears when the first deathrunner attacked. The small creature, moving in silence, leaped for him, jaws snapping, claws flashing. With a roar of anger, Kong dashed it to the earth, shattering its bones. He burst into a clearing as lightning flashed and a sharp rain stabbed down from the clouds. Three more of the deathrunners leaped for him, coming from the shadows of the undergrowth. In a terrible silence, Kong seized them, slapped at them, struck them. Over the trees he could see the red reflection of the fires beyond the Wall, but otherwise he struggled in darkness. He crushed the skull of one attacker, felt more leaping at him, tearing at his flesh, stamped on another, seized another in his teeth and bit down, breaking the spine.
  2. Breathing deeply, tasting blood, Kong ripped at the dead deathrunner’s flesh, feeding. His captors had kept him starved. Now he ate the meat of the three fallen deathrunners, filling his belly, finding strength in the bodies of his enemies.
  3. But he could not rest. From behind, two more of the deathrunners attacked him. The wily creatures had circled, then had attacked from his blind side. Kong snarled, hurling himself backward, falling to the ground, crushing one beneath him and scrambling back up again at once. Wind lashed him, and he could smell water, not rain, but the standing water of a lake. Snarling, tearing off the last of his tormentors and flinging it aside, Kong lowered his massive shoulders and hurtled into the forest, heading toward the scent of water
  4. More of the deathrunners chittered in the darkness among the trees. A scout had found him, had summoned others, and now they were pacing him, running him down, waiting until he was too weary to defend himself. Or waiting for their queen, Gaw, to come and finish him off.
  5. Kong seized a massive fallen branch and used it as a club, striking down any deathrunner he could reach. He ran for a long time, his enormously powerful legs propelling him faster than a man could run. Another clearing, and the storm had swept past, with a pale full moon now showing between ragged flying clouds. It gleamed on the backs of ten or twenty more of the deathrunners, closing in. Kong struck at them, took out four with one blow, sending them flying through the air, broken-backed and dying.
  8. Kong: King of Skull Island, Chapter 10
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