
Chanbaeol Form

Jul 27th, 2016
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  3. → SLOT: Water witch
  4. → NAME: Lee Bomi
  5. → NICKNAME(S): Ice Princess, That Bitch, Bomb
  6. → AGE: 17
  7. → BIRTH DATE: March 14, 1999
  8. → ZODIAC SIGN: Pisces
  10. She came from a normal family and she was just the odd one out. Just imagine like Harry Potter, who was abused by his family. But really, there's no reason for her family being so rude to her, it's just that their youngest child (Bomi’s younger sister by one year) is more loved and precious and much more talented in everything. Bomi tried so hard to appease to her parents, she really did, but nothing seemed to work, nothing worked to gain their approval and love. But no, every time she does something remotely wrong, she gets punished for it, mostly earning her to be locked in her room for hours and hours.
  11. Bomi was just that weird child that the family didn't want.
  12. So then things happened at the age of 10. Things started being weird with the water. Dad was just taking a sip of his ice cold water that he demanded Bomi to bring to him, but whoops, it ended up being hot asf water instead. And weird rain and hail started happening outside their house? None of them could have known what was happening.
  13. Bomi realized she must be a water witch and decided to tell her family, because this HAS to be something to be happy about, to be excited and proud for. But no, this only made her family hate her more. They were quick to call her a weirdo, an absolute monster. This lead her to running out of the house in the rain, feeling rejected. Unfortunately, while she was walking around, some thug approached her and began sexually harassing her. Out of her desperation, used the rain to her advantage, and changed it to sharp ice, piercing the man dead. She tried to tell her family about it, in hopes they’ll help her get out of this mess, but her mom was already calling the police on her.
  14. The girl then ran away for good, finally realizing that trusting her family could be the most toxic thing in her life. From that point on, she lived her life as a rebel, using her ways to get herself food and shelter, a way to survive. That is until she found the other witches who's willing to help her. However, this didn't stray her from her now poisonous lifestyle.
  16. Very reckless, she's one to do whatever the hell she wants so don't even attempt to stop her
  17. Blunt asf, she has no filter to her brain so beware
  18. Lowkey caring, she won't admit it but she’ll do anything for her friends
  19. She's cautious asf when it comes to her powers, but not with any other things
  20. → FACE CLAIM: Lee Hi
  21. → BACK UP: Eunha from GFriend
  22. ✿ WITCH ME UP;
  23. → POWERS: water manipulation ; change of water temperature so it can be from ice -> water -> vapor ; blood manipulation
  24. → HOW DID YOU DISCOVER YOUR POWERS?: around the age of 10, she has been noticing that whenever she's sad, rain would follow her, so she decided to work with water to see if she had the power to work with water.
  25. → LIKES:
  26. Partying
  27. Smoking
  28. Drinking until she's drunk off her ass
  29. Dying her hair different colors
  30. Flirtatiously teasing her friends
  31. Talking to Air witch about her matters since she seems the least judgemental, plus teasing her is THE BEST.
  32. → DISLIKES:
  33. Being emotionally too close any humans
  34. The glitz and glam of idol stars, it makes her sick of how fake a lot of them are, none of them seem genuine
  35. Using her powers to hurt people (using them to her advantage is fine though)
  36. Hates using blood manipulation
  37. → TRIVIA:
  38. Had a small fling with one of the witches (idk whoever wants to lol, one of them HAD to be curious)
  39. She likes to drink mostly for the reason that it seems to numb her powers, so she's less likely to hurt someone with them
  40. Kleptomaniac, so her room is filled with all the shit she stole, yes, she stole a stop sign, don't ask how she got it.
  41. Being the water witch she is, she can stay underwater for however long she wants
  42. Ye, she bisexual asf
  43. The one to do perverted gestures
  44. Her favorite music group right now? Vromance, believe it or not. She’ll say that they're the best group to have ever debuted, shameless about it.
  45. She tried blood manipulation once on an animal, and once seeing she could do it, she swore to never do it again
  47. Late night rendezvous with random boys and girls
  48. Goes to clubs whenever she needs to clear her mind
  49. When she's nervous or in deep thought, she would pinch the ends of her hair
  50. Sometimes, she enjoys going to that one cliff that is by the ocean, jumping off of it into the water is oddly calming to her
  51. → ENEMIES: most enemies are just strangers she may have wronged during her night outs of fun, mostly girls who Bomi stole their boys away from, may be a couple drug dealers she may have pissed off
  52. ❀ BEST OF ME;
  53. → PAIRING: Air
  54. → POWER: Air manipulation, can make twisters strong enough to break down buildings
  55. → LOVE INTEREST: Jung Jaehyun from NCT
  56. → BACK UP: Solar from Mamamoo
  57. → AGE: 19
  58. → BIRTHDAY: February 14, 1997
  60. Very kindhearted
  61. He's possibly the most perfect air witch(wizard?) there is.
  62. In a way, he does see himself above some others, mostly normal people, so he can be snobbish
  63. He's not afraid to speak his mind if he knows it'll be beneficial
  64. He can lowkey be pervy, just imagine him using the power of wind to blow up girls’ skirts BYE.
  65. Despite this, he's reserved, so it's not like he ever did much with his life that's solely for his desires, meek
  67. Jaehyun came from a very well off family. Loved and cared for, he had everything anyone could have asked for. Even when his powers were revealed, his family were accepting and they even allowed him to get a witch to help him become stronger in his powers. However, his parents are a bit controlling over him, but he follows directions anyway, because he doesn't see a reason not to.
  68. He’s pretty well known in the witch community… And I guess also in the normal community since his family runs a pretty big business.
  69. But overall, he has a good life, one with no worries or problems…. That is until he met Bomi and made the wrong choice in trying to help her at the cliff.
  71. He's overprotective. Tries his best to turn her life around, but when that fails at first, he just kind of stays around and sees what she does, maybe experience some things with her, like go clubbing or trying drugs (it's just a one time thing with him)
  73. She doesn't want anything to do with him, other than her friends, she doesn't want to deal with any other element witches. And as much as she wants to get in his pants, it's her rule to never get with a witch, that's just messy. Lowkey, she does get flustered whenever he does anything nice for her.
  74. → STATUS: they were just strangers
  76. Jaehyun takes her out on a lot of adrenaline inducing activities, like bungee jumping or riding motorbikes on dirt terrain
  77. They'll have nights out at the cliff, just sitting there with their feet dangling over the water
  78. Jaehyun would want to be lazy sometimes but that's just not Bomi’s style. Just let the boy cuddle damn it.
  79. Bomi isn't one to attempt PDA despite her “I'll do whatever the fuck I want” attitude
  80. → SCENES:
  81. How they first met maybe?: Jaehyun catches her at the cliff about to jump off, and thinking she was going to end her life, used his air powers to stop her from falling. This leads to her blowing up into his face to mind his own business.
  82. They are probably arguing and just as Bomi throws supposedly ice water at Jaehyun’s face, she accidentally turned it to boiling water, thus giving him 2nd degree burns
  83. “Yeah…. I've done the weeds before.”-Jaehyun
  84. “Holy shit, just… Don't speak. You're embarrassing me.” - Bomi
  86. → NOTE TO JAIMZAR: Hello~ Thank you for the amazing idea and even if I don't get chosen, I'm going to read this!! Good luck to y'all.
  88. → PASSWORD: Lol whose? Yours? Because that be Krystal, fam.
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