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Feb 23rd, 2019
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  1. What is it?
  3. I want to create an easy to access app by club/bar patrons that allows them to report strange, suspicious, and dangerous behavior. Reports go straight to the bar owner/bouncers for them to check out the issue.
  5. Why?
  7. People, often females feel that they are harassed when they go out, and in order to do something about it they often would have to go find a bouncer or owner to act on it which could escalate an issue. This allows for a discrete but direct way of communication to deal with an issue with trained personnel.
  9. So what?
  11. This will make people feel safer to go to clubs that may advertise the use of this app, while also acting as a deterrent for those who may want to be a creep.
  13. Standing for the critique
  15. Given that the app would be free to access by patrons of these clubs and bars it allows the data to be free to submit by anyone feeling unsafe. Depending on popularity and costs to maintain the app we may charge bars to have this app as a feature of their bar while training them to use it effectively. I plan to make this app easy to use and not requiring almost any training to use.
  17. To take this on:
  19. Begin by finding a app developer base to build on like
  20. Appcelerator- cross platform, API, features, and user interfaces, uses Javascript and XML, has a marketplace to use templates from other people
  21. PhoneGap- open source license, free framework for mobile app development, large community of developers, uses HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript, has geo-location capabilities
  22. Find out a way to integrate two sides of the app, the reporter and the receiver, make sure reporters and receivers report as to which bar they are at, can use location tracking to aid with this.
  23. Develop an integration of text messaging for the reporter and the receiver (Allows easier reports/discrete reports, also allows for the receiver to ask for more details or if the issue is persisting)
  24. Probably requires some sort of server or database that takes in these reports and allocates them properly
  26. Anticipated outcomes:
  28. I anticipate skepticism of the app and the effectiveness, likely will need a couple clubs and regular patrons to test it out and see its effectiveness. As effectiveness increases, I imagine popularity will grow by word of mouth as well as advertisement by bars that use it. If growth gets exponential, could require a bigger database and server to take in reports, but we will start on a local scale of Morgantown that has a very active night life.
  30. Issues that could arise
  32. Abuse of the app could always be an issue, let's say someone doesn’t like someone, they make up a story and get them kicked out. Could implement a way to rate the reporter and the receiver, if bars/clubs aren't using the app effectively we may contact for further insight, as well as a way to ban reporters who abuse the system.
  34. Connectivity, would make sure the bars have wifi since some are underground or have bad receptions, the quicker one may respond the quicker actions may be taken.
  36. Evaluation of outcome
  38. A database that receives are the reports can be compiled to see who uses it more and we may ask reporters and bars to review the effectiveness of the app as well as ask for insights on how to improve it.
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