
The Skinwalker Saga - Cascadia Anon

Jan 24th, 2019
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  1. ======================================
  2. The Skinwalker Saga
  3. ======================================
  4. Cascadia Anon again; went out on the dawnpatrol and crazy shits happening
  5. >be on the western route with HMG-bro (good orc) and Fudd (wood-elf)
  6. >Also have John, who is a human
  7. >older guy, in his 50's; lived in the mountains most of his adult life
  8. >be driving along one of the highways
  9. >two lane, winding road, with the occaisional logging road or disused driveway
  10. >Almost to the "turn around" point
  11. >Essentially we only patrol about thirty miles out from the town, another town patrols the rest of the freeway
  12. >Theres a little bit of overlap in our patrols;usully we see them around the turnaround point
  13. >we'll usually talk and shoot the shit with them for a few minutes
  14. >we don't see them, but chaulk this up to them simply being a little ahead or behind us in schedule
  15. it wasn't
  16. >We pull into this old driveway to turn around
  17. >No one uses it any more, and the cabin up the road was abandonned even before the merge
  18. >just as HMG-bro begins to shift into reverse to back out onto the highway
  20. >We all jump about a foot at the scream
  21. >Just sitting there, stunned silence
  22. >HMG-Bro, sitting on the breaks, looks more confused than scared
  23. >"What the fuck was that? Is- is someone out there in trouble? Should we look?"
  24. >I was a little more spooked
  25. >"I don't know; there was something about that scream-"
  26. >I'm cut off by John hissing through the back window
  28. cont.
  29. ----------
  30. >"Wha- why?"
  32. >Fudd cuts in
  33. >"THE FUCK IS THAT!?!"
  34. >Fudd and HMG-bro have darkvision, so Fudd sees something past the headlight's glow
  35. >"What?"
  36. >HMG-bro slugs me in the shoulder and points
  37. >points to two, dull, red circles in the forest
  40. >FEAR.BAT
  41. >John: "FUCKING DRIVE"
  42. >HMG-bro fucking tokyo drifts the truck and suddenly we're flying down a mountain road
  43. >We hear "FuCkINg DRiV"
  44. >Then Fudd and john start shooting behind us
  46. >I try to see what's happening but I can't really see much past Fudd and John
  47. >Eventually I guess it stopped following us because Fudd and John stopped shooting
  48. >we still hear it screaming occaisionally, but it's obviously distant
  49. >John is in fucking PTSD mode
  50. >When we get to town they're on skinwalker watch
  51. >The other town's patrol heard the thing before it got close to them and noped out of there
  52. >Basically we're in a shelter in place type deal while the town militia watches out for the skinwalker
  53. >And waits for a confirmed kill, or three days without a sighting
  54. >Wake up and remember that we never said our names
  55. >john was in PTSD mode
  56. Going to ask John about last night, at least when I can leave the house
  57. Witch gf is really fucking agitated about the skinwalker, burning sage and spreading ash and salt around the house while puting up silver crosses and stuff. She almost tried barricading me in my room to keep me from going to work, crazy woman.
  59. Also anyone know the surefire way to kill skinwalkers? We've heard silver, white ash, fire and holy water amongst other things
  60. The dwares in town made MG belts in .308 where the pattern is silver bullet, incendiary bullet, blessed bullet, ash-covered bullet, and a tracer bullet, but we've never had to use them so we don't know if they work
  61. =======
  62. Day 1
  63. =======
  64. Fuck today has been a headache
  65. >After getting home I resolve to go talk to john about what happened last night
  66. >And why the Skinwalker knew his name
  67. >Walk in, immediately accosted by gf
  69. >pretty tired, and just wanting to go to sleep, I don't think about being tactful
  70. >"Yeah gf, there is, we ran into it at the end of our route-"
  71. >"YOU WHAT"
  72. >gf forces me to tell what happened
  74. >"We were in a radio deadzone dear; look it's not as though we were-"
  75. >gf throws her hands up and walks off cussing me out for making her worry
  76. >also can here her yelling something about losing me to another witch
  77. >wat
  78. >Eventually get her calmed down
  79. >can see some tears of frustration on her face
  80. >"Look, I'm back in town, I'm all ok; the town has watches going on right now. I just want to get some sleep, and will talk about it more in the morning, ok?"
  81. >gf sighs resignedly
  82. >"ok anon, you go do that. I'll be in bed later, I have to finish doing something."
  83. >Say goodnight
  84. >Go get some sleep
  85. >Wake up around 7:30
  86. >get up to get some coffee
  87. >Find I can't open my door easily
  88. >Realize gf isn't in room
  89. >Also realize that there's a bunch of ash and salt around the perimeter of the room
  90. >Work to push the door open
  91. >Hear some stuff fall over onto the floor
  92. >look around door, see that it was blocked by my dresser
  93. >on the floor is some books and a cross
  94. >Ash and salt all over the floor too
  95. >walk out to see gf asleep on couch
  96. >cross on one side of her, smoldering bunch of sage leaves in the other
  97. >also notice an inordinate amount of candles around
  98. >wonder how she managed not to burn the house down
  99. >Get ready to go to the daily breifing, leave her a note
  100. >Hope she doesn't end up being too mad I left for work
  101. ----------
  102. >Make my way to the meeting house
  103. >Sit through meeting, hear the Sergeant recall the details of our sighting of the skinwalker
  104. >Reports of the nightwatch
  105. >Basically "We kept our eyes out for the skinwalker, and maybe heard the skinwalker, but we didn't see the skinwalker"
  106. >The room is a mixture of boredom and nervousness
  107. >then there is a commotion outside
  108. >Door gets kicked in as everyone turns to look
  109. >harpies
  110. >a whole flock it seems, looking miffed, but not fully pissed off
  111. >They look really roughed up
  112. >Some are only partially equiped, "Uniforms" in all states of disorder, and some of them even missing guns
  113. >some have armbands with the number 20 on them
  114. >ohfuck
  115. >This is our area's largest and most well organized group of harpies
  116. >They used to raid the Highway non-stop, only got them to stop by threatening to burn their part of the forest down
  117. >They still raid on certain areas of it, when people are retarded enough to not cross with a convoy
  118. >Lead harpie walks up to the front of the room
  119. >Addresses the sergeant in a loud tone
  120. >"Where is the mayor?"
  121. >Sarge looks incredulous
  122. >"And what business would you have with him?"
  123. >The lead harpie's reply was through gritted teeth
  125. >Sarge dissmisses us, then leaves with the lead harpie
  126. >Some guys who have been assigned a job leave to man their posts
  127. >Everyone else just mills around in a crowd watching the harpies
  128. ----------
  129. >people around here don't trust them
  130. >Eventually some guy asks the harpies
  131. >"So why the hell are you guys here and not looking for easy prey to loot or rape?"
  132. >Most of the harpies scowl at him, but one finally pipes up
  133. >"Some groundling came by our neck of the woods screaming horrifically; one of us shot it to shut it up, then that something came up into our roosts and started tearing us apart"
  134. >long story short the skinwalker attacked the harpie's base, and they couldn't fight it off, so they ran
  135. >They didn't want to deal with it in the dark, so they went to the other town
  136. >other town had lost a lot of boys to them in the past (in both ways), so they kindly told the harpies to fuck off
  137. >Being in no state to threaten them, they headed here
  138. >Sarge, lead harpie and, Mayor return
  139. >They go into meeting house
  140. >little later there's muffled yelling
  141. >They eventually come out, lead Harpie angry and defeated, mayor smug
  142. >The sargeant gets some guys to lead the harpies somewhere
  143. >brings remaining militia into the meeting house
  144. >tells us that the mayor got the harpies to, in exchange for not kicking them out, help with the skinwalker
  145. >also mentioned the mayor rubbed the situation in the harpie's face
  146. >That totally won't bite us in the ass later on
  147. >So the harpies will patrol the roads from the air, freeing up more of us "groundlings" to watch out for and hunt the skinwalker
  148. >wait hunt
  149. >Sarge says the town leadership are working on a plan with the other town
  150. >In the meantime we'll just have to keep a lookout for it
  151. >We're all on a perimeter, with most people being concentrated near the highway heading to the other town
  152. >you're either on watch, on resupply duty, or are waiting to go on watch
  153. >So not much different from the routine
  154. >Fudd, HMG-bro, and I are put on supply duty
  155. >"cool, where to?"
  156. >"the old timber warehouse"
  157. >"uh, that's not a post"
  158. >"No, but the harpies demand to be resupplied before they get to work"
  159. ----------
  160. >Get to the old firetrap
  161. >hear nothing but disgruntled bird woman noises
  162. >Get out of the truck only to be immediately swarmed by grumpy bird women
  163. >lead harpie watching them unload the truck, walks over
  164. >"Do you know if everything we asked for is in there, or am I going to have to yell at the mayor some more?"
  165. >Hand her the list of supplies
  166. >"I mean, look it over; if there's other stuff you could probably send us back to the quatermas-"
  167. >"Roost material"
  168. >"wha-"
  169. >lead harpie goes on a tirade about how they need branches and shit for proper roosts
  170. >"ok, we can see about getting that while you go on patrol, but was there any supplies you need for your patrol?"
  171. >she stops and looks miffed
  172. >"Would you like to go on patrol knowing that you have no bed to go back to?"
  173. >"I don-"
  174. >[Roost tirade intensifies]
  175. >just now with more insults
  176. >HMG-bro cuts in
  177. >"Are you just wanting to go sleep?"
  178. >She again stops
  179. >stares angriliy at HMG-bro.
  180. >"Shut up orc."
  181. >thankfully doesn't resume the tirade.
  182. >"Look we'll work on the nest-stuff, just keep an eye out for the thing, ok"
  183. >the harpie sighs defeatedly
  184. >"just don't bother building the roosts, you won't know how to make them"
  185. >spent the rest of the day transporting fucking branches and bushes.
  187. Sorry for taking a while to get the story out, it's always fun to see you're over character limit and have to reformat/re-edit everything
  188. ----------
  189. >eventually evening briefing happens
  190. >Much of the same as the morning briefing
  191. >just now the harpies are adding to it
  192. >They've spotted more signs of it though
  193. >More people hearing the screams
  194. >a couple camps of goblins and feral orcs destroyed/massacred
  195. >well I guess we don't have to worry about that transient orc problem anymore
  196. >some people spotting banks of fog in the valley
  197. >I thought that was a wendigo-only thing?
  198. >No night road patrols, so I get to go sleep at home
  199. >realize as I get home I never asked john about the skinwalker knowing his name
  200. >In fact I don't think I saw him today
  201. >Oh well time to go spend a relaxing evening with my gf
  202. >Enters house
  203. >"ANON"
  204. >Goddamnit
  205. >Spend two hours arguing about allowing me to go outside
  206. >ends with gf resolving to follow me around with her new guns (an Astra Model 904 and her enchanted flintlock)
  207. >sigh and tell her about the day's happenings
  208. >"I wasn't even out on perimeter, I was hauling shit for the harpies"
  209. >"Harpies?"
  210. >Explain the harpies and why they're here
  211. >"hopefully we can have harpy soup again"
  212. >"what? they're working for us now though!"
  213. >"That doesn't mean can't die Anon; it's not like they bury their dead"
  214. >Think gf is upset I was near the rapey bird-women
  216. I'm gonna get my sleep now, I'll post more later when I can.
  217. =======
  218. Day 2
  219. =======
  220. Cascadia Anon in with the morning report
  221. >Be woken up at 3:43 in a sudden matter
  222. >notice gf in bed
  223. >she actually went to sleep
  224. >sit for a minute
  225. >huh, I wasn't having a nightmare or something
  226. >aaaaaaaaiaiiiiiiiiiiiieiieieeeeeeeeegggggggghhhhhhhhh
  227. >I jump an inch in bed, it's the same fucking scream, just muffled by distance and the walls
  228. >start hearing guns going off
  229. >sit up
  230. >realize I'm being pulled back by something
  231. >look to my side, gf is actually awake
  232. >grabing my arm and muttering quietly
  233. >the screams stop
  234. >a good ten seconds later the shooting stops
  235. >"They have it covered Anon, go back to sleep, please"
  236. >lay down, but stay awake for an eternity before falling asleep
  237. >wake up later at 6-something
  238. >get dressed, then wake up gf and tell her to get dressed
  239. >"Wha- why would wake so early anon-"
  240. >"Well you said you were going to follow me around, so I mean if you want to just let me go off by myself while you sle-"
  241. >she gets up pretty quickly
  242. >go make coffee and a little breakfast while she prepares
  243. >She comes into the room dressed in her usual attire
  244. >and webbing with pouches
  245. >loaded down with god knows what
  246. >Machine pistol hanging at her side and her flintlock sticking out of one of the pouches
  247. >I chuckle a little
  248. >"you sure you have enough stuff gf? you might be forgetting a cauldron or something"
  249. >"no anon, are we going yet?"
  250. >no sarcasm, serious look and tone.
  251. ----------
  252. >Eat some breakfast and drink some coffee, then head out to the morning breifing, gf in tow
  253. >well more like gf walking in front of me with her head on a swivel
  254. >Eventually get to the meeting hall
  255. >gf gets some looks but people don't question it
  256. >the breifing is much more eventful, dominated by an after action report about the night's happenings
  257. >Some dwarves up on the western side of the valley encountered it
  258. >their part of the perimeter was near one of the mines they built
  259. >Dwarves live in the mine, so they were really on edge
  260. >Ready to defend their home
  261. >around 3 a fog rolls in
  262. >The dwarves just woke up more of their own and made a defensive line
  263. >they spotted the red eyes, but didn't open fire
  264. >let the skinwalker get close
  266. >a 50 yard long defensive line of dwarves unleashed a flow of lead down the mountainside
  267. >After the skinwalker stopped screaming, a platoon went looking for it
  268. >Found lots of blood and a few fallen and burning trees, but no body
  269. >Some dragging tracks running away from the town was what was found
  270. >Lead dwarf giving the report is beaming saying that the beast is heavily wounded and probably running off back into the woods
  271. >sarge dosen't look convinced, gf is shaking her head
  272. >Harpies from the morning patrols give their reports
  273. >"Well, we've heard lot's of screaming out there this morning, and it sounds as though it's still within five miles of town"
  274. >"it does sound like it's more pissed though, so I suppose you wounded it at least"
  275. >Great, it's more angry on top of already wanting to kill anything it comes across
  276. ----------
  277. >Eventually the reports end, but we aren't dismissed
  278. >"And now, about that plan"
  279. >Sarge give us a progress report on the unfinished skinwalker hunting plan
  280. >Boils down to "will have harpies with radios report the location based on the screaming, and will have several teams of guys surround the skinwalker and shoot it till it's dead
  281. >totallywillwork.nope
  282. >Sarge says the plan is a work in progress
  283. >They're going to make it less suicidal for us
  284. >By bringing in other people to do "help"
  285. >They're trying to get some mercs who are willing to hunt the skinwalker
  286. >Also trying to get some natives who're experts on skinwalkers
  287. >>40349357 thought about mentioning this as a joke
  288. >Meeting ends
  289. >Don't have any job until the afternoon
  290. >remember about talking to john
  291. >walk over to HMG-bro and fudd
  292. >talk to them about the skinwalker knowing his name
  293. >also mention how he wasn't around yesterday
  294. >ask them if they want to go with me to talk to him
  295. >"Shit anon that's pretty fishy; I haven't seen him today either. We should probably go to his cabin and check in on him"
  296. >"Well I guess we better drive up there and do that"
  297. >"Sure anon but what about gf?"
  298. >oh
  299. >explain last night to them
  300. >Fudd looks confused, HMG-bro laughs a little
  301. >"well a man's mate aught to care for her man"
  302. >HMG-bro continues laughing, gf looks unfazed
  303. >"look guys are we going or what?"
  304. John lives in a cabin on the west edge of the valley, but he is far south of the dwarf mine; hopefully we can get some answers from him.
  305. Also, anyone know any PMCs or mercs that go skinwalker hunting often? I would totally tolerate some sketchy guy from Arkansas if he can get rid of the Skinwalker (and do what ever he'll do to it FAR away from town).
  306. ----------
  307. Cascadia Anon back with the happenings up to lunch
  308. >We be driving along to john's place, it's a half hour drive there
  309. >I decide to sit in the truck bed with gf so as to not take more shit from HMG-bro for clingy gf
  310. >It's all in good humor but I don't feel like dealing with it
  311. >Not even ten minutes into the drive
  312. >Hear a weird whoosh, then feel something land in the truck bed
  313. >HMG-bro stops the truck quickly gf yelps as the lead harpie loses balance and nearly falls forward into the truck bed
  314. >HMG-bro jumps out and looks in front of the truck and back to us
  315. >"CRAP, DID I HIT SOMETH- oh"
  316. >Starting to re-evaluate designating HMG-bro as driver
  317. >harpie yells him out
  318. >eventually get the truck moving again, while holding a disscusion through the truck's rear window
  319. >Now with Fudd driving
  320. >the lead harpie, Ostwind, basically came to thank us for 1)asking if they needed other stuff and 2) bringing roost material
  321. >HMG-bro makes an offhand comment about people having different attitudes after a good night's sleep
  322. >Ostwind ignores him
  323. >She also mentions that she heard the mayor was going to talk to her about having the harpies more directly involved in the skinwalker hunt, and she was making herself scarce so as to avoid this
  324. >Not to much a fan of harpies but I can empathize with not wanting to be killed
  325. >We introduce ourselves (never actually gave her our names)
  326. >"Oh, and who is this?"
  327. >gf is giving Ostwind a very cold, appraising look
  328. >"I'm gf, I am a witch who works as a medic in town. I am also anon's gf. I look forward to treating your casualties"
  329. >Ostwind's look becomes a little quizzical at the last part
  330. >"o- ok, that's good to know I suppose... so what are you guys doing?"
  331. >Explain where we're going and why
  332. >Also explain our run in with the skinwalker
  333. ----------
  334. >Ostwind sits on this information for a little bit, then ponderously asks
  335. >"Do you think this John knows the Skinwalker?"
  336. >what.jpg
  337. >I respond by saying that I thought that maybe John had run into it before
  338. >afterall, John has lived in the mountains since he was a teenager; he could have easily had a /x/-tier innawoods encounter
  339. >"but I don't think he could've known the skinwalker Ostwind, that's crazy"
  340. >"I don't know about that Anon"
  341. >turn to gf
  342. >"why do you think that it isn't crazy gf? Skinwalkers are feral creature-"
  343. >"They weren't always that way Anon"
  344. >gf then explains the whole Skinwalker myth
  345. >It was a term coined by the Navajo for witches and warlocks who became corrupted and evil
  346. >How these kinds of witches and warlocks could be found all over, they aren't necessarily just Native American witches and warlocks
  347. >"so what gf?"
  348. >get her "you're being stupid" look
  349. >"So this could be a witch or warlock who, before becoming a skinwalker proper, knew john"
  350. >Fudd pipes up for once
  351. >"I'm starting to get on board with this being a possibility; when we were shooting at it while driving away it started to shapeshift"
  352. >"It was originally some giant wolf thing, but it's head started to become more like a face and it started growing hair out of the top of it's head before it screamed 'johnny' at us"
  353. >"I also could tell it was looking at john specifically"
  354. >whatthefuck.bmp
  355. >"why didn't you say anything before?"
  356. >Fudd shrugs
  357. >"I still think our theory is more likely, but I don't think you can just completely discard the girls' theory"
  358. >The remainder of the ride was quiet except for Ostwind and gf
  359. >Ostwind was asking gf about the skinwalker myth and started working out to include more questions about being a witch in general
  360. >gf loosens up and answers, she becomes a bit more chipper towards Ostwind
  361. ----------
  362. >Eventually get to John's cabin
  363. >Windows boarded up, hastily; curtains drawn
  364. >the flood lights on the cabin were on; flood lights pointed in all directions around the cabin into the forest
  365. >the area around the cabin was clear of all trees, vegetation and other visual obstacles
  366. >also a moat, really a shitty irrigation ditch with water
  367. >We all walk over to the cabin
  368. >Except Fudd, he insists on keeping watch, mans the trucks MG
  369. >as we cross the moat, we also notice a line of ash and salt, like the ones gf made in our house, along the outside on porch
  370. >HMG-bro is the first to remark
  371. >"Seems like john decided to spend yesterday shacking up, but he couldn't done all this in one day"
  372. >gf chimes in
  373. >"He also couldn't just had all this salt and ash unless he had a large store on hand"
  374. >HMG-bro knocks on door
  375. >"Hey John, are you awake? We want to talk about-"
  376. >BANG
  377. >Everyone dives to the ground, but no one is shot
  379. >Ostwind laughs, and gf is shooting me an "I told you so" look
  380. >HMG-bro, calling on his orcish courage and lack of fucks gets back up
  381. >"Who's Cyr- look john, if I were the skinwalker, do you think I'd be here with ther people?"
  383. >john fires off another shot, this time actually trying to hit; he misses HMG-bro but almost hits Fudd, who started over after the first shot
  384. >Ostwind gets up; she now looks pissed
  386. >She shoves HMG-bro out of the way, hip-fires 10 rds from her SKS through the door, and the precedes to fly through the door
  388. >We hear John let out a short yelp, a meaty thawck followed by a thud and silence
  390. Eating lunch now while we wait for john to wake up.
  391. ----------
  392. Cascadia Anon back with an afternoon update
  393. >We tied up John in a wooden chair, and secured the chair to a wall
  394. >We then proceeded to eat lunch;
  395. >gf materializes a home cooked meal from a pouch for me and her
  396. >Take some shit from HMG-bro for clingy gf
  397. >HMG-bro eats an MRE and Fudd has one of those weird elf rations
  398. >Ostwind pulls out a bag of dead mice and eats a few whole
  399. >Eventually we're all finished by john is still asleep
  400. >Start walking around
  401. >HMG-bro puts the door back in frame and tries to repair it
  402. >Fudd decides to keep watch on the porch
  403. >Ostwind gets a lamp and points it at John's face
  404. >Proceeds to gab with gf
  405. >I walk around
  406. >Lots of fruniture barricading doors, upturned to serve as cover
  407. >Ash and salt all over the place, crosses all over come back to the main room
  408. >notice upturned table near TV, look behind
  409. >fuckton of ammo, bean cans, and whiskey bottles; a few guns
  410. >pic related
  411. >few of the cans are empty, a few bottles are empty
  412. >"Hey Anon, get some cups or buckets of water, we think he's waking up"
  413. >"o- ok"
  414. >get two cups of water
  415. >"great Anon, get like five more"
  416. >"why?"
  417. >"So we can do this"
  418. >Ostwind takes one of the cups and throws the water into Johns face
  419. >John wakes up
  421. >He's cut off by another cup of water thrown in his face
  422. >"Anon be a dear and get more water"
  423. ----------
  424. >Apparently gf and Ostwind were actually taking about how to interrogate john
  425. >the first step of which was to sober him up
  426. >we spend an hour getting insulted and throwing water in his face and Ostwind throwing an insult back at him
  427. >Fudd and HMG-bro have leave to cover our supply shift
  428. >"We'll be back ASAP Anon"
  429. >Eventually John stops insulting us in between cups of water
  430. >When he gets coherent enough we stop
  431. >takes him a few minutes to get his bearings
  432. >"A- Anon? What- Why am I tied up?"
  433. >Explain the situation to him
  434. >"Oh, yeah, sorry about that... you didn't leave the door open, did you?"
  435. >"No."
  436. >"Good, good... uh... what did you want to ask?"
  437. >Explain our theory about him and the skinwalker, why we had that theory, finally ask
  438. >"John, who the hell is Cyrus White, and what does she have to do with the skinwalker?"
  439. >John sighs
  440. >"I'll tell you if you untie me."
  441. >We untie him
  442. >he suddenly throws a glass vial over me
  443. >smashes on the ceiling
  444. >water drip on me
  445. >John nervously laughs
  446. >"Holy water, John?"
  447. >"Just had to be sure Anon... please tell her to put that gun down"
  448. >look at Ostwind; her SKS is slung over her shoulder
  449. >Look at gf
  450. >gf has her Astra 904 raised
  451. >"gf, please don't be as paranoid as John here, we already searched him for weapons"
  452. ----------
  453. >gf lowers her gun
  454. >John sighs
  455. >"ok, I didn't want to think the skinwalker was her, but her saying my name..."
  456. >He sighs again and sits down
  457. >"So when I was 24..."
  458. >1 hour oldfag storytime later John had finished his story
  459. >John once lived in Idaho near lake coeur d'alene
  460. >He had just begun his life of being innawoods, but still spent alot time of in town
  461. >Was basically Chad, had alot of one night stands at these bars
  462. >One day he meets this woman
  463. >this woman was named Cyrus White
  464. >Cyrus White also spent lots of time innawoods, big into fur-trapping
  465. >The two became a couple
  466. >Eventually John found out why Cyrus lived innawoods
  467. >Cyrus was into the Occult
  468. >Specifically Nez Perce Occult stuff
  469. >under the tutelage of a native witch doctor who lived off reservation
  470. >doesn't question this too much
  471. >He never asked for specification of the nature of the occult stuff or why this native american witch doctor lived off reservation
  472. >One day discovers that some of this "occult" stuff involves human sacrifice
  473. >also involves taking the skins of animals to transform into them
  474. >John left without telling her where he went
  475. >writes of the sacrifices, magic and therianthropy as bullshit psychokiller nonsense
  476. >Of course, while there wasn't much magic before the merge, skinwalkers were a thing
  477. ----------
  478. >John drove off up north to lake Pend Orielle
  479. >Made camp up there while trying to decide whether to turn Cyrus and the other guy in for murder
  480. >Though camping off in bumfuck nowhere, the woods would keep Cyrus from finding him
  481. >Too bad Cyrus at this point was the precursor to being a skinwalker proper
  482. >she found him (while he was a little drunk) and confronted him
  483. >He told her to knock off the bullshit magic stuff and that she was crazy
  484. >"Ho- how could you say that to me John? Do- don't you love me?"
  485. >John tells her they're through
  488. >you guys get the point
  489. >she turned into a giant wolf (Ostwind blurted out "cliche" at this) and proceeded to chase John around for a while
  490. >Eventually the chase ended with John going over a ridge into the lake
  491. >he swam away and hitchhiked into East Washington, hoping to lose her for good
  492. >couldn't take not being innawoods though, so he eventually settled in the Cascades
  493. >eventually tried to convince himself that he had imagined her turning into a wolf, or that he ran away from her and ran into a wolf
  494. >still couldn't shake the events of that night so he researched skinwalkers and how to keep them away
  495. >never thought to research how to kill one though
  496. TL;DR Drunken innawoods Chad stuck his dick in crazy, and it happened that the crazy turned the lady into a skinwalker
  498. More in a bit
  499. ----------
  500. Cascadia Anon; time for my Evening report
  501. >After John got done with his storytime, we proceeded with question time
  502. >"why didn't tell anyone about this; why did you pussy out of the militia?"
  503. >Get answers like
  504. >"I didn't think it was important; it was 28 years ago, I didn't really think she was a skinwalker; I didn't want to get killed"
  505. >My personal favorite answer was
  506. >"I felt that if I shacked up and stayed put she would come here and only bother me"
  507. >Ostwind countered with
  508. >"if you knew she was coming and you didn't want to die, then why were you drinking at all? Wouldn't that impair your ability to fight?"
  509. >John can't come up with an excuse for this
  510. >gf pipes up
  511. >"How do you know she wants to kill you anyway? She sounds like the 'I am going to lock you away and keep you safe and for myself forever and ever' type of crazy lady to me"
  512. >Says the woman who tried locking me in the house and keeping me away from work to be "safe"
  513. >gf notices all three of us looking at her like shes crazy
  514. >"what?"
  515. >We eventually go outside and wait for Fudd and HMG-bro to pick us up
  516. >When they do we fill them in on John's story
  517. >"Do you think we should tell the Sarge or the town leadership?"
  518. >"I don't think it's honestly that important in relation to killing the skinwalker; it'll still probably want to kill anything it comes across"
  519. >gf contributes to this attitude by adding
  520. >"if it still has enough of a memory to remember John, it still probably does some magic with the people it kills; it's probably how it has a fog bank following it around"
  521. >It's quiet for a bit before Ostwind makes the only real argument for telling about John
  522. >"Knowing that asshole you guys call a mayor, John would probably end up being used as bait for the beast"
  523. >Don't know how I feel about that
  524. ----------
  525. >We get back to the Militia Depot; there's a bunch of commotion
  526. >A bunch of unfamiliar trucks along the street and a mob of people
  527. >ask the quartermaster upon turning the Militia truck back in
  528. >"Oh yeah, you know how the Sarge mentioned they were trying to get other help? well, some people showed up and are getting briefed and accommodated for the night"
  529. >Surprised, but interested to see what groups came
  530. >Some guys from Nugget Security who were hired by the dwarves, trying to figure out where they Mining guild's HQ is
  531. >2 platoons of self identified /k/ultists, trying to commandeer a building to turn into a /k/athedral
  532. >a squad (by wehrmacht standards) of wehraboos, a little twitchy at the prescense of our orcs (again, they're the good kind)
  533. >some stalkers, yelling in mixed english and russian "WHERE IS ANOMALY"
  534. >some /x/ guys wanting to hunt for the skinwalker, but look out of their depth
  535. >some desert elves who I think had just been following the transient feral orcs
  536. >two other harpie groups, the Chewuch Company and Patterson Lake harpies
  537. >and most prominently some Cascadian Guard (rogue National Guard) with their own M2 Bradley IFV
  538. >The Sarge and some militia are trying to keep them all calm and patient while the evening briefing is happening
  539. >Ostwind goes to lead the other harpies to their temporary route
  540. >Sarge actually looked relieved that less people were yelling at him
  541. >Briefing is led by one of the corporals instead
  542. >No hard contact with the skinwalker today, but it's lingering within 3 miles of our "defensive lines"
  543. >The working theory is that it's licking it's wounds while keeping an eye on us
  544. >Some skinwalker expert is supposed to be showing up tomorrow
  545. >Some extra guys would have to stay up to help with the new arrivals
  546. >thankfully I was not on that list
  547. >should have the hunting plan worked out by the end of tomorrow
  548. >great
  549. >looking forward to that
  550. >go home with gf
  551. >"That was kinda fun Anon, maybe I should follow you around more"
  552. ----------
  553. >look at gf
  554. >"Don't you work at the hospital?"
  555. >gf laughs
  556. >"I already got permission from the main doctor"
  557. >"What"
  558. >"He said it was ok because there really isn't anyone is the hospital right now, and I can be a medic for the militia. Technically, I'm still working"
  559. >...
  560. >fuck
  561. >I'm gonna get so much shit from HMG-bro
  562. The morning briefing is going to be interesting; haven't heard any skinwalker screams but I've so far heard people screaming in english, german, russian, elvish, gibberish, dwarvish, I've heard gunshots of various caliber at various distances, smashing bottles, and even a couple explosions.
  564. Tomorrow is going to be a complete shit-show. I'm going to browse a little longer; it's too early to go to sleep and the cacophony isn't helping anyway. If anyone wants to ask or say anything I'll be here for a bit.
  565. =======
  566. Day 3
  567. =======
  568. Cascadia Anon here with a short update; I actually have to do work today so it'll be a while before I can post; the short of it
  569. >They've pushed up the hunt today
  570. >A "Skinwalker expert" is taking point with the /K/ultists with us behind them, Two other teams are on flank duty
  571. Also
  572. >The Sarge and Mayor got a hold of John and interrogated him
  573. Ostwind was right, they're gonna use the old drunk as bait
  575. I'll be back later, hopefully not too many people are massacred.
  576. ----------
  577. >>40364760
  578. >>40365381
  579. Witch gf laughs at wicca and the fact that they believe in "ancient pagan rituals" formulated by some old horny brit-bong in the 1950s
  580. She also laughs at the idea of a coven of legbeards, the rule "If it harm none, do what ye will," and the fact that the "Horned God" is probably Satan and they're all going to hell.
  581. "You don't have to worship some god or serve a weird eldritch being to do magic Anon; only morons do that. I'm a good christian girl!"
  582. t. gf
  585. Cascadia Anon back; shit happened, like almost SHTF shit
  586. >The shooting and yelling died down around 10:30
  587. >Finally went to sleep
  588. >Woke up at 5:56 to the sound of renewed screaming and shooting
  589. >Screaming was in bad german, and was the eqivalent of "WAKE UP YOU LAZY SHITS, TIME TO PATROL"
  590. >Apparently the wehraboos were camped out near our house
  591. >hold gf closer in bed
  592. >They woke her up too, she's cussing them out
  593. >Hear a half-track start up and drive off
  594. >Immediately gain headache in preperation for the day
  595. >Oh yeah and also physically get ready
  596. >be eating breakfast with gf when someone knocks on the door
  597. >Some guy in the militia
  598. >"Anon, the briefing has been pushed up to 7:30, you better head over"
  599. >go get gf (who I think literally teleported behind me after hearing the door open) and head over to the meeting house
  600. >meeting house is packed
  601. >Sarge starts with reports
  602. >Skinwalker still hanging out within three miles
  603. >not screaming at all anymore, and the fog bank surrounding it has gotten worringly large, meaning we have even less of an idea of where it is
  604. >fuck.fuc
  605. >"On account of this, and the fact the skinwalker hunter arrived last night, we're going ahead with the hunting plan IMMEDIATELY"
  606. >
  607. ----------
  608. >plan is basically the same as before, just now with actual details
  609. >A squad of harpies will fly over ahead to try and pinpoint the skinwalker
  610. >two flank teams will go behind the fogbank to the west and east; Nugget Security and Dwarves to the west with some other militia
  611. >Wehraboos and Cascadians with other militia to the east
  612. >/x/ guys and desert elves distributed between these
  613. >the "point" group will come directly from the south (from the direction of the town) and will be led by the skinwalker hunter
  614. >Point group has the /k/ultists and stalkers, borrowing the M2 Bradley
  615. >all groups will have harpies
  616. >once the skinwalker is located all three teams will converge and kill the skinwalker
  617. >Go to find out which s̶u̶i̶c̶i̶d̶e̶ strike team I'm in
  618. >"you're in point group Anon"
  619. >fuckmylife.justkillmenow
  620. >"we figured with a medic following you around... well they probably could use the medic"
  621. >goddamnit gf
  622. >[Recognizable orcish laughter]
  623. >I swear to god HMG-bro
  624. >"Hey Anon, I guess we all got put on point; it'll be just like yesterday!"
  625. >what
  626. >find out Ostwind put herself and her best (remaining) warriors on point for revenge reasons
  627. >also find out we're walking there
  628. >go to assembly point
  629. >/k/ultists and the Harpies are already there; some /k/ultists are praying, others are marveling at the Bradley and pestering it's operators
  630. >the harpies are very visibly sharpening bayonets and practicing bayonet stabs on deer carcusses, rather violently
  631. >Skinwalker hunter also there; the man is pale, wearing a tattered long coat and the kind of wide brim hat seen on plague doctors
  632. >Fucker had a Kentucky Long Rifle leaning against him and an axe head sticking out his coat, along with flintlock pistol handles
  633. >gf says his appearance and the air around him screams "warlock," but she isn't sure
  634. >He's holding a rope leading to another man
  635. >tied around his waist, bag over his head, head hung down and shaking a little; he is dressed in familiar flannel and jeans
  636. >it's fucking John
  637. ----------
  638. >sit and stare at John
  639. >ask Fudd and HMG-bro
  640. >"You guys rat him out?"
  641. >"No"
  642. >"No Anon, not after what Ostwind said"
  643. >wait
  644. >"Did Ostwind rat him out"
  645. >"No, I'm mean but not cruel"
  646. >turn to find Ostwind has wondered over to us
  647. >She's holding a Kalashnikov of indeterminate model with a bayonet, the SKS slung over her back, also with bayonet affixed
  648. >"Well I can be cruel, but... oh you get it. From what I heard the Hunter sought him out and interrogated him"
  649. >She smiled
  650. >"remember what I said yesterday? Did I call it, or did I call it?"
  651. >HMG-bro gets a shit eating grin
  652. >"You said the mayor was going to make him bait; did the mayor make him bait, or did the hunter make him bait?"
  653. >smile.png deleted
  654. >"It doesn't matter. I was still right"
  655. >"NO, you were HALF right"
  656. >[disgruntled birdwoman noises]
  657. >[smug orc noises]
  658. >get a fucking room you guys
  659. >The stalkers are the last to show up
  660. >of the four of them three are guys who have simply taken up the Slav aesthetic in their loadout
  661. >still look capable of being innawoods
  662. >the Last guy though, he was actually slav; mostly quiet, spoke bad english sometimes but more often just grunted in russian while gesturing
  663. >Old guy, least equiped of the stalkers, but looks the most experienced.
  664. >His gear is NOT mismatched, and the helment he was wearing actually looked like it took shrapnel at one point
  665. >we wait while the recon force tries to locate the skinwalker
  666. ----------
  667. >we waited for an hour and a half or so
  668. >Some people were keeping watch on the fogbank ahead, but for the most part people were chatting
  669. >The Hunter just stood where he had been standing, stock still just staring into the fogbank
  670. >weird.edgy
  671. >people get more antsy over time, some hoping that they'd call the hunt off for the day
  672. >others spread a rumor that there'll be a backup plan involving evryone just going into the fogbank to find it that way
  673. >nope.avi
  674. >suddenly a /k/ultist with a radio looks up, and a Bradley operator yells out of his hatch
  675. >simultaneously the Hunter flies around and shouts
  676. >"THE HUNT IS ON"
  677. >he pulls the sack off John head and pushes him forward
  678. >as we move the /k/ultists form a loose formation forward of the IFV while most militia men stick around the side and rear
  679. >some harpies fly low overhead, but most stick on the ground
  680. >they say it's to conserve strength but it soon becomes obvious that it's also due to the fog
  681. >the stalkers run from stump to stump, they're the most daring, straying the furthest from the group
  682. >Except the old guy, he is just walking slowly behind the Bradley, staring slowy left to right
  683. >I bet he's seen some shit
  684. >The Hunter is leading the group, occasionally shoving John forward
  685. >Not even ackknowledging the navigational info being occaisionally yelled out
  686. >the fog starts getting thicker (20yds visability, still having some mist obscuring vision), and what few noises one could expect from the forest in winter faded away
  687. >the only noises are those coming from our own merry band
  688. >"STOP; WE WAIT HERE"
  689. >We stop and everyone gets nervous as the halt and our approximate location is reported in
  691. ----------
  692. >Almost everyone looks like they're shitting bricks
  693. >The /k/ultists are uttering prayers to the /k/ube under they're breath
  694. >The harpies are ready to take wind, nuggets and other guns ready to bayonet charge
  695. >Us militia are copying what the /k/ultists are doing; they know more about operating than us
  696. >The Hunter throw john's leash down and throws him an M1 carbine (which I may add he materialized out of nowhere)
  698. >even in the fog John is visibly pale
  699. >the Hunter walks to the center of the group, then approaches gf
  700. >"Witch, do you sense that?"
  701. >gf looks to her right (northeast I though at the time), then gets the most terrified look on her face as she looks all around
  702. >"that's... oh god it practices the black craft!?"
  703. >"I sense it too...BE READY TO FIGHT IN ALL DIR-"
  704. >before he finishes, we hear it; then we hear THEM
  707. Fuck, gotta interrupt storytime for a sec
  708. ----------
  709. I'm back; got to dump some of those enchated WP bullets some anon was talking about earlier
  710. to explain where I left off, why I had to stop and why my post will be a little spotty for a while
  711. >remember how I mentioned a couple time that we were dealing with transient, not-so-friendly and at times feral orcs?
  712. >remember how harpies reported a bunch of them and goblins dead?
  713. >remember how skinwalkers were at one point witches/warlocks who are into transforming into animals, and eventually trough insanity and corruption from killing the innocent for their magic turn, go semi-feral or fully feral?
  714. >gf's theory on the skinwalker being only semi-feral and still knowing some magic was correct
  715. >and it turns out one of the things it remembered, was "The Black Craft"
  716. Necromancy; this scorned witch turned skinwalker had at some point learned necromancy.
  717. >the fucking skinwalker was not simply "licking it's wounds"
  718. >The night it wondered into the mine it took away more than just wounds
  719. >It learned it would need to do more than it's usual shtick to reach it's quarry
  720. >So it got some help from the dead; rose an army to fight our army.
  721. So back to where I was
  722. >After we heard the war-cry, the fog got thicker for a second; we couldn't see 10 yards out
  723. >Then, like we were playing some PS1 game with shitty draw distance, the fog lifted
  724. >it was somehow dark as twilight, but we could see them
  725. >zombie-orcs and goblins, lurching, hobbling, limping towards us with speed
  726. >the bodies of our attackers were in all states of mutilation; missing arms, legs, torsos partly gone, heads flopping around nearly disconnected
  728. >Everyone opens up in all directions, even the Bradley starts firing its Autocannon at some of the larger Zomborcs
  729. >We were all carrying guns in .30 or higher, so the rotting tide was slowed by sheer volume of fire
  730. >but that was the key word, slowed
  731. ----------
  732. >while the goblin corpses flat-out "Blew up" from the impact of .30-06, .308, .44 and on
  733. >the Orcs just shrugged off hits to all but the head
  734. >and even then, the headless kept moving, just slower and without direction
  735. >Only those who were hit by the Bradley's Autocannon, gf or the Hunter's guns (flintlock were about .68cal, and the balls were enchanted) went down in a single hit
  736. >everyone else had to so thoroughly saturate targets with lead so as to turn them into red paste
  737. >sometime that felt like 20 minutes but was probably just 5 minutes, it seemed as though they were dwindling
  738. >and then the fog came back
  739. >And out of it she came
  741. >some harpies who had been flying over our group were slammed out of the air by a blur
  742. >one flew with the blur through the fog bank, screaming and shooting/bayoneting something
  743. >over the dwindling shooting and undead I could hear her
  746. >then much louder
  747. >POP
  748. >several of us jerked our heads towards the noise to see a bird woman bent in a way that no humanoid should ever be bent fly back at our group
  749. >the sight stuns some, but others see the skinwalker pouncing through the fog back at out group
  750. >the /k/ultists, having finished with most of the undead, concentrate fire on it, along with the Hunter
  751. >the harpies, not so much stunned as enraged by the sight of one of their fallen, took off for a diving charge
  752. >The skinwalker landed, and just stood there for a second taking lead from the /k/ulists, then started vibrating violently
  753. >it let out another shriek, but not like the one before
  754. >this was much higher; it was tinnitous x 10
  755. >it caused many to stop firing or even drop thier guns to cover thier ears
  756. >hell I think it even blurred my vision a little
  757. >the only people not affected was the Hunter and the Soviet Stalker
  758. >both kept firing
  759. ----------
  760. >after a good ten seconds of wishing we were deaf, it stopped and began tearing into whoever was closest
  761. >it wasn't even really bothering to make sure it was killing them, just slashing and back-handing them
  762. >like, imagine someone combined a something with the body structure of a werewolf, then took away the body hair and gave it long clawed hands, and topped it off by adding all the visual characteristics of an old hag, and allowing said hag to scream like an actual banshee
  763. >just slashing someone, throwing them away and moving to the next person
  764. >it was only stopped by half a dozen harpies dropping form the sky and bayonetting the cretin, while firing
  766. >the flow of pannicked fire once again stopped, but the harpies kept at the thing it started grabing them one at a time, throwing them off
  767. >I keep trying to fire the occaisional shot while wondering if I'm bleeding out my right ear
  768. >thanking god I went to the bathroom earlier
  769. >when it throws a harpie off in my direction
  770. >see the blur miss me, and hear a solid thump against the IFV
  771. >keep fire another shot, then look back
  772. >Ostwind is on the ground against the Bradley, bleeding from the head
  773. >fuck, she needs help
  774. >look at HMG-bro, covering his ears
  775. >he notices, starts pulling Ostwind to the back of the IFV
  776. >turn back to get gf,
  777. >[TENNITUS SCREAM X1000]
  778. >as if in slow-motion saw the hunter with his axe post-swing, one of the skinwalker's arms flying off
  779. >he proceeds to land another two blows to it's chest
  780. >the skinwalker is done with this shit
  781. >stops screaming, grabs the hunter with it's one arm, then bounds off into the fog
  782. >the IFV operators NOW decide it was a good idea to fire their cannon at the skinwalker
  783. >This is followed by a weird, almost chanting wailing
  784. >it then does it's signiture scream, though now at a great distance to us
  785. >gf knows what is is though
  787. ----------
  788. >the fog began lifting gradually revealing the next wave of undead
  789. >it was only a couple dozen undead deer
  790. >but deer are still pretty durable
  791. >and can trample you good or gore you on antlers
  792. >we were running low on ammo at this point
  793. >but as though some divine power smiled upon us, out of the furthest reaches of the clearing fog came the other teams
  794. >we cleared the remaining undead without too many more causalties, thankfully
  795. >we began gathering our wounded and, at the insistance of the /k/ultists, gf, and the harpies, the dead
  796. >we were not letting that bitch use our own against us
  797. >we were heading out of the forest back towards town when out of nowhere
  801. >In a swift blur, the skiwalker came perpendicular to our combined force and took John
  802. >She approached in the form of a giant three legged dog, and took him by the arm
  803. >there were some pot-shots
  804. >but as she flew off across the forest floor a thick fog returned
  805. >Soviet Stalker, who was somehow on top of the Bradley now, yelled
  806. >"отступать! отступать!"
  807. >took him a second to remember he wasn't in Afgahnistan
  809. >as the fog began getting thicker people stopped and began moving again
  810. >but one last shot rang out
  811. >BOOM
  812. >There was a distant scream, this time sounding mournful, then furious
  813. >turn to see gf, flintlock smoking; one of the coldest looks I've ever seen
  814. >"whatever she had planned, he will not suffer; what ever we suffer, she will not have her prize"
  815. ----------
  816. >So now after all that the wounded were taken to the hospital and our defenses have been doubled
  817. >I am currently on guard duty at the hospital
  818. >HMG-bro has spent his down time pestering gf about Ostwind
  819. >gf is currently trying to stabalize about 30 people while being pestered by HMG-bro
  820. >Fudd has gone to the Fudd clan estate; I think the undead animals got to him
  821. >The town has people evacuating south
  822. >And the call we put out from help went from "hey come help and we'll pay you" to "FUCK WE'RE UNDER ATTACK PLEASE SOMEONE HELP"
  823. >A few hordes of undead have attacked over the afternoon, and even penetrated the first line of defense, hence why I had to take a few breaks
  825. Short version of today; the skinwalker that we went hunting for turned out to be a powerful crazy semi-feral witch who is unbelievably fond of necromancy and has too many bodies on her hands.
  827. I'll try to keep updates going when I can
  828. If any /k/ommandos out around lake Chelan or Okanogan are crazy enough to pitch in make your way to highway 20 by 153 and head north; you'll know you're here when you get here.
  829. =======
  830. Day 3
  831. =======
  832. Things have calmed down now, and I've gotten some sleep and food; time for an update
  833. >Ostwind regained consciousness around 3:30 am; don't know the exact time because I was shooting a half-decomposed Elk
  834. >but I did hear it
  837. >it stops eventually
  838. >Went back in a half hour later to see Ostwind
  839. >HMG-bro is sitting next to her
  840. >looking at her
  841. >paybacktime.bat
  842. >all I come up with is this
  843. >"I didn't think you were into white-meat HMG-bro"
  844. >fuck that was lame
  845. >HMG-bro forces a small laugh
  846. >"Keep working on it Anon; you might one day be able to actually bant"
  847. >He goes back to staring at Ostwind
  848. >is- is that why he's into her? because she's someone he can be an asshole to and banter with?
  849. >to each their own I guess
  850. >"So I thought she was talking again..."
  851. >She was but she was disturbing everyone else, wouldn't lower her voice; she said she had trouble hearing us too. Your gf eventually had to go do something else so she just said she'd work on it later and knocked Ostwind out"
  852. >Think back to the skinwalker's tinnitus scream
  853. >"that's understandable, I'm suprised I didn't go deaf"
  854. >HMG-bro isn't looking away from Ostwind, just shaking his head
  855. >"Aren't you on watch HMG-bro?"
  856. >He finally looks up
  857. >"I'm next to a window, aren't I?"
  858. >Big lug
  859. >Eventually I go lay on some couch and get some sleep
  860. ----------
  861. >Wake up at 8:00 with gf on me
  862. >stay there for another half-hour so as not to wake gf
  863. >I don't mind anyway, it's nice to be able to just sit and think
  864. >reflect on the past 24 hours
  865. >try to convince myself that the other shoe has dropped and that things couldn't get any worse
  866. >remember when gf shot at the skinwalker through the fog, thought about what she said
  867. >how the skinwalker reacted
  868. >maybe I should ask about that?
  869. >get hung up on Grandpa Soviet Stalker
  870. >eventually wake up gf
  871. >[grumpy witch noises]
  872. >[Cursing in witch]
  873. >"well, you can always go back to sle-"
  874. >"NO, I have to follow you around to keep you from getting killed"
  875. >notthisshitagain.tiff
  876. >resist urge to point out how my life hasn't (comparative to everyone else) been in that much danger over the last 48 hours
  877. >resist urge to point out how her presence hasn't really kept me from being in danger over the last 72 hours
  878. >resist urge to point out how her presence HAD ACTUALLY PUT ME IN THE POINT GROUP, AND THUS PUT ME IN MORE DANGER.
  879. >"Also Ostwind is going to wake up in a little bit; I have to be there to keep her from waking up the whole block"
  880. >"If all else fails I'll gag her to keep the noise down; can't give her more sleep meds and put her in a coma... does that sound reasonable Anon?"
  881. >too busy trying to think of what I was thinking about
  882. ----------
  883. >right, gf, blind shot, angry skinwalker, weird soliloquy
  884. >"Hey gf, why did the skinwalker react the way it did when you shot it yesterday; did you curse it or something?"
  885. >gf shoots the "you're stupid look" me
  886. >"No Anon; firstly, I don't do curses, I've told you this. Secondly, what do you think I meant by 'it's prize' Anon?"
  887. >uh
  888. >oooh
  889. >John
  890. >I feel extra stupid; blame it on only sleeping four hours
  891. >I am not retarded gf I promise
  892. >"Well then I guess that's why it kept sending hordes of bodies after us; why wouldn't it just attack while we're in disarray though?"
  893. >"She still has some remnants of personhood Anon. She's probably mourning"
  894. >gf pauses
  895. >"....or maybe trying to raise him from the dead. She IS that crazy, probably. Maybe she's doing both... probably doing both"
  896. >I spend the rest of our walk back to Ostwind wondering, since gf has been pretty on point about the skinwalker, if she is good at guessing because she's also that crazy deep down
  897. >and she wonders why I keep putting off having kids
  898. >Decide to talk about it later
  899. >Return to Ostwind's part of the hospital to find her and HMG-bro looking at each other
  900. >[hoarse whispering birdwoman noises]
  901. >Ostwind doesn't look angry and HMG-bro doesn't look smug
  902. >when they see us they stop; HMG-bro tries and fails to make his expression blank while Ostwind looks at the floor
  903. >ok when did this fucking happen guys? when did this become a thing?
  904. >gf and I choose to ignore this
  905. ----------
  906. >"Did you finally remember to use your inside voice?"
  907. >gf sounds smug, doesn't show it
  908. >Ostwind visibly resists the urge to yell, hoarsely responds in a whisper
  909. >"I can't hear you; all I hear is mumbling and murmuring; HMG-bro told me to whisper because 'I was being too loud'"
  910. >"Ohhh, and how did he tell you that?"
  911. >Ostwind looks like she's going to blow up
  912. >HMG-bro answers for her
  913. >"You have to whisper in her ears"
  914. >gf gets one of those things that doctors use to look in Ostwind's ears
  915. >"ok, that's alot better than I thought; this will be an easy fix"
  916. >"AN EASY WHAT- oh, sorry"
  917. >gf materializes a bag from nowhere, pulls out a flask and a vial, pours a little of each into a bottle; shakes
  918. >puts a dropper bottle lid on, squirts some into either of Ostwinds ears (much to her chagrin)
  919. >goes to leave
  920. >"how long until I can hear normally again?"
  921. >gf leaves
  922. >"You going to answer that gf?"
  923. >gf continues walking off
  924. >"Gotta make my morning rounds, tell her to stay put until I get back"
  925. >Ostwind looks pissed
  926. >Leave HMG-bro to explain to her so I can get breakfast
  927. I'll post more in a while; work and all
  928. ----------
  929. Cascadia Anon back; seriously took a while to get the opportunity to write some more, I'll try to make up for it today
  931. So back to yesterday
  932. >Get breakfast; all there is for breakfast are MREs
  933. >oh well
  934. >Eventually a really impormptu and overdue debrief of the failed hunt happens over radio
  935. >Of the 56 people in the point team yesterday
  936. >21 people severely injured but alive
  937. >13 people killed
  938. >1 skinwalker hunter MIA
  939. >Only 16 people still in fighting condition
  940. >the IFV has damage to vision ports and optical devices as well as an unexplained issue with the turret drive(explaining why it took them so long to fire the cannon at the skinwalker)
  941. >overnight an additional 9 people were injured but not killed
  942. >the waves of dead forest critters have however stopped and the harpies still doing patrols via the skies report that the fog bank has retreated to outside of five miles, so the Mayor calls it a "minor victory"
  943. >
  944. >Mayor reports that the evacuation of the town is now complete, and wishes us luck in defending "our homes, livelyhoods, and way of life..."
  945. >spouts bullshit for five minutes
  946. >"...we have the upmost confindence in you gentlemen!"
  947. >what; we?
  948. >Radio call switches to sarge, who continues with reports of who's posted where
  949. >audibly hear a car gunning it out of town
  950. >other guys around the radio also notice, we look at each other
  951. >someone interrupts over the radio
  952. >"Did the mayor just fucking leave?!?"
  953. >Sarge pauses, sighs
  954. >"Do you guys really give a shit if that dumbass was here? Is he really necessary or crutial to this?"
  955. >"Wasn't he one of our "defensive planners" though?"
  956. >"ONE OF the planners?!"
  957. >The militia sergeant blows up over the radio about how the mayor over-ruled everything, basically thought he could handle it
  958. >also is very clear on how the skinwalker hunt was the mayor's idea
  959. >don't think too many people are going to vote for him next november
  960. >or let him walk back into town
  961. >"NOW can we PLEASE get back to what we were doing?"
  962. ----------
  963. >after a minute he continues with the post assignments
  964. >"Finally, we are getting some replies back over long range radio to our calls; some volunteers from Chelan and Coulee coming, along with some more National or Cascadian Guard or whatever, same people. Some other people on their own have come in; any other group of people on their own should be sent to the depot. Finally, I would like to ask the leaders of the various groups who have been gracious enough to help us to also come to the depot for planning our next move"
  965. >Radio briefing ends
  966. >"Hey, isn't the harpie leader in the hospital?"
  967. >oh yeah
  968. >"I'll go tell her guys"
  969. >Go back inside
  970. >Ostwind is still on her bed, albeit sitting upright
  971. >HMG-bro isn't there, must've fucked off to go sleep or something
  972. >"Hey can you hear me?"
  973. >"A little; my hearing is coming back slowly. Too slowly. Isn't gf a witch? Can't she magic my eardrums back?"
  974. >give the whole "you can't just instantly magic yourself better speech" I was given by gf a long time ago
  975. >probably didn't explain it well at all; basically sum it up with "It causes shock to the body or something"
  976. >"Anyway, you're supposed to go to the depot to plan out the Anti-Skinwalker Defense Force's next move"
  978. >Resist the urge to point out she put herself on point, instead go out on a wild guess
  979. >"The mayor left, so it's just going to be the militia sergeant and the leaders of the other groups"
  980. >"Oh, well nevermind then; gf says I'm not supposed to leave though"
  981. >look around
  982. >no gf
  983. >"Well she's not here right now and you can walk, right? we'll just leave, she can understand the concept of an order"
  984. >Get almost get to the door when
  986. >she's using her doctor's voice
  987. >turn around
  988. >gf is literally right behind me
  989. ----------
  990. >jump a foot back
  991. >"Christ, do you teleport n-"
  993. >"She's been ordered to the depot in or-"
  994. >"OH NO, NOT YET SHE ISN'T"
  995. >grabs Ostwind, leads her into a side room like a nun leads a misbehaving child
  996. >A very audible argument ensues
  997. >quickly escalates
  1002. >It quiets back down, a few more things are said
  1003. >they exit the room
  1004. >"Fine, she can go, but you two come right back here after"
  1005. >Go outside and look for a truck to borrow
  1006. >"No, I'd prefer to walk Anon"
  1007. >"Are you sure?"
  1008. >She doesn't even answer, just starts walking down the street
  1009. >"That's the opposite direction of the militia depot Ostwind"
  1010. >"oh... right. where is it?"
  1011. >Walk over to the depot in the silence of the day
  1012. ----------
  1013. >When we get there we're directed to the meeting house
  1014. >I'm allowed in because Ostwind is still techically wounded and needs an "attendant"
  1015. >She visibly takes issue with that word choice, but just carries on
  1016. >mumbles about not being a helpless child
  1017. >In the meeting hall I see the Sergeant with the leadership of the other groups
  1018. >The /k/ultists are being represented by a man with a beret carrying at least five guns on him
  1019. >Kalashnikov and AR-15 pattern rifles slung front, a PKM hanging to his side, some long rifle with a muzzle break on his back, along with the mandatory Mosin Nagant
  1020. >Some obvious priests of the /k/ube behind him
  1021. >A couple of wehraboos are talking amongst themselves
  1022. >Guardsman ranked Lieutenant is talking to the Militia Sergeant while another Guardsman of indeterminate rank is listening to a short wave radio with a headset
  1023. >A dwarf and an armed man presumably from nugget security are arguing over who is going to reimburse the cost of some landmines
  1024. >Notice Grandpa Soviet Stalker also, with an ancient portable transciever, talking into it in russian occaisionally
  1025. >Some harpies who are in the room rush up to Ostwind
  1026. >[Incomprehensible birdwoman chattering]
  1027. >Ostwind gets them to quiet down, and sits at the table
  1028. >wait to sit after the harpies but they wait for me
  1029. >awkward.webm
  1030. >Sit down next to Ostwind, harpies sit on the other side of her
  1031. >[quiet but still incomprehensible birdwoman chattering]
  1032. >Sarge starts up the meeting
  1033. >"Sorry to call you in from the hospital, but I figured that since the 'genius' that we call the mayor has decided personally leading the evacuation is the better part of valor, we could discuss what we're going to do going forward"
  1034. ----------
  1035. >"Firstly, where is the Skinwalker Hunter? He didn't seem like the type to run in the face of terror"
  1036. >"Hunter was thrown by beast into fogbank during battle, shortly before reinforcements; the beast withdrew from battle, pursued hunter"
  1037. >the others looked surprised that grandpa stalker was there, like they hadn't noticed the man in matching Spetznaz gear talking russian into an old radio
  1038. >the guy I presumed to be from Nugget Security was the first to respond, looking rather unfazed by the old man
  1039. >"Is that why there was no skinwalker when we arrived?"
  1040. >"Da, hunter had managed to sever beasts arm and do damage; I imagine beast wished to 'get even' with hunter"
  1041. >Sarge asked the next question
  1042. >"do you think the man is still out there?"
  1043. >Soviet stalker shakes head
  1044. >"Nyet, it took beast time to come back for bait. If hunter survive beast, he would have been in bad shape; I think he certainly dead"
  1045. >"Well, that answers my next question also; I wasn't particularly happy with the man's abandoning the town to shack up, but I can't say I was fond of him being used as bait like that"
  1046. >Stalker continues
  1047. >"I would not worry much; I am certain a shot taken at beast had killed bait. Beast was VERY clear something upset it"
  1048. >discussion of what happened continues for a bit, then shifts to what we think the skinwalker will do next
  1049. >The wehraboos put forth the idea that because it got the bait and is moving away from town, it's leaving
  1050. >This is shot down by the /k/ultists and soviet stalker, pointing out how it had sent undead animals to attack the town overnight
  1051. >they eventually settle on tracking it from the air and reinforcing our defensive positions while waiting for more peopl to show up
  1052. ----------
  1053. >the guardsmen said another two platoons would be showing up tomorrow with "heavy support"
  1054. >could not elucidate what they meant by "heavy support"
  1055. >/k/ultist said that they would try to get another chapter in, train/equip the individual people trickling in to help, and "offer prayers to the /k/ube for the munitions to vanquishthe beast"
  1056. >finally soviet stalker is that last to pipe up
  1057. >"My old comrades shall come as well; are good men, veteran like me. Will have own guns and equipment"
  1058. >ok then
  1059. >Ostwind asks one thing no one else has bothered to think of
  1060. >"What about the other town? What have they been doing this whole time?"
  1061. >everyone looks at the Sarge
  1062. >"they've been shoring up their defenses, but haven't done much for lack of manpower. They've also put out a call for help, but because they're further up the road the only way to get to it is from the other side of the mountain range"
  1063. >the lieutenant spoke up
  1064. >"The militias on the other side of the mountains may be busy with other things right now, so I don't think they're getting help"
  1065. >a short silence fell
  1066. >"Well, there's no way to get more people up there for now. We should be worry about what's going on here and prepare for our next move"
  1067. >[general agreement noises]
  1068. >well soviet stalker was making agreeing noises, but was also shaking his head and mumbling other things in russian
  1069. >with that the meeting was adjourned
  1070. >Ostwind and the harpies talked in bird-speak some more before the other harpies left
  1071. >"Alright Ostwind, are you ready to go?"
  1072. >"Hold on Anon, I want to talk to that guy"
  1073. >wut
  1074. ----------
  1075. >She walks over to Grandpa Soviet Stalker
  1076. >"Hi there; can I ask, if you were in charge of a force, why did you guys bring so few?"
  1077. >She says this with her usual tone, but her usual tone isn't exactly "friendly" sounding
  1078. >Grandpa stalker takes it in stride though, smiles an old man smile
  1079. >"We were not force... my grandson and his friends like to uhh... how do they say... operate? They can handle selves, but have not seen real fighting, so I follow to watch them"
  1080. >he pauses, gives a small frown
  1081. >"did not think things would be this bad though. Thank the god above they know how to stay safe in fight"
  1082. >he tries to bring a smile back
  1083. >"you lead bird women? You are brave fighters, I hope they heal fast; did you need something?"
  1084. >Ostwind smiles
  1085. >"Actually yes; do your people have more arms? We lost some in the fight"
  1086. >He gets a bigger smile
  1087. >"Ah, I notice you bird-people have eye for glorious, rugged arms of my homeland; DA! I can have them bring more arms!"
  1088. >mfw Ostwind gets into an hour long convo with the man over slav-shit and the merits of soviet gear
  1089. >I do gleam some background from the convo though
  1090. >Grandpa Stalker actually IS Spetsnaz, and DID serve in Afghanistan, amoung a few other conflicts.
  1091. >His "force" is a group of other veterans of the soviet armed forces who made their way around the world after the fall of the Union
  1092. >ironically to the US
  1093. >"I cannot guarantee as many mosin nagants or SKS, but there will be plenty AKM, and ammunition plenty for both. As for bayonets, we know trick to allow mounting of other blades"
  1094. >"Thank you Ivanovich, you've been very kind!"
  1095. >"Anything for comrades in arms!"
  1096. ----------
  1097. >Ostwind is very happy on the walk back
  1098. >"I wonder how much he has seen"
  1099. >"I don't what he has seen Anon, but he certainly has been around; it's written in his look, in his gear, in what he says. I think he'll be pretty helpful when his freinds get here"
  1100. >as we're getting close to the hospital
  1101. >"Hey Anon, don't be too upset with gf being clingy; she really is worried about you in light of the current events"
  1102. >I take a minute to respond
  1103. >"I'm not that upset. Where did that come from?"
  1104. >Another pause
  1105. >"She was really passionate about it before we left. She was more upset that she wouldn't be able to come with"
  1106. >we stop for a sec
  1107. >"Anon, are you sure she's completely ok? I mean, I don't want to call her crazy-"
  1108. >"No, she is"
  1109. >Get a "wut" look
  1110. >"gf always was a little odd; but she's always been upfront about it, and aware of it. That's why she does healing magic and stays away from curses and stuff, and only uses magic in moderation; it keeps her in touch with the world"
  1111. >we stand for a bit, then continue on to the hospital
  1112. >"I think she dotes on you to stay in touch also; I'M NOT SAYING she uses you or anything- uh... fuck..."
  1113. >"I guess I'm trying to say she sees you as a positive influence, and she doesn't want to lose you Anon..."
  1114. >the conversation trails off as we reach the hospital
  1115. >back to gf, and she does one last check to see that, yes, Ostwind does have her hearing back.
  1116. >Ostwind leaves for Birdwoman HQ, but before she leaves
  1117. >"Good night, you two take care of each other"
  1118. >A couple doctors came in over the day, so I take gf home to go actually get some sleep
  1119. >My conversation with Ostwind stuck in my head
  1120. Not much happened here today, so I'll give a quick rundown on what did happen tommorow morning, as well as tommorrow's happenings
  1121. The big reinforcements will be in tommorrow, so that will be a carnival.
  1122. ========================
  1123. Day 4 recap and Day 5
  1124. ========================
  1125. Cascadia Anon; I'll do a short recap on yesterday and then jump into today later
  1126. >Laying in bed that night, I think about what Ostwind said
  1127. >Consider gf's clingyness in the face of the skinwalker
  1128. >Consider the skinwalker is essentially a batshit crazy witch
  1129. >realize gf is afraid of being like that, and becoming that batshit
  1130. >realize gf is afraid losing me may send her down that path
  1131. >hold gf close
  1132. >"You're not like that, I know you aren't"
  1133. >feel bad for gf, spend the night holding her close
  1134. >sleep
  1135. >Wake up and go make breakfast for gf and I
  1136. >have a conversation with her that I won't recall in too much detail because the recap of yesterday is supposed to be short
  1137. >but it was basically a heart to heart on gf not needing to be afraid of herself going that crazy
  1138. >eventually get gf to "calm down," be a little less clingy
  1139. >"I still will want to keep you safe Anon; you are my boyfriend afterall"
  1140. >"Also it's more interesting to be around you, so I might still follow you when I'm not working at the hospital"
  1141. >Take it as a first step
  1142. >"Just don't run yourself into the ground dear"
  1143. >head off to work, drop gf off at the hospital and go to the morning briefing
  1144. ----------
  1145. >Morning reports yesterday were back to the reports the day after we first saw the skinwalker
  1146. >Actually it was even less than those, the skinwalker was still keeping a good distance from town
  1147. >Like, 11-12 miles distance
  1148. >great for us, but I recall what was said about the other town the other day
  1149. >worried.exe
  1150. >More time is devoted to reporting on our entrenchment and reinforement
  1151. >and they really meant ENTHRENCHMENT.
  1152. >The dwarves and the Nugget Security personnel had taken charge on building up defenses
  1153. >Both decided that the town needed to take it defensive line to the next level
  1154. >The dwarves had actually built a nearly contiguous trenchwork along the city limit
  1155. >Nugget security complemented this with several minefields, with heavily guarded corridors to move through
  1156. >great, let's take a page out of Colombia's book
  1157. >get "reassured" with a map of the minefields, the guarantee that the no-go areas are larger than the actual minefields, and that no roads were mined
  1158. >whatever, we got bigger fish to fry
  1159. >Get assigned to supply duty because there have actually been quite a few people coming in to help
  1160. >spend the day resupplying the /k/ultists, and hearing about how our arms are of good quality
  1161. >Get lectured by a couple of child priests (boy and girl) on how our selection of arms betrays us as "fuddites," and that we should be less hesitant to embrace the more advanced tools of the /k/ube
  1162. >"Well, when your going after an animal of the forest it's more important that it goes down quickly, and thats easier to do with .308"
  1163. >"We speak not of caliber but action Anon! There are plenty of tools from the /k/ube that are in .308 that are not of the bolt"
  1164. >"But ammunition isn't cheap-"
  1165. >"That should be of no concern Anon; the /k/ube blesses those who do it's will with ammunition!"
  1166. >realize that the /k/ultists have never asked for ammunition
  1167. >realize that they have crates of ammunition for us to take to everyone else
  1168. ----------
  1169. >Iamnotevenmadthatisamazing.jpg
  1170. >mfw the murder/k/ube is an actual diety capable of divine acts now
  1171. >consider converting at least partially to /k/ubism
  1172. >spent the rest of the day delivering ammunition to people
  1173. That's basically what happened with me yesterday; I should note that only HMG-bro was working with me yesterday. Fudd still was absent, but the Sarge said not to worry about it, so I wonder what's going on with him; more in a little later
  1174. ----------
  1175. Few things left out of my recap that I'll throw in
  1176. >Went to pick up gf at the hospital
  1177. >gf not at hospital
  1178. >gf at home
  1179. >she was given the day off because she had basically been working with minimal sleep and food
  1180. >and since the hospital now had a dozen dotors on staff, 4 of those actually being real doctors, they didn't need the help
  1181. >Have a good evening relaxing with gf, got a full night's sleep
  1182. Now to today
  1183. >Got up to make coffee and breakfast
  1184. >getting ready for the day
  1185. >gf getting ready to follow me around again
  1186. >we go to the morning meeting
  1187. >see a couple of trucks, ATVs on the street
  1188. >mud and dirt covered, some done up in forest camo
  1189. >wait
  1190. >I know these trucks
  1191. >Walk into the meeting hall
  1192. >see a mob of people in the back wearing forest camo vests and jackets laden with ammo and bolts, wielding model 700s and crossbows
  1193. >Goddamn, it's the Fudd Clan
  1194. >Turns out Fudd had spent the last two days amassing the entirety of the Fudd clan
  1195. >Meeting goes on as normal in spite of their presence
  1196. >Skinwalker lingering at 15 miles out; harpies spying on it haven't even heard anything, just see the fog bank
  1197. >at least it isn't heading towards the other town
  1198. >"reinforcements are going to show up over the course of today, so hopefully by tomorrow we should have a rough plan of what our next move is"
  1199. >Hopefully Skinwalker Hunt 2; Electric Boogaloo isn't as suicidal as last time
  1200. >Try to think of how they'd do that, but can't really think of anything
  1201. ----------
  1202. >After the meeting me and HMG-bro get a chance to talk to Fudd
  1203. >he seperates from his family while they, led by Grandpa Fudd go over to talk to the militia sergeant
  1204. >"Fudd, what's the clan doing here?"
  1205. >Fudd has a very serious look on his face
  1206. >"This thing has defiled the natural order of the forest; it has killed it's denizens needlessly to fight it's battles for it, and we would not be surprised if there were no more animals left in the valley, be they the tiniest rabbit or mightiest bear"
  1207. >He is full on scowling now
  1208. >"We will make this abomination pay for ruining nature's order"
  1209. >sometimes I forget he is a wood elf
  1210. >"I also talked to the other elf clan, and I believe they're gathering they're folk to pitchin also
  1211. >for context, the other elf clan are more like forest rangers (and thus more like regular wood elves) than hunters, and butt heads with the Fudds occaisionally since the fudds are more enthusiastic about hunting
  1212. >both clans don't usually get really involved with the town's affairs, so them coming in, even with the recent events, is a big deal
  1213. >"What has gone on back here?"
  1214. >Give him a rundown of the events, he rolls his eyes when hearing about the mayor leaving town
  1215. >looks angry when I mention undead forest critter attacks have stopped, but gets more concerned when the distance to town and the fact that it seemingly hasn't moved
  1216. >"I would say it's out of bodies to send, but I don't think it's just been sitting there 'doing nothing.' It has to be doing something..."
  1217. >He gets pensive
  1218. >"Well, let's go see who we're being couriers for today"
  1219. >"wait, we're still on supply job?"
  1220. ----------
  1221. >Go to the quartermaster
  1222. >"Oh you're working with the lead harpy, she's already gotten the truck keys"
  1223. >leave the depot to look for Ostwind
  1224. >get honked at as we leave the depot
  1225. >She's sitting in the driver's seat, an in the back is Grandpa Soviet Stalker
  1226. >"Ah, you have plenty people for help! Is good, we will have much to haul!"
  1227. >wut
  1228. >Hmg-bro goes shotgun, everyone else in the back
  1229. >"Do you even know how to drive? Don't you have wings for that?"
  1230. >"Shut up HMG-bro, of course I know how to drive"
  1231. >slightly less of her usual edge in her voice
  1232. >Start driving
  1233. >Grandpa Soviet smiles and then grabs something
  1234. >It's the transciever's mike
  1235. >He's pulls out a gps
  1236. >"Hey HMG-bro, do you know a field or something?"
  1237. >"Uh, sure... wh-"
  1238. >"Just tell me where to!"
  1239. >Grandpa starts yelling in russian into the radio
  1240. >He's not mad, he's just trying to make sure they hear him
  1241. >Hear responses in russian
  1242. >Sounds very much like a military dialogue
  1243. ----------
  1244. >we get to an old field; like two football fields side by side
  1245. >don't really remember what it was used for
  1246. >Guess he's looking for a place for his old man's club to set up, pretty big for a camp
  1247. >"Here Восточный ветер?"
  1248. >Wait who's that
  1249. >"Yeah Ivan, no one's using it that I can see"
  1250. >whoops, forgot Ivanovich's name
  1251. >Ivan looks at the GPS
  1252. >Starts shouting coordinates (presumably) into his radio
  1253. >Loud responses of "Да!" and other things
  1254. >We wait a bit, then hear it
  1255. >faint, at first, then louder
  1256. >and louder
  1257. >Helicopters, Fucking Helicopters
  1258. >four of them; all russian make, all pretty old, if not ancient
  1259. >one very clearly has rocket pods and guns attached to the sides
  1260. >Ivan throws down some smoke and comes back to the radio
  1261. >One by one the copters land
  1262. >At this point some big trucks are pulling up to the field also
  1263. >and a couple BTRs
  1264. >Guys start grouping near our truck, talking to Ivan in ruski, having a short pow-wow
  1265. >there are 30ish guys, all old, all with worn but matching soviet gear
  1266. >They start setting up a camp, while Ivan starts adressing us
  1267. >"So, Восточный ветер, about guns; they had proper amount of SKS after all! I hope you don't mind czech or yugo SKS?"
  1268. >"Oh of course we don't mind!"
  1269. Currently hauling Slav-shit for bird people
  1271. Honest question, why do harpies like Soviet equipment so much?
  1272. ----------
  1273. Cascadia Anon writer back
  1274. Ended up somewhere where the someone got the IP b&, and ended up there for 24ish hours, so that's fun.
  1275. I'll just continue where I left off and ignore the gap since the universe seems hell-bent on having me continue an inconsistent pattern of posting.
  1277. >After spending the next few hours hauling slavshit back and forth between the field and bird-woman HQ and taking leftover gear to the /k/ultists, we returned one last time to the field
  1278. >It was actually really fascinating, wathcing the old guys turn the field into a full on military outpost
  1279. >They actually gave the dwarves a run for their money in terms of entrenchment speed
  1280. >Barbed wire
  1281. >Trenches and gun emplacements
  1282. >Several tents of varying size and make for barracks, HQ, storage, and even a damn Mess Hall
  1283. >And of course they somehow managed to clear portions of the field for landing pads and a motorpool
  1284. >Ostwind goes to thank Ivan for the guns
  1285. >of course it turns into a multi-person conversation about their equipment, involving several of the other old guys
  1286. >After looking around, I notice they have alot of vehicles but no fuel stores
  1287. >Ask a friendly looking old man who speaks english well why
  1288. >"Oh, well, we actually have no need"
  1289. >"what, why?"
  1290. >"Is a funny story, after the merge happened we became our own merc company; one day we noticed one of the helicopters went several days without refueling, and the gauge read full still. We checked the systems and they were all fine, and when we tried to open the fuel tank it was just full"
  1291. >They checked all the vehicles and aparently all of them had somehow been magicked to not need any more fuel, they just magically refill themselves
  1292. >gf enters the convo
  1293. >"And you never questioned it further than that? You never questioned why they were magicked?"
  1294. >He shrugs
  1295. >"Eh, don't look at the teeth of a horse you've been given"
  1296. ----------
  1297. >Eventually the disscussion ends, and Ostwind and Ivan part ways
  1298. >She gets a bunch of goodbyes from the old slavs
  1299. >Slavs like bird-people aparently
  1300. >"Hey Ostwind, who's Восточный ветер?"
  1301. >"Oh, it's my name in russian, Ivan is pretty insistent on saying it in russian. It's the same thing so I don't care"
  1302. >HMG-bro doesn't understand that Ost wind's name is basically "East Wind" so he gets lectured on the significance of the East Wind.
  1303. >How does a Harpy from what is at best a communal culture from the mountains know more mythology than an orc from a warrior tradition that revels in learning about mythology that has lived in town for several years now?
  1304. >make it back to the depot
  1305. >See the other National/Cascadian guardsmen have shown up; several more large trucks and a couple more IFVs
  1306. >and a tank
  1307. >It's an M60 Patton; old, but it's still a fucking tank
  1308. >Guardsman moving shit to some other field to make their own camp
  1309. >first half of the evening meeting was really just a very long listing of who has shown up and what assets they have
  1310. >aside from the Guardsman and the Spetsnazi, the /k/ultists had managed to train up about 25 people who came themselves to help
  1311. >No elaboration on what "training" meant, but they're pretty good at handling themselves
  1312. >Skinwalker still out a ways
  1313. >14 miles now
  1314. >Fog bank is smaller now
  1315. >but the really concerning news
  1316. >"The other town hasn't checked in on long range radio today"
  1317. >ominous.iso
  1318. >Ivan volunteers the use of a copter to go check in at the town
  1319. >"We cannot fly until next day, copters not suited to night flight, but we can make trip easily given map"
  1320. >"I'm not sure you guys will be able to land, but a flyby would be good"
  1321. >gf says she has a bad feeling about this turn of events as we head home that night
  1322. =======
  1323. Day 6
  1324. =======
  1325. >Woken up by the sound of a helicopter flying overhead
  1326. >wat
  1327. >It's 6:46, it's still dark outside
  1328. >I thought he said they can't fly in the dark
  1329. >get up to get ready
  1330. >Have a really bad feeling in my gut
  1331. >Fuck
  1332. >don't believe in "divination" bull, but have had certain things in my life happen that have convinced me that precognition is a thing
  1333. >in short I don't think one can predict the future like a fortune teller, but sometimes I get a certain gut hunch that somehow, S is going to HTF, and S does end up HTF whenever this happens.
  1334. >like the logging accident that led to me getting my leg broken bad, and some other guys getting injured bad
  1335. >and having to go see the new town doctor
  1336. >wait gf isn't in bed
  1337. >go downstairs to find her in the "Pantry" packing lots of stuff into her enchanted webbing
  1338. >"You have a bad feeling too, don't you Anon?"
  1339. >She knows about my gut hunches, she takes them very seriously because she has them too
  1340. >"Yeah... I'm going to get some guns ready. I think you're going to need more than a machine pistol and pistol today"
  1341. >End up taking out my G3 with extendo, my Springfield, and my AR-carbine
  1342. >Somehow manage to carry them all with lots of ammo
  1343. >Give gf an AR-15 and a Fal (yeah I know it's redundant with the G3)
  1344. >She doesn't make a fuss about this, and infact tries to carry even more ammo than what I gave her
  1345. >head out for the morning meeting
  1346. >Igotabadfeelingaboutthis.mp4
  1347. ----------
  1348. >As we're walking to the meeting hall we hear the helicopter returning
  1349. >wait
  1350. >no, it's another two copters leaving
  1351. >and a truck driving along the road we're on
  1352. >It's Ivan and some of his guys
  1353. >He is in the back, with another slav running a muah larger radio
  1354. >Ostwind is also in the back
  1356. >There's an urgency in the mans voice, we jump in quick
  1357. >Ivan is busy holding a conversation in russian with the guy on the radio (who was the guy who I asked about their fuel) and some others on the radio
  1358. >"Uh, Ostwind, what's going on?"
  1359. >She takes a second to answer
  1360. >"You know how we were worried about the other town?"
  1361. >"But the skinwalker couldn't cover that distance in one night, could it?"
  1362. >"well, the thing is, the fog bank hasn't moved either"
  1363. >SHTF.exe
  1365. >Ivan cuts in
  1366. >"We, or rather they have good idea where skinwalker is; is still in town they say"
  1367. >Ivan gives a rundown on what the guys in the copters are doing on the Mi-17s and Mi-26, and what's happened to the town
  1368. ----------
  1369. You ever seen the movie "The Thing" guys?
  1370. >basically the skinwalker had made it's way to the town without having the fogbank move
  1371. >Instead of just wandering across the town's defenders like it did with our town, it was more careful and snuck it's way in
  1372. >actually doing what it, the skinwalker had not done yet; transforming
  1373. >The survivors (who we knew weren't the skinwalker because they were locked on a roof burning some stuff in a barrel, firing at anything approaching their building) didn't have the complete story, but they had enough to give some picture
  1374. >First one guy went "missing" for a bit, but when they found him he was acting weird
  1375. >did not question this despite knowing there was a skinwalker out and about
  1376. >after a while they confronted him about it
  1377. >surprise! he was a skinwalker.
  1378. >fight it off but one guy "went after it"
  1379. >later discover the guy's body in their radio station with both the long-range and short-range radios destroyed
  1380. >their militia fell apart as it killed, then impersonated different militiamen to lure others
  1381. >eventually everything went to "every man for himself," and the only option the remaining people had was to shack up
  1382. >unfortunately the skinwalker seemed to be bent on killing EVERYONE in the town
  1383. >The slavs were getting what few people they could out with the helicopters (while making reasonably sure they did not have a skinwalker in their midst).
  1384. >Ivan looked pretty grim
  1385. >"what evil drives this creature it kills without purpose?"
  1386. >gf looks at him
  1387. >"Bodies; it wants more bodies. The elves were sure it has run out of animals for puppets, so it went looking for more..."
  1388. >Ivan goes from grim to a very specific kind of anger, fire in his eyes
  1389. >the same fire that would've been in the eyes of the men who fought an unstoppable machine back out of their motherland so long ago
  1390. ----------
  1391. >"I see. We shall vanquish such evil, that kills those who do nothing and then plays with the corpse of the victims; we shall make the beast suffer..."
  1392. >get to the meeting hall
  1393. >skip the reports
  1394. >skip patrol assignments
  1395. >"OK People, we have a real SHTF situation on our hands"
  1396. >reports on the fact that the skinwalker moved
  1397. >Ivan give a really short report on what happened to the town
  1398. >"All people availible will be stationed on the defensive line; let nothing cross the line into town. Leaders will stay here for an emergency meeting"
  1399. >"What if any survivors escaped?"
  1400. >The sergeant whinces
  1401. >"We can't risk it... tell them to stay away from the line but if they get within 75 yrds, start shooting. Be ready for another mass attack"
  1402. >I pray anyone who survived shacked up instead of running to us for safety
  1403. >Also pray no one runs afoul of the landmines
  1404. >End up getting assigned to the line going across the main highway through the valley
  1405. >Trenches ending in emplacements on either side of the road, with a wall of sandbags making a large wall across the road
  1406. >Some cover assembled from mounds of dirt
  1407. >and some tents set up behind that near a gas station
  1408. >Barbed wire in front of all of it and some czech hedge hogs further in front of the line
  1409. >/k/ultists and /k/ommandos all along the line
  1410. >a couple of slavs have set up a DShK in one of the emplacements
  1411. >one has an RPG
  1412. >some people are sleeping in the tents and there's a shrine to the /k/ube, so I assume most of these people were already posted here
  1413. >spend the rest of the day waiting for something to happen
  1414. >gf sets out some supplies "just in case"
  1415. >the slavs let HMG-bro man the Dashka, so at least he has something to be happy about
  1416. >all is quiet until evening
  1417. ----------
  1418. >Someone had cooked some soup for dinner in a big pot over a fire
  1419. >most had mess kits, those who didn't borrowed some cutlery from a nearby house
  1420. >It's not robbery if the guy who got them happened to be the owner
  1421. >some /k/ommandos were rigging up some flood lights to shine down the road
  1422. >/k/ultists were praying
  1423. >HMG-bro was learning some russian from the slavs
  1424. >gf was making something in a cauldron she somehow shoved into a bag (the bag was enchanted to hold a bunch of shit but the cauldron was still larger than the bag's opening)
  1425. >I was sitting next to gf, scanning the road with my Springfield
  1426. >Managed to get someone to run grab it, the road was a perfect sniping spot
  1427. >wish I had an IR scope or some enchantment to see in the dark though
  1428. >Most were chatting amongst themselves when we hear it
  1429. >Revving engine
  1430. >focus on the road
  1431. >see some headlights come around a bend in the distance
  1432. >shit
  1433. >they're driving fast
  1434. >"Is that coming towards us?"
  1435. >"Yes, they're driving 40 or 50 mph; we gotta get them to stop!"
  1436. >"Maybe a warning shot Anon?"
  1437. >"yeah, because that totally won't freak them out or kill someone and cause them to wreck"
  1438. >hear some cattering from our line
  1439. >"Hey /k/evin, try the flare"
  1440. >someone shoots a red flare
  1441. >mild swearing
  1442. >"They're not slowing down guys"
  1443. >"Well, do we have a megaphone or something?"
  1444. >Clack-ClickRATATATATATATATA
  1445. >Everyone jerks down a bit before we realize it's our Dashka going off
  1446. >Look at the emplacement to see HMG-bro with a big stupid grin on his face
  1447. >Slavs are looking on in approval
  1448. >Look back to see the car nearly swerve and rollover as the burst of tracer rounds goes over their roof, but they manage to stop
  1449. ----------
  1450. >The /k/ommandos get the lights on
  1451. >The people in the car get out
  1452. >a couple of guys
  1454. >they start walking over
  1455. >Fire a warning shot
  1458. >an argument ensues about whether they should be allowed over the line and how one could be sure whether or not one of them was a skinwalker
  1459. >a squad of harpies fly in from behind them
  1460. >"They aren't the skinwalker!"
  1461. >"How do you guys know?"
  1463. >everyone jerks their heads to look down the road
  1464. >"THAT'S HOW"
  1465. >except the two guys from the other town, they take this opportunity to run past our defenses
  1466. >I bring the rifle back up to focus down the road
  1467. >see a wall of fog
  1468. >see a bunch of stumbling forms just on the fringe of it
  1469. >radios start going fucking nuts as people up and down the line report the same thing
  1470. >everyone starts rushing into firing positions
  1471. >"How many people lived in the other town?!"
  1472. >"Maybe 300 or 400!"
  1473. >"And they're attacking the whole line? At least we won't be out numbered like last time..."
  1474. >shiveroffear.fmv
  1475. >Start sighting in and getting ready to pop some heads
  1476. >won't stop the corpse puppets but at least it'll slow them down and leave them blind-deaf morons
  1477. >Hope the skinwalker is attacking another part of the line
  1478. ----------
  1479. >I remember not everyone has dealt with the corpse puppets before, so I elucidate them with some vital info
  1481. >Someone else chimes in
  1484. >ave nex alea /k/amarades
  1485. >also say the Lord's Prayer under my breath for good measure
  1486. >Start sending .30-06 down the road, blasting the heads off the poor bastards pressed into service by the demon
  1487. >feel bad whenever the shot doesn't take the head off cleanly
  1488. >can't waste time or rounds to fix those mistakes; they'll be put to rest soon enough
  1489. >Pull out some rounds to reload
  1490. >notice gf is still hunched over the cauldron
  1491. >Continue reloading because stopping to ask gf what she's doing at this point would waste time
  1492. >Go back to sniping
  1493. >feel something being pulled off me
  1494. >pull a knife and look to my side
  1495. >gf is emptying one of my G3 mags and some springfield ammo
  1497. >"SHITFUCKOK"
  1498. >Don't question what gf is doing
  1499. >just keep blasting heads
  1500. >"Anon, keep an eye out for her!"
  1501. >"WHO!?!"
  1503. >Shoves some bullets underneath me
  1504. >"Use these!"
  1505. >Make a mental note of this
  1506. >still hope it isn't attacking here specifically
  1507. ----------
  1508. >at this point the horde is within 400 yards
  1509. >the defensive line starts opening fire en masse
  1510. >the first wave of bodies fall to the ground and disintegrate in a hail of lead
  1511. >all the firing blends in a massive roar
  1512. >Shift to targets out at 500 yards along the road and work out
  1513. >gf still pulling mags/ammo off of myself and putting some back on/under my rifle while I fire
  1514. >totally not distracting
  1515. >then I see it
  1516. >at least I think I see it
  1517. >a figure standing(?) on the fog bank
  1518. >whatthefuck.webm
  1519. >that has to be the fucking skinwalker, corpse puppets can't float can they?
  1520. >Focus in
  1521. >1000 yrds out, just on the edge of my effective range; the figure is clearly a woman
  1522. >a HAG of a woman
  1523. >sunken eyes, long unkempt grey hair, wrinkled like a fucking prune, bent over
  1524. >I remember that fucking face
  1525. >she's wearing a shawl and
  1526. >wait
  1527. >tha- that's not a shawl... THAT'S SKIN
  1528. >it has a slight grin
  1529. >I see red
  1530. >cycle bolt, depress the bullet that was going to be loaded; load some of gf's bullets
  1531. >close bolt; aim for head of that bitch
  1532. >swear as I focus, she stares right in my direction
  1533. >smiles bigger
  1534. >getfuckedbitch.gotohell
  1535. >exhale
  1536. >BANG
  1537. >Held the gun perfectly still, I could see the POF through the scope
  1538. >as if in slow motion I watch the round fly and connect with her stupid head
  1539. >at impact I see a flash and a cloud of dust or something
  1540. >[TENNITOUS SCREAM x1/2]
  1541. >actually it more sounded like a normal scream
  1542. >see the fuck fall through the fog bank
  1543. >bitchfucked.senttohell
  1544. ----------
  1545. >Turn to gf
  1546. >she's staring in the direction I was shooting
  1547. >seems to be the only other person to have noticed
  1548. >looks a bit dazed, says under her breath
  1549. >"holyshit that worked...?"
  1550. >"Uh gf?"
  1551. >snaps out of it
  1552. >"K-Keep looking Anon, it's not dead yet; just keep using those bullets!"
  1553. >"What did they do? It looks like they exploded!"
  1554. >She physically shoves my face back in the direction of the skinwalker
  1555. >"I imbued them with stuff to fuck with her magical ability; she's still too strong to be killed but a few more shots like that will fix that problem!"
  1556. >Look back into the dense fog bank
  1557. >fog bank
  1558. >fuckme.wad
  1559. >"I know that she's in the fogbank Anon, it'll thin soon; until then (grabs some more ammunition off of me) shoot her puppets, it should drop them"
  1560. >go back to 500 yards to work back out
  1561. >exhale
  1562. >BANG
  1563. >corpse puppet's head disappears, but this time it goes down for sure
  1564. >I spend the next couple minutes laying people to rest while gf keeps me stocked with anti-magic ammo
  1565. >sure enough the fog is clearing
  1566. >but this creates another problem; the fogbank, while only faintly illuminated with the floodlights, did give a light background to outline targets against
  1567. >the constant roar slows down into occaisional waves of firing as people are taking longer to line up their shots
  1568. >some crawlers set off some mines, but aside from that it seems most of the undead have been put down
  1569. ----------
  1570. >"Anyone else heard that scream? Did we get it?"
  1571. >Gunfire in the distance has also slowed down
  1572. >other parts of the line reporting all clear
  1573. >"Was that it? Man that wasn't all that bad!"
  1574. >youjinxedit.godfuckingdamnit
  1575. >suddenly we hear a bunch of simultaneous thuds
  1576. >the remaining corpse puppets mercifully drop down dead
  1577. >some guys cheer, some /k/ultists pray to the /k/ube
  1578. >but not all
  1579. >gf sounds like she's having a minor panic attack
  1580. >"SHIT, she know we're fucking with her magic, she's trying to conserve it
  1581. >"There's still one!"
  1582. >the fog has lifted enough to expose one lone figure in the distance
  1583. >750 yrds
  1584. >It's the bitch
  1585. >it HAS to be
  1586. >same profile, as before, but where as before she was maybe 5'7", she's now probably 7'
  1587. >still looks like a hag
  1588. >still staring in my direction
  1589. >her ghastly smile has been replaced with a horrid scowl
  1590. >Eyes now glowing a dull red
  1591. >That'smorelikeit.cunt
  1592. >line up shot at the base of it's neck
  1593. >BANG
  1595. >she crouches down and starts sprinting on all fours like an animal towards the line
  1596. >the line realizes what the fuck is going on and open fire
  1597. >The constant roar of firing resumes
  1598. >personally hear HMG-bro screaming while firing the DHsK
  1599. >RPG flies from the emplacement and barely her in the leg
  1600. >she slows down for a sec but keeps running, shrugging that shit off
  1601. >It screams again, this time actually saying something
  1603. >It's after gf.
  1604. >IT'S AFTER GF
  1605. ----------
  1606. >"ANON!?"
  1607. >now firing more rapidly with the Springfield, but it's too hard to hit
  1608. >she's closed to 500 yds
  1609. >"GF,G3G3G3G3G3G3!"
  1610. >toss the Springfield over as gf shunts the G3 in my hands
  1611. >gf loads the FAL
  1612. >FeuerFrei.mp3
  1613. >Start firing at the skinwalker on semi, trying to line up shots
  1614. >the bitch dodges and weaves, somehow shrugging off dozen rounds hitting per minute
  1615. >get two lucky shots on her head and shoulder
  1616. >the skinwalker flies back a yard or two
  1617. >Now at 300 yds
  1618. >grab a mag to reload
  1619. >see gf shooting
  1620. >very quick bursts, not breathing much between them
  1621. >visibly afraid, but not uncontrolled fear
  1622. >the kind of fear a cornered beast has as it makes a last stand
  1623. >regret not taking her to train previously
  1624. >regret holding off a proper marriage
  1625. >no, no time for regret
  1626. >we're getting through this
  1627. >she's not panicking, I shouldn't start going into "I don't want to die" mode
  1628. >finish reloading, get a bit closer
  1630. >shoot in rhythum to emphasize it, gf slows down and becomes more accurate
  1631. >even makes a good shot on the skinwalker
  1632. >it stops and recoils from the hit
  1633. >250 yrds
  1634. >It's visibly bleeding
  1635. >it's blood is black, like pitch black
  1636. >we can see it on the road clearly in the dim light it's that black
  1637. >it stands up, still being impacted by over a hundred rounds per minute
  1638. >starts vibrating, then lets out the tennitous scream one last time
  1639. >worse than ever
  1640. >my vision blurs but I can see it staring at gf through this
  1641. >no bitch
  1642. >stand up
  1643. >FUCK
  1644. >YOU
  1645. >MAGDUMP.EXE
  1646. ----------
  1647. >Tennitous scream rises to a thousand times worse
  1648. >many people are doubled over in pain
  1649. >I am too angry for pain at this point
  1650. >the ringing in my ears peaks to sort of a white noise
  1651. >drop mag
  1652. >The thing starts charging me
  1653. >mag in
  1654. >200 yrds
  1655. >pull the bolt
  1656. >150 yds
  1657. >affix bayonet
  1658. >100 yds
  1659. >raise gun
  1660. >It leaps over all the physical obstacles and barriers
  1661. >suddenly get thrown to the ground
  1662. >not before I make two good shots at center mass
  1663. >watch as the skinwalker is stopped in midair by a fuckton of arrows and crossbow bolts
  1664. >WHAT THE FUCK
  1666. >get dragged away by Fudd as everyone opens back up on the skinwalker as it's turned into a stain on the pavement
  1667. >can't hear much but I could certainly hear the sound of my voice clearly
  1669. >get knocked out (somehow)
  1670. denouement soon
  1671. =======
  1672. Day 7
  1673. =======
  1674. Cascadia Anon with the epilogue to the skinwalker saga
  1675. >Wake up some time later in a bed
  1676. >head really muddled
  1677. >dull pain in both of my ears
  1678. >"umph"
  1679. >try to move; can't due to a weight on top of me
  1680. >vision finally adjusting to dim light
  1681. >It's gf, laying partly on top of me above the sheets
  1682. >Oh? where am I, the hospital
  1683. >small room, single bed
  1684. >Notice my guns, vest and other gear leaning up against a familiar set of drawers with a familiar clock on it
  1685. >oh
  1686. >we're at home
  1687. >clock says it's 6:40
  1688. >get up to go get coffee
  1689. >sit up
  1690. >immediately put head in hands
  1691. >vertigo's a bitch
  1692. >nearly fall forward
  1693. >I am caught by a pair of arms on my shoulders
  1694. >barely hear gf
  1695. >"lay back down Anon; it's over"
  1696. >...
  1697. >"WHAT? WHAT'S OVER?"
  1698. >get almost thrown back onto the bed
  1699. >above me I see gf with a look screaming "you moron"
  1700. >but with a smile
  1701. >give a dumb smile back
  1702. >get a hug in return
  1703. >we embrace
  1704. >I ask in a whisper this time
  1705. >"no seriously, what's over?"
  1706. >*light slap*
  1707. ----------
  1708. >She sighs, and then talks directly into my ear
  1709. >"You're not that dumb Anon, I know you're messing with me. Instead of humoring you I going to make breakfast, then tell you what happened while you were knocked out; your ears should be fixed by then"
  1710. >she starts to walk out of the room
  1711. >"you could at least get me some water?"
  1712. >she stops and grabs a canteen off my vest and throws it at me
  1713. >"HOW VERY NICE OF YOU!"
  1714. >couldn't hear her response
  1715. >I think it was "fuck you", would've responded "know you want to" but I wasn't sure
  1716. >wouldn't be much of an insult anyways
  1717. >tried to go to sleep
  1718. >can't do this because I've already been knocked out for 8 hours
  1719. >suffer from boredom and a dull ache in my ears for a couple hours
  1720. >Compunded from not hearing very much at the beginning
  1721. >only interesting thing is noticing when I can pick up a new noise
  1722. >eventually gf comes back upstairs
  1723. >"ok, breakfast is ready Anon, and your ears should be good enough to walk with balance again"
  1724. >why does it affect balance
  1725. >"I'll be down in a bit, I gotta get into some day clothes"
  1726. >"Anon you don't have to go into work today, the skinwalker is dead"
  1727. >"But then I have the road patrol?"
  1728. >"Anon, EVERYTHING that wasn't in town in the valley is dead; what's there to patrol for?"
  1729. >"ahh..."
  1730. >get dragged by gf downstairs
  1731. >big spanish omelet with some biscuits for breakfast
  1732. >fuck I'm hungry
  1733. >fight to keep myself from straight up inhaling the food
  1734. >do so anyways
  1735. >notice gf is doing the same
  1736. >"didn't you eat?"
  1737. >"No. Too tired after getting you changed for bed and working on your ears"
  1738. ---------
  1739. >quiet for a bit while we finish eating
  1740. >"so you were going to explain what happened?"
  1741. >"yeah, after you explain what you thought you were going to do by just standing there waiting for it to maul you?!"
  1742. >"KILL IT, of course! It was going for you, I'm not going to let it just go after you without fighting it!"
  1745. >both of us sigh
  1746. >she walks over and hugs me
  1747. >"I guess you did, but I can't help but be angry; I wasn't shooting it with you"
  1748. >hug it out
  1749. >"well I was rendered deaf for my troubles..."
  1750. >remember something
  1751. >"where did the elves come from?"
  1752. >"Right, I'll explain all that"
  1753. >I mentioned gf had a bad feeling about the previous day also
  1754. >in her paranoia, she packed everything with anti-magical and anti-skinwalker properties she could think of from the "pantry"
  1755. >along with stuff to brew/make/enchant
  1756. >at the town meeting some of the Fudds pulled her aside
  1757. >that particular elf being Grandma Fudd and Grandma Ranger respectively
  1758. >both practiced magic and apparently formulated some recipe to enchant things to suppress magic when struck with a great force
  1759. >they had already told the dwarves (reluctantly, they are still elves) about this recipe to make some anti-magic bullets to distribute, and had already enchanted a fuckton of arrows and crossbow bolts
  1760. >they knew gf was a witch who did some enchanting, so they wanted her to work on some bullets also
  1761. >They didn't think she would actually be able to follow their recipe (not for thinking she had a lack of ingredients or some practical limitation; our elves are still semi-racist dicks and gf is human)
  1762. >but they wanted her to try anyways
  1763. ----------
  1764. >so gf worked at it through the day
  1765. >making whatever it is you enchant with
  1766. >had managed to have a fuckton of it by the time the skinwalker arrived
  1767. >so she enchanted ammunition off of me
  1768. >unsure of whether or not it would work, either due to her fucking up somehow or the recipe just flat out not working
  1769. >which is why she was shocked when it did work
  1770. >She started enchanting the .30-06 and NATO ammo like mad after that
  1771. >allowing both of us to fire alot of the stuff at it
  1772. >by the time the elves showed up the skinwalker was basically DOA, the anti-magic bullets were functioning as regular bullets at that point
  1773. >They didn't know this though, so I was tackled by an elf (not Fudd, but one of his 14 brothers), tranq'ed by gf, and dragged away
  1774. >and the rest of the forest brigade overkilled the skinwalker with a fuckton of arrows/bolts
  1775. >the sheer force of the projectiles hitting it stopped it dead in mid-air
  1776. >Everyone then proceeded to shoot the shit out of it (this included gf)
  1777. >When people realized the beast was dead a few minutes later, the remains were burnt with gasoline from the nearby gas station
  1778. >and that was that
  1779. >the harpies, slavs, some guardsmen and others showed up just in time for the bonfire
  1780. >when the living dead became regular dead again, and the skinwalker started screaming, a fuckton of people made their way over thinking they'd find a scene similar to the skinwalker hunt
  1781. >the Guardsmen mobilized every armoured asset they had, and the slavs had their ancient Soviet gunship overhead for support
  1782. >at least they could piss on that thing's ashes
  1783. >the sergeant used the opportunity for an evening briefing
  1784. >no injuries
  1785. >no dead
  1786. >Huzzah.avi
  1787. >"Now for the cleanup"
  1788. >Boo.mp3
  1789. ----------
  1790. >the Guardsmen were sent on a patrol up the road to the other town to see if anyone survived
  1791. >Nugget security was tasked with cleaning up the landmines
  1792. >Pretty much everyone else not on the defensive line were tasked with the gruesome task of collecting remains and burning them
  1793. >everyone who actively defended were dismissed for the night
  1794. >no morning meeting, instead there will be noon meeting
  1795. >gf got a ride home from the elves
  1796. >had to deal with the elves' casual racism
  1797. >"Didn't think a human could pull that enchantment off; and with bullets as well!"
  1798. >Cleaned and changed both herself and myself into night clothes
  1799. >then worked on my ears and went to sleep
  1800. >"which brings us to now"
  1801. >Look at clock
  1802. >"We should put all our stuff away and get ready to go"
  1803. >We do that, amoungst other stuff
  1804. >go to the meeting hall
  1805. >Get the next couple days off while the clean up happens
  1806. >Some guys get sent off to tell our townsfolk it's safe to come back
  1807. >now other people ask for pay and leave
  1808. >Nugget Security was already paid by the dwarves, they resolve to leave as soon as they clear the rest of the mines
  1809. >still leave word to stay out of no go areas
  1810. >Wehraboos take their money and leave
  1811. >Say something about needing to be paid extra for working with subhumans
  1812. >Some of the ivdividual people leave, others stay to help more
  1813. >The Guardsmen don't demand payment but say that they're going to go up the road to demolish the ghost town
  1814. >A harpie later said they were turning a part of it into a military base
  1815. >Speaking of, the Harpies decide not to ask for money in exchange for being allowed to stay in town
  1816. >don't know what they're going to do for a living since they won't be able to raid
  1817. >other than join the militia
  1818. >Slavs sticking around for a few days
  1819. >doing slav things
  1820. >Pretty much all the townfolk came back except the mayor
  1821. >no one knows where he is, but I don't think anyone particularly cares
  1822. That's pretty much it for the skinwalker saga; I'm going to keep working on stories though.
  1823. ==============================================
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