
Mother of all consipiracies

Oct 6th, 2012
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  1. I think I've figured it out. Of all the years I've spent researching alternative subjects in a quest to get a bead on this whole reality business, I think enough pieces just finally fell into place that explains perfectly so much of the bizarre, and perplexing behavior and events we've been seeing and have been subjected to now for decades.
  3. It is highly unlikely that, what with billions of primates all banging on keyboards simultaneously across the planet, that this particular epiphany is entirely and originally mine. However, I will lay it out as it has originally come to me, and I can think of no other place to "throw it out there" then here (In other words, I apologize if you've heard of this all before, or have come up with it in some form or fashion on your own). Having said that, here is my conspiracy theory that glues it all together:
  5. Our dependence has been deliberately engineered and our economy, as we understand it today, is a contrivance, conjured from thin air. The whole entire thing is a sham; a sham that has been deliberately rigged from the start that we have all been forced and conditioned to participate in. And that is the heart of this conspiracy theory: we can't NOT participate in their contrived socio-economic game. Well, we can, it's just very, very difficult to live in this country without playing some small role in the game they've all engineered. The exit doors to independence have all been sealed shut - they've seen to that, and that's what I mean by rigged.
  7. And I say Forced Participation, for, if we do not participate in their economy, their contrived game collapses - so they've done everything they can to keep us "on the field," as it were. Of course there are people who are living off the grid, but you need a very special skill-set to live effectively that way, and guess which skills we AREN'T taught in public school?
  9. The captains of industry from around the time of the Great Depression needed grubs to manufacture their junk. They needed monkeys smart enough to push the buttons and run the machinery but not smart enough to start asking questions. For the ones smart enough to ask questions, they instituted the standard 40 hour work week to keep us too busy and tired from scrambling around to ask questions.
  11. Public schooling was instituted to indoctrinate us into a culture that submits to authority and discourages critical and free thinking. History class was notoriously all about memorizing names and dates. By deliberately instilling the notion that history was always very boring to the student, curiosity was retarded, and further study into the subject by the individual on their own time was all but squashed. Mathematics is the same way. They couldn't do anything about the students who just naturally "got it," but they made sure that the material was delivered much in the same way. They deliberately designed mathematics to be so unapproachable, that anyone who didn't "get it," would never return to study the subject further. To those students who got math, maybe the 40 hour work week, families and mortgages would keep them too busy to ask questions.
  13. After all, what are the two most dangerous subjects for ANY government's citizens to be effective with? History and mathematics. From history, we learn to spot the mistakes governments have made before, and mathematics helps us to spot when we're being lied to. (You see, governments LIKE making mistakes, as I get into further, and they need to be able to lie in order to make them).
  15. Also, by controlling the curriculum, they controlled the narrative. For example, Edison was a thief, and a dropout who hated book learning. Tesla gave us the 20th century on a silver platter and studied hard. How else do you explain Edison being lauded as a hero and never even hearing of Tesla in school? That's certainly the narrative I heard.
  17. They engineered a lot of racial tension as well, because any population that is united is the only real threat to any powers that be. We are deliberately kept fragmented and divided, and the 3 social classes were engineered to protect them from us all wising up to their vile scheme.
  19. The people in lower class would be too busy getting shafted and blaming the middle and upper classes to be asking any questions.
  21. The people in middle class would be kept too busy at their salaried jobs and mortgages to be asking any questions.
  23. The people in upper class would be too busy shafting the lower and middle classes, and keeping their money from the government, to be asking questions.
  24. Just the way the CoD's want it.
  26. Our exits to independence from the shackles of this game, have effectively been welded shut with a laser-like precision on just the right doors. Look how hard it is to generate your own power. To grow your own food. To stitch your own clothes. To live without a car or a residency. Convenience becomes mandatory in a nation with a 40 hour work week, so we're also in large part discouraged from becoming self-reliant. Who has time for that?
  28. If we crafted everything we needed, we wouldn't need to be paying the captains of industry for their junk, that they have all effectively forced us to buy. THIS is why hemp is illegal. Notice there, that I used the word "hemp," not marijuana. If you could grow everything you needed in your back yard, (fiber, fuel, food) you could effectively decouple yourself from their contrived economy. If you could stitch your own clothes with hemp, you wouldn't need to drive your car to the mall and buy clothes that the captains of industry expect you to buy.
  30. You have to have residency to do anything. In order to acquire residency, you have to have credit, and in order to get credit, you have to prove that you are able to manage and live in debt. That's because our economy can conjure wealth out of thin air - not for you, but for those who are in charge of it. And if we're all too busy being in one of those economic classes, armed with a hatred of history and mathematics, being pissed off at each other because of the color of our hides, no one will ever stop, and look up to see who's really doing the shafting, and unite under a cause of putting an end to the game that enslaves us all.
  32. Since it's generally in every government's best interest to continue existing, it therefore stands to reason that they will manufacture problems to justify their further existence (and funding). That's why nothing ever really changes. There really wasn't a big difference between Bush and Obama. It's still business as usual. Sure, they put up a good facade about an issue here and there, but at the end of the day, nothing changes. The government's job is to create and exacerbate problems, because it is in any government's best interest to do so.
  34. If the government solved our problems, there would be no further need for government. It's just like any organism that wants to survive, and will do anything it can to continue doing so.
  36. So, our problems are here to stay.
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