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Nov 14th, 2018
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  1. Game 1
  2. In-Game
  3. Katárinà: ¨morg top?
  4. Katárinà: wtf
  5. Katárinà: 2 top
  6. Katárinà: they fucking tower dived me lvl 2
  7. Katárinà: what the fuck is this i wanna play league not whatever this fucking bullshit is
  8. Katárinà: WHAT IS THIS
  9. Katárinà: LIKE ACTUALLY
  10. Katárinà: help top?...
  11. Katárinà: surrender 15 pls
  12. Katárinà: i was talking to us
  13. Katárinà: this is not fucking league of legends
  14. Katárinà: while it should be 2v1 botlane WHY IS THERE NOBODY BOTLANE
  15. Katárinà: i just wanted to take a game of league
  16. Katárinà: ?
  17. Katárinà: do u have any game knowledge at all tristana
  20. Katárinà: I CANT DO ANYTHING
  21. Katárinà: if u would know anything at the game at all u would know that is whats happening
  22. Katárinà: yeah because that matters
  23. Katárinà: you jsut dont fucking know how anything works
  24. Katárinà: you have had 2v1 this whole game
  25. Katárinà: ibe been 1v2 this whole game
  26. Katárinà: garbage player, why are you trying to tilt your own teammate
  27. Katárinà: like honestly
  28. Katárinà: you dont wanna win
  29. Katárinà: i would still be the one that wouldve been 10-0 if i would have played that botlane
  30. Katárinà: it was literally set up 4 u
  31. Katárinà: yes easily
  32. Katárinà: and ur playing tristana adc vs vi adc xd like ur actually mentally ill
  33. Katárinà: i dont even know why im discussing this with kda players
  34. Katárinà: last game i went 15-3, just because this game was a 1v2 game doesnt mean im bad, u have many games were u inted as well lol
  35. Katárinà: garbage tristana player
  36. Katárinà: kda player, thats why ur hardstock bronze
  37. Katárinà: dfgdfg
  38. Katárinà: why would i let a 12 year old kid to tel lme to sthut uå
  39. Katárinà: dfgdfg
  40. Katárinà: against a 1v2 lane with black shield, no
  41. Katárinà: unlucky game anyways idc
  42. Katárinà: nah
  43. Katárinà: im better than u tristana idc about the stats of this game
  44. Katárinà: why dont u talk about my other games?
  45. Katárinà: oh because i destroy everyone else
  46. Katárinà: talking about my slef?
  47. Katárinà: eu trash
  48. Katárinà: didnt u mute me twisted fate? just do and stfu
  49. Katárinà: muted both of u now anywyas
  50. Katárinà: i like how this tristana is flaming me for my kda when twisted fate is just the same with 1 more assist lmao, not premades at a
  51. Katárinà: 1-8*
  52. Katárinà: aye the garbage adc wants to surrender now, too bad to carry lol
  53. Katárinà: yeah
  54. Katárinà: good, because this tristana certainly cant karry xd
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