
Artist Origins: Aurora DeLuca

Jan 2nd, 2019
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  1. Aurora took short gasping breaths as the blood dripped from the knife in her hands, her parent's blood. She hadnt mean for it to happen like this. She was sneaking out, getting one of her few tastes of freedom, and then the guard had seen her. He was supposed to be sick! They dragged her to the kitchen, Dad got the belt, and the knife was right there... The Guard would be back in any minute and then... and then... She was interrupted from this train of thought by the sound of wood on tile. She turned around and pointed the knife at the noise, seeing a man with platinum blonde hair tapping his jeweled cane against the tile, watching her with an amused smile. His suit was pure white with purple highlights here and there, a tophat mimicking this color scheme laying on his head. His sharpened teeth showed just a bit with his smile. "My my~ Someone has made quite a mess havent they?" She took a shaky breath. "W-w-w-ho are you!" She demanded, sounding much braver than she felt. He smiled wider and spun his cane around with a flourish as he approached her a little closer. "/I/ am the man who is going to give you the opportunity to not rot in jail." She took a small step back, bumping into her father's lifeless leg. "W-what do you mean!" All of her confidence left her when she touched a corpse. He strutted closer, seeming unconcerned about the knife pointed at him. "I am The Curator, and I run an Organization that loves helping people in your situation. Nowhere to go, no one to turn to, except us of course." He chuckles a little at that like it's a joke. "You can even flourish with your art. I've seen your designs Aurora, and I'm impressed." Her face softened a little and her hand drooped down. "R-really?" He nods and steps even closer, gently taking the knife out of her hand, staining the fingertips of his gloves red. "Really. You have an eye for the Macabre that I have not seen before. I would love if you would come with me and let me see it all first hand. We just have to clean up this little mess of your's first, but I can take care of that." She blinked and nodded. "R-right. T-thank you..." He smiles wide and took his coat off, placing it around her. "Here, it's chilly out and I would hate for someone as pretty as you to catch a cold." He gave her a friendly grin, letting all the tension she'd had flow out of her. She gave him a bashful smile. "Thanks, really." He started walking, gesturing her to follow him outside. "It's entirely my pleasure, talent like you should not be squashed under such dreadful people. I on the other hand?" He smiled with his teeth on full display, points showing all too well. "I will let your true potential shine under my watchful eye." She smiled at him, wiping the tears from her eyes. He snapped his fingers as they left, and the Hounds of Flesh began their descent to clean up her mess.
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