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Jul 17th, 2019
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  1. Skittenz: /me wiggles
  2. xVTMxEnters: *glances down at her*
  3. Skittenz: /me her devilishly red eyes glance down into the lightning orb in her dainty hand, her long, slender black tipped fingers coiling around it in circular motions before quickly throwing her hand in his direction with a pointed finger, the lightning bolt traveling from the palm of her hand to the very tip of her finger before jumping off and zapping him in the nipple.her feathers on her wings grew staticky, conducting more electricity to prepare for more fun. she lowered her head slightly, looking up at him with a bratty smirk before suddenly taking her wings and flapping them hard towards the ground - lifting herself high up into the air and diving to the other side of the room. she disapeared behind one of the curtains, rubbing herself against them to create even more static electricity
  4. xVTMxEnters: *growled at the sensation caused by the singe if lightning against the flesh of his nipple. The dense muscle of his form took the surge of energy, sucking the energy it had created into his own body. As if to respond in kind he spread out his arms, each fingertip beginning to glow as bolts if electricity started to form around them. Gradually he began to siphon the electrical energy generated by life and living organisms. After a time his optics golden in color.began to with the spark of electricity. It was at that moment that he slapped his palms together, the I recharge of electrical output sending a bolt of true lighting crashing towards the curtain behind which she has taken refuge.*
  5. Skittenz: /me peered around the corner just as he threw back a giant lightning strike. Absorbing all of the electricity through her fluffed up feathers, she would just stand there, blinking in confusement as to why he would attack her with something that she fed from. she flattened out her feathers and her hair, with her dainty fingers. she would then coil some of the hair around the pointy end of her pinkie finger, zapping it with the slightest about of electricity to make it stay curled. she then slowly released the hair, letting it bounce into place as it lay on her forehead in a coil. she giggled happily, very excited with all the new energy she had. she would then continue to curl her hair behind the curtain, some curls bigger than others and some were smaller. she looked into the reflection of the glass she stood next to, admiring her beauty. she then closed her eyes tight, focusing all the electricity to form around her body. the energy from the electricity around her transformed her clothing. first removing them all completely from her body as she hid behind the curtain. metal claws would form from the particles in the air, clamping themselves to her perky little breasts. large though, for her small body. her curvy hips would then begin to form a metalic, skimpy bottom. the heat from the electricity binding it to her skin. now that she looked completely different, she would step out from behind the curtain. she turned her back to him, slightly arching her torso so her bum would stick out. she pointed her toes to the floor, crossing one foot over the other to turn her body so he could get a very good look at her before stepping back behind the curtain. peaking her head around the corner to look at him.
  6. xVTMxEnters: *he stared, arching a single grow as she removed herself from the veil of the curtain only to allow him a perfect view of her figure. Her body was certainly a sight to behold and only left a sour taste in his mouth when she retreated back behind the veil of the curtain. Slowly he began to move towards the door, flicking his fingers through the air so that he could get a accurate read of the electrical currents in the air. As the beast of carnal desires that he was drew nearer to her location he lifted his arms and began loosening the buckles to the harness attached to his chest. The leather bindings clattered down unto the obsidian flooring of the manor. He made no brash or irrational advances, only cold cool and calculated. "Taunting little dempness aren't you." he said through a wolfish grin while the muscles of his torso began to stretch one they had begun to work out at once. The harness he had removed served only to dampen his abilities. *
  7. Skittenz: /me unknowing of his ability to feel electrical current, she would use the energy from the electricity he gave her to disapear from her spot and appear on the other side of the room behind the couches in a crouching position. unable to user any more power for the next while, she would close her eyes, starting to summon more energy from deep within her mind so she could mess with him. she could though, do one small thing. she peaked her head over the couch, scanning the area as he drew closer to her old hiding spot. his back to her, she knew he wouldnt see her so she pointed towards one of the lamps on the opposite side of the room, creating a small explosion in one of the hanging fire lamps. she would then duck back down, hiding behind the couch once again.
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