
>Back to the Foxy (Greentext)

Jul 22nd, 2016
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  1. >It's night at the pizzeria. Everything is dark, until suddenly flashes of light illuminate the halls. In an instant a red streak bursts into a hallway, trails of fire blazing behind it. The phenomena ceases and the shape of a fox animatronic can be seen. This is Foxy the Pirate Fox. And he is on fire.
  3. >Immediately, the fox drops to the floor and rolls around screaming "Fire belowdecks!" while trying to put himself out. Eventually he is successful. Standing up, Foxy casts a gaze around his surroundings. A nostalgic expression dawns on the animatronic's face before it soon sobers. He was here for a reason after all. He had to warn them. It was nearing midnight, they would be active soon.
  5. >He wouldn't get far however, before a golden figure appeared before him. With an all too familiar pop. "This would be where I'd say it's me, but let's talk about you!" said Golden Freddy with his arms beckoning. Until he surprisingly grabbed the poor fox. "You're not supposed to be here." he stated in a flat tone. One dripping with finality. Then he dragged the fox towards a supply closet, ignoring its pleas.
  7. >"Unhand me ye scurvy dog!" said the fox, before being shoved in the closet with an EEE.
  8. >"Alright, talk." Goldie commanded as he stepped in after him.
  9. >"Ye know my purpose, I'm here to warn-"
  10. >"It doesn't work. They'll just think you're malfunctioning like usual." interrupted Goldie.
  11. >"Aye. But no Captain worth his salt wouldn't try anyways." Foxy responded, causing Goldie to laugh.
  12. >"Fair enough. How did you even get here?"
  13. >"The yellowed rabbot lass told me."
  14. >"Fuckin' amber alert." the golden machine mumbles. "That said, you're still going back. Don't try this again."
  15. >"Wai-!" Foxy attempted to shout, before he disappeared in a flash.
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