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Jan 24th, 2018
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  1. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  2. /// Call of Duty - Black Ops for alterOps Configuration file by yolarrydabomb ///
  3. ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  5. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  7. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  8. // //
  9. // ^1 Red //
  10. // ^2 Green //
  11. // ^3 Yellow //
  12. // ^4 Dark Blue //
  13. // ^5 Light Blue //
  14. // ^6 Pink //
  15. // ^7 White //
  16. // ^8 Grey //
  17. // ^9 Brown //
  18. // ^0 Black //
  19. // Example: ^1TDM ^7Server //
  21. sv_hostname "Alterops Lazy Server" // Please put a server host name here
  24. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  26. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  28. rcon_password "abc123changeme" // Access to your server to change stuff remotely. I RECOMMEND YOU TO CHANGE IT RIGHT NOW!!!!
  29. scr_player_forcerespawn "1" // Players respawn automatically after being fragged.
  30. scr_game_spectatetype "1" // Enable or Disables Spec mode, putting "1" allows spectators to spectate match.
  31. scr_hardcore "0" // Enable or Disable Hardcore Mode.
  32. scr_player_healthregentime "5" // Time it takes you to recover damage.
  33. scr_team_kickteamkillers "0" // Anyone who team kills, gets kicked automatically if you enable this feature.
  34. scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "20" // Team Killer gets a respawn penalty of specified seconds (20).
  35. scr_player_maxhealth "100" // Percent of Health players will have on Respawn.
  36. playlist_enabled "0" // Enable or Disable playlist.
  37. scr_player_sprinttime "4" // Sprint run time.
  38. scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0" // Wait before you respawn if you committed suicide.
  39. scr_teambalance "0" // Enable or Disable auto balance.
  41. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  43. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  45. g_password "" // Password Protected Game. Leave blank if you want players to join.
  46. sv_disableClientConsole "0" // Enable or Disable players ability to access server commands.
  47. sv_reconnectlimit "3" // How many times you can try to reconnect.
  48. sv_timeout "240" // Timeout time period. You will timeout after (240) seconds when attempting to connect or if you are getting connection interruptions.
  49. sv_zombietime "10" // Your idle time period before getting kicked.
  50. g_inactivity "1" // Enable or Disable auto kick feature for idle/AFK players.
  51. g_allowvote "1" // Allow Vote.
  52. sv_floodProtect "4" // Chat Spam Protection.
  53. sv_maxPing "0" // Max Ping allowed.
  54. sv_maxRate "25000" // Max rate on server.
  55. sv_minPing "0" // Minimum Ping allowed.
  56. sv_maxclients "30" // Maximum players that can't enter server.
  57. sv_privateClients "0" // Private reserved slots on server.
  58. sv_pure "1"
  59. sv_kickBanTime "300" // Kick Ban Duration. Time before player can re-join the server after getting kicked.
  60. sv_vac "0" // Enable/Disable VAC anti cheat tool. Like if that is helpless on alterops So zero
  62. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  64. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  66. scr_game_hardpoints "1" // Hardcore Scoring System.
  67. scr_game_killstreaks "1" // Enable/Disable Killstreak rewards.
  68. scr_hardpoint_allowdogs "1" // Enable/Disable Attack Dogs Killstreak.
  69. scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter_comlink "1" // Helicopter Com Link
  70. scr_hardpoint_allowradardirection "1" // Radar Direction
  71. scr_hardpoint_allowsupply "1" // Care Package
  72. scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter_gunner "1" // Helicopter Gunner
  73. scr_hardpoint_allowcounteruav "1" // Counter Spy Plane
  74. scr_hardpoint_allowhelicopter_player "1" // Helicopter
  75. scr_hardpoint_allowmortar "1" // Mortar Team
  76. scr_hardpoint_allownapalm "1" // Napalm Airstrike
  77. scr_hardpoint_allowrcbomb "1" // RC-XD Bomb
  78. scr_hardpoint_allowairstrike "1" // Air Strike
  79. scr_hardpoint_allowauto_turret "1" // Auto Turret
  80. scr_hardpoint_allowradar "1" // Allow Radar
  82. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  83. //SEVER TWEAKS //
  84. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  86. g_deadChat "0" // Enable or Disable the ability to read dead chat chat of people who have been fragged.
  87. scr_game_allowfinalkillcam "1" // Enable/Disable Game Winning Kill Killcam.
  88. scr_team_allowHardpointStreakAfterDeath "0" // Enable/Disable Killstreak after Death. Player resumes the killstreak even after being fragged.
  89. scr_game_allowkillcam "1" // Allow Killcam.
  90. g_allow_teamchange "1" // Allow players to change teams.
  91. scr_player_allowrevive "1" // Allow players to revive each other.
  92. scr_team_artilleryTeamKillPenalty "0.25" // If you kill your team member with artillery strike, this amount of percent of your artillery time gets deducted. Logical ?
  93. scr_game_deathpointloss "0" // Points Loss on death Cod Points.
  94. scr_team_fftype "0" // Enable or Disable Friendly Fire.
  95. scr_game_onlyheadshots "0" // Enable/Disable Only Headshots mode. You can only kill players by taking headshots.
  96. scr_player_healthregentime "5" // Health regeneration time, time it takes for blood splatter to be removed from the screen.
  97. scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "20" // Team Kill respawn penalty, in seconds.
  98. scr_player_maxhealth "100" // Players starts with this amount of health in percentage.
  99. scr_team_mortarTeaTeamKillPenalty "0.25" // Mortar Air Strike Team Kill Penalty, time deducted.
  100. scr_game_prematchperiod "15" // Time before match starts. Strat time?
  101. scr_game_allowfinalkillcam "1" // Allow Final Kill Killcam.
  102. g_speed "190" // Player speed, speed at which player can move.
  103. scr_player_sprinttime "4" // Sprint time, duration a player can run.
  104. scr_game_suicidepointloss "0" // Suicide penalty in cod points.
  105. scr_player_suicidespawndelay "0" // Respawn wait after suicide.
  106. scr_teambalance "1" // Enable or Disable Auto Balance.
  107. scr_team_teamkillpointloss "1" // Cod Points Penalty for Team Kill.
  108. scr_team_teamkillspawndelay "20" // Respawn penalty in time, after team kill.
  109. scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanpenalty "0" // Add the team killer to the ban list.
  110. scr_team_teamkillerplaylistbanquantum "0"
  111. scr_game_perks 1 // Allow players to have perks
  113. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  114. //VOIP SETTINGS //
  115. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  117. voice_deadChat "0" // Enable/Disable voice over IP chat when a player is dead.
  118. voice_global "0" // Enable/Disable the use of in-game voice over IP.
  119. sv_voicequality "3" // Voice Quality, 3 for high, 1 for low. More bandwidth better quality.
  120. g_voiceChatTalkingDuration "500" // Duration you can chat.
  121. sv_voice "1" // Allow Voice Chat
  123. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  125. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  127. scr_ctf_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
  128. scr_ctf_enemycarriervisible "0" // Where is the flag carrier, spot visible on radar.
  129. scr_ctf_flagrespawntime "0" // Time before a captured flag respawns.
  130. scr_ctf_idleflagreturntime "30" // Time before a dropped flag returns to its default location if not picked.
  131. scr_ctf_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player 0 for unlimited.
  132. scr_ctf_playerrespawndelay "0" // Respawn wait in seconds.
  133. scr_ctf_roundlimit "3" // How many rounds match would last.
  134. scr_ctf_roundswitch "1" // Rounds before the teams switch sides.
  135. scr_ctf_scorelimit "3" // Target score before the round ends.
  136. scr_ctf_timelimit "5" // Round length.
  137. scr_ctf_touchreturn "1" // Ability to return the flag by touching it.
  138. scr_ctf_waverespawndelay "15"
  140. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  142. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  144. scr_dem_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
  145. scr_dem_bombtimer "45" // Time the bomb takes to detonate.
  146. scr_dem_defusetime "5" // Time taken to defuse the bomb.
  147. scr_dem_extratime "3"
  148. scr_dem_numlives "0" // Lives per player 0 for unlimited.
  149. scr_dem_planttime "5" // Time it takes to plant a bomb in seconds.
  150. scr_dem_roundlimit "0" // Rounds the game is limited to, if there are no winners.
  151. scr_dem_roundswitch "1" // Rounds before the teams switch the sides.
  152. scr_dem_scorelimit "2" // Score limit needed to win.
  153. scr_dem_timelimit "2.5" // Round time limit.
  155. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  157. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  159. scr_dom_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
  160. scr_dom_flagcapturetime "10" // Time in seconds to capture a flag.
  161. scr_dom_numlives "0" // Lives per player 0 for unlimited.
  162. scr_dom_playerrespawndelay "0" // Duration of time you wait to respawn.
  163. scr_dom_roundlimit "1" // Rounds played per game.
  164. scr_dom_scorelimit "200" // Score limit per game.
  165. scr_dom_timelimit "0" // Duration in minutes per round.
  166. scr_dom_waverespawndelay "0" // Spawn delay at start.
  168. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  170. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  172. scr_dm_globalbattlechatterprobability "100" //
  173. scr_dm_bonus_leader "0" //
  174. scr_dm_numlives "0" // Lives per player 0 for unlimited.
  175. scr_dm_playerrespawndelay "0" // Time in seconds wait to respawn.
  176. scr_dm_roundlimit "1" // Round limit.
  177. scr_dm_score_assist "0" // Points allotted for an assist.
  178. scr_dm_score_death "0" // Points allotted for dying.
  179. scr_dm_score_headshot "0" // Points for headshot.
  180. scr_dm_score_kill "50" // Points for a kill.
  181. scr_dm_scorelimit "2000" // Points needed to win the game.
  182. scr_dm_score_suicide "0" // Points allotted for suicide.
  183. scr_dm_timelimit "15" // Duration the game lasts in minutes when the score limit isn't reached.
  184. scr_dm_waverespawndelay "0" // Delay before the first respawn in the first round.
  186. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  188. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  190. scr_koth_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
  191. scr_koth_numlives "0" // Number of lives per game 0 for unlimited.
  192. scr_koth_playerrespawndelay "0" // Players respawn wait.
  193. scr_koth_roundlimit "1" // Rounds to be played.
  194. scr_koth_roundswitch "1" // Rounds to be played before teams switch sides.
  195. scr_koth_scorelimit "250" // Score limit to win the game.
  196. scr_koth_timelimit "15" // Duration in minutes the game will continue if the score isn't reached.
  197. scr_koth_waverespawndelay "0" // First respawn delay for each round.
  199. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  201. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  203. scr_sab_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
  204. scr_sab_bombtimer "30" // Duration in seconds the bomb takes to detonate.
  205. scr_sab_defusetime "5" // Time taken to defuse the bomb.
  206. scr_sab_hotpotato "0" // One bomb that the teams must fight over. One defending and one have to plant at the site.
  207. scr_sab_numlives "0" // Number of lives players get.
  208. scr_sab_planttime "2.5" // Time taken to plant the bomb.
  209. scr_sab_playerrespawndelay "7.5" // Time before respawn.
  210. scr_sab_roundlimit "1" // Rounds per game.
  211. scr_sab_roundswitch "1" // Rounds needed to be played before the teams switch sides.
  212. scr_sab_scorelimit "1" // Score limit to win the match.
  213. scr_sab_timelimit "10" // Duration in minutes the game lasts if the score limit isn't reached.
  214. scr_sab_waverespawndelay "0" // Time delay for first respawn before the game.
  216. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  218. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  220. scr_sd_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
  221. scr_sd_bombtimer "45" // Time taken for the bomb to detonate.
  222. scr_sd_defusetime "5" // Time taken to defuse the bomb.
  223. scr_sd_game_spectatetype "3" // Allow team spectate.
  224. scr_sd_multibomb "0" // Allow more than one bomb.
  225. scr_sd_numlives "1" // Number of lives per player per game.
  226. scr_sd_planttime "5" // Time taken to plant the bomb.
  227. scr_sd_playerrespawndelay "0" // Respawn wait.
  228. scr_sd_roundlimit "0" // Rounds the game is limited to 0 for unlimited.
  229. scr_sd_roundswitch "3" // Rounds to be played before the teams switch sides.
  230. scr_sd_scorelimit "4" // Score limit required to win the game.
  231. scr_sd_timelimit "2.5" // Time limit if the score limit isn't reached.
  232. scr_sd_waverespawndelay "0" // Delay for first respawn.
  234. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  236. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  238. scr_tdm_globalbattlechatterprobability "0"
  239. scr_tdm_bonus_leader "0" // Top Player on the leaderboard gets this much bonus.
  240. scr_tdm_numlives "0" // Number of lives per player 0 for unlimited.
  241. scr_tdm_playerrespawndelay "0" // Respawn wait.
  242. scr_tdm_roundlimit "1" // Rounds per game.
  243. scr_tdm_score_assist "50" // Points awarded for an assist.
  244. scr_tdm_score_death "0" // Points awarded for death.
  245. scr_tdm_score_headshot "0" // Headshot reward.
  246. scr_tdm_score_kill "100" // Points awarded for a kill.
  247. scr_tdm_scorelimit "10000" // Score limit to win the game.
  248. scr_tdm_score_suicide "0" // Score awarded for suicide.
  249. scr_tdm_timelimit "15" // Duration in minutes for the game to end if the score limit isn't reached.
  250. scr_tdm_waverespawndelay "0" // Duration is seconds before the first respawn in each round.
  252. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  253. // GAMETYPE & WAGER //
  254. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  255. // //
  256. // "tdm" Team deathmatch (used for default) //
  257. // "dm" Free-for-all //
  258. // "sab" Sabotage //
  259. // "dem" Demolition //
  260. // "ctf" Capture the flag //
  261. // "sd" Search and destroy //
  262. // "dom" Domination //
  263. // "koth" Headquarters //
  264. // //
  265. //////////// Wager Matchs ////////////////////////
  266. // //
  267. // IMPORTMENT //
  268. // Wager Matchs MUST require xblive_wagermatch 1//
  269. // //
  270. // "hlnd" Stick and Stones* //
  271. // "gun" Gun mode* //
  272. // "shrp" Sharpshooter* //
  273. // "oic" One in the Chamber* //
  274. // //
  277. g_gametype "tdm" // Select gametype from the list above
  278. xblive_wagermatch "0" // Set to 1 if you plan on using a wager match. This is a MUST! Failure to do so will resualt in server issues
  281. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  282. // MAP ROTATION TIPS //
  283. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  284. // //
  285. // ARRAY – mp_array //
  286. // CRACKED – mp_cracked //
  287. // CRISIS – mp_crisis //
  288. // FIRINGRANGE – mp_firingrange //
  289. // GRID - mp_duga //
  290. // HANOI – mp_hanoi //
  291. // HAVANA - mp_cairo //
  292. // JUNGLE – mp_havoc //
  293. // LAUNCH – mp_cosmodrome //
  294. // NUKETOWN – mp_nuked //
  295. // RADIATION – mp_radiation //
  296. // SUMMIT – mp_mountain //
  297. // VILLA – mp_villla //
  298. // WMD – mp_russianbase //
  299. // //
  300. //// DLC1 FIRSTSTRIKE ////////////////////////////
  301. // //
  302. // BERLIN WALL - mp_berlinwall2 //
  303. // DISCOVERY - mp_discovery //
  304. // KOWLOON - mp_kowloon //
  305. // STADIUM - mp_stadium //
  306. // //
  307. //// DLC2 ESCALATION /////////////////////////////
  308. // //
  309. // CONVOY - mp_gridlock //
  310. // HOTEL - mp_hotel //
  311. // STOCKPILE - mp_outskirts //
  312. // ZOO - mp_zoo //
  313. // //
  314. //// DLC3 ANNIHILATION ///////////////////////////
  315. // //
  316. // DRIVE-IN - mp_drivein //
  317. // HANGER 18 - mp_area51 //
  318. // HAZARD - mp_golfcourse //
  319. // SILO - mp_silo //
  322. Set sv_maprotation “map mp_array map mp_cracked map mp_crisis map mp_firingrange map mp_duga map mp_hanoi map mp_cairo map mp_havoc map mp_cosmodrome map mp_nuked map mp_radiation map mp_mountain map mp_villa map mp_russianbase map mp_stadium map mp_kowloon map mp_discovery map mp_berlinwall2 map mp_zoo map mp_outskirts map mp_hotel map mp_gridlock map mp_silo map mp_golfcourse map mp_drivein map mp_area51”
  325. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  326. //PLAYLIST DvARS //
  327. //////////////////////////////////////////////////
  329. playlist_enabled "0" //Reserved slots for players in playlist.
  330. playlist_excludeMap "mapname" //Exclude this map from the server rotation. Type in the map name shortname.
  331. playlist_excludeGametype "" //Exclude this gametype, type in the gametype shortname.
  332. playlist_excludeGametypeMap "" //Exclude this gametype map, type in the map shortname.
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