

Jul 19th, 2019
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  1. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,231: GLib.set_option_context_summary missing, was added in GLib 2.56 (Released 2018-03-12)
  2. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,249: Running Lutris
  3. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,249: Using NVIDIA drivers 418.56 for x86_64
  4. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,250: GPU: GeForce GTX 960M
  5. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,250: GPU: 10DE:139B 1028:06E4 using nvidia drivers
  6. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,250: GPU: 8086:191B 1028:06E4 using i915 drivers
  7. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,323: Vulkan is supported
  8. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,324: Updating DXVK versions
  9. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,489: Connected to as user
  10. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,820: Invalid script: {'files': [{'setup': ''}, {'dxvkcache': ''}], 'installer': [{'task': {'name': 'create_prefix', 'arch': 'win64', 'prefix': '$GAMEDIR', 'description': 'Creating 64bit Wine prefix.'}}, {'task': {'silent': True, 'app': 'arial', 'arch': 'win64', 'prefix': '$GAMEDIR', 'name': 'winetricks', 'description': 'Installing Arial font...'}}, {'task': {'value': 'win10', 'path': 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine', 'arch': 'win64', 'key': 'Version', 'prefix': '$GAMEDIR', 'name': 'set_regedit', 'description': 'Setting Windows 10 mode for Wine'}}, {'task': {'name': 'winekill', 'prefix': '$GAMEDIR'}}, {'write_json': {'data': {'Client': {'GameSearch': {'BackgroundSearch': 'true'}, 'Sound': {'Enabled': 'false'}, 'Streaming': {'StreamingEnabled': 'false'}, 'HardwareAcceleration': 'false', 'GameLaunchWindowBehavior': '2'}}, 'file': '$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/Application Data/', 'description': 'Writing a Battle.Net config file'}}, {'write_config': {'file': '$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/My Documents/Overwatch/Settings/Settings_v0.ini', 'description': 'Enabling Borderless Windowed mode', 'key': 'WindowMode', 'value': '"1"', 'section': 'Render.13'}}, {'write_config': {'file': '$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/My Documents/Overwatch/Settings/Settings_v0.ini', 'description': 'Switching to WEBM format for saving Highlights', 'key': 'Type', 'value': '"1"', 'section': 'MovieExport.1'}}, {'write_config': {'file': '$GAMEDIR/drive_c/users/$USER/My Documents/Overwatch/Settings/Settings_v0.ini', 'description': 'Disabling hardware acceleration for saving Highlights', 'key': 'UseHardware', 'value': '"0"', 'section': 'MovieExport.1'}}, {'task': {'value': 'va', 'path': 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Wine\\DXVA2', 'arch': 'win64', 'key': 'backend', 'prefix': '$GAMEDIR', 'name': 'set_regedit', 'description': 'Wine Staging: Enabling DXVA2'}}, {'extract': {'file': 'dxvkcache', 'dst': '$GAMEDIR', 'description': 'Extracting DXVK state cache'}}, {'write_file': {'content': 'dxgi.nvapiHack = False', 'file': '$GAMEDIR/dxvk.conf'}}, {'task': {'name': 'winekill', 'prefix': '$GAMEDIR'}}, {'task': {'arch': 'win64', 'name': 'wineexec', 'exclude_processes': ' Agent.exe " Helper.exe"', 'executable': 'setup', 'description': 'Installing Blizzard App. An installer will open.\n------------------------------\nTo progress, manually continue installation in that window.'}}, {'task': {'name': 'winekill', 'prefix': '$GAMEDIR'}}], 'wine': {'esync': True, 'version': 'staging-3.12-x86_64', 'dxvk': True, 'overrides': {'nvapi': 'disabled', 'nvapi64': 'disabled', 'd3d12': 'disabled'}}, 'game': {'arch': 'win64', 'args': '--exec="launch Pro"', 'exe': 'drive_c/Program Files (x86)/', 'prefix': '$GAMEDIR'}, 'notes': '', 'system': {'env': {'DXVK_HUD': 'compiler', '__GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE': 1, 'STAGING_SHARED_MEMORY': 1, 'DXVK_CONFIG_FILE': '$GAMEDIR/dxvk.conf', '__GL_SHADER_DISK_CACHE_PATH': '$GAMEDIR', 'DXVK_STATE_CACHE_PATH': '$GAMEDIR'}, 'exclude_processes': 'Agent.exe " Helper.exe"'}, 'description': ''}
  11. 2019-07-19 23:30:25,821: Missing field "name" in install script
  12. None
  13. Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
  14. Gtk-Message: GtkDialog mapped without a transient parent. This is discouraged.
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