
SequenceServer Log

May 22nd, 2019
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  1. [genomica@localhost BLAST]$ sequenceserver -D /home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST -r links.rb -p 4570
  2. /usr/local/share/gems/gems/sequenceserver-1.0.11/bin/sequenceserver:144: warning: Insecure world writable dir /home/genomica in PATH, mode 040777
  3. [2019-05-22 11:17:27] DEBUG Reading configuration file: /home/genomica/.sequenceserver.conf.
  4. [2019-05-22 11:17:27] DEBUG Will use NCBI BLAST+ at: /home/genomica/DATA/Software/ncbi-blast-2.8.1+/bin
  5. [2019-05-22 11:17:27] DEBUG Will use BLAST+ databases at: /home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST
  6. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Found nucleotide database 'CDS Farga' at '/home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST/CDS_Farga.fa'
  7. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Found nucleotide database 'Genoma_Farga' at '/home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST/Genoma_Farga.fa'
  8. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Found nucleotide database 'Genoma_Sylvestris' at '/home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST/Genoma_Sylvestris.fna'
  9. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Found protein database 'LongestPeptide Farga' at '/home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST/LongestPeptide_Farga.fa'
  10. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Found nucleotide database 'NonCoding Transcripts Farga' at '/home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST/NonCoding_Transcripts_Farga.fa'
  11. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Found protein database 'Peptide Farga' at '/home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST/Peptide_Farga.fa'
  12. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Found protein database 'Proteine Sylvestris' at '/home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST/Proteine_Sylvestris.faa'
  13. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Found nucleotide database 'RNA Sylvestris' at '/home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST/RNA_Sylvestris.fna'
  14. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Found nucleotide database 'Transcripts Farga' at '/home/genomica/DATA/Databases/BLAST/Transcripts_Farga.fa'
  15. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Loading extension: /mnt/d8e73111-db5e-4011-87aa-e4d64fb8c1e9/DATA/Databases/BLAST/links.rb
  16. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] DEBUG Will use 1 threads to run BLAST.
  17. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] WARN Will listen on all interfaces ( Consider using (--host option).
  18. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
  19. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] INFO ruby 2.0.0 (2015-12-16) [x86_64-linux]
  20. [2019-05-22 11:17:28] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=16732 port=4570
  21. ** SequenceServer is ready.
  22. Go to http://localhost:4570 in your browser and start BLASTing!
  23. Press CTRL+C to quit.
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