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a guest
Feb 18th, 2018
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  1. You: hey
  2. Stranger: hihi
  3. You: How are you stranger? :)
  4. Stranger: im hungry
  5. Stranger: what about u?
  6. You: well the best cure for that is food :)
  7. You: i'm pretty good thanks
  8. Stranger: thats awesome
  9. You: so am I allowed to know who i'm talking to? haha
  10. Stranger: yes u are
  11. Stranger: what u wanna know
  12. You: well the typical question is asl, so let's go with that? :P
  13. Stranger: ok
  14. Stranger: im male
  15. Stranger: 20
  16. Stranger: finland
  17. You: Nice to meet you :) 17 F New Zealand here :)
  18. Stranger: nice
  19. Stranger: ur pretty far away
  20. You: haha yeah, the other side of the world :P
  21. Stranger: yep
  22. Stranger: New Zealand is kinda far from everything
  23. You: haha what you up to? anything fun? :)
  24. Stranger: im eating right now
  25. Stranger: its fau
  26. Stranger: fun*
  27. You: ah, so you took my advice haha
  28. Stranger: yes
  29. Stranger: i didint know what to do
  30. Stranger: but u helped me
  31. You: I'm glad :) but I sense slight sarcasm there :P
  32. Stranger: no
  33. Stranger: thats not the case
  34. You: okay, I believe you heehe
  35. Stranger: is it late in NZ
  36. You: aye, it is, 3.00 am to be exact
  37. Stranger: oh
  38. Stranger: its only 5 pm here
  39. Stranger: ur ollways first i everything
  40. You: haaha yeah, some might say it's because we're the best :P
  41. Stranger: are u really?
  42. You: of course. no doubt about it ;)
  43. Stranger: that is nice
  44. Stranger: finland is also pretty good
  45. Stranger: not as good as nz tho
  46. Stranger: do u speak english in there?
  47. You: Yeah, It's our main language :)
  48. Stranger: boring
  49. Stranger: what other languages u have?
  50. You: haha well I would attempt to learn Maori...the native language, but I wouldn't be too good at it haha
  51. Stranger: ok
  52. Stranger: do u have same accent as ausralians?
  53. You: haha similar, not quite as annoying
  54. Stranger: heh
  55. Stranger: so, why arent u sleeping if its 3 am
  56. You: I'm looking for some fun times on Omegle :P
  57. Stranger: yes
  58. Stranger: sounds fun
  59. Stranger: sleeping is fun allso
  60. You: are you suggesting I go to sleep? haha
  61. Stranger: yes
  62. You: okay
  63. Stranger: lol
  64. Stranger: dont go
  65. You: haaha was just about to :P
  66. Stranger: drink some coffeee
  67. You: haha I hate coffee :P
  68. Stranger: energy drink
  69. Stranger: ?
  70. You: Don't worry I'm wide awake :D
  71. Stranger: good
  72. Stranger: arnt u going to school tomorrow?
  73. You: yeah, but I'm not tired :)
  74. Stranger: ok
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