
That Silver Tongue - Prologue

Oct 8th, 2012
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  1. Prologue – A Look Into The Life Of A Human
  5. Six months.
  7. It’s been six month since you’ve come to Equestria. You have no idea how you got here, though you suspect you may have accidentally killed yourself…
  9. It was probably from overdosing. You broke your leg working on the job, shattering the bones in it. The doctors prescribed you a ton of pills. You… may have misread what dosage to take, since the last thing you remember doing was popping some pills while reading a book before falling asleep... You may have also had a few beers with those pills. You weren’t being very smart at the time, and now you have to deal with the consequences.
  11. Arriving here, you woke up in the middle of a field, surrounded by multicolored miniature horses. Looking at them, you thought they were nothing more than a hallucination brought on by the pills. You smiled at them as they spoke to one another. They quickly notice your leg in a cast and your inability to move. One of the small critters, a minty looking one, gave you a huge grin before levitating you with her horn. Once again, you went along with it since you thought the pills had you in la-la land.
  13. The creatures took you into a small hospital that was run by other little horses in what you’d describe as adorable little doctor and nurse outfits. After looking at your leg, they used magic to heal your bones right then and there. You don’t recall feeling anything when they did that, possibly still drugged up or just a testament to their abilities. You quickly fell asleep as soon as they were finished, thinking that this was one of the weirdest dreams you’ve had in a long time.
  15. As soon as you woke up, one of the ponies told you that it would be another two weeks before your leg would be fully functional enough to walk around again. It took a full day of sitting around inside a bed with ponies moving about for you to realize the horses were real… It was another week to understand you must’ve overdosed back home and got placed here for some inexplicable reason.
  17. Maybe you got transported here through magic? Or maybe death was but another gateway to a new life, and this was but one of those path’s? Yeah… that was getting too philosophical for you. You just knew you couldn’t return home and the horses are very intelligent. They even volunteered in helping find a way to get you back home, but you’re doubtful about that ever happening.
  19. After being healed, you were released into Twilight’s care for a more thorough understanding of what you are. They just wanted to make sure you were harmless and to show you around their society. One of the first things you of course asked about was paying back the hospital for their services. You were surprised hearing you didn’t need to pay anything back. Apparently, the government paid for most of the bills. Their government also paid for other things, such as heating or water. This place already felt like paradise to you when you heard that. It’s too bad there aren’t any humans here. It got pretty lonely as the only member of your race on the planet.
  21. Twilight was interested in hearing your views about her world and continuously asked about your world. She mostly asked about you and your life, which you provided the basics for her: you worked, got a paycheck, spent it, and went to work for the next one. They weren’t the best circumstances, but it was what you knew of and it was fine enough for you.
  23. You lived day in and out as best as you could: you lived alone, you didn’t really have any friends, mostly acquaintances, and also had three ex’s that all left you for three other guys. You also didn’t have a dad, and your mom passed away from lung cancer. It took a while to explain what cigarettes were and why anyone would intentionally poison themselves on them. All in all, it was your life. Although it wasn’t much, you were pretty content with what you had.
  25. At the end of the quick rundown of your life, Twilight was crying on your lap. You’ve never really reflected on your life until that point, and it wasn’t a very pleasing feeling you had afterwards. Was your life really that bad?
  27. Ever since you spoke to her about your life, Twilight made an enormous effort to make sure you were happy living in this world. She showed you many of the things around her world, teaching you their ways, and having as much fun with you as possible. Looking back on it all, you realized that was the happiest you’ve ever been in your life.
  29. Currently, it’s been six months living with Twilight and meeting her very close friends. It was mostly a paradise how you’re now living, even though you’re without certain things you do miss. Meat isn’t something they deal with, and no electronics. Magic and having others there for you do make up for that.
  30. The ponies were very generous, allowing you to live amongst them without anything in return. Your conscious wouldn’t allow you to do that though. Looking for work is something you’ve been doing for a while now, something that a certain pony doesn’t seem to like all that much.
  32. “Anon, it’s been…” Twilight rubs her forehead in thought, “I can’t even tell how long. Nopony’s got anything for you to do.”
  34. “I’m gonna continue searching Twilight. It just doesn’t feel right staying here, living like this.”
  36. After two months living in this happy-go-lucky world, you decided to go out and get a job. You needed to live on your own. It just didn’t sit right with you to live off these ponies, or more importantly, mooching off Twilight. She’s done so much for you by allowing you to live with her and Spike, and as a friend you needed to be on your own. So you tried looking for work out in town, earn some bits, and save up for a little shack of your own.
  38. Yeah... that was a flop.
  40. Everyone out in town gave you a chance, but so far you’ve screwed up everything you’ve done. You tried working on the farm, but you can’t buck trees and any work you can do just gets in their way. Shops couldn’t hire you either, your vernacular was still off at times and you just couldn’t make a proper sell.
  42. There was so much you had a hard time doing here: making things, moving things, or just talking with the general population. Your leg would also act up from time to time, making any job more difficult for you. Talking to the doctor’s at the hospital, they weren’t sure how to help you out other than prescribe you some mild painkillers. With your leg as it is, that meant you couldn’t keep up with the ponies. The only thing that set you apart from them was what made you superior as a human: your mind and your hands.
  44. They may be intelligent but they couldn’t even comprehend some of the basic algebra you were taught. And you knew a lot. From mathematics to science, history, and pretty much everything that would be taught at a college level. Your original plan was to become a teacher getting out of school. It didn’t turn out so well, with you working construction in the end.
  46. “Look Anon, the only ponies I know that would hire you are Lyra and Cheerilee, and even then it’s miss or hit with those two. Cheerilee barely has work for you now as it is; I’m not sure how much longer that will last…”
  48. “Twilight, we’ve had this conversation before. You already know I’m looking for a job and a home. It just seems silly that you’re still discussing this with me, right?”
  50. Twilight looks like she’s going to say more, but then immediately stops. She huffs out before looking at you. “I, I know. I just, I care about you, okay? Your leg and your life, I…” She lets out a sigh, calming down. “Can you stay here for a moment?”
  52. Before you can answer, she’s already up the stairs for whatever reason. It doesn’t take long for her to return with a little sack being levitated by her magic. She floats them over to you while looking away from you. Taking the sac, you open it up, seeing an enormous amount of bits inside.
  54. “Twilight, I ca—”
  56. “Princess Celestia sent these over for when you decided to move out. It’s supposed to pay for a home…”
  58. You don’t recall ever talking to the princess about this. You sigh to yourself, looking at the bits in your hand. Twilight must’ve asked for these, you think. Why else would the princess give these to you? Even now she’s helping you out…
  60. “Well thanks, Twilight. I… I don’t know what to say. But I don’t feel right taking these from you.”
  62. “Just think of it as a… farewell gift. I can’t seem to convince you, so I may as well give you this.”
  64. You let out a small laugh before tousling Twilights hair about. She slaps her hooves at you in a silly manner to get you off. Twilight just grunts in a playful manner with a small smirk sloppily hidden from you.
  66. “There should be enough for a home purchase and furnishings for your size along with a month’s food consumption, based on how you eat.”
  68. So you have a month before you starve, nice. “So who do I go to for this new home of mine?”
  70. “Just talk to the mayor and she’ll set everything up.”
  72. “Alright, that’s one thing off the list. Now I just need a job.”
  74. “You know, you could always work here for me.”
  76. “Twilight…”
  78. She looks away with a light humph. You pull her in a tight hug before letting go, holding on tightly to the bag of bits in your hand.
  80. “Thanks for the offer, and for everything you’ve done for me. But I need to do this on my own. Everything you’ve done was more than I could ever repay you for. It just wouldn’t feel right if I couldn’t provide for my own self.”
  82. “What do you mean? You repay me with friendship,” she says, sitting there with a smile.
  84. …Did you forget to mention these ponies are too adorable?
  86. “Just promise if you can’t find something, you’ll work for me, okay?”
  88. “…Fine, it’s a promise, though I’ll do my darndest to look even harder now, Twilight.”
  90. Grabbing your coat, you quickly made your way to the mayors to get a new place. You can’t wait to finally have a place of your own.
  92. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  94. “Well, when’s she coming back in?” you ask impatiently.
  96. “One second, I’ll get the date in a minute.”
  98. Okay, so Mayor Mare’s not in right now. She’s currently planning for a business trip, but maybe you could wait it out an—
  100. “Three weeks from now.”
  102. “Three weeks?!” That is not acceptable! You finally got the bits for a new home, and she’s saying you’d have to wait three more weeks?! You are not going to let that happen. “Where can I find her home? I really need to talk to her before she leaves for her trip.”
  104. The assistant at the town hall stares at you, clearly not interested in your presence at the moment. She takes out a piece of paper and quickly jots something down before shoving it in your direction. Well that’s pretty darn rude, you think.
  106. “She can be found here, but you best hurry. She’s leaving,” she looks at the clock, “tonight.”
  108. Why would you need to look at the clock for that? Ignoring her, you head out of the office, walking down the road. You’re so glad to be out of there; the place felt so stale and stuffy. Making your way through the busy streets, you pass by the hustle and bustle of the stands selling their wares, cheerfully bantering with their customers.
  110. Looking at the paper you were given, you see it’s… in the opposite direction. Crap, it’s actually on the outskirts of town. The mayor must wake up pretty darn early to make it to work every day.
  112. Arriving at the place, you can’t help but look at it in amazement. It’s huge! It may as well be a mansion. Going up to the door, you knock on it and wait. You hear some loud, almost angry talking on the other side of the door. You really hope you didn’t come here with an upset pony to talk to.
  114. The door opens up, showing the mayor’s flustered face. Upon noticing you, she tries to regain some of her composure. It’s already a bit late for that, you think.
  116. “Hello there! It’s interesting meeting you here at my home so early in the day. What’s brought you here this morning?”
  118. “Well I-“
  120. “Wait, where are my manners.” She opens the door wide, stepping back. “Please, do come in.”
  122. Walking inside, you see the place looks very posh and expensive, though in a simplified manner. This is pretty darn nice.
  124. “Can I offer you anything to drink?”
  126. “No ma’am, I just need to get this settled out today, hopefully before you leave for your meeting.”
  128. “That’s if I leave. The foal sitter was supposed to come in today, but she currently has family troubles and had to cancel.” She looks like she’s about to have a massive fit right now. “So now I’m stuck looking for somepony for the job and… Oh dear, I’m sorry. I suppose I’m still a tad upset from this and all, I doubt you want to hear it.”
  130. “No, I understand. Some fella’s just need to vent out every now and then, it’s okay.”
  132. The mayor shuffles her hooves in embarrassment before looking back up to you. It feels somewhat odd seeing her do that.
  134. “So what did you need help with? Are you still having trouble looking for a job?”
  136. “Well… yes, I am… but that’s not what I’m here for. I just received bits for a home to purchase and I wanted to do this before you left.”
  138. “Oh, just follow me to my home office back here and we can get this done quickly. I’m still waiting on some other ponies to reply for this sitting job anyways so it’s not like I have much to do at the moment.”
  140. You nod before following her. Suddenly, you hear something shuffling beside you. Looking around, you see an open door just now closing. That must be Mayor Mare’s child. You’d offer to work the foal sitting job, but you don’t want to interfere. It sounds like she has someone else coming in here for the position anyways.
  142. In an hour, you have all the paperwork needed to get a new home. You just have to give it to the assistant back at the hall. Great…
  144. The mayor quickly went over what’s needed for your new home: resizing it for your height, the payment, papers, papers, papers… and a ton of signing it all. You’re grateful that Mayor Mare is helping you out, but you can see she’s still upset over the sitter problem of hers. During your talk with her, she mentioned her meeting is up in Canterlot with the heads of each pony establishment for their yearly discussions with the princesses. You can see why she’d be very urgent in finding a sitter for something that important.
  146. After everything was all said and done, you thanked her for the help, trying to leave a good impression before walking straight back to the city hall. You need to hurry if you were going to get to Cheerilee’s schoolhouse on time.
  148. Making it to the hall, you quickly place the papers on the assistant’s desk. She looks up at you before looking at the stack now in front of her. She takes one of the papers and slowly moves it in front of her face. It takes almost a full minute of her staring at it, not moving a single muscle.
  150. She writes something down before moving it to the side. She then looks at the stack once more and just as slow as before, repeats the process with a new paper. You can feel your blood boiling at the ridiculousness of her actions. She’s taking her sweet time looking over each paper to make sure they were properly filled out.
  152. After her painfully slow work on checking your papers, she stacks the papers on the side before giving you a set of keys, mentioning the furnishings would take about two weeks for the unicorns to properly adjust to your size.
  154. That’s cool, you’re fine with sleeping on the floor for now. But hey, you’re the proud owner of a house now! It’s even somewhat close to the schoolhouse, that’s neat.
  156. …Oh crao, you’re running late! You make a very light jog, hobbling down the street with your bum leg, heading straight to the schoolhouse. You make it outside the schools doorway, straightening out your clothes before heading inside.
  158. You can see the little ponies writing on their papers, eager to learn. That’s what you love about this world the most. The kids back home had such a lack of caring about anything unless it was something they liked. But these little ponies are nothing like that. Each student was extremely happy to ask questions, no matter how silly. They were always interested to hear what you had to say. It felt so good to be around them. It made you feel so happy to teach here, even if it was just as an assistant.
  160. Before you even knew it, the day had ended at the school with the students leaving for the day. You’re just about to leave yourself to check out your new home when Cheerilee calls you over. You wave goodbye to Featherweight before walking over to Cheerilee. She has a look like she was about to do something she really doesn’t want to do… Crap, you think, rubbing the back of your head, figured this would’ve happened at some point.
  162. “Anon, it’s… well, about–”
  164. “It was fun while it lasted, right?”
  166. She looks away from you, trying to come with something to say.
  168. “I can’t afford to keep you as an assistant. I’m terribly sorry.”
  170. “It’s no biggie. I’m just glad to have been a part of all of this, though the pay helped a bit.”
  172. “Well, you’ll find some work out in town, right?”
  174. “That’s what I’m still hoping on, but no one seems willing to hire me… Except for Lyra, and that just…”
  176. “No, I understand. I really hope you find something. Maybe you should try to take up Lyra’s offer?”
  178. “No, just… no. I’d only work there as a last resort, and even then I’d have to be desperate.”
  180. “Maybe you can try working for our mage scientists? You have a lot of knowledge that they would be very eager to get a hold on. Surely they’d hire you?”
  182. You remember those ponies from when you first got here. They had you talking about things from home, like prism's and how your people walked on the moon. Word got out, which led to Luna wanting to talk to you. It was a very strange and awkward meetup for you that night with the princess.
  184. The mage scientists kept offering you work on anything you could provide them. It got tempting as the days go by here in this world. But the last time you were with them, it almost led down to you staying there full time, without your consent. Even though they’ve assured it wouldn’t happen again, it’s not something you’re very eager on being around any time soon.
  186. You talk to Cheerilee for a little while, discussing your last day with her and her students. Before you leave, she gives you the bits for your work this week. Thanking her, you turn to the door and notice it closing on itself. Looks like you have a snoopy little pony there. It’s nothing, you think, just curious, snoopy kids being kids.
  188. After leaving the schoolhouse you take your time walking back to Twilights’ to give her the news you’d be moving out that night to try out your new home. She won’t be very happy hearing about you leaving so early, but you really want to finally move into your very own place. You’re very glad the princess gave you enough bits for at least a month’s worth of food so you should be good for a while. You just need to find some work soon and hope things will turn out alright.
  190. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  191. Silver Spoon’s POV
  192. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  194. Today was an interesting day for you.
  196. The human came over to your house this morning, trying to get his own place. You thought he was happy living with Twilight. Something must’ve happened for him to want to move out. Your guess is he needs more room and had to leave.
  198. The school day was just as interesting. You love coming to school with the human working there. He has so many strange things to teach to you. What impressed you when he first got here was his enormous amount of knowledge pertaining to his people along with how he views things so drastically different from you ponies.
  200. The things he described were so unique, so intriguing, so exciting… Anypony that got their hooves on any of the knowledge he possessed could potentially make them a very powerful being. He even has ties with the elements and the princesses, along with your government’s highest officials wanting to meet him constantly!
  202. …Okay, you may have stalked him a little bit to find that out. But it’s so amazing how much of an impression he leaves on others. He’d make a great asset if you could just get him to work for you somehow in the future, but you needed to make a bond with him for that.
  204. Why would he want to work for somepony like you? He barely knows you aside from school. Why, he’s more likely to work for the princesses themselves over you. But why isn’t he? It’s very strange to you he’d work as an assistant for your teacher and not for the princess herself.
  206. You know Diamond Tiara is interested him as well. She’s your personal and close friend, but sometimes she really makes you upset. She’d just use him for nothing more than to say he works for her, to make herself appear more popular. What a waste...
  208. Still, you didn’t think you had a chance of getting him to notice you or to hire him in any way. He was going to be squandered working at the school house or working for somepony like Diamond Tiara, or even wasting away in that library doing nothing when he could be helping somepony else… somepony like you.
  210. This was all just wishful thinking; a chance to get him to even notice you and stay by your side would never happen. Diamond Tiara was more likely to buy the darn human out somehow.
  212. He’s likely to be out of your way very soon as well. You were making your way out the door from your classes today when you overheard Miss Cheerilee talking to Mr. Anon. Hiding behind the door, you snooped in on their conversation. She was… letting him go. That… made you very sad. Putting aside his strange ways, he made learning so much more fun. You were going to miss seeing him in class.
  214. Just now getting back home, you open your door and see your mom making a mess of the entire place. She’s acting very upset for some reason. Did something go wrong?
  216. “Mom, are you alright?”
  218. You hear your mom let out a tired sigh before sitting down on the ground in a thump, not caring much for etiquette right now. She must be very upset.
  220. “I’m having a difficult time trying to get a sitter to come out. None of them are available in town, and the only other pony I can think of hiring is very loud and messy…”
  222. She must be referring to Pinkie Pie. You really don’t want to see that mare in this house watching over you for three weeks; even three hours is pushing it. Pinkie’s nice and all, but she has a nasty habit of making a mess of things, which is almost always accompanied with destruction.
  224. You can feel the gears working away in the back of your head, looking at this situation. A smile creeps slowly on your face at how easily this must’ve fallen in your hoofs. This must have been destined to have happened! You’re feeling really giddy at the moment, but you have to stay calm. Now, you just need to work your words right for this and you can actually make this happen!
  226. “Hey Mom, I know the perfect… ‘person’ for the job.”
  229. ~End Prologue~
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