
Sombranon I (NSFW)

Oct 28th, 2013
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  1. >be Anon
  2. >in crystal castle
  3. >chatting it up with Shining Armor
  4. >damn, he knows more about sci-fi than I imagined
  5. >hear the door open and hooves trotting
  6. >Cadance walks in
  7. "Excuse me, boys, but I need Anon for a few moments. Is that alright?"
  8. >open my mouth to speak
  9. >Shiny butts in
  10. "Of course, Honey. You two do what you need to do."
  11. >huh, way to answer for me out of the blue...
  12. "Come on, Anon. We shouldn't be wasting time."
  13. >reluctantly rise and follow Cadance
  14. >guards in front and behind leading me up a large staircase
  15. >starting to sweat a few bullets
  16. "Uh, Princess? Is there something wrong?"
  17. >she stops and turns to me
  18. "Well, there was, but I do believe we're going to get it set right again."
  19. >continues going up
  20. >engage confusion
  21. >emerge in a very bright hallway
  22. >crystal refracting sunlight everywhere
  23. "Well, Anon, here we are. Step on up and have a look."
  24. >Cadance motions me over to a doorway
  25. >my footsteps echo off the walls as I approach
  26. >get to the door--looks like a prison cell
  27. >look inside
  28. >have to squint through the blinding light
  29. >see a dark figure cowering in the corner
  30. >wait...that red horn...that dark mane...
  31. "......Sombra?"
  32. >he briefly looks up, the faintest look of scorn on his face
  33. "Cadance, what's going on"
  34. >the princess smugly responds
  35. "His Highness the King is here on account of his crimes against our empire, of course."
  36. >Sombra audibly scoffs from the corner
  37. "Oh, please, I could ask Celestia to make it so bright in here your eyes would melt. Be grateful that we keep it dim during the night."
  38. >I jump a little, not used to Cadance snapping like that
  39. >no longer able to hide in the shadows, Sombra still just sits there
  40. >without realizing, I'm just staring at him, looking him over...
  41. "Well, Anon, he's all yours. Enjoy."
  42. >wat
  43. >that also got Sombra's attention; his head snapped up
  44. "Cadance...I know I asked this before, but...what's going on?"
  45. >she recounts how she and Shiny were considering how to punish Sombra
  46. >imprisonment was obvious, but not enough
  47. >but how to enslave him like he enslaved the crystal ponies?
  48. >then she explains how she got a wild idea
  49. >she suddenly turns to Sombra and tells him that I have a "thing" for some of the ponies
  50. >the heat instantly rises in my face
  51. >it turns into Big Mac's
  52. "Oh, don't look so shocked, Anon. Word gets around."
  53. >she goes on
  54. >explains how Sombra's mine to do whatever I want with
  55. >cripes, she couldn't have said "whatever" any more suggestively...
  56. >but Cadance was right about me...appreciating various efforts
  57. >and as I continued to gaze at Sombra, my mind started to wander...
  58. "Anon, put your boner away. I imagine you'll want to save that for you-know-who."
  59. >damn, how'd she notice?
  60. >wait, why was she looking?
  61. "And don't worry. See that collar we slapped on him? He tries any funny stuff, and he's cat food. So knock yourself out!"
  62. >I now notice the faintly purple-glowing enchanted collar around his neck
  63. >as Cadance and the guards turn away, I ask one final question
  64. "Why me?"
  65. >without bothering to turn around, she tersely responds
  66. "Because Shiny said that if there was going to be a stallion's mouth around his cock, it sure as hell wouldn't be Sombra's."
  67. >hoofsteps fall silent
  68. >just me and the prisoner
  69. >still blindingly bright
  70. >damn, I should’ve asked her to turn down the light
  71. >as if she heard me, the light goes down to a manageable level
  72. >I enter the cell and close it behind me
  73. >Sombra thanks me and says that he’s not a fan of bright light
  74. “Quiet, you. I didn’t say you could talk.”
  75. >a low hum, and the collar glows a bit; seems to be affecting him
  76. >he winces
  77. >well then, this should make things easy
  78. “My name is Anon. I suggest you learn it well.”
  79. >and off with my pants
  80. >the boner Caddy told me to put away is back with a vengeance
  81. >looks like Sombra’s starting to figure out his punishment
  82. “If you think I’m going to debase myself like that, you’re sorely mista-“
  83. >his hissing voice is quelled as the collar zaps him again
  84. “Now, now…that’s no way for my slave to behave.”
  85. >I was quickly warming to the idea of being serviced by a king, even if he was evil
  86. >motion for him to get over here
  87. >he does, reluctantly
  88. >I wave my now stiffened member in his face, hoping he’ll take the initiative
  89. >he doesn’t
  90. >I grab his horn and tilt his head up to give him the hint
  91. >eventually, his tongue slips out of his mouth
  92. >the red is a stark contrast to the grays and blacks of his coat and mane
  93. >I give a slight shudder on first contact; feels good to have a warm tongue on me again
  94. >his face remains emotionless as he licks me like a cube of sugar
  95. “I think it’s time you put in a little more effort, slave. Suck on it.”
  96. >surprisingly, he immediately dives on my rod, his snout rubbing against my pelvis
  97. >the feel of his hot breath exiting his nose as he works…
  98. >my knees buckle and I fall to the floor
  99. >he doesn’t miss a beat
  100. >Sombra’s tongue dances around my rod as he bobs up and down
  101. >throbbing with excitement
  102. >damn, it’s like he’s done this before…
  103. >a bit of pre escapes me, at least as far as I can feel before he laps it up
  104. >he’s really getting into it
  105. >the sounds of slurping and smacking fill the cell
  106. >I start thrusting into his mouth, now genuinely horny
  107. >a moan escapes me, but I don’t care anymore
  108. >Sombra’s a much better cockslave than I thought he’d be
  109. >Shining Armor may want to try this, after all…
  110. >every inch of me is in warm, moist ecstasy
  111. >I see Sombra moving a hoof in between his hind legs
  112. >hmmm..he can have some fun this time
  113. >can’t be a tyrant all the time, I guess…
  114. >besides, he deserves it for surprising me this much on the first time
  115. >now that he’s working himself and me, it’s his turn to moan
  116. >I feel the vibration as he does
  117. >can’t really see what he’s doing with himself, but I can certainly hear it
  118. >feel myself twitching a little…
  119. >his sucking intensifies
  120. >that hoof that was down below is now on my balls
  121. >well, he’s been leaking pre too, it seems…
  122. >wet to the touch, but that just makes it hotter
  123. >I’m kinda bucking with less control by now
  124. >he still remains hard at work on me
  125. >panting, I feel that feeling within me…
  126. “gonna…cum…”
  127. >he stops all movement save for his tongue
  128. >it goes up, down, top to bottom
  129. >then he draws it slowly up me, ending at the tip
  130. >licks up the last glob of pre and all around
  131. >welp, that’s it
  132. >I thrust up one last time
  133. >his tongue is wrapping my cock as it throbs hard
  134. >my load of spunk fires into his waiting mouth
  135. >don’t know how many shots, but he takes it all
  136. >feel it mixed with his saliva as his tongue swirls around
  137. >once the tide subsides, he draws his mouth off of me, revealing my rod, glistening and clean
  138. >he opens his mouth and cups his tongue, holding the cum I left there
  139. >the tongue goes back in and he swallows the lot with a loud gulp
  140. >the only sound again is our heavy breathing
  141. >I break the quiet first
  142. “Not bad, slave. Not bad at all…”
  143. >’show’s not over yet, Anon’
  144. >wait, who said that?
  145. >I didn’t think it, did I?
  146. >’A little telepathy, Anon. A big part of my time in power, remember? But worry not, I remember the deal. No funny business.’
  147. “Well, what did you have in mind?”
  148. >he flips onto his back and reveals his still-hard member
  149. >long and dark, not quite black
  150. >it rests on his chest, leaving a trail of the pre he was still dripping
  151. >resuming the work he’d been doing, he strokes it
  152. >not sure how that works with hooves, but now’s the time to look and not think
  153. >he moans again as he enjoys himself
  154. >I start to get hard again as I look at Sombra jacking his dick
  155. >again with the squish of his strokes and his sack smacking against him
  156. >kinda staring mesmerized at the former king working himself to cum
  157. >speaking of which, he starts loudly moaning and bucking
  158. >his thick cock stiffens and blasts a load of cum
  159. >white ropes spatter against his chest and chin
  160. >it’s a lot; he must have been pent up…
  161. >it ends, and he lays back again, content at being plastered in his own jizz
  162. >his face, no longer expressionless, now is a mix between pleasure and seductiveness…
  163. >’Hope you enjoyed, Anon. I know I did. See you next time…’
  164. >I smirk and give him a wink
  165. >on go the pants and I exit the cell
  166. >I suppose I should put the light back the way it was
  167. >again, as if by thought, the light gets blinding again
  168. >get to the staircase
  169. >on second thought, I think they were fine
  170. >the light dims down again
  171. >descend the staircase
  172. >’Thanks, Anon.’
  173. >ya know, I don’t think Cadance’s punishment is going to work out like she wanted…
  175. end
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