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Jun 20th, 2014
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  1. System ideas, because I don't get paid enough to format
  3. Class (splicer) limitations ; Your basic mage/archer/warrior group is in that order Houdini/Lead Head/Spider
  5. You will get a discount to your bonused area, in addition to the flat out bonuses you may get.
  7. Houdini; The plasmid junkies. You get THREE, that's right, not one not, not two, but three, plasmid points to start out with. In addition all future plasmid upgrades come at a -1 price for you. (Laugh at the inferiority of your peers who must pay 3 ADAM for what you buy with 2!) You also get +3 in your EVE skill.
  9. Lead Head; The ones who still work the triggers. Their hands jus' ain't mangled enough yet the pansies. You can start with two main weapons instead of one main weapon and a pistol. All future gun upgrades are -1 cost for you. You get a +2 firearm bonus and a free +1 to your health at creation.
  11. Spiders; You wiry freaks shouldn't bend that way. You start with an additional free melee weapon. You don't get any sweet discounts, so you get more base bonuses. +3 Climbing, +2 Reflexes, +1 melee at creation. However you're also wiry, not bulky. So a -2 starting health.
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  14. Job: Where you found your niche in Rapture. What you did before crap went down. Not your history as much as where you found you were useful once the city was built. This effects your melee weapon to start with.
  16. Artist; You performed, sang, sculpted, painted etc. +1 Reflexes if you were a physical (painting/sculpting) artist, +1 Persuasion otherwise.
  17. Athlete; You played golf, baseball, football, or soccer. +1 Melee, or reflexes.
  18. Officer; You enforced the law, or as much as Ryan's will passes for the law at least. +1 firearm.
  19. Dockworker; You were the backbone of industry. Or maybe a lowly smuggling parasite. +1 P.def or sneak.
  20. Engineer; You kept things working fine, and now that you don't have to do that you remember how to open them up again. +1 Hacking.
  21. Doctor; You helped (or hurt) the people with medicine. +1 Medicine.
  22. Researcher; You helped develop the tonics that damned the city. +1 Eve or +1 Science.
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  26. STARTING PLASMIDS. The only ones you managed to scrounge up that weren't locked in a machine or a vault. 1 plasmid point each. Pick one minimum, two max, unless you're a Houdini. These are un-upgraded.
  28. INCINERATE. Fire at your finger tips. 2 Damage, has a 3/10 chance of setting an enemy on fire for 1 additional damage over 1d3 turns.
  30. ELECTROBOLT. The power of electricity flowing through your veins. 2 Damage. 3/10 chance of stunning an enemy into missing their next turn. 6/10 chance if they're in water (also does +1 damage) or if they're a robot.
  32. INSECT SWARM. Sometimes when I get angry I break out hives. 1 damage. Persists for 1d4 turns, doing 1 damage each turn on organic enemies. Also confers a -2 firearm for this duration due to obscured vision.
  34. WINTER BLAST. Give enemies the cold shoulder. 2 Damage. 3/10 chance of causing frost. An additional 2 damage, a missed turn.
  36. TELEPORT. Now you see me, now you don't! Houdini only Plasmid.
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  39. Gene tonics. They provide base boosts as long as they're in use at the cost of a plasmid slot. No minimum, costs 1 plasmid point each.
  41. ARMADILLO. Folks say you've got thick skin. +2 max health as long as this is active.
  43. HANDYMAN. Dexterity and delays. +2 Reflexes.
  45. TRIGGERFINGER. Always shoot first. +2 Firearm.
  47. HERCULES. Stronger than the gods. +2 Melee.
  49. JUICED. Always got energy. +2 Max Eve as long as this is active. Houdini only.
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  53. Firearms. Pick one main weapon, one sidearm. Unless you're a Lead Head that is. The number of shots indicates per reload. Reloading takes one turn. Burst fire weapons due damage /per/ /shot/ that hits the Machine gun can do a total of 6 damage if you're skilled.
  55. Carbine. 3 damage, 4 shots. Single shot. MAIN GUN.
  57. Shotgun. 4 damage, two shots, single shot or double shot. MAIN GUN.
  59. Machine Gun. 2 damage, nine shots, three round bursts. MAIN GUN.
  61. Paddy Whacker. A smuggled revolver made for Americans by Americans. 2 damage, six shots, single shot. SIDE ARM.
  63. Pistol. 1 damage, three round burst fire, twelve shots. SIDE ARM.
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  67. Melee. Start with one, unless you're a Spider splicer.
  69. Wrench. It hits things. 1 damage. DOCKWORKER.
  71. Pipe. 2 damage. DOCKWORKER.
  73. Bat/Golf club. Swing fast slugger. 1 damage. ATHLETE.
  75. Billy club. 2 damage, OFFICER.
  77. Scalpel. 2 damage. DOCTOR.
  79. Trophy. 1 damage, ATHLETE or ARTIST.
  81. Microphone stand/Cane. 1 damage. ARTIST.
  83. Syringe. 2 damage. RESEARCHER.
  85. Industrial grapple. 1 damage. 1/3 chance of grappling an opponent and making them miss a turn. ENGINEER.
  87. Hook. Spider exclusive. 2 damage, +1 climbing.
  89. Screwdriver. Pop the top. 1 damage, +1 hacking. ENGINEER.
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  92. Delusions. These are what's wrong with you after you spliced. You must start with two that can apply to your character's history in some way and be compelled. These are for spicing up the game and giving you limitations. Maybe you fear fire, water, vending machines. Maybe you think you're in a warzone. You can't stop seeing illnesses in people and you want to operate. Maybe you just like to sing instead of talk.
  94. You can never remove a delusion. They can be added by GMs however. They don't necessarily apply to your background as much as what's wrong with you now.
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  97. COSTUMES. These are what you wear. Your starting outfit will not confer any bonuses to you. All bonus granting outfits/pieces are bought or found.
  99. A costume consists of:
  100. Your mask.
  101. Your suit.
  102. Your accessory.
  104. For example, a Houdini splicer wearing a Goat's mask, a white suit, and accessorizing with a tobacco pipe.
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