
The Royal Knight to the House's Rook

Jun 19th, 2019
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  1. As the House of the Rising Sun all met in the warroom to discuss the coming battle, miles away in the keep of the Baron of Bedegar, Lord Saxton held audience to an adviser he had not expected.
  3. Sitting across from him, her legs neatly crossed and in her formal battle regalia, sat the chess master herself, Hilde Diuneth. She sipped at the tea the regent's servants had made. "Based on the information your knight has divined, I believe that would be the best course of attack. With Dalrath's units moving in your legions of gnolls may have issues, but by using this formation you'll cut off their attempts and will be allowed to pressure these units here." She slid a small marker across the table, over which was draped a map of the area the battle was to be fought, Castle Rend still depicted as the ruin it had been for so long.
  5. "General, I can not thank you enough. This is tactical genius." Lord Saxton's smile extended ear to ear. Even Lady Ruth wore an expression on her face showing how truly impressed she was by the general's tactics.
  7. "Rebellions are so tedious. But they must be taken seriously. Even on a scale this small." She got up and fixed the hem of her skirt before saluting the lord. "May your men find victory on the battlefield, Baron Saxton." She turned to Ruth. "And all the luck in the Fell to you, Lady knight." Ruth bowed her head and placed her hand over her sword in a sign of thanks and respect. With that, Hilde turned and left, riding out with her men. She cast one look towards the small town of Andurin as she went, happy to now soon the issue of these upstarts would be solved.
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