Guest User


a guest
Mar 4th, 2018
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. #A script to enumerate local information from a Linux host
  3. v="version 0.7"
  4. #@rebootuser
  6. #help function
  7. usage ()
  8. {
  9. echo -e "\n\e[00;31m#########################################################\e[00m"
  10. echo -e "\e[00;31m#\e[00m" "\e[00;33mLocal Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Script\e[00m" "\e[00;31m#\e[00m"
  11. echo -e "\e[00;31m#########################################################\e[00m"
  12. echo -e "\e[00;33m# | @rebootuser \e[00m"
  13. echo -e "\e[00;33m# $v\e[00m\n"
  14. echo -e "\e[00;33m# Example: ./ -k keyword -r report -e /tmp/ -t \e[00m\n"
  16. echo "OPTIONS:"
  17. echo "-k Enter keyword"
  18. echo "-e Enter export location"
  19. echo "-t Include thorough (lengthy) tests"
  20. echo "-r Enter report name"
  21. echo "-h Displays this help text"
  22. echo -e "\n"
  23. echo "Running with no options = limited scans/no output file"
  25. echo -e "\e[00;31m#########################################################\e[00m"
  26. }
  27. header()
  28. {
  29. echo -e "\n\e[00;31m#########################################################\e[00m"
  30. echo -e "\e[00;31m#\e[00m" "\e[00;33mLocal Linux Enumeration & Privilege Escalation Script\e[00m" "\e[00;31m#\e[00m"
  31. echo -e "\e[00;31m#########################################################\e[00m"
  32. echo -e "\e[00;33m#\e[00m"
  33. echo -e "\e[00;33m# $version\e[00m\n"
  35. }
  37. debug_info()
  38. {
  39. echo "Debug Info"
  41. if [ "$keyword" ]; then
  42. echo "keyword = $keyword"
  43. else
  44. :
  45. fi
  47. if [ "$report" ]; then
  48. echo "report name = $report"
  49. else
  50. :
  51. fi
  53. if [ "$export" ]; then
  54. echo "export location = $export"
  55. else
  56. :
  57. fi
  59. if [ "$thorough" ]; then
  60. echo "thorough tests = enabled"
  61. else
  62. echo "thorough tests = disabled"
  63. fi
  65. sleep 2
  67. if [ "$export" ]; then
  68. mkdir $export 2>/dev/null
  69. format=$export/LinEnum-export-`date +"%d-%m-%y"`
  70. mkdir $format 2>/dev/null
  71. else
  72. :
  73. fi
  75. who=`whoami` 2>/dev/null
  76. echo -e "\n"
  78. echo -e "\e[00;33mScan started at:"; date
  79. echo -e "\e[00m\n"
  80. }
  82. system_info()
  83. {
  84. echo -e "\e[00;33m### SYSTEM ##############################################\e[00m"
  86. #basic kernel info
  87. unameinfo=`uname -a 2>/dev/null`
  88. if [ "$unameinfo" ]; then
  89. echo -e "\e[00;31mKernel information:\e[00m\n$unameinfo"
  90. echo -e "\n"
  91. else
  92. :
  93. fi
  95. procver=`cat /proc/version 2>/dev/null`
  96. if [ "$procver" ]; then
  97. echo -e "\e[00;31mKernel information (continued):\e[00m\n$procver"
  98. echo -e "\n"
  99. else
  100. :
  101. fi
  103. #search all *-release files for version info
  104. release=`cat /etc/*-release 2>/dev/null`
  105. if [ "$release" ]; then
  106. echo -e "\e[00;31mSpecific release information:\e[00m\n$release"
  107. echo -e "\n"
  108. else
  109. :
  110. fi
  112. #target hostname info
  113. hostnamed=`hostname 2>/dev/null`
  114. if [ "$hostnamed" ]; then
  115. echo -e "\e[00;31mHostname:\e[00m\n$hostnamed"
  116. echo -e "\n"
  117. else
  118. :
  119. fi
  120. }
  122. user_info()
  123. {
  124. echo -e "\e[00;33m### USER/GROUP ##########################################\e[00m"
  126. #current user details
  127. currusr=`id 2>/dev/null`
  128. if [ "$currusr" ]; then
  129. echo -e "\e[00;31mCurrent user/group info:\e[00m\n$currusr"
  130. echo -e "\n"
  131. else
  132. :
  133. fi
  135. #last logged on user information
  136. lastlogedonusrs=`lastlog 2>/dev/null |grep -v "Never" 2>/dev/null`
  137. if [ "$lastlogedonusrs" ]; then
  138. echo -e "\e[00;31mUsers that have previously logged onto the system:\e[00m\n$lastlogedonusrs"
  139. echo -e "\n"
  140. else
  141. :
  142. fi
  145. #who else is logged on
  146. loggedonusrs=`w 2>/dev/null`
  147. if [ "$loggedonusrs" ]; then
  148. echo -e "\e[00;31mWho else is logged on:\e[00m\n$loggedonusrs"
  149. echo -e "\n"
  150. else
  151. :
  152. fi
  154. #lists all id's and respective group(s)
  155. grpinfo=`for i in $(cut -d":" -f1 /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null);do id $i;done 2>/dev/null`
  156. if [ "$grpinfo" ]; then
  157. echo -e "\e[00;31mGroup memberships:\e[00m\n$grpinfo"
  158. #added by phackt - look for adm group (thanks patrick)
  159. adm_users=$(echo -e "$grpinfo" | grep "(adm)")
  160. if [[ ! -z $adm_users ]];
  161. then
  162. echo -e "\nSeems we met some admin users!!!\n"
  163. echo -e "$adm_users\n"
  164. fi
  165. echo -e "\n"
  166. else
  167. :
  168. fi
  170. #checks to see if any hashes are stored in /etc/passwd (depreciated *nix storage method)
  171. hashesinpasswd=`grep -v '^[^:]*:[x]' /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null`
  172. if [ "$hashesinpasswd" ]; then
  173. echo -e "\e[00;33mIt looks like we have password hashes in /etc/passwd!\e[00m\n$hashesinpasswd"
  174. echo -e "\n"
  175. else
  176. :
  177. fi
  179. #locate custom user accounts with some 'known default' uids
  180. readpasswd=`grep -v "^#" /etc/passwd | awk -F: '$3 == 0 || $3 == 500 || $3 == 501 || $3 == 502 || $3 == 1000 || $3 == 1001 || $3 == 1002 || $3 == 2000 || $3 == 2001 || $3 == 2002 { print }'`
  181. if [ "$readpasswd" ]; then
  182. echo -e "\e[00;31mSample entires from /etc/passwd (searching for uid values 0, 500, 501, 502, 1000, 1001, 1002, 2000, 2001, 2002):\e[00m\n$readpasswd"
  183. echo -e "\n"
  184. else
  185. :
  186. fi
  188. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$readpasswd" ]; then
  189. mkdir $format/etc-export/ 2>/dev/null
  190. cp /etc/passwd $format/etc-export/passwd 2>/dev/null
  191. else
  192. :
  193. fi
  195. #checks to see if the shadow file can be read
  196. readshadow=`cat /etc/shadow 2>/dev/null`
  197. if [ "$readshadow" ]; then
  198. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can read the shadow file!\e[00m\n$readshadow"
  199. echo -e "\n"
  200. else
  201. :
  202. fi
  204. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$readshadow" ]; then
  205. mkdir $format/etc-export/ 2>/dev/null
  206. cp /etc/shadow $format/etc-export/shadow 2>/dev/null
  207. else
  208. :
  209. fi
  211. #checks to see if /etc/master.passwd can be read - BSD 'shadow' variant
  212. readmasterpasswd=`cat /etc/master.passwd 2>/dev/null`
  213. if [ "$readmasterpasswd" ]; then
  214. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can read the master.passwd file!\e[00m\n$readmasterpasswd"
  215. echo -e "\n"
  216. else
  217. :
  218. fi
  220. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$readmasterpasswd" ]; then
  221. mkdir $format/etc-export/ 2>/dev/null
  222. cp /etc/master.passwd $format/etc-export/master.passwd 2>/dev/null
  223. else
  224. :
  225. fi
  227. #all root accounts (uid 0)
  228. echo -e "\e[00;31mSuper user account(s):\e[00m" | tee -a $report 2>/dev/null; grep -v -E "^#" /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null| awk -F: '$3 == 0 { print $1}' 2>/dev/null
  229. echo -e "\n"
  231. #pull out vital sudoers info
  232. sudoers=`grep -v -e '^$' /etc/sudoers 2>/dev/null |grep -v "#" 2>/dev/null`
  233. if [ "$sudoers" ]; then
  234. echo -e "\e[00;31mSudoers configuration (condensed):\e[00m$sudoers" | tee -a $report 2>/dev/null
  235. echo -e "\n"
  236. else
  237. :
  238. fi
  240. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$sudoers" ]; then
  241. mkdir $format/etc-export/ 2>/dev/null
  242. cp /etc/sudoers $format/etc-export/sudoers 2>/dev/null
  243. else
  244. :
  245. fi
  247. #can we sudo without supplying a password
  248. sudoperms=`echo '' | sudo -S -l 2>/dev/null`
  249. if [ "$sudoperms" ]; then
  250. echo -e "\e[00;33mWe can sudo without supplying a password!\e[00m\n$sudoperms"
  251. echo -e "\n"
  252. else
  253. :
  254. fi
  256. #known 'good' breakout binaries
  257. sudopwnage=`echo '' | sudo -S -l 2>/dev/null | grep -w 'nmap\|perl\|'awk'\|'find'\|'bash'\|'sh'\|'man'\|'more'\|'less'\|'vi'\|'emacs'\|'vim'\|'nc'\|'netcat'\|python\|ruby\|lua\|irb' | xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null`
  258. if [ "$sudopwnage" ]; then
  259. echo -e "\e[00;33m***Possible Sudo PWNAGE!\e[00m\n$sudopwnage"
  260. echo -e "\n"
  261. else
  262. :
  263. fi
  265. #checks to see if roots home directory is accessible
  266. rthmdir=`ls -ahl /root/ 2>/dev/null`
  267. if [ "$rthmdir" ]; then
  268. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can read root's home directory!\e[00m\n$rthmdir"
  269. echo -e "\n"
  270. else
  271. :
  272. fi
  274. #displays /home directory permissions - check if any are lax
  275. homedirperms=`ls -ahl /home/ 2>/dev/null`
  276. if [ "$homedirperms" ]; then
  277. echo -e "\e[00;31mAre permissions on /home directories lax:\e[00m\n$homedirperms"
  278. echo -e "\n"
  279. else
  280. :
  281. fi
  283. #looks for files we can write to that don't belong to us
  284. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  285. grfilesall=`find / -writable -not -user \`whoami\` -type f -not -path "/proc/*" -exec ls -al {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  286. if [ "$grfilesall" ]; then
  287. echo -e "\e[00;31mFiles not owned by user but writable by group:\e[00m\n$grfilesall"
  288. echo -e "\n"
  289. else
  290. :
  291. fi
  292. fi
  294. #looks for world-reabable files within /home - depending on number of /home dirs & files, this can take some time so is only 'activated' with thorough scanning switch
  295. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  296. wrfileshm=`find /home/ -perm -4 -type f -exec ls -al {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  297. if [ "$wrfileshm" ]; then
  298. echo -e "\e[00;31mWorld-readable files within /home:\e[00m\n$wrfileshm"
  299. echo -e "\n"
  300. else
  301. :
  302. fi
  303. else
  304. :
  305. fi
  307. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  308. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$wrfileshm" ]; then
  309. mkdir $format/wr-files/ 2>/dev/null
  310. for i in $wrfileshm; do cp --parents $i $format/wr-files/ ; done 2>/dev/null
  311. else
  312. :
  313. fi
  314. else
  315. :
  316. fi
  318. #lists current user's home directory contents
  319. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  320. homedircontents=`ls -ahl ~ 2>/dev/null`
  321. if [ "$homedircontents" ] ; then
  322. echo -e "\e[00;31mHome directory contents:\e[00m\n$homedircontents"
  323. echo -e "\n"
  324. else
  325. :
  326. fi
  327. else
  328. :
  329. fi
  331. #checks for if various ssh files are accessible - this can take some time so is only 'activated' with thorough scanning switch
  332. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  333. sshfiles=`find / \( -name "id_dsa*" -o -name "id_rsa*" -o -name "known_hosts" -o -name "authorized_hosts" -o -name "authorized_keys" \) -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  334. if [ "$sshfiles" ]; then
  335. echo -e "\e[00;31mSSH keys/host information found in the following locations:\e[00m\n$sshfiles"
  336. echo -e "\n"
  337. else
  338. :
  339. fi
  340. else
  341. :
  342. fi
  344. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  345. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$sshfiles" ]; then
  346. mkdir $format/ssh-files/ 2>/dev/null
  347. for i in $sshfiles; do cp --parents $i $format/ssh-files/; done 2>/dev/null
  348. else
  349. :
  350. fi
  351. else
  352. :
  353. fi
  355. #is root permitted to login via ssh
  356. sshrootlogin=`grep "PermitRootLogin " /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep -v "#" | awk '{print $2}'`
  357. if [ "$sshrootlogin" = "yes" ]; then
  358. echo -e "\e[00;31mRoot is allowed to login via SSH:\e[00m" ; grep "PermitRootLogin " /etc/ssh/sshd_config 2>/dev/null | grep -v "#"
  359. echo -e "\n"
  360. else
  361. :
  362. fi
  363. }
  365. environmental_info()
  366. {
  367. echo -e "\e[00;33m### ENVIRONMENTAL #######################################\e[00m"
  369. #env information
  370. envinfo=`env 2>/dev/null | grep -v 'LS_COLORS' 2>/dev/null`
  371. if [ "$envinfo" ]; then
  372. echo -e "\e[00;31m Environment information:\e[00m\n$envinfo"
  373. echo -e "\n"
  374. else
  375. :
  376. fi
  378. #check if selinux is enabled
  379. sestatus=`sestatus 2>/dev/null`
  380. if [ "$sestatus" ]; then
  381. echo -e "\e[00;31mSELinux seems present:\e[00m\n$sestatus"
  382. echo -e "\n"
  383. fi
  385. #phackt
  387. #current path configuration
  388. pathinfo=`echo $PATH 2>/dev/null`
  389. if [ "$pathinfo" ]; then
  390. echo -e "\e[00;31mPath information:\e[00m\n$pathinfo"
  391. echo -e "\n"
  392. else
  393. :
  394. fi
  396. #lists available shells
  397. shellinfo=`cat /etc/shells 2>/dev/null`
  398. if [ "$shellinfo" ]; then
  399. echo -e "\e[00;31mAvailable shells:\e[00m\n$shellinfo"
  400. echo -e "\n"
  401. else
  402. :
  403. fi
  405. #current umask value with both octal and symbolic output
  406. umask=`umask -S 2>/dev/null & umask 2>/dev/null`
  407. if [ "$umask" ]; then
  408. echo -e "\e[00;31mCurrent umask value:\e[00m\n$umask"
  409. echo -e "\n"
  410. else
  411. :
  412. fi
  414. #umask value as in /etc/login.defs
  415. umaskdef=`grep -i "^UMASK" /etc/login.defs 2>/dev/null`
  416. if [ "$umaskdef" ]; then
  417. echo -e "\e[00;31mumask value as specified in /etc/login.defs:\e[00m\n$umaskdef"
  418. echo -e "\n"
  419. else
  420. :
  421. fi
  423. #password policy information as stored in /etc/login.defs
  424. logindefs=`grep "^PASS_MAX_DAYS\|^PASS_MIN_DAYS\|^PASS_WARN_AGE\|^ENCRYPT_METHOD" /etc/login.defs 2>/dev/null`
  425. if [ "$logindefs" ]; then
  426. echo -e "\e[00;31mPassword and storage information:\e[00m\n$logindefs"
  427. echo -e "\n"
  428. else
  429. :
  430. fi
  432. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$logindefs" ]; then
  433. mkdir $format/etc-export/ 2>/dev/null
  434. cp /etc/login.defs $format/etc-export/login.defs 2>/dev/null
  435. else
  436. :
  437. fi
  438. }
  440. job_info()
  441. {
  442. echo -e "\e[00;33m### JOBS/TASKS ##########################################\e[00m"
  444. #are there any cron jobs configured
  445. cronjobs=`ls -la /etc/cron* 2>/dev/null`
  446. if [ "$cronjobs" ]; then
  447. echo -e "\e[00;31mCron jobs:\e[00m\n$cronjobs"
  448. echo -e "\n"
  449. else
  450. :
  451. fi
  453. #can we manipulate these jobs in any way
  454. cronjobwwperms=`find /etc/cron* -perm -0002 -type f -exec ls -la {} \; -exec cat {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  455. if [ "$cronjobwwperms" ]; then
  456. echo -e "\e[00;33m***World-writable cron jobs and file contents:\e[00m\n$cronjobwwperms"
  457. echo -e "\n"
  458. else
  459. :
  460. fi
  462. #contab contents
  463. crontab=`cat /etc/crontab 2>/dev/null`
  464. if [ "$crontab" ]; then
  465. echo -e "\e[00;31mCrontab contents:\e[00m\n$crontab"
  466. echo -e "\n"
  467. else
  468. :
  469. fi
  471. crontabvar=`ls -la /var/spool/cron/crontabs 2>/dev/null`
  472. if [ "$crontabvar" ]; then
  473. echo -e "\e[00;31mAnything interesting in /var/spool/cron/crontabs:\e[00m\n$crontabvar"
  474. echo -e "\n"
  475. else
  476. :
  477. fi
  479. anacronjobs=`ls -la /etc/anacrontab 2>/dev/null; cat /etc/anacrontab 2>/dev/null`
  480. if [ "$anacronjobs" ]; then
  481. echo -e "\e[00;31mAnacron jobs and associated file permissions:\e[00m\n$anacronjobs"
  482. echo -e "\n"
  483. else
  484. :
  485. fi
  487. anacrontab=`ls -la /var/spool/anacron 2>/dev/null`
  488. if [ "$anacrontab" ]; then
  489. echo -e "\e[00;31mWhen were jobs last executed (/var/spool/anacron contents):\e[00m\n$anacrontab"
  490. echo -e "\n"
  491. else
  492. :
  493. fi
  495. #pull out account names from /etc/passwd and see if any users have associated cronjobs (priv command)
  496. cronother=`cut -d ":" -f 1 /etc/passwd | xargs -n1 crontab -l -u 2>/dev/null`
  497. if [ "$cronother" ]; then
  498. echo -e "\e[00;31mJobs held by all users:\e[00m\n$cronother"
  499. echo -e "\n"
  500. else
  501. :
  502. fi
  503. }
  504. networking_info()
  505. {
  506. echo -e "\e[00;33m### NETWORKING ##########################################\e[00m"
  508. #nic information
  509. nicinfo=`/sbin/ifconfig -a 2>/dev/null`
  510. if [ "$nicinfo" ]; then
  511. echo -e "\e[00;31mNetwork & IP info:\e[00m\n$nicinfo"
  512. echo -e "\n"
  513. else
  514. :
  515. fi
  517. arpinfo=`arp -a 2>/dev/null`
  518. if [ "$arpinfo" ]; then
  519. echo -e "\e[00;31mARP history:\e[00m\n$arpinfo"
  520. echo -e "\n"
  521. else
  522. :
  523. fi
  525. #dns settings
  526. nsinfo=`grep "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf 2>/dev/null`
  527. if [ "$nsinfo" ]; then
  528. echo -e "\e[00;31mNameserver(s):\e[00m\n$nsinfo"
  529. echo -e "\n"
  530. else
  531. :
  532. fi
  534. #default route configuration
  535. defroute=`route 2>/dev/null | grep default`
  536. if [ "$defroute" ]; then
  537. echo -e "\e[00;31mDefault route:\e[00m\n$defroute"
  538. echo -e "\n"
  539. else
  540. :
  541. fi
  543. #listening TCP
  544. tcpservs=`netstat -antp 2>/dev/null`
  545. if [ "$tcpservs" ]; then
  546. echo -e "\e[00;31mListening TCP:\e[00m\n$tcpservs"
  547. echo -e "\n"
  548. else
  549. :
  550. fi
  552. #listening UDP
  553. udpservs=`netstat -anup 2>/dev/null`
  554. if [ "$udpservs" ]; then
  555. echo -e "\e[00;31mListening UDP:\e[00m\n$udpservs"
  556. echo -e "\n"
  557. else
  558. :
  559. fi
  560. }
  561. services_info()
  562. {
  563. echo -e "\e[00;33m### SERVICES #############################################\e[00m"
  565. #running processes
  566. psaux=`ps aux 2>/dev/null`
  567. if [ "$psaux" ]; then
  568. echo -e "\e[00;31mRunning processes:\e[00m\n$psaux"
  569. echo -e "\n"
  570. else
  571. :
  572. fi
  574. #lookup process binary path and permissisons
  575. procperm=`ps aux 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $11}'|xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null |awk '!x[$0]++' 2>/dev/null`
  576. if [ "$procperm" ]; then
  577. echo -e "\e[00;31mProcess binaries & associated permissions (from above list):\e[00m\n$procperm"
  578. echo -e "\n"
  579. else
  580. :
  581. fi
  583. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$procperm" ]; then
  584. procpermbase=`ps aux 2>/dev/null | awk '{print $11}' | xargs -r ls 2>/dev/null | awk '!x[$0]++' 2>/dev/null`
  585. mkdir $format/ps-export/ 2>/dev/null
  586. for i in $procpermbase; do cp --parents $i $format/ps-export/; done 2>/dev/null
  587. else
  588. :
  589. fi
  591. #anything 'useful' in inetd.conf
  592. inetdread=`cat /etc/inetd.conf 2>/dev/null`
  593. if [ "$inetdread" ]; then
  594. echo -e "\e[00;31mContents of /etc/inetd.conf:\e[00m\n$inetdread"
  595. echo -e "\n"
  596. else
  597. :
  598. fi
  600. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$inetdread" ]; then
  601. mkdir $format/etc-export/ 2>/dev/null
  602. cp /etc/inetd.conf $format/etc-export/inetd.conf 2>/dev/null
  603. else
  604. :
  605. fi
  607. #very 'rough' command to extract associated binaries from inetd.conf & show permisisons of each
  608. inetdbinperms=`awk '{print $7}' /etc/inetd.conf 2>/dev/null |xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null`
  609. if [ "$inetdbinperms" ]; then
  610. echo -e "\e[00;31mThe related inetd binary permissions:\e[00m\n$inetdbinperms"
  611. echo -e "\n"
  612. else
  613. :
  614. fi
  616. xinetdread=`cat /etc/xinetd.conf 2>/dev/null`
  617. if [ "$xinetdread" ]; then
  618. echo -e "\e[00;31mContents of /etc/xinetd.conf:\e[00m\n$xinetdread"
  619. echo -e "\n"
  620. else
  621. :
  622. fi
  624. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$xinetdread" ]; then
  625. mkdir $format/etc-export/ 2>/dev/null
  626. cp /etc/xinetd.conf $format/etc-export/xinetd.conf 2>/dev/null
  627. else
  628. :
  629. fi
  631. xinetdincd=`grep "/etc/xinetd.d" /etc/xinetd.conf 2>/dev/null`
  632. if [ "$xinetdincd" ]; then
  633. echo -e "\e[00;31m/etc/xinetd.d is included in /etc/xinetd.conf - associated binary permissions are listed below:\e[00m"; ls -la /etc/xinetd.d 2>/dev/null
  634. echo -e "\n"
  635. else
  636. :
  637. fi
  639. #very 'rough' command to extract associated binaries from xinetd.conf & show permisisons of each
  640. xinetdbinperms=`awk '{print $7}' /etc/xinetd.conf 2>/dev/null |xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null`
  641. if [ "$xinetdbinperms" ]; then
  642. echo -e "\e[00;31mThe related xinetd binary permissions:\e[00m\n$xinetdbinperms"
  643. echo -e "\n"
  644. else
  645. :
  646. fi
  648. initdread=`ls -la /etc/init.d 2>/dev/null`
  649. if [ "$initdread" ]; then
  650. echo -e "\e[00;31m/etc/init.d/ binary permissions:\e[00m\n$initdread"
  651. echo -e "\n"
  652. else
  653. :
  654. fi
  656. #init.d files NOT belonging to root!
  657. initdperms=`find /etc/init.d/ \! -uid 0 -type f 2>/dev/null |xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null`
  658. if [ "$initdperms" ]; then
  659. echo -e "\e[00;31m/etc/init.d/ files not belonging to root (uid 0):\e[00m\n$initdperms"
  660. echo -e "\n"
  661. else
  662. :
  663. fi
  665. rcdread=`ls -la /etc/rc.d/init.d 2>/dev/null`
  666. if [ "$rcdread" ]; then
  667. echo -e "\e[00;31m/etc/rc.d/init.d binary permissions:\e[00m\n$rcdread"
  668. echo -e "\n"
  669. else
  670. :
  671. fi
  673. #init.d files NOT belonging to root!
  674. rcdperms=`find /etc/rc.d/init.d \! -uid 0 -type f 2>/dev/null |xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null`
  675. if [ "$rcdperms" ]; then
  676. echo -e "\e[00;31m/etc/rc.d/init.d files not belonging to root (uid 0):\e[00m\n$rcdperms"
  677. echo -e "\n"
  678. else
  679. :
  680. fi
  682. usrrcdread=`ls -la /usr/local/etc/rc.d 2>/dev/null`
  683. if [ "$usrrcdread" ]; then
  684. echo -e "\e[00;31m/usr/local/etc/rc.d binary permissions:\e[00m\n$usrrcdread"
  685. echo -e "\n"
  686. else
  687. :
  688. fi
  690. #rc.d files NOT belonging to root!
  691. usrrcdperms=`find /usr/local/etc/rc.d \! -uid 0 -type f 2>/dev/null |xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null`
  692. if [ "$usrrcdperms" ]; then
  693. echo -e "\e[00;31m/usr/local/etc/rc.d files not belonging to root (uid 0):\e[00m\n$usrrcdperms"
  694. echo -e "\n"
  695. else
  696. :
  697. fi
  698. }
  699. software_configs()
  700. {
  701. echo -e "\e[00;33m### SOFTWARE #############################################\e[00m"
  703. #sudo version - check to see if there are any known vulnerabilities with this
  704. sudover=`sudo -V 2>/dev/null| grep "Sudo version" 2>/dev/null`
  705. if [ "$sudover" ]; then
  706. echo -e "\e[00;31mSudo version:\e[00m\n$sudover"
  707. echo -e "\n"
  708. else
  709. :
  710. fi
  712. #mysql details - if installed
  713. mysqlver=`mysql --version 2>/dev/null`
  714. if [ "$mysqlver" ]; then
  715. echo -e "\e[00;31mMYSQL version:\e[00m\n$mysqlver"
  716. echo -e "\n"
  717. else
  718. :
  719. fi
  721. #checks to see if root/root will get us a connection
  722. mysqlconnect=`mysqladmin -uroot -proot version 2>/dev/null`
  723. if [ "$mysqlconnect" ]; then
  724. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can connect to the local MYSQL service with default root/root credentials!\e[00m\n$mysqlconnect"
  725. echo -e "\n"
  726. else
  727. :
  728. fi
  730. #mysql version details
  731. mysqlconnectnopass=`mysqladmin -uroot version 2>/dev/null`
  732. if [ "$mysqlconnectnopass" ]; then
  733. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can connect to the local MYSQL service as 'root' and without a password!\e[00m\n$mysqlconnectnopass"
  734. echo -e "\n"
  735. else
  736. :
  737. fi
  739. #postgres details - if installed
  740. postgver=`psql -V 2>/dev/null`
  741. if [ "$postgver" ]; then
  742. echo -e "\e[00;31mPostgres version:\e[00m\n$postgver"
  743. echo -e "\n"
  744. else
  745. :
  746. fi
  748. #checks to see if any postgres password exists and connects to DB 'template0' - following commands are a variant on this
  749. postcon1=`psql -U postgres template0 -c 'select version()' 2>/dev/null | grep version`
  750. if [ "$postcon1" ]; then
  751. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can connect to Postgres DB 'template0' as user 'postgres' with no password!:\e[00m\n$postcon1"
  752. echo -e "\n"
  753. else
  754. :
  755. fi
  757. postcon11=`psql -U postgres template1 -c 'select version()' 2>/dev/null | grep version`
  758. if [ "$postcon11" ]; then
  759. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can connect to Postgres DB 'template1' as user 'postgres' with no password!:\e[00m\n$postcon11"
  760. echo -e "\n"
  761. else
  762. :
  763. fi
  765. postcon2=`psql -U pgsql template0 -c 'select version()' 2>/dev/null | grep version`
  766. if [ "$postcon2" ]; then
  767. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can connect to Postgres DB 'template0' as user 'psql' with no password!:\e[00m\n$postcon2"
  768. echo -e "\n"
  769. else
  770. :
  771. fi
  773. postcon22=`psql -U pgsql template1 -c 'select version()' 2>/dev/null | grep version`
  774. if [ "$postcon22" ]; then
  775. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can connect to Postgres DB 'template1' as user 'psql' with no password!:\e[00m\n$postcon22"
  776. echo -e "\n"
  777. else
  778. :
  779. fi
  781. #apache details - if installed
  782. apachever=`apache2 -v 2>/dev/null; httpd -v 2>/dev/null`
  783. if [ "$apachever" ]; then
  784. echo -e "\e[00;31mApache version:\e[00m\n$apachever"
  785. echo -e "\n"
  786. else
  787. :
  788. fi
  790. #what account is apache running under
  791. apacheusr=`grep -i 'user\|group' /etc/apache2/envvars 2>/dev/null |awk '{sub(/.*\export /,"")}1' 2>/dev/null`
  792. if [ "$apacheusr" ]; then
  793. echo -e "\e[00;31mApache user configuration:\e[00m\n$apacheusr"
  794. echo -e "\n"
  795. else
  796. :
  797. fi
  799. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$apacheusr" ]; then
  800. mkdir --parents $format/etc-export/apache2/ 2>/dev/null
  801. cp /etc/apache2/envvars $format/etc-export/apache2/envvars 2>/dev/null
  802. else
  803. :
  804. fi
  806. #installed apache modules
  807. apachemodules=`apache2ctl -M 2>/dev/null; httpd -M 2>/dev/null`
  808. if [ "$apachemodules" ]; then
  809. echo -e "\e[00;31mInstalled Apache modules:\e[00m\n$apachemodules"
  810. echo -e "\n"
  811. else
  812. :
  813. fi
  815. #anything in the default http home dirs
  816. apachehomedirs=`ls -alhR /var/www/ 2>/dev/null; ls -alhR /srv/www/htdocs/ 2>/dev/null; ls -alhR /usr/local/www/apache2/data/ 2>/dev/null; ls -alhR /opt/lampp/htdocs/ 2>/dev/null`
  817. if [ "$apachehomedirs" ]; then
  818. echo -e "\e[00;31mAnything in the Apache home dirs?:\e[00m\n$apachehomedirs"
  819. echo -e "\n"
  820. else
  821. :
  822. fi
  823. }
  824. interesting_files()
  825. {
  826. echo -e "\e[00;33m### INTERESTING FILES ####################################\e[00m"
  828. #checks to see if various files are installed
  829. echo -e "\e[00;31mUseful file locations:\e[00m" ; which nc 2>/dev/null ; which netcat 2>/dev/null ; which wget 2>/dev/null ; which nmap 2>/dev/null ; which gcc 2>/dev/null
  830. echo -e "\n"
  832. #limited search for installed compilers
  833. compiler=`dpkg --list 2>/dev/null| grep compiler |grep -v decompiler 2>/dev/null && yum list installed 'gcc*' 2>/dev/null| grep gcc 2>/dev/null`
  834. if [ "$compiler" ]; then
  835. echo -e "\e[00;31mInstalled compilers:\e[00m\n$compiler"
  836. echo -e "\n"
  837. else
  838. :
  839. fi
  841. #manual check - lists out sensitive files, can we read/modify etc.
  842. echo -e "\e[00;31mCan we read/write sensitive files:\e[00m" ; ls -la /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null ; ls -la /etc/group 2>/dev/null ; ls -la /etc/profile 2>/dev/null; ls -la /etc/shadow 2>/dev/null ; ls -la /etc/master.passwd 2>/dev/null
  843. echo -e "\n"
  845. #search for suid files - this can take some time so is only 'activated' with thorough scanning switch (as are all suid scans below)
  846. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  847. findsuid=`find / -perm -4000 -type f -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  848. if [ "$findsuid" ]; then
  849. echo -e "\e[00;31mSUID files:\e[00m\n$findsuid"
  850. echo -e "\n"
  851. else
  852. :
  853. fi
  854. else
  855. :
  856. fi
  858. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  859. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$findsuid" ]; then
  860. mkdir $format/suid-files/ 2>/dev/null
  861. for i in $findsuid; do cp $i $format/suid-files/; done 2>/dev/null
  862. else
  863. :
  864. fi
  865. else
  866. :
  867. fi
  869. #list of 'interesting' suid files - feel free to make additions
  870. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  871. intsuid=`find / -perm -4000 -type f 2>/dev/null | grep -w 'nmap\|perl\|'awk'\|'find'\|'bash'\|'sh'\|'man'\|'more'\|'less'\|'vi'\|'vim'\|'emacs'\|'nc'\|'netcat'\|python\|ruby\|lua\|irb\|pl' | xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null`
  872. if [ "$intsuid" ]; then
  873. echo -e "\e[00;33m***Possibly interesting SUID files:\e[00m\n$intsuid"
  874. echo -e "\n"
  875. else
  876. :
  877. fi
  878. else
  879. :
  880. fi
  882. #lists word-writable suid files
  883. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  884. wwsuid=`find / -perm -4007 -type f -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  885. if [ "$wwsuid" ]; then
  886. echo -e "\e[00;31mWorld-writable SUID files:\e[00m\n$wwsuid"
  887. echo -e "\n"
  888. else
  889. :
  890. fi
  891. else
  892. :
  893. fi
  895. #lists world-writable suid files owned by root
  896. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  897. wwsuidrt=`find / -uid 0 -perm -4007 -type f -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  898. if [ "$wwsuidrt" ]; then
  899. echo -e "\e[00;31mWorld-writable SUID files owned by root:\e[00m\n$wwsuidrt"
  900. echo -e "\n"
  901. else
  902. :
  903. fi
  904. else
  905. :
  906. fi
  908. #search for guid files - this can take some time so is only 'activated' with thorough scanning switch (as are all guid scans below)
  909. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  910. findguid=`find / -perm -2000 -type f -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  911. if [ "$findguid" ]; then
  912. echo -e "\e[00;31mGUID files:\e[00m\n$findguid"
  913. echo -e "\n"
  914. else
  915. :
  916. fi
  917. else
  918. :
  919. fi
  921. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  922. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$findguid" ]; then
  923. mkdir $format/guid-files/ 2>/dev/null
  924. for i in $findguid; do cp $i $format/guid-files/; done 2>/dev/null
  925. else
  926. :
  927. fi
  928. else
  929. :
  930. fi
  932. #list of 'interesting' guid files - feel free to make additions
  933. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  934. intguid=`find / -perm -2000 -type f 2>/dev/null | grep -w 'nmap\|perl\|'awk'\|'find'\|'bash'\|'sh'\|'man'\|'more'\|'less'\|'vi'\|'emacs'\|'vim'\|'nc'\|'netcat'\|python\|ruby\|lua\|irb\|pl' | xargs -r ls -la 2>/dev/null`
  935. if [ "$intguid" ]; then
  936. echo -e "\e[00;33m***Possibly interesting GUID files:\e[00m\n$intguid"
  937. echo -e "\n"
  938. else
  939. :
  940. fi
  941. else
  942. :
  943. fi
  945. #lists world-writable guid files
  946. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  947. wwguid=`find / -perm -2007 -type f -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  948. if [ "$wwguid" ]; then
  949. echo -e "\e[00;31mWorld-writable GUID files:\e[00m\n$wwguid"
  950. echo -e "\n"
  951. else
  952. :
  953. fi
  954. else
  955. :
  956. fi
  958. #lists world-writable guid files owned by root
  959. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  960. wwguidrt=`find / -uid 0 -perm -2007 -type f -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  961. if [ "$wwguidrt" ]; then
  962. echo -e "\e[00;31mAWorld-writable GUID files owned by root:\e[00m\n$wwguidrt"
  963. echo -e "\n"
  964. else
  965. :
  966. fi
  967. else
  968. :
  969. fi
  971. #list all world-writable files excluding /proc
  972. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  973. wwfiles=`find / ! -path "*/proc/*" -perm -2 -type f -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  974. if [ "$wwfiles" ]; then
  975. echo -e "\e[00;31mWorld-writable files (excluding /proc):\e[00m\n$wwfiles"
  976. echo -e "\n"
  977. else
  978. :
  979. fi
  980. else
  981. :
  982. fi
  984. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  985. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$wwfiles" ]; then
  986. mkdir $format/ww-files/ 2>/dev/null
  987. for i in $wwfiles; do cp --parents $i $format/ww-files/; done 2>/dev/null
  988. else
  989. :
  990. fi
  991. else
  992. :
  993. fi
  995. #are any .plan files accessible in /home (could contain useful information)
  996. usrplan=`find /home -iname *.plan -exec ls -la {} \; -exec cat {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  997. if [ "$usrplan" ]; then
  998. echo -e "\e[00;31mPlan file permissions and contents:\e[00m\n$usrplan"
  999. echo -e "\n"
  1000. else
  1001. :
  1002. fi
  1004. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$usrplan" ]; then
  1005. mkdir $format/plan_files/ 2>/dev/null
  1006. for i in $usrplan; do cp --parents $i $format/plan_files/; done 2>/dev/null
  1007. else
  1008. :
  1009. fi
  1011. bsdusrplan=`find /usr/home -iname *.plan -exec ls -la {} \; -exec cat {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  1012. if [ "$bsdusrplan" ]; then
  1013. echo -e "\e[00;31mPlan file permissions and contents:\e[00m\n$bsdusrplan"
  1014. echo -e "\n"
  1015. else
  1016. :
  1017. fi
  1019. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$bsdusrplan" ]; then
  1020. mkdir $format/plan_files/ 2>/dev/null
  1021. for i in $bsdusrplan; do cp --parents $i $format/plan_files/; done 2>/dev/null
  1022. else
  1023. :
  1024. fi
  1026. #are there any .rhosts files accessible - these may allow us to login as another user etc.
  1027. rhostsusr=`find /home -iname *.rhosts -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \; -exec cat {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  1028. if [ "$rhostsusr" ]; then
  1029. echo -e "\e[00;31mrhost config file(s) and file contents:\e[00m\n$rhostsusr"
  1030. echo -e "\n"
  1031. else
  1032. :
  1033. fi
  1035. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$rhostsusr" ]; then
  1036. mkdir $format/rhosts/ 2>/dev/null
  1037. for i in $rhostsusr; do cp --parents $i $format/rhosts/; done 2>/dev/null
  1038. else
  1039. :
  1040. fi
  1042. bsdrhostsusr=`find /usr/home -iname *.rhosts -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \; -exec cat {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  1043. if [ "$bsdrhostsusr" ]; then
  1044. echo -e "\e[00;31mrhost config file(s) and file contents:\e[00m\n$bsdrhostsusr"
  1045. echo -e "\n"
  1046. else
  1047. :
  1048. fi
  1050. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$bsdrhostsusr" ]; then
  1051. mkdir $format/rhosts 2>/dev/null
  1052. for i in $bsdrhostsusr; do cp --parents $i $format/rhosts/; done 2>/dev/null
  1053. else
  1054. :
  1055. fi
  1057. rhostssys=`find /etc -iname hosts.equiv -exec ls -la {} 2>/dev/null \; -exec cat {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  1058. if [ "$rhostssys" ]; then
  1059. echo -e "\e[00;31mHosts.equiv file details and file contents: \e[00m\n$rhostssys"
  1060. echo -e "\n"
  1061. else
  1062. :
  1063. fi
  1065. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$rhostssys" ]; then
  1066. mkdir $format/rhosts/ 2>/dev/null
  1067. for i in $rhostssys; do cp --parents $i $format/rhosts/; done 2>/dev/null
  1068. else
  1069. :
  1070. fi
  1072. #list nfs shares/permisisons etc.
  1073. nfsexports=`ls -la /etc/exports 2>/dev/null; cat /etc/exports 2>/dev/null`
  1074. if [ "$nfsexports" ]; then
  1075. echo -e "\e[00;31mNFS config details: \e[00m\n$nfsexports"
  1076. echo -e "\n"
  1077. else
  1078. :
  1079. fi
  1081. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$nfsexports" ]; then
  1082. mkdir $format/etc-export/ 2>/dev/null
  1083. cp /etc/exports $format/etc-export/exports 2>/dev/null
  1084. else
  1085. :
  1086. fi
  1088. if [ "$thorough" = "1" ]; then
  1089. #phackt
  1090. #displaying /etc/fstab
  1091. fstab=`cat /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null`
  1092. if [ "$fstab" ]; then
  1093. echo -e "\e[00;31mNFS displaying partitions and filesystems - you need to check if exotic filesystems\e[00m"
  1094. echo -e "$fstab"
  1095. echo -e "\n"
  1096. fi
  1097. fi
  1099. #looking for credentials in /etc/fstab
  1100. fstab=`grep username /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null |awk '{sub(/.*\username=/,"");sub(/\,.*/,"")}1' 2>/dev/null| xargs -r echo username: 2>/dev/null; grep password /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null |awk '{sub(/.*\password=/,"");sub(/\,.*/,"")}1' 2>/dev/null| xargs -r echo password: 2>/dev/null; grep domain /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null |awk '{sub(/.*\domain=/,"");sub(/\,.*/,"")}1' 2>/dev/null| xargs -r echo domain: 2>/dev/null`
  1101. if [ "$fstab" ]; then
  1102. echo -e "\e[00;33m***Looks like there are credentials in /etc/fstab!\e[00m\n$fstab"
  1103. echo -e "\n"
  1104. else
  1105. :
  1106. fi
  1108. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$fstab" ]; then
  1109. mkdir $format/etc-exports/ 2>/dev/null
  1110. cp /etc/fstab $format/etc-exports/fstab done 2>/dev/null
  1111. else
  1112. :
  1113. fi
  1115. fstabcred=`grep cred /etc/fstab 2>/dev/null |awk '{sub(/.*\credentials=/,"");sub(/\,.*/,"")}1' 2>/dev/null | xargs -I{} sh -c 'ls -la {}; cat {}' 2>/dev/null`
  1116. if [ "$fstabcred" ]; then
  1117. echo -e "\e[00;33m***/etc/fstab contains a credentials file!\e[00m\n$fstabcred"
  1118. echo -e "\n"
  1119. else
  1120. :
  1121. fi
  1123. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$fstabcred" ]; then
  1124. mkdir $format/etc-exports/ 2>/dev/null
  1125. cp /etc/fstab $format/etc-exports/fstab done 2>/dev/null
  1126. else
  1127. :
  1128. fi
  1130. #use supplied keyword and cat *.conf files for potential matches - output will show line number within relevant file path where a match has been located
  1131. if [ "$keyword" = "" ]; then
  1132. echo -e "Can't search *.conf files as no keyword was entered\n"
  1133. else
  1134. confkey=`find / -maxdepth 4 -name *.conf -type f -exec grep -Hn $keyword {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  1135. if [ "$confkey" ]; then
  1136. echo -e "\e[00;31mFind keyword ($keyword) in .conf files (recursive 4 levels - output format filepath:identified line number where keyword appears):\e[00m\n$confkey"
  1137. echo -e "\n"
  1138. else
  1139. echo -e "\e[00;31mFind keyword ($keyword) in .conf files (recursive 4 levels):\e[00m"
  1140. echo -e "'$keyword' not found in any .conf files"
  1141. echo -e "\n"
  1142. fi
  1143. fi
  1145. if [ "$keyword" = "" ]; then
  1146. :
  1147. else
  1148. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$confkey" ]; then
  1149. confkeyfile=`find / -maxdepth 4 -name *.conf -type f -exec grep -lHn $keyword {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  1150. mkdir --parents $format/keyword_file_matches/config_files/ 2>/dev/null
  1151. for i in $confkeyfile; do cp --parents $i $format/keyword_file_matches/config_files/ ; done 2>/dev/null
  1152. else
  1153. :
  1154. fi
  1155. fi
  1157. #use supplied keyword and cat *.log files for potential matches - output will show line number within relevant file path where a match has been located
  1158. if [ "$keyword" = "" ];then
  1159. echo -e "Can't search *.log files as no keyword was entered\n"
  1160. else
  1161. logkey=`find / -name *.log -type f -exec grep -Hn $keyword {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  1162. if [ "$logkey" ]; then
  1163. echo -e "\e[00;31mFind keyword ($keyword) in .log files (output format filepath:identified line number where keyword appears):\e[00m\n$logkey"
  1164. echo -e "\n"
  1165. else
  1166. echo -e "\e[00;31mFind keyword ($keyword) in .log files (recursive 2 levels):\e[00m"
  1167. echo -e "'$keyword' not found in any .log files"
  1168. echo -e "\n"
  1169. fi
  1170. fi
  1172. if [ "$keyword" = "" ];then
  1173. :
  1174. else
  1175. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$logkey" ]; then
  1176. logkeyfile=`find / -name *.log -type f -exec grep -lHn $keyword {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  1177. mkdir --parents $format/keyword_file_matches/log_files/ 2>/dev/null
  1178. for i in $logkeyfile; do cp --parents $i $format/keyword_file_matches/log_files/ ; done 2>/dev/null
  1179. else
  1180. :
  1181. fi
  1182. fi
  1184. #use supplied keyword and cat *.ini files for potential matches - output will show line number within relevant file path where a match has been located
  1185. if [ "$keyword" = "" ];then
  1186. echo -e "Can't search *.ini files as no keyword was entered\n"
  1187. else
  1188. inikey=`find / -maxdepth 4 -name *.ini -type f -exec grep -Hn $keyword {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  1189. if [ "$inikey" ]; then
  1190. echo -e "\e[00;31mFind keyword ($keyword) in .ini files (recursive 4 levels - output format filepath:identified line number where keyword appears):\e[00m\n$inikey"
  1191. echo -e "\n"
  1192. else
  1193. echo -e "\e[00;31mFind keyword ($keyword) in .ini files (recursive 2 levels):\e[00m"
  1194. echo -e "'$keyword' not found in any .ini files"
  1195. echo -e "\n"
  1196. fi
  1197. fi
  1199. if [ "$keyword" = "" ];then
  1200. :
  1201. else
  1202. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$inikey" ]; then
  1203. inikey=`find / -maxdepth 4 -name *.ini -type f -exec grep -lHn $keyword {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  1204. mkdir --parents $format/keyword_file_matches/ini_files/ 2>/dev/null
  1205. for i in $inikey; do cp --parents $i $format/keyword_file_matches/ini_files/ ; done 2>/dev/null
  1206. else
  1207. :
  1208. fi
  1209. fi
  1211. #quick extract of .conf files from /etc - only 1 level
  1212. allconf=`find /etc/ -maxdepth 1 -name *.conf -type f -exec ls -la {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  1213. if [ "$allconf" ]; then
  1214. echo -e "\e[00;31mAll *.conf files in /etc (recursive 1 level):\e[00m\n$allconf"
  1215. echo -e "\n"
  1216. else
  1217. :
  1218. fi
  1220. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$allconf" ]; then
  1221. mkdir $format/conf-files/ 2>/dev/null
  1222. for i in $allconf; do cp --parents $i $format/conf-files/; done 2>/dev/null
  1223. else
  1224. :
  1225. fi
  1227. #extract any user history files that are accessible
  1228. usrhist=`ls -la ~/.*_history 2>/dev/null`
  1229. if [ "$usrhist" ]; then
  1230. echo -e "\e[00;31mCurrent user's history files:\e[00m\n$usrhist"
  1231. echo -e "\n"
  1232. else
  1233. :
  1234. fi
  1236. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$usrhist" ]; then
  1237. mkdir $format/history_files/ 2>/dev/null
  1238. for i in $usrhist; do cp --parents $i $format/history_files/; done 2>/dev/null
  1239. else
  1240. :
  1241. fi
  1243. #can we read roots *_history files - could be passwords stored etc.
  1244. roothist=`ls -la /root/.*_history 2>/dev/null`
  1245. if [ "$roothist" ]; then
  1246. echo -e "\e[00;33m***Root's history files are accessible!\e[00m\n$roothist"
  1247. echo -e "\n"
  1248. else
  1249. :
  1250. fi
  1252. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$roothist" ]; then
  1253. mkdir $format/history_files/ 2>/dev/null
  1254. cp $roothist $format/history_files/ 2>/dev/null
  1255. else
  1256. :
  1257. fi
  1259. #is there any mail accessible
  1260. readmail=`ls -la /var/mail 2>/dev/null`
  1261. if [ "$readmail" ]; then
  1262. echo -e "\e[00;31mAny interesting mail in /var/mail:\e[00m\n$readmail"
  1263. echo -e "\n"
  1264. else
  1265. :
  1266. fi
  1268. #can we read roots mail
  1269. readmailroot=`head /var/mail/root 2>/dev/null`
  1270. if [ "$readmailroot" ]; then
  1271. echo -e "\e[00;33m***We can read /var/mail/root! (snippet below)\e[00m\n$readmailroot"
  1272. echo -e "\n"
  1273. else
  1274. :
  1275. fi
  1277. if [ "$export" ] && [ "$readmailroot" ]; then
  1278. mkdir $format/mail-from-root/ 2>/dev/null
  1279. cp $readmailroot $format/mail-from-root/ 2>/dev/null
  1280. else
  1281. :
  1282. fi
  1283. }
  1284. docker_checks()
  1285. {
  1286. #specific checks - check to see if we're in a docker container
  1287. dockercontainer=` grep -i docker /proc/self/cgroup 2>/dev/null; find / -name "*dockerenv*" -exec ls -la {} \; 2>/dev/null`
  1288. if [ "$dockercontainer" ]; then
  1289. echo -e "\e[00;33mLooks like we're in a Docker container:\e[00m\n$dockercontainer"
  1290. echo -e "\n"
  1291. else
  1292. :
  1293. fi
  1295. #specific checks - check to see if we're a docker host
  1296. dockerhost=`docker --version 2>/dev/null; docker ps -a 2>/dev/null`
  1297. if [ "$dockerhost" ]; then
  1298. echo -e "\e[00;33mLooks like we're hosting Docker:\e[00m\n$dockerhost"
  1299. echo -e "\n"
  1300. else
  1301. :
  1302. fi
  1304. #specific checks - are we a member of the docker group
  1305. dockergrp=`id | grep -i docker 2>/dev/null`
  1306. if [ "$dockergrp" ]; then
  1307. echo -e "\e[00;33mWe're a member of the (docker) group - could possibly misuse these rights!:\e[00m\n$dockergrp"
  1308. echo -e "\n"
  1309. else
  1310. :
  1311. fi
  1313. #specific checks - are there any docker files present
  1314. dockerfiles=`find / -name Dockerfile -exec ls -l {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  1315. if [ "$dockerfiles" ]; then
  1316. echo -e "\e[00;31mAnything juicy in the Dockerfile?:\e[00m\n$dockerfiles"
  1317. echo -e "\n"
  1318. else
  1319. :
  1320. fi
  1322. #specific checks - are there any docker files present
  1323. dockeryml=`find / -name docker-compose.yml -exec ls -l {} 2>/dev/null \;`
  1324. if [ "$dockeryml" ]; then
  1325. echo -e "\e[00;31mAnything juicy in docker-compose.yml?:\e[00m\n$dockeryml"
  1326. echo -e "\n"
  1327. else
  1328. :
  1329. fi
  1330. }
  1332. lxc_container_checks()
  1333. {
  1334. #specific checks - are we in an lxd/lxc container
  1335. lxccontainer=`grep -qa container=lxc /proc/1/environ 2>/dev/null`
  1336. if [ "$lxccontainer" ]; then
  1337. echo -e "\e[00;33mLooks like we're in an lxc container:\e[00m\n$lxccontainer"
  1338. echo -e "\n"
  1339. fi
  1341. #specific checks - are we a member of the lxd group
  1342. lxdgroup=`id | grep -i lxd 2>/dev/null`
  1343. if [ "$lxdgroup" ]; then
  1344. echo -e "\e[00;33mWe're a member of the (lxd) group - could possibly misuse these rights!:\e[00m\n$lxdgroup"
  1345. echo -e "\n"
  1346. fi
  1348. }
  1350. footer()
  1351. {
  1352. echo -e "\e[00;33m### SCAN COMPLETE ####################################\e[00m"
  1353. }
  1355. call_each()
  1356. {
  1357. header
  1358. debug_info
  1359. system_info
  1360. user_info
  1361. environmental_info
  1362. job_info
  1363. networking_info
  1364. services_info
  1365. software_configs
  1366. interesting_files
  1367. docker_checks
  1368. lxc_container_checks
  1369. footer
  1370. }
  1372. while getopts "h:k:r:e:t" option; do
  1373. case "${option}" in
  1374. k) keyword=${OPTARG};;
  1375. r) report=${OPTARG}"-"`date +"%d-%m-%y"`;;
  1376. e) export=${OPTARG};;
  1377. t) thorough=1;;
  1378. h) usage; exit;;
  1379. *) usage; exit;;
  1380. esac
  1381. done
  1385. call_each | tee -a $report 2> /dev/null
  1386. #EndOfScript
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