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Aug 16th, 2018
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  1. 1. Concentrate on being a good man first, everything else will fall into place
  2. 2. Sex is overrated
  3. 3. Take risks often
  4. 4. Don't Smoke pot more than twice a week and not more than 6 times per month
  5. 5. In the long run, it is better to pay a lot for a high quality product, than to buy a cheaper inferior version that'll you'll notice annoying problems with
  6. 6. God is in the details
  7. 7. Learn the names and ingredients of at least five alcoholic drinks, and have a faveorite. Knowing exactly what you want at a bar will make you look more confident.
  8. 8. Great looking women are often more annoying and less interesting, but not every one
  9. 9. Keep a well stocked bar, but only use it with guests over
  10. 10. Force yourself to smile a lot, even when you don't want to
  11. 11. Learn to use stereotyping as a general guideline for meeting new people, but let the stereotype fall apart as you get to know them
  12. 12. Never be in a relationship with someone you meet in a mental institution or jail
  13. 13. Be conversational in at least 1 other language, Spanish preferably
  14. 14. Don't act overly excited to do anything, especially around women.
  15. 15. Don't smoke cigarettes
  16. 16. Don't marry before 25
  17. 17. Be a cultured person, know about world geography
  18. 18. You can't fake being poor, so don't try
  19. 19. Listen to a wide variety of music
  20. 20. Have a hobby, any hobby will do as long as you enjoy it
  21. 21. Its okay to like something very obscure, just realize that most people will think you're weird if you talk about it all the time
  22. 22. Money will not bring you happiness, but it will make your life easier to live
  23. 23. Men with big trucks in urban areas are usually trying to make up for something
  24. 24. Be tolerant of people. It doesn't mean that you agree with or like them, just that you won't fight them over their beliefs
  25. 25. If you smoke pot, have a high quality piece. Nice glass pipes are my favorite.
  26. 26. Learn how to shop for clothes from women, but don't buy as much as them
  27. 27. White T-shirts, black socks, and underwear are the only clothes you really need. You can never have enough
  28. 28. If you wake up after 11, your morning is wasted
  29. 29. Keep your back straight and your chest out
  30. 30. Don't fight someone unless he blatantly deserves it
  31. 31. Never talk about video games or other nerdy things on a first date, even if she likes it
  32. 32. To avoid the friend zone, just accept the fact that you are a sexual creature. Sort your girl friends into "Want to bang" and "Want to be friends" and stick to it. Don't do "friendly" things with girls you want to bang, and don't hit on your friends. Most girls should be in the "Want to bang" catagory.
  33. 33. Learn to be a good Flirt, it is an essential life skill
  34. 34. Don't be afraid to flirt with guys a little, it will bring more trust into your relatioship
  35. 35. Accept that homosexuals are a part of life, theres nothing wrong with them
  36. 36. Play a sport regularly
  37. 37. Go to the Gym at least 30 mins a day 3 times a week, more often if you are trying to get buff
  38. 38. Learn how to tell when girls are lying (they do it a lot)
  39. 39. Women don't think like men; the best way to handle them is to do what you want and don't think about it too hard
  40. 40. Try to be the leader of whatever group you're in. You'll know when you are. Alpha is just a state of mind.
  41. 41. Its healthy to cry once in a while
  42. 42. Try to spend less than 4 hours a day on the computer
  43. 43. Limit your TV viewing
  44. 44. Just go ahead and pirate music (but not movies or games!), and support the artists you listen to the most. Its 2012, paying for music you havent heard yet is for chumps.
  45. 45. Communism doesn't work. Neither does capitalism, at least not perfectly.
  46. 46. If you meet someone and like them, ask them for their number, guy or girl
  47. 47. Almost every guy has been rejected way more than he has scored
  48. 48. Don't talk about people's bad habits unless they are really interfering with you life
  49. 49. You will feel the urge to burn some bridges, DONT EVER DO IT
  50. 50. Religion is just a set of rules to live by, it becomes a problem when it alienates people who don't believe
  51. 51. Buy electronics online
  52. 52. Support local stores whenever you can
  53. 53. Don't shop at wal-mart unless you have to
  54. 54. Learn to give a good back massage
  55. 55. Visible Tatooes are for people who are prepared for the consequences
  56. 56. Don't be afraid to quit talking to people who are bad influences in your life
  57. 57. Simple things that work for a single task usually work better than a swiss army knife
  58. 58. Critics usually hate ideas that are ahead of their time
  59. 59. Avoid atheists, most of them are just trolls
  60. 60. Adjusting into any new social environment takes time
  61. 61. Be widly creative in private, but seem conservative in public
  62. 62. Learn a few good quotes and spout them occasionally
  63. 63. If someone tells you to stop, just stop
  64. 64. Most women like pretty rough sex
  65. 65. Learn several different sex positions
  66. 66. Never fully trust any source, especially daytime TV news
  67. 67. The size of your cock is not a big deal
  68. 69. Great foreplay makes for great sex
  69. 70. Make a list of things that you use every day, and fix them immediately when they break.
  70. 71. Replace your carpet at least every 10 years, generally carpets are rated for 5-8. Paint your interior walls and adjust your furniture every few years.
  71. 72. Doctors visit checkup every 6 months, dentist every 1.5 years and chiropracter every 2-5 years. Yes, i know they are expensive but its worth the price.
  72. 73. Have a list of activities to do before you hang out with friends
  73. 74. Some women (and Men) are just slutty but are not bad people, try to forgive them
  74. 75. Don't do hardcore drugs (coke, heroin or amphetamines)
  75. 77. Learn from other peoples mistakes
  76. 78. Just expect that she is lying about her orgasms and her attraction for only you. Don't base your relationship on those. If a girl says "You are perfect", she is lying. No one is ever perfect.
  77. 79. Some things in life are expensive just for the sake of being expensive
  78. 80. Drink lots of water, and limit your soda
  79. 81. Learn to at least be a competent cook
  80. 82. You don't have to be the first, just the best
  81. 83. Sometimes a great advertising campaign can make up for a shitty product
  82. 84. "Trickle down economics" is a lie
  83. 85. Have at least one good friend who is a girl
  84. 86. Pets are healthy for you, but not everyone should have them
  85. 87. Learn the beauty of going slow. Ride your bike once in a while
  86. 88. Use proper grammar online
  87. 89. Always call when you can. Avoid girls who only like to text.
  88. 90. Often times, the majority has no idea what they are doing
  89. 91. Take at least a weekend vacation every year, even if it is just to a nearby city
  90. 92. If a girl is doing something you don't like, ignore her
  91. 93. Express your personality, but be subtle about it. Don't dress like a clown to get attention
  92. 94. Its really hard to kill yourself, and failing will probably make your life worse
  93. 95. Don't wish you lived in a different time; The world is better now than it probably has ever been
  94. 96. Be passionate about something
  95. 97. Read more
  96. 98. Metal is much better than plastic
  97. 99. Recycle
  98. 100. Life is short dont be miserable
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