
Jinko and stray cat mana marker

Jan 2nd, 2020
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  1. >place mana marker on random critter
  2. >mamono go to capture the "man", only to be disappointed
  3. >rinse and repeat
  4. how long until they catch on?
  6. >Jinko finishing her session at the gym senses a mana marker
  7. >One for her kind only
  8. >Is already 29 and doesn't want to become a sabbath witch like her aunt
  9. >Hurries off towards it parkouring through the streets and leaping chainlink fences like nothing
  10. >Even leapfrogs through high speed traffic
  11. >Finally reaches source of mana marker but can only see a stray cat
  12. >It's not even a cat girl in cat form trying to trick some single guy into adopting her, just a normal cat
  13. >Kicks trashcan so hard it crumples like an aluminium can
  14. >Suddenly gets idea
  15. >Picks up cat and smells it
  16. >Major scent on it is of a guy
  17. >Must've spent some time around this girl to get a mana marker on her
  18. >Follows the scent to a home
  19. >Your home
  20. >You hear doorbell ring late into the night and wonder who it is
  21. >Probably landlord doing one of her surprise inspections
  22. >When you answer it you see a stray cat sitting on your doorstep
  23. >You were about to close the door when you realize it's the cat you put the marker on
  24. >Probably followed you home thinking you're it's new owner
  25. >Take a step outside to pick her up only to get blindsided by a jinko
  26. >Pinned against the cold ground as she tears your clothes off and begins jerking you off
  27. >Can't even scream for help as she quickly muffles your mouth with hers
  28. >Rides you in the bushes for the rest of the night with the only warmth you're getting is from her
  29. >When it's finally morning you're still stuck under her while she sleepily mutters "Husband" under her breath
  30. >You now have a jinko waifu and a pet cat
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