
FEAVerse Roots

Sep 14th, 2017
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  1. Jalen and Soleil however, have the domiant genes and therefore, can transform to their "Devil" forms. It's just them with black feathered wings, horns sticking out from the sides of their head facing forward, and a 3rd eye on their forehead that's capable of shooting lasers. they also get some black tattoos on their body and their normal eyes turn yellow.
  2. In the bad future, Jalen was the 1st one of his family to die, leaving Olivia to raise a 8 year old Soleil and a 6 year old Inigo by herself during the time when shit got really fucked up following Lucina's death at the hand of a Grima-possessed Rhiannon.
  3. Personality-wise...
  4. Inigo's the same as always
  5. Flirting, smiles a lot, and tend to have shitty luck
  6. But..
  7. He does have some jealousy towards his sister getting the bulk of their father's attention.....although he don't know that Jalen is simply more worried about Soleil and her state of mind regarding her gene, in his timeline, although Jalen loved both of his kids, he DID spent more time with Soleil when it was revealed that she inherited the dominant gene of the Devil Gene. Making him more prone to watch over her....unintentionally neglecting poor Inigo as a child. So Inigo's biggest purpose(Besides getting laid and saving this timeline) is to bond with his father...with hilarious and feelsy results
  8. One thing Inigo DOES have over his sister is....
  9. Inigo's FAR more sociable than she is
  10. Soleil...
  11. Soleil's the opposite of her brother.
  12. Stoic, reserved, more of a brute in terms of fighting(Inigo combines both his natural skill as a fighter and Olivia's dancing to make a style based on counter-attacking and constant footwork....Soleil just goes the Guts route of swinging her father's Buster Sword and cleaving though everyone and every Risen before her screaming like a man woman) and is the most blunt of the Shepherds.
  13. Most of this can be attributed to her bad timeline of growing up in fear of the Grimleal + losing her father at a young age, but some of it is just her having the Devil Gene in her body and making her pulse with power on a constant basis....
  14. She's very hard to approach on a social basis, preferring to train in solitude all day...Something that Olivia breaks her out of slowly and have her socialize more with the kids in the current timeline. She does love her family, Jalen being the one she care for the most due to them sharing the same gene and which she relates to him the most.
  15. You see..
  16. Soleil, like her mother and brother...have moments of shyness as well
  17. BUT!
  18. Whereas Olivia is constantly shy and nervous for the most part, and occasionally, Inigo is shy as well....Both of them are the type of shy people that hides themselves behind others or objects or get scared..
  19. Soleil hides her shyness by being very aggressive to whoever is making her nervous and tries to scare them off
  20. Around her father...she gets super clingy and seeks his approval on everything, and is like his shadow at times.
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